

此计算机上已安装相同或更高版本的.NET Framework 4.5(Same or higher version of .NET Framework 4.5 has already been installed on this computer)

所以我安装了Visual Studio 2017并决定在卸载2013年和2015年之前让它工作。所以这样做并准备好在这之后出现一些问题。 一个问题是.NET Framework 4.5已卸载,因此我下载了.NET Framework 4.5并尝试安装,但收到的消息是“此计算机上已安装了相同或更高版本的.NET Framework 4.5”。

有没有办法安装它? 它是我与团队合作的项目所必需的,现在无法迁移(加上我没有权力做出这个决定)。


So I installed Visual Studio 2017 and decided to get it working before uninstalling 2013 and 2015. So done that and was prepared for there to be some issues after doing so. One problem was that .NET Framework 4.5 got uninstalled so I downloaded .NET Framework 4.5 and tried to installed but got the message "Same or higher version of .NET Framework 4.5 has already been installed on this computer."

Is there a way to install it? Its required for a project I am working on with a team and cannot migrate it right now (plus I don't really have the authority to make that decision).

Just to reiterate the target framework is 4.5 and that unfortunately will not change in the foreseeable future.


2021-01-02 18:01




You need to re-install the 4.5 targeting pack not the framework itself to fix your issue.

You can find it in the individual components section of the VS2017 installer.

本文标签: 或更高版本在此机上计算机