


  • 1 Studying Tourist Behaviour旅游行为研究
    • Beyond the Personal Perspective 超越个人视角
    • The Sin of Homogenisation 同质化之罪
    • A Professional Approach: The Etic–Emic Distinction 专业方法:客位-主位区分
    • Expressions within the Field 领域内的词语
    • Tourist Behaviour: To Whom Does It Matter? 游客行为:对谁重要?
    • Approaching Tourist Behaviour
      • Links to other study topics in tourism 与旅游其他主题的联系
    • Tourist Behaviour and Consumer Behaviour 游客行为与消费者行为
    • Conceptual Schemes, Theories and Tourism Study 概念体系、理论与旅游研究
    • Information Anxiety and a Road Map 信息焦虑与路线图

1 Studying Tourist Behaviour旅游行为研究

Beyond the Personal Perspective 超越个人视角

The noted adventurer and travel writer Redmond O’Hara argues that you write well about a topic only if you have experienced it and, at times, have been traumatised by it (O’Hara, 2003). Does the author, a Professor of Tourism, have just such a range of traumatic experiences to help him write about tourist behaviour? Fortunately the answer is, yes. Some incidents include being petrified in Panama City, being propositioned in Phuket, and being mugged in Marseille. On other occasions the experiences have included enduring all-day airline delays in China. In one such delay in X’ian, the one available plastic seat in the airport lounge was not made any more comfortable by the public announcer’s frequent call – ‘The flight to Shanghai is not leaving because the plane is somewhere else’. There is indeed much personal material upon which to draw. Undoubtedly readers too have varied and sometimes traumatic personal experiences to recount: effectively titillating tales to tell about their travels.
著名的冒险家和旅行作家Redmond O’Hara认为,对于一个话题,只有当你经历过,并且有时受到它的创伤时,你才能写得很好(O’Hara,2003)。作者,一位旅游学教授,是否有如此一系列的创伤经历来帮助他书写旅游者行为?幸运的是,答案是肯定的。一些事件包括在巴拿马城被恐吓,在普吉岛被骚扰,在马赛被抢劫。还包括在中国忍受全天的航班延误。在西安的一次这样的延误中,机场休息室里唯一可用的塑料座位并没有因为播音员频繁的呼叫而变得更舒适——“飞往上海的航班没有起飞,因为飞机在别的地方”。确实有许多个人资料可供借鉴。毫无疑问,读者也有各种各样的,有时是痛苦的个人经历来讲述:讲述他们旅行的有趣故事。
Nevertheless this is a research-based account of tourist behaviour and, while it might have been stimulated and enriched by personal experiences, it relies much more on the empirical work of an immediate research circle, on the efforts of leading scholars in tourist behaviour and on a diverse array of insights from occasional contributors to this field of study. It draws on the disciplines of psychology, sociology and anthropology but is most dependent on the emerging specialism of tourism studies, itself now a productive global research field (Jafari, 2000; Pearce, 1993a). The term behaviour will be interpreted in its widest psychological sense in this volume as a summary for the observable activities as well as the mental processes guiding and resulting from social life (Harré & Secord, 1972).
One particular advantage of adhering to a title with behaviour as the leading description of the area of interest is that it provides a focused reminder of the physical nature of human existence. Since much of the writing about tourists’ views of their travels is sociological, and hence is often concerned with abstract systems and social structures, there is an emerging argument that demands that researchers recognise the limits, needs and characteristics of the human body in tourist study (Selanniemi, 2003). This may be as simple as recognising motion sickness and the effects of sleep deprivation on mood, or it may generate new conceptual appraisals such as in augmenting conventional ideas about destination images with a fuller recognition of the sensory responses that humans have to environments (Ashcroft, 2001; Veijola & Jokinen, 1994).
坚持以行为作为对关注领域的主要描述的标题的一个特殊优势是它提供了人类存在的物理本质的明确提醒。因为大部分关于旅游者对旅游的看法的文章都是社会学的,因此经常与抽象系统和社会结构有关,因此有一种新兴的观点要求研究人员在旅游研究中认识到人体的局限性、需要和特征 (Selanniemi,2003年)。 这可能很简单,就像认识到晕车和睡眠剥夺对情绪的影响一样,或者,它可能会产生新的概念评价conceptual appraisals,例如,通过更全面地认识人类对环境的感官反应,来增强关于目的地图像的传统观念(Ashcroft, 2001; Veijola和Jokinen,1994)。
Additionally the term tourist behaviour is useful to both link and differentiate the material from the broader yet distinctively different literature describing consumer behaviour. The nature of these differences will be explored later in this chapter.
A further dimension of interest in the present volume that extends the study beyond a personal perspective lies in the geographical reach and scope of the material considered. A partial focus of this volume will be on emerging studies of tourist behaviour in Asia but these additional contributions will be viewed against a backdrop of several decades of work conducted predominantly in North America, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Some insights from European scholars will also be considered in select chapters.
A final and definitive extension of the present work beyond the personal perspective is the planned and systematic use of conceptual schemes and mini-theories to explain and interpret the topics pursued.

The Sin of Homogenisation 同质化之罪

Tourists are not all alike. In fact, they are staggeringly diverse in age, motivation, level of affluence and preferred activities. Galani-Moutafi (1999) and Nash (2001) warn would-be analysts of tourist behaviour to avoid the sin of homogenisation, of treating all travellers as the same. They recommend that researchers should specify, wherever possible, which types of tourists are being discussed. The warning is appropriate at the start of a book on tourist behaviour. There will be few easy generalisations about tourists in the following pages. An important aim of the volume will be to provide multi-faceted accounts of the complexity of tourist behaviour while still recognising that it is convenient for both analysis and practice to work at the level of meaningful groups or market segments rather than purely individual experience. The importance of avoiding the sin of homogenisation will be re-emphasised in Chapter 2, where some of the key demographic factors frequently used to describe tourists are considered.

A Professional Approach: The Etic–Emic Distinction 专业方法:客位-主位区分

An important step in moving towards a professional appraisal of tourist behaviour lies in recognising that there are multiple perspectives on behaviour. In particular one important approach arising out of research in linguistics and anthropology is the etic–emic distinction (Pike, 1966; Triandis, 1972). An emic approach is one that takes the perspective of the participant – the person engaging in the behaviour. The topic of interest may be the experiences of a young budget traveller, a senior tourist or an ardent birdwatcher, for example. The emic approach to their behaviour involves finding out from them how they see the world, how they look at the setting, the other people in it and the value of their experience. This can be contrasted with an etic approach where the researcher, as an observer and outsider, classifies and describes the tourist’s behaviour. An example might be studying a young European budget traveller sun-tanning on an Australian beach. If the researcher asks the traveller to describe his or her experience (i.e. works at obtaining an emic perspective), the response may be ‘Actually I’m worshipping the sun god. This is a deep cosmic experience for me to lie in the sun in wintertime because I come from Finland and fundamentally there is so little sun that this is absolutely marvellous for me’. The outside observer may simply have interpreted the behaviour as everyday relaxation. The core distinction is that, when researchers ask people to describe their experiences in their own words and not according to pre-judged categories, they are adopting an emic perspective and begin- ning to see the socially-constructed world from the participants’ point of view (Gergen, 1978).
走向对旅游者行为进行专业评估的重要一步在于认识到对行为有多种看法。尤其是语言学和人类学研究中产生的一个重要方法——客体-主体区分(Pike,1966; Triandis,1972)。

etic客位 emic主位

It can be suggested that both new students of tourist behaviour and senior scholars sometimes struggle with the multiple realities and challenges inherent in identifying emic and etic perspectives. For the new scholar it is sometimes difficult to see that a travel experience that he or she would never undertake could be fulfilling and rewarding for someone else. For example, a not-very-affluent student might find the expenditure on a luxurious hotel room at several hundred dollars a night to be an incomprehensible choice when the same amount of money might buy a camping trip with a white-water-rafting experience and a skydiving thrill. Equally, the cautious quieter tourist with a deep interest in wildlife experiences might find large expenditure on nightclubs, drinks and a party lifestyle in such Mediterranean resorts as Ibiza and the Greek Islands to be socially unattractive. The issues here extend beyond understanding to personal identity and deeply held social values.
Senior scholars too sometimes fail to grasp the range of meanings that certain subgroups of travellers bring to a setting. Thus de Albuquerque (1998) effectively scoffs at the notions of romantic tourism proposed by Pruitt and La Font (1995). He discounts the perspective that indirect payment by women for their companionship experiences with Caribbean beach boys constitutes romantic and meaningful relationships, and argues that it is simply prostitution. The fact that he failed to interview the women themselves and obtain an emic perspective somewhat compromises his argument.
资深学者有时也无法理解某些旅游小团体给环境带来的意义范围。因此,de Albuquerque(1998)嘲笑了Pruitt和La Font(1995)提出的浪漫旅游的概念。他不认为妇女因与加勒比海滩男孩的交往经历而间接付款构成浪漫而有意义的关系,并认为这只是卖淫。事实上,他没有采访女性本身,并获得主位的角度多少解释了他的论点。他未能采访妇女本身并没有获得主位视角,这在一定程度上损害了他的论点。
In the area of research into visitor conflict and crowding, Jacob and Shreyer (1980) have argued that disagreements sometimes arise because participants have a low tolerance of lifestyle diversity. Such a concept may partially explain the lack of insights described in the examples above, but there is more involved than simple tolerance. It is about recognising the full appreciation and value that other people experience from a different style of travel behaviours. The understanding and empathy for other people’s behaviour that can be developed by emphasising an academic emic perspective is of considerable relevance in the tourism educational sphere. Young managers and junior executives assisting tourists, and designing and marketing experiences for them, have to be able to know empathically how their target group of visitors view the world. It can be argued here that a professional and workplace understanding of tourist perspectives can be built from researcher insights generated by building and distinguishing emic and etic perspectives.

本文标签: ThemesbehaviourTouristConceptualStudying