

















  1. 大多数人:most people ——> the majority of the population
  2. 我相信:I believe ——> from my standpoint / perspective
  3. 经常:often ——> frequently
  4. 必须:must ——> It is a must for us to
  5. 知道:know ——> be aware of
  6. 因为:because ——> in that
  7. 最后:at last ——> eventually
  8. 然而:but ——> however
  9. 如果:if ——> provided that
  10. 各行各业的人:all kinds of people ——> people from all walks of life
  11. 引起,导致:lead to ——> contribute to
  12. 人:people ——> individuals
  13. 好的:good ——> desirable,beneficial
  14. 坏的:bad ——> undesirable
  15. 很多:many ——> numerous
  16. 越来越:more and more ——> a(n) increasing / mounting number of
  17. 很:very ——> extremely
  18. 方面:side ——> aspects
  19. 表明:show ——> demonstrate,indicate
  20. 利用:use ——> utilize
  21. 因此 / 结果:so ——> therefore
  22. 部分:part ——> proportion
  23. 提高:improve ——> enhance
  24. 改变:change ——> transform
  25. 强调 / 重视:emphasize ——> attach great importance to
  26. 培养:develop ——> cultivate
  27. 破坏:destory ——> undermine
  28. 解决:deal with ——> tackle / figure out
  29. 普遍的:everywhere ——> universal
  30. 明显的:obvious ——> apparent



  1. It is well-known to us that ......(我们都知道......) = As for as my knowledge is concerned, ......(就我所知)
  2. Recently the proplem of ...... has been brought into focus = Nowadays there is a growing concern over ......                                                                                         (最近......问题引起了关注)
  3. With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more / a(n) increasing / mounting number of people believe that......                                                (随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为......)
  4. It is a common belief that...... = It is commonly believed that.....                                      (人们一般认为......)


  1. People's views on......vary from person to person. Some hold that...... However,(form) others believe (/ standpoint / perspective) that......                                         (人们对......观点因人而异,有些人认为......,然而其他人却认为......)


  1. From what has been mentioned above,we naturally / reasonably come to the conclusion that......                                                                                                            (从上面提到的,我们自然可以得出结论......)


  1. There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to proplem of......                          (毫无疑问,对......问题应予以重视)
  2. Obviously,if we want to do is essential that......                                    (显然,如果我们想要做......事,很重要的事......)
  3. Only in this way can we......                                                                                              (只有这样,我们才能......) 


  1. As far as I am concerned / In my Opinion / From my standpoint / perspective                (就我来说)
  2. I sincerely believe that...... = I am greatly convinced (that) ......                                        (我真诚地相信......)
  3. Eventually,to speak frankly,there is also a more practical reson why......                    (最后,坦率地说,还有另一个实际的原因......)


  1. For one thing,...... For another thing ...... = On the one hand,...... On the other hand(一方面......,另一方面......)
  2. I quite agree with the statement that...... The reasons are chiefly as follows                   (我十分赞同这一论述,即...... 其中主要原因如下)
  3. The reason why ...... is that ......                                                                                        (......的原因是......)
  4. This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.                                                          (这一现象存在很多原因的)


  1. As far as something concerned,......                                                                               (就某事而言,.......)
  2. It is obvious that ......                                                                                                         (很显然......)
  3. The best way to solve the troubles is ......                                                                         (解决这些麻烦的最好办法就是......)
  4. It may be true that ...... but we shouldn't ignore that                                                         (可能......是对的,但我们不应忽视)
  5. There is no evidence to suggest that ......                                                                         (没有证据表明......)


  1. It has the following advantages.                                                                                       (它有如下优势.)
  2. It is beneficial / harmest to us = It is of great benefit / harm to us                                    (它对我们有益/害处)
  3. It has more disadvantages than advantage                                                                      (它弊大于利)


  1. It is important ( / necessary / diffcult / convenient / possible) for sb to do sth.                  (对于某人做......是(重要 / 必须 / 困难 / 方便 / 可能的))
  2. It plays an important role in our life.                                                                                  (在我们的生活中扮演重要角色)


  1. We should take some effective measures.                                                                      (我们应该采取有效措施)
  2. We should do our utmost in doing sth                                                                              (我们应该尽力去做......)
  3. We should solve the proplems that we are confronted with......                                      (我们应该解决我们......面临的问题)


  1. Some changes have taken place in the past five years                                                  (过去五年发生了很多变化)
  2. It has increased / decreased from ...... to ......                                                                  (它已经从......增加 / 减少到......)


  1. We cannot deny the fact that ......                                                                                     (我们不能否认......这个事实)
  2. be closely related to ......                                                                                                   (与......息息相关)
  3. This is a phenomenon that many people / the majority of population are interested in......                                                                                                                             (这是一个大多数人都感兴趣的现象......)

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