


If you have guests over and want them to have access to the Google Home’s speaker functionality, you can enable Guest Mode, which allows them to connect without being on your Wi-Fi network.

如果有客人在旁,并且希望他们可以使用Google Home的扬声器功能,则可以启用“访客模式”,该模式使他们可以连接而无需使用Wi-Fi网络。

Granted, if you have guests over to your house, you probably wouldn’t mind giving them your Wi-Fi password, in which case they can just connect directly to your Google Home device without any trouble.

当然,如果有客人来您家,您可能不介意为他们提供您的Wi-Fi密码,在这种情况下,他们可以直接连接到您的Google Home设备,而不会遇到任何麻烦。

However, in a situation where you don’t give out your Wi-Fi info to just anyone who walks through the door, you can still have them connect to your Google Home from their phone to beam audio through the device’s more-capable speaker.

但是,在您不只向走过门的任何人提供Wi-Fi信息的情况下,您仍然可以让他们通过手机连接到Google Home,以通过功能更强大的扬声器发出音频。

Guest Mode on the Google Home works pretty much the same as the Chromecast’s Guest Mode: It allows other users who aren’t connected to your Wi-Fi network to be able to beam audio content from their own phone to the Google Home’s speaker. However, Guest Mode needs to be manually enabled before you can allow others to do this.

Google Home上的Guest Mode与Chromecast的Guest Mode几乎相同:它允许未连接到Wi-Fi网络的其他用户将音频内容从他们自己的手机传送到Google Home的扬声器。 但是,必须先启用访客模式,然后才能允许其他人执行此操作。

First, you’ll need to open up the Google Home app on your own phone and tap on the Devices button in the top-right corner of the screen.

首先,您需要在自己的手机上打开Goog​​le Home应用,然后点击屏幕右上角的设备按钮。

Next, tap on the menu button in the upper-right corner.


Select “Guest Mode”.


Tap on the toggle switch to enable Guest Mode.


Once enabled, a PIN code will appear on that same screen. Your guests may not need the PIN code to connect and it’s merely just a backup form for connecting.

启用后,PIN码将出现在同一屏幕上。 您的访客可能不需要PIN码即可连接,而仅仅是连接的备用表格。

Once Guest Mode is enabled, you can have anyone open up an app that supports Google Cast and connect it to your Google Home. To do that, they’ll tap on the Google Cast button within the app.

启用访客模式后,您可以让任何人打开支持Google Cast的应用并将其连接到您的Google Home。 为此,他们将点击应用内的Google Cast按钮。

Select “Nearby Device”.


Tap on “Connect”.


You’ll then need to give the app permission to use your phone’s microphone if it doesn’t have permission already. The Google Home emits an audio signal that you can’t hear, and when a device in the vicinity hears it, it uses that signal to connect to the Google Home. Alternatively, if that doesn’t work, you’ll enter the four-digit PIN code mentioned above.

然后,您需要授予该应用程序使用手机麦克风的权限(如果尚未获得该权限)。 Google Home会发出您听不到的音频信号,当附近的设备听到声音时,它将使用该信号连接到Google Home。 或者,如果不起作用,则输入上述的四位数PIN码。

Once connected, you can adjust the volume of the Google Home speaker during playback, as well as tap on “Disconnect” to unpair from the Google Home at any time.

连接后,您可以在播放期间调整Google Home扬声器的音量,也可以随时点击“断开连接”以与Google Home取消配对。

It’s probably easier just to have guests connect to your Wi-Fi network, as the Google Cast-enabled app will automatically recognize the Google Home device and make it easier to connect to. However, Wi-Fi passwords can be sacred, so we don’t blame you if resort to other means when guests want to blare their own music at a get-together.

让访客连接到您的Wi-Fi网络可能会更容易,因为启用了Google Cast的应用程序会自动识别Google Home设备并使其更易于连接。 但是,Wi-Fi密码可以是神圣的,因此当客人想一起欢聚自己的音乐时,如果诉诸其他手段,我们也不会怪您。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/281020/how-to-let-anyone-connect-their-phone-to-your-google-home/


本文标签: 您的手机连接到人将浏览器