


  • 目录
    • 1.概述
    • 2.源码梳理
      • 2.1 No Activity(纯View堆积的界面)
        • 2.1.1 概述
        • 2.1.2 源码梳理
      • 2.2 Normal Activity
        • 2.1.1 概述
        • 2.1.2 创建DecorView
        • 2.1.3 源码梳理
    • 3.结语



该函数的作用,注释也写得很清楚了: 当应用程序正在使用的资源的当前配置发生更改时调用。可以使用它来决定是否重新加载与方向和其他配置特征进行相关的资源。只有当你不依赖普通的Activity机制时(例如状态栏就不存在Activity,都是由view堆积起来的),才需要使用这个函数。

     * Called when the current configuration of the resources being used
     * by the application have changed.  You can use this to decide when
     * to reload resources that can changed based on orientation and other
     * configuration characteristics.  You only need to use this if you are
     * not relying on the normal {@link} mechanism of
     * recreating the activity instance upon a configuration change.
     * @param newConfig The new resource configuration.
    protected void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {



1.No Activity,仅仅是由View堆积的场景
2.Normal Activity场景
用一句话概括就是: View.onConfigurationChanged函数只能确保最终显示时的参数newConfig是正确的,但是并不能确保每次横竖屏切换时都会走入该函数。

2.1 No Activity(纯View堆积的界面)

2.1.1 概述


Context applicationContext = mContext.getApplicationContext()
WindowManager mWindowManager = (WindowManager) applicationContext.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = ......;
View mView = new View(applicationContext);    // 一般来说No Activity场景,使用的都是ApplicationContext
mWindowManager.addView(mView, lp);    


2.1.2 源码梳理

通过查看源码可知,其入口点为ViewRootImpl.performConfigurationChange(如果对ViewRootImpl也不太了解的话,建议先看深入理解Android3 第6章 深入理解控件系统–写得很好也很详细), 该函数有3处场景调用:
(1). ViewRootImpl.performTraversals

    private void performTraversals() {
        // 判断是否符合执行布局窗口的条件:第一次执行performTraversals,窗口尺寸更改,可见性更改,
        // cutout更改(目前市面上有很多摄像头在屏幕中央或者屏幕左右侧的非全面屏,这类凹口屏都有一块
        // 区域用来让应用模块避免内容被摄像头遮盖,这个区域就是cutout),
        // view layoutParams更改或者mForceNextWindowRelayout为true
        if (mFirst || windowShouldResize || viewVisibilityChanged || cutoutChanged 
            || params != null || mForceNextWindowRelayout) {
                // 请求系统执行布局窗口
                relayoutResult = relayoutWindow(params, viewVisibility, insetsPending);

                if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Log.v(mTag, "relayout: frame=" + frame.toShortString()
                        + " cutout=" + mPendingDisplayCutout.get().toString()
                        + " surface=" + mSurface);

                // If the pending {@link MergedConfiguration} handed back from
                // {@link #relayoutWindow} does not match the one last reported,
                // WindowManagerService has reported back a frame from a configuration not yet
                // handled by the client. In this case, we need to accept the configuration so we
                // do not lay out and draw with the wrong configuration.
                // mPendingMergedConfiguration是上一步请求系统布局返回的config信息--mWindowSession.relayout
                // mLastReportedMergedConfiguration是private变量--Last configuration reported from WM
                // 若是新返回的pendingConfig与上一次wm传来的config不一致,则调用performConfigurationChange
                if (!mPendingMergedConfiguration.equals(mLastReportedMergedConfiguration)) {
                    if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Log.v(mTag, "Visible with new config: "
                            + mPendingMergedConfiguration.getMergedConfiguration());
                    performConfigurationChange(mPendingMergedConfiguration, !mFirst,
                            INVALID_DISPLAY /* same display */);
                    updatedConfiguration = true;


(2). ViewRootImpl.ViewRootHandler.handleMessage–MSG_RESIZED_REPORT消息

                case MSG_RESIZED_REPORT:
                    if (mAdded) {
                        SomeArgs args = (SomeArgs) msg.obj;

                        final int displayId = args.argi3;
                        MergedConfiguration mergedConfiguration = (MergedConfiguration) args.arg4;
                        final boolean displayChanged = mDisplay.getDisplayId() != displayId;
                        boolean configChanged = false;

                        // mergedConfiguration: 系统端通过IWindow.resized传给应用端的参数信息
                        // 同样地,若是新传来的mergedConfiguration与上一次wm传来的config不一致,则调用performConfigurationChange
                        if (!mLastReportedMergedConfiguration.equals(mergedConfiguration)) {
                            // If configuration changed - notify about that and, maybe,
                            // about move to display.
                            performConfigurationChange(mergedConfiguration, false /* force */,
                                            ? displayId : INVALID_DISPLAY /* same display */);
                            configChanged = true;

(3). ViewRootImpl.ViewRootHandler.handleMessage–MSG_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION消息

                case MSG_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION: {
                    Configuration config = (Configuration) msg.obj;
                    if (config.isOtherSeqNewer(
                            mLastReportedMergedConfiguration.getMergedConfiguration())) {
                        // If we already have a newer merged config applied - use its global part.
                        config = mLastReportedMergedConfiguration.getGlobalConfiguration();

                    // Use the newer global config and last reported override config.

                    performConfigurationChange(mPendingMergedConfiguration, false /* force */,
                            INVALID_DISPLAY /* same display */);
                } break;


    /** Last configuration reported from WM or via {@link #MSG_UPDATE_CONFIGURATION}. */
    private final MergedConfiguration mLastReportedMergedConfiguration = new MergedConfiguration();

Step 1. ViewRootImpl.performConfigurationChange

     * Notifies all callbacks that configuration and/or display has changed and updates internal
     * state.  通知所有callbacks configuration and/or display已更改并更新内部状态。
     * @param mergedConfiguration New global and override config in {@link MergedConfiguration}
     *                            container.
     * @param force Flag indicating if we should force apply the config.
     * @param newDisplayId Id of new display if moved, {@link Display#INVALID_DISPLAY} if not
     *                     changed.
    private void performConfigurationChange(MergedConfiguration mergedConfiguration, boolean force,
            int newDisplayId) {
        if (mergedConfiguration == null) {
     // 若mergedCofig为null,则直接抛出异常
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No merged config provided.");

        // 分别取出mergedConfig的global config和override config并赋值
        Configuration globalConfig = mergedConfiguration.getGlobalConfiguration();
        final Configuration overrideConfig = mergedConfiguration.getOverrideConfiguration();
        if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Log.v(mTag,
                "Applying new config to window " + mWindowAttributes.getTitle()
                        + ", globalConfig: " + globalConfig
                        + ", overrideConfig: " + overrideConfig);

        final CompatibilityInfo ci = mDisplay.getDisplayAdjustments(

本文标签: 详解androidonConfigurationChangedView