

 WARNING: Error reading layer purpose information from "D:\User\xxx\MyWorkspace_wrk\MyLibrary_lib\" in library "MyLibrary_lib".
Layer "layer_39" does not exist.
The reported layer purpose pairs will be ignored.

How to eliminate Port warnings in ADS 2014 momentum at high frequency?

"The size of the plus pin for S-parameter port 1 is electrically large above 15.8126 GHz, S-parameters may become unphysical." -

To mitigate this issue, I added 0.05 mm x 0.05 mm stub in each of the port and did 0Hz to 32GHz simulation without this warning. But if I go for higher and higher frequency I get this warning when the port length crosses lyambda/10 (according to momentum port theory in ADS) electrical length.

But in the lower frequency range, the result (without stub added to port) is not matching with the added stub one.

Specify the Feed Type
The feed type determines the port calibration approach, which deals with the port feed parasitics.
Use following guidelines for setting the feed type:
If the port will be connected to an electrically long transmission line with an infinite ground plane or a waveguide, set the feed type to TML
If the port will be connected to a short transmission line with an infinite ground plane, set the feed type to TML (zero length)
If the port will be connected to an SMD device with an ideal model, set the feed type to Delta Gap
If the port will be connected to an SMD device with a model that already includes self-inductance effects, set the feed type to SMD
Otherwise, use the Direct feed type or keep the default Auto feed type

今天出现的问题是ADS 仿真时间偏长 祖伟给我说 地要裁剪 现在问题就是过孔离地要有一定的距离 跟频率有关系 还有介质两层就够了

At least one port pin or bondwire end is not
fully connected to a conductive part of the
design (see the layout processing report for
This setup is invalid for a Momentum simulation.

Consult the Job Manager log for full details.
S-parameters show unphysical behavior at high frequencies:


possible causes:


1. inaccurate (high frequency calibration)


2. higher order modes at the ports


3. slot mode at coplanar ports


4. grouped strip-slot ports


5. too coarse of a mesh

Error message (8/113) from HOOPS routine  'Begin_Font_Search' 

The device doesn't seem to be alive 

Error message (8/113) from HOOPS routine  'Update_One_Display' 

The device doesn't seem to be alive 


Momentum MomEngine_64 2021.00.281 (*) built: Jul 13 2020
Copyright  1992 - 2020 Keysight Technologies
Simulation Mode: uW
Substrate valid
Using the minimal snap distance of 0.04 mil
(4 layout resolution points) for layout healing.
--- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------------------

Layout healing changed the layout. The actual
highest aggregate snap distance was 0.04 mil.
Further details have been written to the DRC

Generating mesh at 10 GHz...
S-parameter simulation
Automatic selection: direct compressed matrix solver
Using multi-threading (24 threads)
Matrix size: 13114 (reduced: 9754)
--- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------------------

The distance between the layout pins for port 1 is electrically large 
above 6.06138 GHz, S-parameters may become unphysical.

--- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------------------

The distance between the layout pins for port 2 is electrically large 
above 6.06138 GHz, S-parameters may become unphysical.

--- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------------------

The distance between the layout pins for port 3 is electrically large 
above 6.06138 GHz, S-parameters may become unphysical.

Simulation temperature: 298.15 K
--- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------------------

Accuracy can be lost due to matrix compression, you can rerun the simulation 
with reduced compression level or with the direct dense solver to verify the results.

--- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------------------

Maximum number of adaptive frequency samples reached!
Fitting models not (completely) converged. 
Consider     : - increasing maximum number of sample points.
               - activating the reuse option.

The simulation results have been saved in dataset "XE75Proi2_MomUW".


今天终于解决掉ADS 问题


本文标签: 端口定义ADS