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Mesh Wi-Fi networking is all the rage lately, and even Google has gotten in on the fun. Here’s how to set up Google WiFi in order to get rid of dead spots at all corners of your house or apartment.

网状Wi-Fi网络近来风靡一时,甚至Google也参与其中。 以下是设置Google WiFi的方法,以消除房屋或公寓各个角落的死角。

If you’re not familiar with what mesh Wi-Fi is and how it works, we have an explainer that can get you caught up. But essentially, mesh Wi-Fi systems are a set of wireless routers that you place around your house. From there, they all connect together and carpet-bomb your house with the best Wi-Fi signal possible.

如果您不熟悉什么是网状Wi-Fi以及它如何工作,我们可以为您提供解释器,让您如虎添翼。 但实际上,网状Wi-Fi系统是您放置在房屋周围的一组无线路由器。 从那里,它们都连接在一起,并用可能的最佳Wi-Fi信号地毯轰炸您的房屋。

Google WiFi is just one of the many mesh Wi-Fi systems on the market, similar to Eero or Luma. Here’s how to set it up.

Google WiFi只是市场上众多网状Wi-Fi系统之一,类似于Eero或Luma 。 设置方法如下。

Start by unboxing the Google WiFi units and grab one to use as your main unit that you’ll connect to your modem (or router, if you’re looking to keep the advanced features of your old router). You’ll need the power cord, as well as the ethernet cable that’s included.

首先将Google WiFi设备拆箱,然后抓住其中一个作为您要连接到调制解调器(或路由器,如果要保留旧路由器的高级功能)的主机。 您将需要电源线以及随附的以太网电缆。

本文标签: 如何设置系统wifiGoogle