



Now, let’s start.


本门课程叫做Intellectual Property Law(以下可能会简称为IP Law),先明确什么是Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property = intangible assets 无形资产


四种IP Law

Copyright Law 著作权法,版权法

  • original creative expression 原创的创意表达【original这个词很重要,在后面我们会详细说】
  • e.g. books, movies, art

Patent Law 专利法

  • new or improved technologies 新的或改进的技术
  • e.g. method for reusable spacecraft(一种可重复使用的航天器制造方法), mRNA vaccine for covid(新型冠状病毒mRNA疫苗)

Trade Secret Law 商业秘密法

  • commercial information/ knowhow not known to the public 公众不知道的商业信息/诀窍
  • e.g. formula for coca cola, for lao gan ma chilli sauce 可口可乐配方,老干妈辣椒酱配方

Trademark Law 商标法

  • Investment and strategies in creating and maintaining a distinct brand identify 在创建和维持一个独特的品牌识别方面的投资和策略
  • e.g. Tencent, Apple

为什么要保护IP?(PRC Patent Law Art.1)

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of protecting the lawful rights and interests of patentees, encouraging invention-creation, promoting the application of inventioncreation, enhancing innovation capability, promoting the advancement of science and technology and the economic and social development


Copyright Law


最广泛的定义(PRC Copyright Law Art.3)

Article 3 For purposes of this Law, the term “works” includes, among other things, works of literature, art, natural sciences, social sciences, engineering and technology, which are created in any of the following forms:

(1) written works;

(2) oral works;

(3) musical, dramatic, quyi, choreographic and acrobatic works;

(4) works of the fine arts and architecture;

(5) photographic works;

(6) cinematographic works and works created by a process analogous to cinematography;

(7) graphic works such as drawings of engineering designs and product designs, maps and sketches, and model works;

(8) computer software; and

(9) other works as provided for in laws and administrative regulations.











对广泛定义的进一步解释(PRC Copyright Law Regulations Art.4)

Article 4 For the purposes of the Copyright Law and these Regulations, the following expressions concerning works shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them:

(1) “written works” means works expressed in written form, such as novels, poems, essays and theses;

(2) “oral works” means works expressed in form of spoken language, such as impromptu speeches, lectures and court debates;

(3) “musical works” means such works as songs and symphonic works, with or without accompanying words, which can be sung or performed;

(4) “dramatic works” means such works as dramas, operas and local traditional operas for stage performance;

(5) “qu yi works” means such works as “xiang sheng” (cross talk), “kuai shu”(clapper talk), “da gu” (ballad singing with drum accompaniment) and “ping shu”(story telling based on novels), which are mainly performed by recitation or singing, or by both;

(6) “choreographic works” means works in which ideas and feelings are or can be expressed through successive body movements, gestures, facial movements, etc;

(7) “acrobatic works” means works expressed through body movements and skills, such as acrobatics, magic and circus;

(8) “works of fine arts” means two- or three-dimensional works of the plastic arts created in lines, colours or other media which impart aesthetic effect, such as paintings, works of calligraphy and sculptures;

(9) “works of architecture” means works with aesthetic effect which are expressed in form of buildings or structures;

(10) “photographic works” means artistic works created by recording images of objects on light-sensitive or other materials with the aid of devices;

(11) “cinematographic works and works created by a process analogous to cinematography” means works which are recorded on some material, consisting of a series of images, with or without accompanying sound, and which can be projected with the aid of suitable devices or communicated by other means;

(12) “graphic works” means such works as drawings of engineering designs and product designs for the purpose of actual construction and manufacturing, and as maps and sketches showing geographical phenomena and demonstrating the fundamentals or the structure of a thing or an object;

(13) “model works” means three-dimensional works made on the basis of the shape and the structure of an object to a certain scale, for the purpose of display, test or observation.















核心定义条款(PRC Copyright Law Regulations Art.2, 3 + PRC Copyright Law Art.11(部分))

Article 2 The term “works” as referred to in the Copyright Law means intellectual creations with originality in the literary, artistic or scientific domain, insofar as they can be reproduced in a tangible form.


Article 3 The term “creation” as referred to in the Copyright Law means intellectual activities in which literary, artistic or scientific works are directly created.

Any organizational activity, consultation, material support or other auxiliary services conducted or offered for another person’s creation shall not be deemed as creation.



Art.11 The author of a work is the citizen who creates the work.


核心辨析点1:“originality / original”

  • 有originality的work才会被保护,没有的就不会被保护。
  • 这个词的定义就是author’s own creation,要完全原创的东西
  • PPT给了一个youtube上仿画梵高的画的例子,告诉你无论这个作者花了多少时间金钱心力,都不受法律保护,因为没有originality

核心辨析点2:“idea or expression”

  • 最核心的一点就是,idea是可以抄的,expression是不可以抄的
  • 还是梵高的例子,你照着人家的画一笔一划的画就是copy了expression,如果梵高画了地上的向日葵,你也画了地上的向日葵,这种就是copy了idea,而不是expression

Moral rights of the Author ‘personality rights’ (Art.10 (1)-(4) )

Article 10

Copyright includes the following personal rights and property rights:

(1) the right of publication, that is, the right to decide whether to make a work available to the public;

(2) the right of authorship, that is, the right to claim authorship in respect of, and to have the author’s name mentioned in connection with, a work;

(3) the right of revision, that is, the right to revise or authorize others to revise a work;

(4) the right of integrity, that is, the right to protect a work against distortion and mutilation;








Economic Rights of the Owner ( Art.10 (5)-(17) )

(5) the right of reproduction, that is, the right to produce one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, lithographing, making a sound recording or video recording, duplicating a recording, or duplicating a photographic work, or by other means;

(6) the right of distribution, that is, the right to provide the original copy or reproductions of a work to the public by selling or donating;

(7) the right of rental, that is, the right to authorize others to use temporarily a cinematographic work or a work created by a process analogous to cinematography, or computer software, except where the software itself is not the essential object of the rental;

(8) the right of exhibition, that is, the right to publicly display the original copy or reproductions of a work of the fine arts or of a photographic work;

(9) the right of performance, that is, the right to publicly perform a work, and to publicly communicate the performance of a work by any means or process;

(10) the right of presentation, that is, the right to publicly present a work of the fine arts, a photographic work, a cinematographic work, a work created by a process analogous to cinematography, or other works, by projector, slide projector or any other technology or instrument;

(11) the right of broadcasting, that is, the right to broadcast a work or disseminate it to the public by any wireless means, to communicate the broadcast of a work to the public by wire or by rebroadcasting, and to publicly communicate the broadcast of a work by loudspeaker or any other analogous instrument transmitting signs, sounds or images;

(12) the right of communication through information network, that is, the right to make a work available to the public by wire or by wireless means, so that people may have access to the work from a place and at a time individually chosen by them;

(13) the right of cinematography, that is, the right to fix an adaptation of a work in amedium by cinematography or a process analogous to cinematography;

(14) the right of adaptation, that is, the right to change a work into a new one with originality;

(15) the right of translation, that is, the right to change the language in which the work is written into another language;

(16) the right of compilation, that is, the right to compile by selection or arrangement preexisting works or passages therefrom into a new work; and

(17) other rights to be enjoyed by copyright owners.















Trademark Law

核心就是一点,判断某个玩意是不是 can be “trademarked” ,能不能成为一个商标

辨析是否为商标的法律(PRC Trademark Law Art.8-14)


Article 8

Any signs, including words, graphs, letters, numbers, three-dimensional symbols, color combinations, sound or any combination thereof, that are capable of distinguishing the goods of a natural person, legal person or other organization from those of others may be applied for registration as trademarks.


Article 9

A trademark submitted for registration shall bear noticeable characteristics and be readily distinguishable, and it may not conflict with the legitimate rights obtained by others earlier.

A trademark registrant shall have the right to indicate the wording “Registered Trademark” or the sign showing that the trademark is registered.



Article 10

None of the following signs may be used as trademarks:

(1) Those identical with or similar to the State name, the national flag, emblem or anthem, the military flag, emblem or songs, or medals of the People’s Republic of China; or those identical with the names or emblems of Central State organs, the names of the specific locations where the Central State organs are seated; or those identical with the names or designs of landmark buildings;

(2) Those identical with or similar to the State name, national flag, national emblem or military flag etc., of a foreign country, except with the consent of the government of that country;

(3) Those identical with or similar to the name, flag or emblem of an international inter-governmental organization, except with the consent of that organization or except where it is unlikely to mislead the public;

(4) Those identical with or similar to an official mark or inspection stamp that indicates control and guarantee, except where authorized;

(5) Those identical with or similar to the symbol or name of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent;

(6) Those having the nature of discrimination against any nationality;

(7) Those that are deceptive and likely to mislead the public in terms of the quality, place of production or other characteristics of the goods; and

(8)Those detrimental to socialist ethics or customs, or having other unwholesome influences.

No geographical names of administrative divisions at or above the county level or foreign geographical names known to the public may be used as trademarks, except where geographical names have other meanings or constitute part of a collective trademark or certification trademark. Registered trademarks in which geographical names are sued shall remain valid.











Article 11

None of the following marks may be registered as trademarks:

(1) Where the mark bears only the generic name, design, or model number of the goods concerned;

(2) Where it only directly indicates the quality, principal raw materials, function, use, weight, quantity or other features of the goods; and

(3) Signs that otherwise lack any distinctive character.

Any mark mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be registered as a trademark if it has acquired distinctive features through use and is readily distinguishable.






Article 12

No application for registration of a three-dimensional symbol as a trademark may be granted, where the sign merely indicates the shape inherent in the nature of the goods concerned, or it is only dictated by the need to achieve technical effects or the need to give the goods substantive value.


Article 13 A holder of a trademark that is well known by the relevant public may, if he holds that his rights have been infringed upon, request for well-known trademark protection in accordance with this Law.

Where the trademark of an identical or similar kind of goods is a reproduction, imitation, or translation of another person’s well-known trademark not registered in China and is liable to cause public confusion, no application for its registration may be granted and its use shall be prohibited.

Where the trademark of a different or dissimilar kind of goods is a reproduction, imitation, or translation of another person’s well-known trademark not registered in China and it misleads the public so that the interests of the owner of the registered well-known trademark are likely to be impaired, no application for its registration may be granted and its use shall be prohibited.




Article 14 A well-known trademark shall be recognized as a fact that needs to be ascertained in dealing with a trademark-related case upon request by the party concerned. The following factors shall be taken into consideration in the recognition of a well-known trademark:
(1) The recognition degree of the trademark among the relevant public;
(2) The duration in which the trademark has been in use;
(3) The duration, extent and geographical scope of all publicity operations carried out for the trademark;
(4) The records of protection of a well-known trademark provided for the trademark and
(5) Other factors making the trademark well-known.

Where the party concerned claims rights according to Article 13 of this Law in a trademark registration review or during the process whereby the administrative department for industry and commerce investigates and deals with a case involving trademark infringement, the trademark office concerned may, based on the need for reviewing or dealing with the case, decide whether or not to recognize the relevant trademark as a well-known one.

Where the party concerned claims rights according to Article 13 of this Law, during the handling of a trademark dispute, the trademark review and adjudication board may, based on the need for handling the cases, decide whether or not to recognize the relevant trademark as a well-known one.

Where the party concerned claims rights according to Article 13 of this Law during the hearing of a civil or administrative case involving a trademark, the people’s court designated by the Supreme People’s Court may, based on the need for trying the case, decide whether or not to recognize the relevant trademark as a well-known one.

No manufacturers and business operators may indicate the words “well-known trademark" upon the goods, the packaging or the containers of the goods, nor may they use the same for advertising, exhibition or other commercial activities.










  • 具有明显的特点
  • 易于区分
  • 不与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突。


  • 是通用的
  • 是描述性的
  • 缺乏特色的



  • 仅仅表述其功能(不太好翻译,具体看Art.12)

商标必须具有的核心特点:distinctive 独特的



也可以叫做distinctiveness scale 显著性量表



  • Generic 通用的
    • common term associated products or services
    • 通用术语相关产品或服务
    • highly difficult or impossible to register and enforce
    • 很难或不可能登记和执行的
    • e.g. CLOCK(timepiece)
  • Descriptive 描写的
    • directly identifies the nature of the products or services
    • 直接识别产品或服务的性质
    • e.g. COLD AND CREAMY(ice cream)
  • Suggestive 暗示的
    • indicates some quality - but does not directly describe - the associated products or services
    • 表示某些质量-但不直接描述-相关的产品或服务
    • e.g. SWEETARTS
  • Arbitrary 任意的
    • has common meaning but applied to a product or service that is unrelated to that meaning
    • 具有常见的含义,但用于与该含义无关的产品或服务
    • e.g. BLACKBERRY
  • Fanciful / Coined 幻想的/创造的
    • no meaning other than as a trademark
    • 除了作为商标,没有别的意思
    • easier to register and enforce
    • 更容易注册和执行
    • e.g. KODAK


China TM Office 对于 distinctive的定义(和前面差不多,看看得了).

the trademark mark itself should

  • ensure easy identification, so that 确保易于识别,以便
  • consumers can make an impression on it, and 消费者可以给它留下印象,而且
  • keep this impression in their memory, so as to 把这个印象留在他们的记忆中,以便
  • finally play the role of distinguishing the source of goods or services. 最后起到区分商品或服务来源的作用。

Patent Law

核心:5 conditions for patentability

  • Subject matter
  • Practical applicability
  • Novelty
  • Non-obviousness
  • Disclosure

Subject matter(PRC Patent Law Art.2, 5, 25)

Article 2

For the purposes of this Law, invention-creations mean inventions, utility models and designs.

Inventions mean new technical solutions proposed for a product, a process or the improvement thereof.

Utility models mean new technical solutions proposed for the shape and structure of a product, or the combination thereof, which are fit for practical use.

Designs mean, with respect to a product, new designs of the shape, pattern, or the combination thereof, or the combination of the color with shape and pattern, which are rich in an aesthetic appeal and are fit for industrial application.





Article 5

Patent rights shall not be granted for invention-creations that violate the law or social ethics, or harm public interests.

Patent rights shall not be granted for inventions that are accomplished by relying on genetic resources which are obtained or used in violation of the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.



Article 25

Patent rights shall not be granted for any of the following:

(1) scientific discoveries;

(2) rules and methods for intellectual activities;

(3) methods for the diagnosis or treatment of diseases;

(4) animal or plant varieties;

(5) substances obtained by means of nuclear transformation; and

(6) designs that are mainly used for marking the pattern, color or the combination of the two of prints.








Practical applicability(Art.22)


Practical use means that the said invention or utility model can be used for production or be utilized, and may produce positive results.




Novelty means that the invention or utility model concerned is not an existing technology; no patent application is filed by any unit or individual for any identical invention or utility model with the patent administration department under the State Council before the date of application for patent right, and no identical invention or utility model is recorded in the patent application documents or the patent documentations which are published or announced after the date of application.




Creativity means that, compared with the existing technologies, the invention possesses prominent substantive features and indicates remarkable advancements, and the utility model possesses substantive features and indicates advancements.


Disclosure(PRC Patent Law Art.26 , PRC Patent Law Regulations Art.17)


Article 26

When a person intends to apply for an invention or utility model patent, he shall submit the relevant documents, such as a written request, a written description and its abstract, and a written claim.

In the written request shall be specified the name of the invention or utility model, the name of the inventor or designer, the name or title and the address of the applicant and other related matters.

The written description shall contain a clear and comprehensive description of the invention or utility model so that a technician in the field of the relevant technology can carry it out; when necessary, pictures shall be attached to it. The abstract shall contain a brief introduction to the main technical points of the invention or utility model.

The written claim shall, based on the written description, contain a clear and concise definition of the proposed scope of patent protection.

With regard to an invention-creation accomplished by relying on genetic resources, the applicant shall, in the patent application documents, indicate the direct and original source of the genetic resources. If the applicant cannot indicate the original source, he shall state the reasons.






Rule 17 (Incorporating original Rule 18)

The description of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall state the title of the invention or utility model, which shall be the same as it appears in the request. The description shall include the following:

(1) Technical field: specifying the technical field to which the technical solution for which protection is sought pertains;

(2) Background art: indicating the background art which can be regarded as useful for the understanding, searching and examination of the invention or utility model, and when possible, citing the documents reflecting such art;

(3) Contents of the invention: disclosing the technical problem the invention or utility model aims to settle and the technical solution adopted to resolve the problem; and stating, with reference to the prior art, the advantageous effects of the invention or utility model;

(4) Description of figures: briefly describing each figure in the drawings, if any;

(5) Mode of carrying out the invention or utility model: describing in detail the optimally selected mode contemplated by the applicant for carrying out the invention or utility model; where appropriate, this shall be done in terms of examples, and with reference to the drawings, if any.

The manner and order referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be followed by the applicant for a patent for invention or for utility model, and each of the parts shall be preceded by a heading, unless, because of the nature of the invention or utility model, a different manner or order would result in a better understanding and a more economical presentation.

The description of the invention or utility model shall use standard terms and be in clear wording, and shall not contain such references to the claims as: “as described in claim…¬”, nor shall it contain commercial advertising.

Where an application for a patent for invention contains disclosure of one or more nucleotide and/or amino acid sequences, the description shall contain a sequence listing in compliance with the standard prescribed by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council. The sequence listing shall be submitted as a separate part of the description, and a copy of the said sequence listing in machine-readable form shall also be submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Patent Administration Department under the State Council.

The description of the utility model for which a patent is applied for shall contain drawings indicating the shape, structure or their combanition of the product for which protection is sought.












acquiring the rights 申请权利的难易程度

  • Copyrights: Registration optional, no examination 自选是否注册,不测试
  • Trademarks: Registration required, Examination of mark by CTMO, Grant of TM may be challenged 要求注册,由CTMO审查商标,TM的授予可能会被质疑
  • Patents: Registration Required, Examination of application by PTO, Grant of patent may be challenged 要求注册,PTO审查申请,专利授予可能会受到质疑

Strength & Duration of the Rights 权利的强度和期限

  • Copyrights
    • Weak protection
    • Ideas not protected
    • Independent copying allowed
    • Duration: Lifetime of author +50 years
  • Trademarks
    • Strong protection
    • Mark as registered – for goods/services for which registered
    • Duration: Perpetual as long as TM kept in use and renewal fee paid 永久,只要TM继续使用,并支付续期费用
  • Patents
    • Strong protection
    • Independently arriving at technical solution – no rights given 独立提出技术解决方案-不授予任何权利
    • Duration: 20 years

所有的IP Laws都有rights和limitations


  • Rights
    • right to earn from intellectual effort 从智力努力中赚钱的权利
    • Non-owners have to buy the work or acquire the permission to use the work against payment to owner (assignment and licence) 非所有者必须购买作品或获得使用作品的许可,并向所有者付款 (转让和许可证)
  • Limitation
    • right to some benefits from another person’s intellectual effort – as long as does not unreasonably affect the owner’s right to earn from their effort 从他人的智力努力中获得一些利益的权利——只要不不合理地影响所有者从他们的努力中获得收益的权利
    • Non-owners are given the right to use the work without needing permission against payment to owner 非所有者被赋予使用作品的权利,而不需要向所有者支付许可




以下CL指PRC Copyright Law,CR指PRC Copyright Law Regulation,这里我们尊重PPT的写法,以后也可能会用这种写法,请注意辨析


Rights(Art.10 CL)

Article 10 (部分)

Copyright includes the following personal rights and property rights:

(1) the right of publication, that is, the right to decide whether to make a work available to the public;

(2) the right of authorship, that is, the right to claim authorship in respect of, and to have the author’s name mentioned in connection with, a work;

(3) the right of revision, that is, the right to revise or authorize others to revise a work;

(4) the right of integrity, that is, the right to protect a work against distortion and mutilation;

(5) the right of reproduction, that is, the right to produce one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, lithographing, making a sound recording or video recording, duplicating a recording, or duplicating a photographic work, or by other means;

(6) the right of distribution, that is, the right to provide the original copy or reproductions of a work to the public by selling or donating;

(7) the right of rental, that is, the right to authorize others to use temporarily a cinematographic work or a work created by a process analogous to cinematography, or computer software, except where the software itself is not the essential object of the rental;

(8) the right of exhibition, that is, the right to publicly display the original copy or reproductions of a work of the fine arts or of a photographic work;

(9) the right of performance, that is, the right to publicly perform a work, and to publicly communicate the performance of a work by any means or process;

(10) the right of presentation, that is, the right to publicly present a work of the fine arts, a photographic work, a cinematographic work, a work created by a process analogous to cinematography, or other works, by projector, slide projector or any other technology or instrument;

(11) the right of broadcasting, that is, the right to broadcast a work or disseminate it to the public by any wireless means, to communicate the broadcast of a work to the public by wire or by rebroadcasting, and to publicly communicate the broadcast of a work by loudspeaker or any other analogous instrument transmitting signs, sounds or images;

(12) the right of communication through information network, that is, the right to make a work available to the public by wire or by wireless means, so that people may have access to the work from a place and at a time individually chosen by them;

(13) the right of cinematography, that is, the right to fix an adaptation of a work in a medium by cinematography or a process analogous to cinematography;

(14) the right of adaptation, that is, the right to change a work into a new one with originality;

(15) the right of translation, that is, the right to change the language in which the work is written into another language;

(16) the right of compilation, that is, the right to compile by selection or arrangement preexisting works or passages therefrom into a new work; and

(17) other rights to be enjoyed by copyright owners.



















Limitations(Art.22,23 CL, Art.21 CR)

Article 22 CL

In the following cases, a work may be used without permission from, and without payment of remuneration to, the copyright owner, provided that the name of the author and the title of the work are mentioned and the other rights enjoyed by the copyright owner in accordance with this Law are not prejudiced:

(1) use of another person’s published work for purposes of the user’s own personal study, research or appreciation;

(2) appropriate quotation from another person’s published work in one’s own work for the purpose of introducing or commenting a certain work, or explaining a certain point;

(3) unavoidable inclusion or quotation of a published work in the media, such as in a newspaper, periodical and radio and television program, for the purpose of reporting current events;

(4) publishing or rebroadcasting by the media, such as a newspaper, periodical, radio station and television station, of an article published by another newspaper or periodical, or broadcast by another radio station or television station, etc. on current political, economic or religious topics, except where the author declares that such publishing or rebroadcasting is not permitted;

(5) publishing or broadcasting by the media, such as a newspaper, periodical, radio station and television station of a speech delivered at a public gathering, except where the author declares that such publishing or broadcasting is not permitted;

(6) translation, or reproduction in a small quantity of copies of a published work by teachers or scientific researchers for use in classroom teaching or scientific research, provided that the translation or the reproductions are not published for distribution;

(7) use of a published work by a State organ to a justifiable extent for the purpose of fulfilling its official duties;

(8) reproduction of a work in its collections by a library, archive, memorial hall, museum, art gallery, etc. for the purpose of display, or preservation of a copy, of the work;

(9) gratuitous live performance of a published work, for which no fees are charged to the public, nor payments are made to the performers;

(10) copying, drawing, photographing or video-recording of a work of art put up or displayed in an outdoor public place;

(11) translation of a published work of a Chinese citizen, legal entity or other organization from Han language into minority nationality languages for publication and distribution in the country; and

(12) transliteration of a published work into braille for publication.














Article 23 CL

Except where the author declares in advance that use of his work is not permitted, passages from a work, a short written work, musical work, a single work of the fine arts or photographic work which has been published may, without permission from the copyright owner, be compiled in textbooks for the purpose of compiling and publishing textbooks for the nine-year compulsory education and for national education planning, provided that remuneration is paid, the name of the author and the title of the work are mentioned, and the other rights enjoyed by the copyright owner in accordance with this Law are not prejudiced.


Article 21 CR

The exploitation of a published work which may be exploited without permission from the copyright owner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law shall not impair the normal exploitation of the work concerned, nor unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the copyright owner.



Rights (Art.48, Art.76)

Article 48

For the purpose of this Law, the use of trademarks shall refer to the use of trademarks on goods, the packaging or containers of goods and the transaction documents of goods, as well as the use of trademarks for advertising, exhibition and other commercial activities for the purpose of identifying the sources of goods.


Article 76 TR (这里TL没找到76,只有TR有76)

The use of a sign which is identical or similar to another person’s registered trademark on the same or similar goods as the name or decoration of the goods, thus misleading the public, constitutes an infringement upon the exclusive right to use a registered trademark prescribed in subparagraph (2) of Article 57 of the Trademark Law.


Limitations (Art.50, 56)

Article 50

Within one year from the time where a registered trademark is cancelled or declared invalid, or is not renewed upon the expiry of its validity period, the trademark office shall not approve any application for registration of a trademark identical with or similar to the aforesaid trademark.


Article 56

The exclusive right to the use of a registered trademark shall be limited to trademarks which are registered upon approval and to goods the use of a trademark on which is approved.




Article 11

After the patent right is granted for an invention or a utility model, unless otherwise provided for in this Law, no unit or individual may exploit the patent without permission of the patentee, i.e., it or he may not, for production or business purposes, manufacture, use, offer to sell, sell, or import the patented products, use the patented method, or use, offer to sell, sell or import the products that are developed directly through the use of the patented method.



Article 59

For the patent right of an invention or a utility model, the scope of protection shall be confined to what is claimed, and the written description and the pictures attached may be used to explain what is claimed.

For the design patent right, the scope of protection shall be confined to the design of the product as shown in the drawings or pictures, and the brief description may be used to explain the said design as shown in the drawings or pictures.



所有的IP rights都是法律赋予的(given by law),这点是一切的基础

本文标签: 三下知识产权北邮基础Property