

Windows 10 is great, but it has its issues, from unpredictable reboots to Cortana. Here’s how to fix some of the more irritating quirks with Microsoft’s latest operating system.

Windows 10很棒,但是有它的问题,从不可预测的重启到Cortana。 这是使用Microsoft最新的操作系统修复一些更恼人的怪癖的方法。

By Eric Griffith


Windows 10 is probably the best edition of Microsoft’s venerable operating system. But Redmond has never made an entirely perfect OS. As much as we like Windows 10-and we really do like it a lot-it’s got problems. Thankfully, many are easily corrected. Here are the steps you can take to rectify them so the OS doesn’t drive you up the Windows wallpaper.

Windows 10可能是微软古老操作系统的最佳版本。 但是Redmond从来没有做过一个完美的操作系统。 尽管我们非常喜欢Windows 10,但我们确实非常喜欢Windows 10,但是这确实有问题。 值得庆幸的是,许多很容易纠正。 您可以按照以下步骤进行纠正,以免操作系统导致您无法使用Windows墙纸。

停止自动重启 (Stop Auto Reboots)

Windows 10 updates are regular and seemingly never-ending, and pretty much out of the user’s control (unless you turn off updates altogether, which is a bad idea). What’s worse: if you don’t reboot your PC after an update, Windows 10 eventually takes it upon itself to reboot for you. That’s a good way to lose data in open apps.

Windows 10更新是常规的,看似永无止境,并且几乎完全不受用户控制(除非您完全关闭更新,这是个坏主意)。 更糟糕的是:如果您在更新后不重新启动PC,Windows 10最终会自行将其重新启动。 这是在打开的应用程序中丢失数据的好方法。

Take advantage of (version 1903), Microsoft a feature called Active Hours, which lets you schedule a time for reboots. And starting with the May 2019 Updatewon’t force these updates on you quite as strongly as it once did. Instead of automatically installing big feature updates, you’ll see an option in the Windows Update settings to download and install the update at your leisure.

利用Microsoft的(版本1903), 称为“活动时间”的功能 ,该功能可让您安排重新启动的时间。 从2019年5月更新开始, 不会像以前那样强烈要求您进行这些更新 。 您会在Windows Update设置中看到一个选项,可以随意下载并安装更新,而不是自动安装大功能更新。

防止粘滞键 (Prevent Sticky Keys)

If you hit the Shift key five times in a row in Windows, you activate Sticky Keys, a Windows feature that allows for keyboard shortcuts where you hit one key at a time instead of simultaneously (so it works with any combo that includes the Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Windows () keys).

如果您在Windows中连续五次按下Shift键,则会激活“粘滞键”,这是Windows的一项功能,它允许您一次而不是同时按下一个键的键盘快捷键(因此,该键可与包括Shift, Ctrl,Alt或Windows()键)。

If you activate it without knowing-you’d have to hit “yes” in a dialog box without thinking, but it happens-it can be seriously annoying. Prevent it from ever happening by hitting the Shift five times rapidly to bring up that very dialog box. Click the “Disable this keyboard shortcut in Ease of Access Keyboard Settings” and uncheck the box next to “Turn on Sticky Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times.”

如果您在不知情的情况下激活它-您必须在对话框中不加思索地单击“是”,但是它确实发生了-这可能会很烦人。 通过快速按下Shift键五次以弹出该对话框,可以防止发生这种情况。 单击“在轻松访问键盘设置中禁用此键盘快捷键”,然后取消选中“按SHIFT键五次时打开粘滞键”旁边的框。

冷静下来 (Calm the UAC Down)

Ever since Windows Vista, User Account Control (UAC) has been there to protect users so they can quickly grant administrative rights to software programs that need it-specifically when installing or uninstalling software. In the old days, when you went to do an install, the screen would suddenly dim and everything seemed to come to a halt, causing several (anecdotal, probably fictional) heart attacks amid the populace. UAC is still there in Windows and will still dim the desktop, but you have the option to turn it off, or at least prevent the screen dimming.

自Windows Vista以来,用户帐户控制(UAC)一直在保护用户,因此他们可以快速授予对需要安装或卸载软件的软件程序的管理权限。 在过去,当您进行安装时,屏幕突然变暗,一切似乎都停止了,在民众中引起了数次(轶事,可能是虚构的)心脏病发作。 UAC在Windows中仍然存在,并且仍将使桌面变暗,但是您可以选择将其关闭,或者至少防止屏幕变暗。

Type UAC into the Windows 10 search box to get Change User Account Control Settings. The screen presents a slider with four levels of security, from never notify (bad) to always notify (annoying-it’ll warn you when you make your own changes). Pick one of the middle options; the second from the bottom notifies you without the dimming scare tactic. With that option, you’ll still get a dialog box confirmation with a yes/no option when you install things.

在Windows 10搜索框中键入UAC以获取“更改用户帐户控制设置”。 屏幕上显示了一个具有四个安全级别的滑块,从从不通知(严重)到始终通知(烦人-在您进行自己的更改时会警告您)。 选择中间选项之一; 倒数第二个通知您没有调光的恐吓策略。 使用该选项,安装东西时,您仍然会得到一个对话框对话框,确认是/否。

删除未使用的应用 (Delete Unused Apps)

Did you know you have a program in Windows 10 called Groove Music? Probably not, because the world uses other services. Thankfully, a few pre-installed Windows apps can finally be deleted.

您是否知道您在Windows 10中有一个名为Groove Music的程序 ? 可能不是,因为世界还在使用其他服务 。 幸运的是,最终可以删除一些预安装的Windows应用程序。

Navigate to Settings > Apps > Apps & Features, where you can ditch Mail and Calendar, Groove Music, Weather, and Maps.

导航到“设置”>“应用程序”>“应用程序和功能” ,您可以在其中放弃“邮件和日历”,“ Groove音乐”,“天气”和“地图”。

If your uninstall option is grayed out, you could go the DOS route, but it gets a little complicated and you should be 100 percent sure of what you’re doing.


  • Type PowerShell in the Windows searchbox-when you see it, right-click and launch it via Run as Administrator.

  • Type in “Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers” without the quotes. A giant list of all the stuff you’ve got installed that came from Microsoft’s Store, plus some other stuff, will appear.

    键入“ Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers”,不带引号。 将会出现一个巨大的列表,其中包含来自Microsoft Store的已安装所有内容以及其他一些内容。
  • It’s hard to find those apps in there, but the last one will probably clearly read Microsoft.ZuneMusic-that’s actually Groove Music. Copy everything it says on the line next to PackageFullName.

    在那里很难找到这些应用程序,但是最后一个应用程序可能会清楚地阅读Microsoft.ZuneMusic,它实际上是Groove Music。 复制在PackageFullName旁边的行中说的所有内容。
  • You’ll then type in a command and paste that line, so it reads something like “remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.ZuneMusic_10.16122.10271.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe” (yours will be different after the first underscore character).

    然后,您将键入命令并粘贴该行,因此它显示为“ remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.ZuneMusic_10.16122.10271.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe”(您的第一个下划线字符会有所不同)。
  • Execute it with a stroke of the return key, and if you don’t get any errors, the Groove Music app should be gone. Be careful using this on other apps-be sure you’ve picked the right one.

    轻按返回键即可执行该操作,如果没有出现任何错误,则应该不要使用Groove Music应用程序。 请在其他应用程序上谨慎使用-确保您选择了正确的应用程序。

使用本地帐户 (Use a Local Account)

Microsoft really wants you to sign in to Windows 10 with your Microsoft account-the one attached to all things Microsoft, be it your Xbox, Office 365, or OneDrive account, buying apps or music or video in the Windows Store, even talking on Skype, to name just a few. When you set up Windows, Microsoft specifically asks you to sign in using that account.

Microsoft确实希望您使用Microsoft帐户登录Windows 10-该帐户已附加到Microsoft的所有功能上,无论是Xbox, Office 365还是OneDrive帐户,都可以在Windows Store中购买应用程序或音乐或视频,甚至可以在Skype上通话,仅举几例。 设置Windows时,Microsoft专门要求您使用该帐户登录。

But you don’t have to. During setup, just click Skip this step. If you already signed in with the Microsoft account, go to Settings > Accounts > Your info. Click Sign in with a local account instead. Enter a local account name and new password (with a hint for when you forget it).

但是您不必。 在安装过程中,只需单击跳过此步骤 。 如果您已经使用Microsoft帐户登录,请转到设置>帐户>您的信息 。 单击“ 使用本地帐户登录” 。 输入本地帐户名和新密码(提示您忘记密码)。

The downside is that when you end up on a service or site that requires Microsoft credentials, you’ll have to enter your Microsoft login each time; it won’t automatically sign you in as it does if you log into Windows with a Microsoft account.

缺点是,当您进入需要Microsoft凭据的服务或站点时,每次都必须输入Microsoft登录名。 如果您使用Microsoft帐户登录Windows,它将不会自动登录。

使用PIN码而不是密码 (Use a PIN, Not a Password)

If you’re okay using the Microsoft account, but hate how long it takes to type in your super secure password, reset it to a short personal identification number (PIN) used only on the PC. The PIN, which is only numerals-no mixed case letters or special characters-might not sound very secure. Because it’s PC-only, hopefully you’re the only user, and it doesn’t compromise the security of your Microsoft account anywhere else. Plus, the PIN can be as many digits as you desire.

如果您可以使用Microsoft帐户,但又不想输入超级安全密码需要多长时间,请将其重置为仅在PC上使用的简短个人识别码(PIN)。 PIN只是数字-不能混合大小写或特殊字符-听起来不太安全。 由于它仅用于PC,希望您是唯一的用户,并且不会在其他任何地方损害Microsoft帐户的安全性。 另外,PIN可以根据需要输入任意数量的数字。

Go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options, and click the Add button under PIN. Enter the PIN you want and restart to try it. If you’ve already got a PIN, you’ll see options to change it, remove it, or click “I forgot my PIN” to recover it.

转到设置>帐户>登录选项 ,然后单击PIN下的添加按钮。 输入所需的PIN,然后重新启动以尝试。 如果您已经有了PIN码,则将看到用于对其进行更改,删除或单击“我忘记了PIN码”以进行恢复的选项。

跳过密码登录 (Skip the Password Login)

Are you the only person who ever-and I mean ever-uses your PC? Then you can probably skip the password login screen that appears after every reboot or sometimes even when you come back from the screensaver.

您是唯一曾经(并且我是说曾经使用过您的PC)的人吗? 然后,您可能会跳过每次重新启动后或有时甚至从屏幕保护程序返回时出现的密码登录屏幕 。

Go to the User Accounts control panel by typing “netplwiz” in the search bar. Select the account, uncheck the box next to “Users must enter a username and password to use this computer.” You’ll get a confirmation box that asks you to enter that very password-twice. Click okay. Reboot the PC and it should roll smoothly into the desktop without requesting a password. Don’t do this if it’s shared PC. Remember, you’ll still need to know the password if you’re logging into the PC remotely. (Or, you could use TeamViewer.)

通过在搜索栏中键入“ netplwiz”,转到“用户帐户”控制面板。 选择帐户,取消选中“用户必须输入用户名和密码才能使用此计算机”旁边的框。 您将看到一个确认框,要求您输入两次密码。 单击确定。 重新启动PC,它无需输入密码即可顺利滑入桌面。 如果是共享PC,请不要执行此操作。 请记住,如果要远程登录PC,您仍然需要知道密码。 (或者,您可以使用TeamViewer 。)

刷新而不是重置 (Refresh Instead of Reset)

Windows 10 has a fantastic feature that lets you essentially reinstall Windows 10 on your computer from the ground up, like new-with the option to not delete any of your data (though you will have to reinstall software and drivers). When your PC is beyond repair, you access it at Settings > Update & Security > Recovery, and click Get Started under Reset this PC, pick settings like “Keep My Files” or “Remove Everything” and let it rip. You don’t need any separate media, like a copy of Windows 10 on a disc or USB flash drive.

Windows 10具有出色的功能,可以让您从根本上从头开始在计算机上重新安装Windows 10 (例如new),并且可以选择不删除任何数据(尽管您必须重新安装软件和驱动程序)。 当您的PC无法修复时,可以在“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“恢复”下进行访问 ,然后在“ 重置此PC ”下单击“入门”,选择“保留我的文件”或“删除所有内容”等设置,然后将其撕开。 您不需要任何单独的介质,例如光盘或USB闪存驱动器上的Windows 10副本。

However, that can be overkill. Sometimes, Windows just needs a reset that does not eradicate your software and drivers. This is also easy to do, but it does require a copy of Windows 10 on separate media. Don’t have the media? Get it here. Run it and install the included ISO file onto a 4GB or larger USB drive to use in the reset now and in the future. Or you can just mount it as a virtual drive in Windows 10.

但是,这可能会过大。 有时,Windows只需要重置就不会根除您的软件和驱动程序。 这也很容易做到,但是确实需要在单独的介质上复制Windows 10。 没有媒体吗? 在这里得到它。 运行它,并将随附的ISO文件安装到4GB或更大的USB驱动器上,以用于现在和将来的重置。 或者,您可以将其挂载为Windows 10中的虚拟驱动器。

Double-click the setup on that media/drive’s Setup option, ask to download updates and check “Keep personal files and apps” when it appears. After a few more prompts and waiting, your Windows 10 system will get the refresh it needs.

双击该介质/驱动器的“设置”选项上的设置,要求下载更新并在出现时选中“保留个人文件和应用程序”。 再经过几次提示并等待后,您的Windows 10系统将获得所需的刷新。

隐藏或禁用Cortana (Hide or Disable Cortana)

Master Chief would never let this happen. Windows 10 took out the switch to turn off Cortana, Microsoft’s answer to Siri and Alexa. But Cortana searches more than just a look on your computer; it searches the entire internet-that’s why her search box says “Ask me anything.” You can still turn her off, however.

酋长不会让这种事情发生。 Windows 10取消了关闭Cortana(微软对Siri和Alexa的答复)的开关。 但是,Cortana不仅搜索您的计算机,还搜索了更多内容。 它会搜索整个互联网-这就是为什么她的搜索框会显示“问我什么”。 但是,您仍然可以关闭她。

First, there is the option to hide Cortana: just right-click the Taskbar and select Cortana > Hidden. The search box disappears. She’s still active and easily accessible, however: tap the Windows () key on your keyboard and start typing.

首先,可以选择隐藏Cortana :右键单击任务栏,然后选择Cortana> Hidden 。 搜索框消失。 但是,她仍然处于活动状态并且易于访问:点击键盘上的Windows()键并开始输入。

If you want to really take her out, so all searches are local, you need to edit the registry. Don’t do this if you’re not feeling like a Windows expert. And make a system restore point before you do it, just in case.

如果您想真正带走她,那么所有搜索都在本地进行,则需要编辑注册表。 如果您不喜欢Windows专家,请不要这样做。 为了以防万一,在执行此操作之前,请先确定系统还原点。

Open the Registry Editor: Type +R, then type regedit and hit Enter. In Windows 10 Home, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search. If it’s not there, create it. Right-click it to create a DWORD value and call it AllowCortana. Set that value to 0 (zero). Once you sign out and come back, the search box will now read “Search Windows.” You can put Cortana back by doing all this again and setting the value to 1 (one).

打开注册表编辑器:键入+ R,然后键入regedit并按Enter。 在Windows 10主页中,导航到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Windows搜索。 如果不存在,请创建它。 右键单击它以创建一个DWORD值,并将其命名为AllowCortana 。 将该值设置为0(零)。 退出并返回后,搜索框现在将显示“搜索窗口”。 您可以通过再次执行所有操作并将其值设置为1(一)来放回Cortana。

将OneDrive发送到坟墓 (Send OneDrive to the Grave)

Like Cortana, OneDrive-Microsoft’s answer to Dropbox or Google Drive -is integrated into Windows 10. Tightly. Maybe too tightly. You can try to ignore it, but it comes up a lot.

与Cortana一样,OneDrive-Microsoft对Dropbox或Google Drive的回答也已集成到Windows 10中。 也许太紧了。 您可以尝试忽略它,但是它涉及很多。

Your first option: unlink it. Right-click the OneDrive cloud icon in the taskbar and select Settings. Under the Account tab, click Unlink this PC. If that’s not enough, under the Settings tab, uncheck all the boxes. Then go back to Account > Choose Folders, and uncheck all the folders it was syncing. Go to Windows Explorer, right-click OneDrive and select Properties; in the General tab, by Attributes, check the box next to Hidden. Then on the Taskbar, right-click OneDrive again and select Close OneDrive.

您的第一个选择:取消链接。 右键单击任务栏中的OneDrive云图标,然后选择设置 。 在“ 帐户”选项卡下 ,单击“ 取消链接此PC” 。 如果这还不够,请在“ 设置”标签下 ,取消选中所有复选框。 然后返回“ 帐户”>“选择文件夹” ,然后取消选中它正在同步的所有文件夹。 转到Windows资源管理器,右键单击OneDrive,然后选择“属性”。 在“常规”选项卡的“属性”下,选中“隐藏”旁边的框。 然后在任务栏上,再次右键单击OneDrive,然后选择“关闭OneDrive”。

Really want to uninstall OneDrive? It can be done, but not with the Windows 10 graphical interface. First you have to kill the OneDrive processes that is running by typing this in a command line: TASKKILL /f /im OneDrive.exe. Then, also in command line, type this to uninstall: %systemroot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall (substitute System32 in the middle if you’re using 32-bit Windows). You won’t get any confirmation, and some residual folders my stick around. You can also re-install it by typing the above line minus the /uninstall at the end.

真的要卸载OneDrive吗? 可以完成,但不能使用Windows 10图形界面。 首先,您必须通过在命令行中键入以下内容来终止正在运行的OneDrive进程: TASKKILL / f / im OneDrive.exe。 然后,也在命令行中键入以下内容进行卸载: %systemroot%\ SysWOW64 \ OneDriveSetup.exe / uninstall (如果使用的是32位Windows,则在中间替换System32)。 您将不会得到任何确认,还有一些残留的文件夹会缠住我。 您也可以通过键入上面的行减去最后的/ uninstall来重新安装它。

快速访问特殊符号 (Access Special Symbols Quickly)

Just using 26 letters and 10 numerals and a few pieces of punctuation-that’s so old-school. We live in the emoji world now. So how do you put those fun little icons into your text when typing in Windows 10? You can’t, unless you memorize a bunch of codes… or you could try the pop-up keyboard. It’s typically meant for use when Windows is in tablet mode, but it’s easy to access even when you’re using it with a regular keyboard.

仅使用26个字母和10个数字以及一些标点符号就太老了。 我们现在生活在表情符号世界中。 那么,在Windows 10中键入时,如何将这些有趣的小图标放入文本中? 除非您记住一堆密码,否则您将无法这样做……或者您可以尝试使用弹出键盘。 它通常用于Windows在平板电脑模式下使用,但是即使与常规键盘一起使用也很容易访问。

Right-click the Taskbar in a blank area, and select Show touch keyboard button. A new icon of a little keyboard will appear next to the clock in the taskbar. Tap it anytime with the mouse cursor to bring up the on-screen keyboard; use your IRL keyboard to dismiss it from the screen. Click the extra keyboard icon at the top left to access various layout options, including a split keyboard and a stylus pad.

在空白区域的任务栏上单击鼠标右键,然后选择显示触摸键盘按钮 。 一个小键盘的新图标将出现在任务栏中时钟旁边。 随时使用鼠标光标点按它即可调出屏幕键盘; 使用您的IRL键盘将其从屏幕上清除。 单击左上角的额外键盘图标以访问各种布局选项,包括拆分键盘和触控板。

You now have access not only to emoji but also special characters like the em dash or degrees symbol (°). If you can’t find them, that’s because first, you have to hit the &123 key to switch to symbols, then, like on a smartphone, hold down your cursor on the main key to get some special symbols-hold down on the hyphen to get em dash and en dash; hold down on equals (=) to get non-equals (≠), etc. Same goes for the letters to get variativons, such as accent symbols over the letters. Voilà!

现在,您不仅可以访问表情符号,还可以访问特殊字符,例如破折号或度数符号(°)。 如果找不到它们,那是因为首先必须按下&123键以切换到符号,然后像在智能手机上一样,将光标按住主键以获取一些特殊符号,并按住连字符得到破折号和破折号; 按住等号(=)可以得到非等号(≠),等等。字母也可以得到变异性,例如字母上的重音符号。 瞧!

This on-screen keyboard also offers quick access to the improved Windows 10 clipboard, which holds multiple items you’ve cut or copied, and speech-to-text typing.

该屏幕键盘还可以快速访问经过改进的Windows 10剪贴板 ,该剪贴板包含您剪切或复制的多个项目以及语音转文本输入。

没有更多通知 (No More Notifications)

You either love notifications or hate the distraction. The noise, the popup, it’s too much when your phone is likely displaying most of the same info. Go into Settings > System > Notifications & Actions. Turn off all the toggle switches for individual apps, especially the ones you find most annoying. Or click on the App name in the list for even more granular control-get notifications from one app on the lock screen, for example, but nowhere else. Or turn off sounds for all but one notifier. Play with the settings to get it just right.

您要么喜欢通知,要么讨厌分心。 当手机可能显示大多数相同信息时,杂讯,弹出窗口实在太多了。 进入设置>系统>通知和操作 。 关闭单个应用程序的所有拨动开关,尤其是您最讨厌的开关。 或单击列表中的“应用程序名称”,例如,从锁定屏幕上的一个应用程序获得更详细的控件获取通知,例如,但无其他地方。 或者关闭除一个通知程序外的所有声音。 进行设置以使其正确。

个性化快速操作 (Personalize Quick Actions)

Settings > System > Notifications & Actions is also where you can personalize the Quick Action buttons that appear at the bottom of the Windows Action Center (the pane where notifications appear on screen). The buttons give you quick access to settings like Airplane mode, brightness adjustments on laptops, turning off Bluetooth or Wi-Fi or VPN, activating a mobile hotspot, or making a screen snip. For example, you don’t need to have a tablet mode if your Windows device doesn’t ever turn into a tablet.

在“设置”>“系统”>“通知和操作”中,您还可以个性化显示在Windows“操作中心”(屏幕上显示通知的窗格)底部的“快速操作”按钮。 这些按钮可让您快速访问飞行模式,笔记本电脑上的亮度调整,关闭蓝牙或Wi-Fi或VPN ,激活移动热点或进行屏幕截图等设置。 例如,如果您的Windows设备从未变成平板电脑,则无需使用平板电脑模式。

轻松诊断 (Cool Your Diagnostics)

Like many other big-name companies, Microsoft likes to get OS feedback about things like crashes. But when you do a setup and Windows 10 asks to “Send full error and diagnostic information to Microsoft,” Redmond’s getting more than you think. In Settings > Privacy > Diagnostics & Feedback you can set things to protect some privacy, like only allowing Basic diagnostic data, not Full data; turn off the “Improve inking and typing” option; and even delete all the diagnostic data currently on your PC-but that doesn’t prevent previous or future data from going to Microsoft.

像许多其他知名公司一样,Microsoft喜欢获得有关崩溃等操作系统的反馈。 但是,当您进行设置时,Windows 10要求“将完整的错误和诊断信息发送给Microsoft”时,Redmond的收益超出了您的想象。 在设置>隐私>诊断和反馈中,您可以设置一些保护隐私的内容,例如仅允许基本诊断数据,而不允许全部数据; 关闭“改进上墨和键入”选项; 甚至删除当前PC上的所有诊断数据-但这不会阻止以前或将来的数据流向Microsoft。

下车 (Get Off the Edge)

Don’t like Microsoft’s latest browser? It’s safer and faster than using Internet Explorer, but Edge is nothing special compared to our Editors’ Choice, Mozilla Firefox. But no matter what browser you choose, you need to make it the default so anytime you open a link, it goes to the browser you want.

不喜欢微软最新的浏览器 ? 它比使用Internet Explorer更安全,更快捷,但是与我们的编辑选择Mozilla Firefox相比,Edge没有什么特别之处。 但是,无论选择哪种浏览器,都需要将其设置为默认浏览器,因此,每次打开链接时,它将转到所需的浏览器。

Go to Settings > Apps > Default Apps, scroll down and click Web browser. A list will display all your installed browsers-pick the one you want permanently. You can always go back to whatever Redmond thinks best later by clicking the “Reset to Microsoft Recommended defaults” button.

转到设置>应用程序>默认应用程序 ,向下滚动并单击Web浏览器 。 列表将显示所有已安装的浏览器-永久选择您想要的浏览器。 以后,您始终可以通过单击“重置为Microsoft推荐的默认值”按钮来返回Redmond认为最好的状态。

If you get problems with certain links, ensure the file type (like .htm versus .html) or even protocols (like http:// versus https://) are all set to your browser of choice as well. Click Choose default apps by file type or Choose default apps by protocol on the same screen.

如果某些链接出现问题,请确保将文件类型(例如.htm与.html)或协议(例如http://与https://)都设置为您选择的浏览器。 在同一屏幕上,单击按文件类型 选择默认应用程序按协议选择默认应用程序

Most new browsers will try to take back the default position when you launch them the first time, so if you speed through a setup, you may need to revisit these settings to go back to your original, preferred web browser.


Originally published at https://www.pcmag.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag

翻译自: https://medium/pcmag-access/how-to-fix-the-most-annoying-things-in-windows-10-90d058523fac

本文标签: 烦人东西Windows