

About the Author

My name is Nicolas Widart, and I'm a flexible enthusiastic software engineer and consultant. I'm a Laravel framework specialist; an open-source contributor and always on the lookout for new technologies and paradigm changes.


我的名字是Nicolas Widart,我是一个灵活热情的软件工程师和顾问。我是一个Laravel框架专家;一个开源的贡献者,并且总是在寻找新的技术和范式的变化。

Plugin Interpretation

Let me start by saying Laravel is an amazing framework. However when it comes to writing more complex and bigger applications, I find the default structure laravel comes with cumbersome and not ideal.



The way the default laravel installation comes with is basically all the application logic inside an app/ folder. This works, but I would not suggest going this route.

默认的laravel安装方式基本上是将所有的应用逻辑放在一个app/文件夹里。这样做可以, 但我不建议走这条路。

Just imagine having a medium sized applicated where everything is in the app/ folder, worse, every model is in the root of the app folder! At some point you will spend a lot of time looking for things because everything is bunched together.


Enter the modular world
This is what being modular is trying to resolve. You split of the business logic into different parts, which belongs together. If you're into Domain Driven Des

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