


(2010-01-30 14:59:02)



java 英语面试题

2008-11-13 11:051.Tell me a little about yourself?

I am holding a master degress in software science and had 2-year

work experience in software development. I have used J2EE

technology for 2 years,including Jsp,servlet,javabean,XML,EJB,I

also used C language for half year and IBM mainframe technology

half year.And the projects I participated in follow the Waterfall

model lifecycle starting from design,then coding


2.Describe a situation where you had to work under pressure,and

explain how you handle it.

Once when we did a mainframe project,our customer wanted to see a

demo from our team before they signed the contract with our

company.It is urgent,because our customer didn't give us enough

time to do it. So all my team menbers had to work overtime,but we

finished it punctually and perfectly . Our customer was satisfied

with it.Actually,It is common to meet some deadlines or work under

pressure in IT field.I am ok with it.

3.What would your last employer tell me about your work


I am sure my last employer will praise my work performance,because

he was reluctant to let me go when I told him I want to quit and

study abroad,and he said I am welcome to come back when I finish


4.What is your major weakness?

I always want everything to be perfect.Sometimes,I am

over-sensitive. When a design pattern or technical solution comes

up during a meeting discussion,I am always the first one to test

the feasibility.Some leader don't like such person because

sometimes it is embarrassing when I prove it doesn't work while the

leader still believe it is a perfect solution,But I think I did

nothing wrong about it,it is good for the company.

5.Why did you leave your last job?

Although I did well in the last company,I always feel the

theoretical study and actual practice are equally important and

depend on each other.So,I decide to further study and actual

practice are equally important and dependent on each other.So,I

decide to further study to extend my theory in computer


6.What are your strengths?

What I am superior to others I believe is strong interest in

software development I have.Many friends of mine working in IT

field are holding bachelor degree or master degree and have worked

for several years,but they don't have much interest in it,they only

treat what they do everything a job,a means to survive,they don't

have career plan at all. I am different. I like writing programs.I

have set up my career goal long time ago.I will do my best to make

it possible in the future.And I have worked hard towards this goal

for several years.

7.What are your future career plans?

I would like to be a software engineer now.but my career goal is to

be an excellent software architector in the future.I like writing

programs. Software is a kind of art, although sometimes it drove me

crazy,after I overcame the difficulties I feel I am useful,I will

keep working in IT field.

8.What are your salary expectations?

I believe your company will set up reasonable salary for me

according to my ability,so I don't worry about it at all.

Between 7000 to 8000 monthly

9. Why are you interested in this position?

Your company specializes in providing technical solutions to

customers and the last company I worked in also specializes in this

field. I have relevant skills and experiences meeting your


I am sure I can do it well.

10.Do you have any questions that you would like to ask me?

What is a typical workday like and what would I do?

What is your expectation for me in this job?

11.What J2EE design patterns have you used before?

Command/Session Facade/Service Locator/Data Access Object/Business


* Q1. How could Java classes direct program messages to the system

console, but error messages, say to a file?.

The class System has a variable out that represents the standard

output, and the variable err that represents the standard error

device. By default, they both point at the system console. This how

the standard output could be re-directed:

Stream st = new Stream(new FileOutputStream("output.txt"));

System.setErr(st); System.setOut(st);

* Q2. What's the difference between an interface and an abstract


A. An abstract class may contain code in method bodies, which is

not allowed in an interface. With abstract classes, you have to

inherit your class from it and Java does not allow multiple

inheritance. On the other hand, you can implement multiple

interfaces in your class.

* Q3. Why would you use a synchronized block vs. synchronized


A. Synchronized blocks place locks for shorter periods than

synchronized methods.

* Q4. Explain the usage of the keyword transient?

A. This keyword indicates that the value of this member variable

does not have to be serialized with the object. When the class will

be de-serialized, this variable will be initialized with a default

value of its data type (i.e. zero for integers).

* Q5. How can you force garbage collection?

A. You can't force GC, but could request it by calling System.gc().

JVM does not guarantee that GC will be started immediately.

* Q6. How do you know if an explicit object casting is


A. If you assign a superclass object to a variable of a subclass's

data type, you need to do explicit casting. For example:

Object a; Customer b; b = (Customer) a;

When you assign a subclass to a variable having a supeclass type,

the casting is performed automatically.

* Q7. What's the difference between the methods sleep() and


A. The code sleep(1000); puts thread aside for exactly one second.

The code wait(1000), causes a wait of up to one second. A thread

could stop waiting earlier if it receives the notify() or

notifyAll() call. The method wait() is defined in the class Object

and the method sleep() is defined in the class Thread.

* Q8. Can you write a Java class that could be used both as an

applet as well as an application?

A. Yes. Add a main() method to the applet.

* Q9. What's the difference between constructors and other


A. Constructors must have the same name as the class and can not

return a value. They are only called once while regular methods

could be called many times.

* Q10. Can you call one constructor from another if a class has

multiple constructors

A. Yes. Use this() syntax.

* Q11. Explain the usage of Java packages.

A. This is a way to organize files when a project consists of

multiple modules. It also helps resolve naming conflicts when

different packages have classes with the same names. Packages

access level also allows you to protect data from being used by the

non-authorized classes.

* Q12. If a class is located in a package, what do you need to

change in the OS environment to be able to use it?

A. You need to add a directory or a jar file that contains the

package directories to the CLASSPATH environment variable. Let's

say a class Employee belongs to a package; and is

located in the file c:\dev\com\xyz\hr\ In this case,

you'd need to add c:\dev to the variable CLASSPATH. If this class

contains the method main(), you could test it from a command prompt

window as follows:


* Q13. What's the difference between J2SDK 1.5 and J2SDK 5.0?

A.There's no difference, Sun Microsystems just re-branded this


* Q14. What would you use to compare two String variables - the

operator == or the method equals()?

A. I'd use the method equals() to compare the values of the Strings

and the == to check if two variables point at the same instance of

a String object.

* Q15. Does it matter in what order catch statements for

FileNotFoundException and IOExceptipon are written?

A. Yes, it does. The FileNoFoundException is inherited from the

IOException. Exception's subclasses have to be caught first.


1.what is oracle.

2.what is major differenece oracle8i and oracle9i.

4.tell me some thing ur self.

5.please tell me about oops.

6.what is single inheritance.

7.what is multiple inheritance.

8.can java support multiple inheritance.

9.what is interface.

10.what is differenec between abstract class and interface. to u prove that abstrace class cannot instantiate


12.what is differenece between string and stringbuffer.

13.what is immutable to write a program using sort program.

15 how to write a program using unsort program.

16.what is legacy.

17.what is legacy api

18.what is legacy interface.

19.what is main difference hashmap and hastable

20.what is main difference between arraylist and vector.

21.what is struts framework.

22.what are distributed techonologies.

23.what is advantage and disadvantage of distributed


24.what is main difference between jsp and servlets.

25.what is difference between procedure and functions.

26.what is jdbc.

27.what are type of drivers.

28.what is type 4 driver. to collect requuirements form u r client.

30.which process use in ur project.

31.what is deployment descriptor.

32.what is heirarchy of files in struts.

33.please draw struts frame wrok.

34.please draw j2ee architecture.

35.please draw mvc-2 architecture.

36.please draw that how design op module. to find a file on linux. to configure weblogic8.1 on linux.

39.why you use struts framework in ur project.

40.what is platfrom independent

41.what is awt and swing.

42.what is heavy wieght components.

43.what is feature of weblgoic8.1.

44.why you choose application server on linux and database server

on aix.

45.please tell me about ur project.

46.what is major concepts in oops.

47.why u choose mvc-2 architecture.

48.what is implicit object. many implicit objects in jsp

50.why choose weblogic8.1 other than any applicationserver.

51.what is water fall model vs sdlc

52.what is use of dataflowdiagrams

53.wha t is ip in ur project.

54.what about reception module


1. Oracle is an RDBMS product with DDL and DML from a company

called Oracle Inc.

2. Difference between 8i and 9i is given in the Oracle site

3. Question not available

4. Something

5. oops is Object Oriented Programming

6.what is single inheritance.

ans:one class is inherited by only other one class

7.what is multiple inheritance.

ans:One class inheriting more than one class at atime

8.can java support multiple inheritance.


9.what is interface.

ans:Interface has only method declarations but no defn

10.what is differenec between abstract class and interface.

ans:In abstract class some methods may contain definition,but in

interface every method should be abstract to u prove that abstrace class cannot instantiate


ans:As they dont have constructor they cant be instantiated

12.what is differenece between string and stringbuffer.

ans:Strings are immutable where as string buffer can be


13.what is immutable

ans:Which cant be changed to write a program using sort program.

15 how to write a program using unsort program.

ans: Both can be done using javascript

This is for Sort

function SelectTextSort(obj) { // sort by text

var N=obj.options.length;

for (var i=0;i

for (var j=i+1;j

if ( obj.options[i].text > obj.options[j].text )


var i1= (obj.options[i].selected == true ) ? true : false

var j1= (obj.options[j].selected == true ) ? true : false

var q1 = obj.options[j].text;

var q2 = obj.options[j].value;

obj.options[j].text = obj.options[i].text;

obj.options[j].value = obj.options[i].value;

obj.options[i].text = q1;

obj.options[i].value = q2;

obj.options[i].selected = (j1 &&

true ) ? true : false

obj.options[j].selected = (i1 &&

true ) ? true : false




return true


16.what is legacy.

17.what is legacy api

18.what is legacy interface.

ans: legacy is something that is old in terms of technology/


19.what is main difference hashmap and hastable

ans:Hash table is synchronised

20.what is main difference between arraylist and vector.

ans:Vector is synchronised

21.what is struts framework.

22.what are distributed techonologies.

distributed technologies means any technology / s/w program that

are having many components in multiple environments that interact

with each other depending on the functional requirements and


23.what is advantage and disadvantage of distributed


overdependance on single platform / single language is avoided.

Application can be built flexible to meet requirements. Division of

labour is possible. Best of all the technologies and platforms can

be optimally utilized. Complexity of requirements can be


25.what is difference between procedure and functions.'

ans:Fuctions can return value ,procedures cant return value

26.what is jdbc.

ans:Connecting to DB from java program requires JDBC

27.what are type of drivers.

type1,2,3,4 to collect requuirements form u r client.

is not a job of a technical person. It is better for a BA to do


30.which process use in ur project.

Generally u can say:

Project related process: Analysis, Design, Sign-off Documents,

Implementation, Integration, Testing, UAT

Work related process:

Technical Design, Work Allocation, Code Review Checklist, Unit Test

Form will be prepared by the Project Lead and given to the


Developer prepares the Unit Test Case

Implements Code, Performs Test

Submits Code through CVS / VSS

Submits documents along with Release Checklist to the tester /


31.what is deployment descriptor.

ans:Which contains the infrnmation like which file to be used

40.what is platfrom independent

ans:A language is said to be platform independent if it can be run

on any machine with out modifying code

41.what is awt and swing.

ans:AWT are heavy weight components and swings are light weight


46.what is major concepts in oops.


47.why u choose mvc-2 architecture.

ans:In MVC-2 controller is servlet rather than JSP which makes it


48.what is implicit object.

ans:Implicit objects are a set of Java objects that the JSP

Container makes available to developers in each page many implicit objects in jsp










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