







Located 15 kilometers southwest of Tiananmen Square, Lugou Bridge spans the Yongding River and is the oldest surviving multi-arch stone bridge in Beijing.


The original construction of the bridge was completed in 1192 and then in 1698 the bridge was reconstructed. It is supported by 281 pillars and on each pillar stands a stone lion.  


There are more lions hiding on the head, back or under the belly or on paws of each lion. 


These stone lions are vivid and realistic, with a variety of postures, and are the fine art of stone carving in Lugou Bridge.

 5.桥上的石狮不计其数,因而北京地区流传着 "卢沟桥上的狮子——数不清"的说法。

 It is often said in Beijing ''there are countless lions on the Lugou Bridge”since there are so many stone lions on the bridge.


Lugou Bridge is not only famous for its aesthetic features, but also recognized as a monument in the history of stone bridge architecture.



The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is the first railway and highway dual-purpose bridge over the Yangtze river designed by China and built with domestic materials.The upper four-lane highway bridge is 4,589 meters long, while the lower double-track railway bridge is 6,772 meters long.

2. 铁路桥连接原来的天津一浦口和上海一南京两条铁路线, 使火车过江从过去一个半小时缩短为现在的2分钟。

The railway bridge connects the former Tianjin-Pukou and Shanghai-Nanjing railway lines, shortening the railway crossing time from one and a half hours in the past to two minutes now.

3. 大桥是南北交通的重要枢纽,也是南京的著名景点之一。

The bridge is an important junction of north-south traffic and one of the famous scenic spots in Nanjing.

4. 南京长江大桥的建成标志着中国桥梁建设的一个飞跃,大大方便了长江两岸的物资交流和人员来往,对促进经济发展和改善人民生活起到了巨大作用。

The completion of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge marked a great leap forward in China's bridge construction, greatly facilitating the exchange of goods and personnel between the two sides of the Yangtze River, and playing a huge role in promoting economic development and improving people's lives.



The Zhaozhou Bridge, built in the Sui Dynasty around 605, is 50.82 meters long, 9.6 meters wide and 37.37 meters across.


The talented architect Li Chun designed and supervised the bridge's construction.


The Zhaozhou Bridge boasts a novel structure and beautiful shape.


The bridge has a large arch with two smaller arches at each end to help drain flood, reduce the weight of the bridge and save stone.


Since its completion, the bridge has withstood numerous floods and earthquakes, but its main structure remains intact and is still utilized today.

6. 赵州桥是世界桥梁建筑史上的一项创举,是中国古代文明史上的一项杰出成就。

The Zhaozhou Bridge is a pioneering undertaking in the history of bridge construction in the world and an outstanding achievement in the history of ancient Chinese civilization.


Bridges with similar design did not appear in Europe until the 14th century, over 700 years after the Zhaozhou Bridge.

本文标签: 大学英语六级