




Tasks: 1976 total, 31 running,1928 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Mem: 2866928k total, 2826828k used, 40100k free, 6852k buffers
Swap: 1048572k total, 353344k used, 695228k free, 520232k cached
400%cpu 283%user 168%nice 102%sys 154%idle 2%iow 0%irq 0%sirq 0%host


nice: CPU在用户态并且nice值为负数的进程运行的时间

相应的cpu的使用率,也可以通过如下命令实时抓取:# cat /proc/stat。

此外,在dump_cpuinfo文件中也可以看到某一时段内的cpu 平均负载信息。以下为某台XXXX上抓取的信息。

Load: 19.89 / 21.61 / 22.07
CPU usage from 67280ms to 14941ms ago (2018-09-01 14:49:32.291 to 2018-09-01 14:50:24.630):
  85% 1161/ 82% user + 3.2% kernel / faults: 29917 minor 22 major
  31% 957/system_server: 27% user + 4.2% kernel / faults: 4969 minor 6 major

  20% 25137/ 14% user + 6.4% kernel / faults: 17043 minor 3 major
 10% 20267/ 8.4% user + 1.7% kernel / faults: 7317 minor 29 major


+0% 4864/kworker/3:2: 0% user + 0% kernel
55% TOTAL: 41% user + 11% kernel + 3.3% iowait + 0.3% softirq


以上日志中的三个值分别是19.89 / 21.61 / 22.07,通常关注5/15分钟的平均负载,因为1分钟的平均负载太频繁,一瞬间的高并发就会导致该值的大幅度改变。

Linux 的系统负载指运行队列的平均长度,也就是等待 CPU 的平均进程数;相应的cpu的平均负载,也可以通过如下命令抓取:

XXXXX:/ $ cat /proc/loadavg
     18.04 17.04 10.27 1/1831 8606


  • lavg_1 (18.04)      1-分钟平均负载

  • lavg_5 (17.04)      5-分钟平均负载

  • lavg_15(10.27)     15-分钟平均负载

  • nr_running (1)    在采样时刻,运行队列的任务的数目

  • nr_threads (1831)  在采样时刻,系统中活跃的任务的个数(不包括运行已经结束的任务)

  • last_pid(8606)   最大的pid值,包括轻量级进程,即线程。


当ANR发生时,会生成db文件;其中DUMPSYS_MEMINFO 会包含 dump menfinfo的信息。

Total RAM: 2,866,932K (status normal)
Free RAM: 1,028,615K ( 755,567K cached pss + 229,448K cached kernel + 43,600K free)
Used RAM: 2,246,972K (1,923,460K used pss + 323,512K kernel)
Lost RAM: -37,629K
ZRAM: 272,520K physical used for 805,976K in swap (1,048,572K total swap)
Tuning: 256 (large 512), oom 322,560K, restore limit 107,520K (high-end-gfx)

其实MTK已经将总的、可用的内存打印出来了。可是很多人依然以 SYS_MEMORY_INFO中MemFree 很低为理由,归为低内存导致的anr,这其实是个误区;

如MTKZ抓取的Log打印,系统可用的内存空间是 = MemFree + Cached。


MemTotal: 2866932 kB          //所有可用RAM大小
MemFree: 19524 kB              //系统留着未使用的内存
MemAvailable: 756212 kB     对应用来说可使用的内存,包含cache+buffer
Buffers: 24620 kB                  //用来给文件做缓冲区的大小
Cached: 713632 kB              //被高速缓冲存储器(cache memory)用的内存的大小
SwapCached: 8876 kB         //交换空间的大小已经被交换出来的内存
Active: 807600 kB                 //在活跃使用中的缓冲或高速缓冲存储器页面文件的大小
Inactive: 810108 kB              //在不经常使用中的缓冲或高速缓冲存储器页面文件的大小
Active(anon): 455744 kB
Inactive(anon): 457436 kB
Active(file): 351856 kB
Inactive(file): 352672 kB

Shmem: 1296 kB
Slab: 199004 kB                      //内核数据结构缓存的大小,可以减少申请和释放内存带来的消耗

SReclaimable: 62400 kB          //可收回Slab的大小 
SUnreclaim: 136604 kB          //不可收回Slab的大小
KernelStack: 44672 kB

VmallocTotal:   263061440 kB   //可以vmalloc虚拟内存大小


C:\XXXXXXX>adb shell procrank

  PID       Vss            Rss          Pss          Uss         Swap    PSwap    USwap   ZSwap  cmdline

  866  4660800K  310712K  140013K   94212K     288K     288K     288K      70K   system_server

 1816  4387828K  196264K  124524K  121964K       0K       0K       0K         0K      com.transsion.faceid

 1164  4495888K  235400K  105050K   89856K       0K       0K        0K          0K

22479  1826744K  171424K   85793K   63544K       0K       0K        0K         0K

14968 4442376K  201732K   77360K   64520K       0K        0K         0K          0K

•VSS- Virtual Set Size 虚拟耗用内存(包含共享库占用的内存)

•RSS- Resident Set Size 实际使用物理内存(包含共享库占用的内存)

•PSS- Proportional Set Size 实际使用的物理内存(比例分配共享库占用的内存)

•USS- Unique Set Size 进程独自占用的物理内存(不包含共享库占用的内存)

•一般来说内存占用大小有如下规律:VSS >= RSS >= PSS >= USS


先上一个报错的anr 触摸无响应的log 信息。

01-01 19:00:49.033 779 871 I AnrManager: startAnrDump
01-01 19:00:49.033 779 871 I AnrManager: isANRFlowSkipped() AnrFlow = 0
01-01 19:00:49.034 779 871 I AnrManager: startAnrDump isSystemApp?true, isUserAMonkey?false ProcessRecord{343fdb0}
01-01 19:00:49.034 779 871 I AnrManager: enableTraceLog: false
01-01 19:00:49.042 779 871 I AnrManager: startAsyncDump: AnrDumpRecord{ Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 7. Wait queue head age: 5513.7ms.) ProcessRecord{343fdb0} IsCompleted:false IsCancelled:false }
01-01 19:00:49.045 779 871 I AnrManager: appNotResponding-got this lock: ProcessRecord{343fdb0} Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 7. Wait queue head age: 5513.7ms.),shuttingDown: false,notResponding: false,crashing: false
01-01 19:00:49.045 779 871 I AnrManager: dumpAnrDebugInfo begin: AnrDumpRecord{ Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 7. Wait queue head age: 5513.7ms.) ProcessRecord{343fdb0} IsCompleted:false IsCancelled:false }, isAsyncDump = false
01-01 19:00:49.046 779 871 I AnrManager: dumpAnrDebugInfoLocked: AnrDumpRecord{ Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 7. Wait queue head age: 5513.7ms.) ProcessRecord{343fdb0} IsCompleted:false IsCancelled:false }, isAsyncDump = false
01-01 19:00:49.127 779 7826 I AnrManager: sys/kernel/debug/binder/timeout_log isn't exist
01-01 19:00:49.176 779 871 I AnrManager: dumpStackTraces begin!
01-01 19:00:49.546 779 890 I AnrManager: START_ANR_DUMP_MSG: AnrDumpRecord{ Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 7. Wait queue head age: 5513.7ms.) ProcessRecord{343fdb0} IsCompleted:false IsCancelled:false }
01-01 19:00:49.547 779 890 I AnrManager: dumpAnrDebugInfo begin: AnrDumpRecord{ Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 7. Wait queue head age: 5513.7ms.) ProcessRecord{343fdb0} IsCompleted:false IsCancelled:false }, isAsyncDump = true
01-01 19:01:06.185 779 871 I AnrManager: dumpStackTraces end!
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: ANR in (, time=325984
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: Reason: Input dispatching timed out (Waiting to send non-key event because the touched window has not finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over 500.0ms ago. Wait queue length: 7. Wait queue head age: 5513.7ms.)
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: Load: 28.9 / 20.05 / 9.04
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: Android time :[2018-01-01 12:01:06.19] [343.149]
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: CPU usage from 279ms to -11697ms ago (2018-01-01 12:00:48.754 to 2018-01-01 12:01:00.730):
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: 91% 779/system_server: 63% user + 27% kernel / faults: 25605 minor 100 major
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: 43% 1026/ 35% user + 8% kernel / faults: 15881 minor 52 major
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: 27% 6587/ 23% user + 4.4% kernel / faults: 13386 minor 87 major
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: 21% 375/surfaceflinger: 11% user + 9.6% kernel / faults: 530 minor 2 major
01-01 19:01:06.367 779 871 I AnrManager: 20% 1157/ 16% user + 4% kernel / faults: 8787 minor 14 major



另外一种 :11-05 13:40:49.534 951 974 I am_anr : [0,951,system,818462217,Input dispatching timed out (Waiting because no window has focus but there is a focused application that may eventually add a window when it finishes starting up.)]



1 anr 的抓取流程图 :

这个详细的没有仔细看,简单的过一下代码 :


在 的 appNotResponding 中


最后调到 AnrManagerService 的 startAnrDump () 的方法 ,开始抓取信息。 代码太多不截取出来了。    





继续查看 JNI 下的 com_android_server_input_InputManagerService.cpp                                                                -------------这里还要看一下启动









DEFAULT_INPUT_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT    这个时间是5s.     currentTime  是传递过来的,所以我们看下记录这个 currentTime 从什么时候开始计时的。 

这里再往前调用这个方法的地方有三处 :

我们分别往前看吧 :

第一处 :


这里第一处的调用可以看到 已经有一个按键无响应的事件的原因了 :

"Waiting because no window has focus but there is a "
"focused application that may eventually add a window "
"when it finishes starting up.

if (mFocusedWindowHandle == NULL) {           
if (mFocusedApplicationHandle != NULL) {          -------------- 备注 :这里还要再补充研究  暂时先过总体的流程。



然后看一下 :

reason = checkWindowReadyForMoreInputLocked(currentTime,
mFocusedWindowHandle, entry, "focused");

这段代码太长,但是注释也比较重要,就没有删除注释 直接截取的。 


这里我们从上往下 :

1 窗口是在paused 状态 

StringPrintf("Waiting because the %s window is paused.", targetType);   

这个 targetType   是 focused    因为是     findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked

2 窗口未连接

3 窗口连接已死亡

4 窗口连接已满

5 按键事件,输出队列或事件等待队列不为空

6 非按键事件,事件等待队列不为空且头事件分发超时500ms




按键事件无响应的的原因 解析完了。  




这个是native 层的调用到 InputManagerService  的流程图。但是前面的事件处理,已经需要慢慢仔细的查看了。  我们先梳理好这个主线。  事件派发的流程 在抓紧事件查看梳理,不然部分条件还是没能整明白。

总结 :

        InputDisapcther    把事件  触摸事件MotionEntry  按键事件  Keyevent     然后分别处理,在处理的过程中 在上次事件没有处理完成,下一次事件 上报后检查上次事件的的完成是否结束,超出5s呢就开始上报ANR。

本文标签: 流程InputANR