


Lin Haoran’s “Newtonian Adventure”


On a pleasant weekend, Lin Haoran, an enthusiastic high school student with a passion for physics exploration, decided to host an unconventional “Newton’s Laws Practical Competition” in his backyard. He invited his neighborhood friends to participate, aiming to help them understand and grasp Newton’s three laws of motion through engaging and entertaining means.


The event kicked off with Lin Haoran holding a basketball, announcing, “This is our ‘mini-planet’, and now let’s demonstrate Newton’s First Law – the law of inertia.” With a strong push, he sent the ball rolling along a straight line at a constant speed until it collided with a tree and stopped. The spectators exclaimed in realization, “Ah, that’s the one where ‘it won’t stop unless you stop it, and it won’t move unless you move it’!”


Next, Lin Haoran unveiled his secret weapon—a large water-filled bucket and a long slide pole. “This is a live demonstration of Newton’s Second Law: force equals mass times acceleration.” With one end of the pole fixed, he attached a weight to the other end, which was then dropped to strike the water surface, causing a splash and moving the bucket a noticeable distance. Amidst the amazed faces of his friends, Lin Haoran proudly explained, “See, the greater the force, the more significant the change in the object’s motion state. That was my magic trick using Newton’s ‘superpower formula’.”


The climax arrived as Lin Haoran announced he would illustrate the Third Law: “action-reaction forces!” He produced two inflatable beach balls, each held by one person, and they simultaneously threw the balls towards each other. Upon collision, both individuals were pushed back several steps by the equal and opposite reaction forces, provoking a round of laughter. Regaining his balance, Lin Haoran chuckled, “That right there is Newton’s Third Law. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. You’ve just experienced the charm of this law firsthand.”


Following the “Newtonian Adventure,” the neighborhood friends not only gained an intuitive understanding of Newton’s Three Laws amidst laughter but also realized that these seemingly profound physical principles are ubiquitous in everyday life, present in actions as simple as pushing a door, walking, shooting hoops, or even playing a lighthearted game. Meanwhile, Lin Haoran became known as the “Physics Wiz Kid” in the community due to his unique and creative teaching methods.

本文标签: 大冒险林浩然