

边缘融合 边缘计算

Writing in 1972 for


Rolling Stone magazine 滚石杂志 , Stewart Brand described the nascent ARPANET (the computer network which would one day evolve into the modern Internet) with a mix of hope and unease that could be translated surprisingly well in the modern era. “How Net usage will evolve is uncertain,” wrote Brand. 斯图尔特·布兰德(Stewart Brand)描述了新生的ARPANET(一种有一天会发展成为现代互联网的计算机网络),它充满了希望和不安,可以在现代时代很好地翻译。 布兰德写道:“网络使用的发展方式尚不确定。”

There’s a curious mix of theoretical fascination and operational resistance around the scheme. The resistance may have something to do with reluctances about equipping a future Big Brother and his Central Computer. The fascination resides in the thorough rightness of computers as communications instruments, which implies some revolutions.

围绕该方案,理论上的迷惑和操作阻力令人好奇。 这种抵制可能与不愿配备未来的“老大哥”及其中央计算机有关。 迷恋在于计算机作为通信工具的完全正确性,这意味着一些革命。

The revolutions came. An entire generation has grown up with access to the world’s knowledge at their fingertips. We also see today’s internet “resistance.” The extent to which a few technology companies now almost totally embody, enable, or support the services we depend upon has dawned on our collective consciousness only lately. It is not uncommon to find articles describing efforts to try — and typically to fail — to eliminate major technology companies from our daily lives, even temporarily.

革命来了。 整整一代人GRØWN了在他们的指尖接触到世界的知识。 我们还看到了今天的互联网“阻力”。 现在, 几家技术公司几乎完全体现,启用或支持我们所依赖的服务的程度,才刚刚在我们的集体意识中浮出水面。 找到描述试图(通常是失败 )为使大型技术公司从我们的日常生活中淘汰而努力的文章的情况并不少见,这甚至是短暂的 。

A certain acceptance of futility is necessary for any experiment in limiting access of technology companies to one’s private life.


These attempts are unsuccessful because Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft provide “infrastructural platforms” — cross-cutting services that support and connect a multitude of other companies and markets. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are the de facto hosting solutions for a vast number of other services. Google has a 92% market share of search, the primary way for people to find content. Google and Facebook together constitute 60% of the online advertising market. Each possesses a broad swath of data collection mechanisms, including their own platforms, their partners, and tracking utilities, which enable them to surveil us as we traverse the internet. As José Van Dijck, Thomas Poell, and Martijn de Waal point out in their book, The Platform Society:

这些尝试均未成功,因为Google , Amazon , Facebook , Apple和Microsoft提供了“基础设施平台” —跨领域服务,这些服务支持并连接了许多其他公司和市场。 亚马逊,谷歌和微软实际上是针对大量其他服务的托管解决方案。 Google拥有92%的搜索市场份额 ,这是人们查找内容的主要方式。 Google和Facebook共同构成了在线广告市场的60%。 每个人都拥有广泛的数据收集机制,包括他们自己的平台,他们的合作伙伴和跟踪实用程序,这使它们能够在我们遍历Internet时对我们进行监视。 正如JoséVan Dijck,Thomas Poell和Martijn de Waal在他们的《平台社会》一书中指出的那样:

Theoretically, users can decide at any moment individually or collectively to opt out of [big tech] services. In practice, opting-out is hardly an option for users who want to participate in society or who simply need to make a living.

从理论上讲,用户可以随时单独或集体决定退出[大型技术]服务。 实际上,选择退出对于想要参与社会或仅仅需要谋生的用户来说几乎不是一种选择。

Tinkering with the software that powers our daily machines is a hobby for many people who are comfortable with technology, but a certain level of boldness (or foolhardiness) is required to alter the fundamental infrastructure of one’s daily smartphone. A laptop is, after all, just a laptop; a phone is a lifeline to the universe — the conduit for our daily conversations, the primary form of authentication for online services, a source of media, and a critical guide for navigating the world. To dramatically change the function of a phone, or to risk breaking it altogether, is to risk being cut off from some of the most important interactions of daily life. But to do so can prove valuable, if it reveals something about the way our technology shapes our daily experience, and illustrates how our interactions and routines depend upon systems we rarely consider.

对于许多熟悉技术的人来说, 修补支持我们日常机器的软件是一种嗜好,但是要改变人们日常智能手机的基本基础结构,就需要一定程度的大胆(或鲁棒性)。 毕竟,笔记本电脑只是一台笔记本电脑。 电话是通向宇宙的生命线 -我们日常对话的渠道,在线服务认证的主要形式,媒体来源以及通向世界的重要指南。 大幅改变手机的功能或冒险将其完全破坏,就是冒着被日常生活中一些最重要的交互所切断的风险。 但是,如果这样做可以揭示我们的技术如何塑造我们的日常体验,并说明我们的交互和例程如何依赖我们很少考虑的系统,那么这样做可能会很有价值。

A certain acceptance of futility is necessary for any experiment in limiting access of technology companies to one’s private life; one speaks of “reducing” rather than “eliminating,” of “cutting back,” rather than “cutting off.”

任何限制技术公司进入私人生活的实验都必须对徒劳无功。 有人说“减少”而不是“消除”,“减少”而不是“切断”。

For my part, I have joined in the zeitgeist of growing concern over big tech companies and awareness of corporate surveillance. As a result, I’ve made a number of changes to my use of technology, seeking to shift the bounds, where possible, of where my information resides and who accesses it. These changes have involved adopting open source, ideally self-hosted services that frequently require a server and a fair measure of technical know-how to make work. But, like a child learning to swim only in the shallow end of a pool, I realized there was a limit to what I could do.

就我而言,我加入了对大型高科技公司和公司监控意识日益关注的时代精神。 结果,我对技术的使用进行了许多更改,力求尽可能地改变我的信息所处的位置和访问者的范围。 这些变化涉及采用开源的,理想的自我托管服务,这些服务通常需要服务器和相当多的技术知识才能正常工作。 但是,就像一个学习仅在游泳池浅水区游泳的孩子一样,我意识到自己的能力受到限制。

I had adopted dozens of open-source applications on my phone, but the phone itself was still deeply integrated in Google services. Every contact that I made was stored in a Google contacts database; many essential apps were installed through the Google Play store. Google Play Services — a bundle of APIs that enable Google to push notifications and updates and maintain a user tracking infrastructure and ad delivery service — delivered many fundamental elements of the Android experience. The Google Search bar sat on my home screen, unmovable and intransigent.

我在手机上采用了数十个开源应用程序,但手机本身仍深深地集成在Google服务中 。 我建立的每个联系人都存储在Google通讯录数据库中; 通过Google Play商店安装了许多基本应用。 Google Play服务(一组API,使Google能够推送通知和更新并维护用户跟踪基础结构和广告投放服务)提供了Android体验的许多基本要素。 Google搜索栏位于我的主屏幕上,无法移动且不固定。

The question arose: How much could be done to reduce Google on my phone and step away from the technology giant?


With a cheap USB flash drive, a self-hosted Nextcloud server on Raspberry Pi can have many times the storage capacity of a free Google account. Photo courtesy of the author
借助廉价的USB闪存驱动器,Raspberry Pi上的自托管Nextcloud服务器的存储容量是免费Google帐户的许多倍。 照片由作者提供

垂死的手机中的机会 (Opportunity in a dying phone)

The slow death of my smartphone, its lithium-ion battery gradually sputtering out after three years of arduous service, presented me with an opportunity to try and break out of that environment, or at least to shift its bounds. The phone would soon need to be replaced — what loss would it be, if it finally ended up broken in the pursuit of science?

我的智能手机缓慢死亡,其锂离子电池在经过三年的艰苦服务后逐渐耗尽,这为我提供了一个尝试摆脱这种环境或至少改变其界限的机会。 手机很快就需要更换了-如果最终因追求科学而破裂,那将是什么损失?

The majority of smartphones run some configuration of Android, an open source operating system designed and maintained by Google. Google distributes Android for free, partly because it derives revenue from the app store that comes with the OS, partly because each of the several billion phones it powers provides a window into the life of its user and a chance to push them toward Google products or sell them Google ads. Because it is open source, companies are able to modify the operating system to create a custom distribution, or “distro” — a unique flavor of Android that tweaks or adjusts that open source core. It is therefore possible to create a distro that runs Google software without relying on Google’s service infrastructure. LineageOS — an operating system that is almost pure Android — lets you choose to include or not include the Google suite of apps.

大多数智能手机运行某些配置的Android,这是由Google设计和维护的开源操作系统。 Google免费分发Android,部分是因为它从与操作系统一起提供的应用商店中获得收入,部分是因为它提供的数十亿部手机中的每部都提供了进入其用户生活的窗口,并有机会将其推向Google产品或向他们出售Google广告。 由于它是开源的,因此公司能够修改操作系统以创建自定义发行版或“发行版”(一种可调整或调整该开源内核的Android的独特风格)。 因此,可以创建一个运行Google软件的发行版,而无需依赖Google的服务基础架构。 LineageOS是几乎是纯Android的操作系统,可让您选择包含还是不包含Google应用套件。

Installing an alternative operating system on your phone requires venturing into the strange and deeply unsettling world of recovery bootloaders. Image: How To Geek
在手机上安装备用操作系统需要进入恢复引导加载程序的陌生且令人不安的世界。 图片:如何极客

Transplanting a custom distribution into a smartphone entails a fair measure of trepidation. I spent a lot of time sweating over LineageOS’s instructions, which, if followed to the letter, promise to wipe everything that made your phone function and then return it from the dead with a new and different OS. As I progressed, my phone issued a series of increasingly dire warnings meant to deter non-developers, somewhat channeling the death of HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey (“Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave?”). A careful unlocking of the systems protecting a phone’s startup software permits loading a temporary program to facilitate the deletion of my old data and the installation of my operating system. After about 30 minutes of muttered prayers and nervous double-and-triple-checking of instructions, I was rewarded with a phone reborn, sporting a pure new OS with very, very few applications on it.

将自定义发行版移植到智能手机中需要采取一定的措施。 我花了很多时间在LineageOS的说明上大汗淋漓,如果按照说明操作 ,它们将保证擦除使您的手机功能正常的所有内容,然后使用新的和不同的OS将其从死里归还。 随着我的前进,我的手机发出了一系列越来越严峻的警告,以阻止非开发人员,从某种程度上引导了2001年HAL的死亡:太空漫游 (“您刚才在做什么,戴夫?”)。 仔细解锁保护手机启动软件的系统,可以加载临时程序,以方便删除我的旧数据和安装操作系统。 经过大约30分钟的轻声祈祷和紧张而又反复的两次检查指示,我获得了重生的电话奖励,换了一个纯新的操作系统,上面只有很少的应用程序。

勇敢的新世界 (A Brave New World)

Manipulating a phone without Google Play Services feels strange, like using a limb that has fallen asleep and responds to instructions strangely. None of the stock Google applications are present — Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Maps are absent from the app drawer. The ubiquitous Google Search bar disappears from the home screen. The Google Assistant vanishes. My contacts database is empty (and must be regenerated through a backup). The stock browser is simply called “Browser.” And, most tellingly, the Google Play Store is nowhere to be found, a fact that quickly becomes apparent when I attempt to do something outside of a web browser.

在没有Google Play服务的情况下操作手机会感到很奇怪,就像使用一只已经入睡且对指令的React异常的肢体一样。 没有可用的Google应用程序库存-应用程序抽屉中没有Google Drive,Gmail和Google Maps。 随处可见的Google搜索栏从主屏幕上消失。 Google助手消失了。 我的联系人数据库为空(必须通过备份重新生成)。 股票浏览器简称为“浏览器”。 而且,最能说明问题的是,找不到Google Play商店,当我尝试在网络浏览器之外进行操作时,这一事实很快就会显现出来。

It is in the loss of applications that the absence of Google is most clearly felt. Apps are what make a smartphone essential to daily life; servicing our impulses at the push of a button, they connect us to our news and media, to navigation, to messaging clients and the broader world. Android without Google feels akin to an empty sandbox. Counterintuitively, the immediate sensation upon loading up a Google-free phone is constraint.

最明显的感觉是缺少应用程序,而没有Google。 应用是使智能手机成为日常生活必不可少的要素。 只需按一下按钮即可为我们的冲动服务,它们将我们连接到我们的新闻和媒体,导航,消息传递客户以及更广阔的世界。 没有Google的Android感觉就像一个空的沙箱。 与直觉相反,加载无Google手机的立即感觉是约束

To install apps on a phone without the Google Play Store, you need an alternate source of applications. It’s possible to download and install Android apps directly off the internet, but this option rapidly becomes unmanageable. Gone are the days of static software that is released and endures without significant change until the next version is released. Many development teams edit their code daily, and the alterations can frequently result in official updates several times a week. In a world where new features are constantly created and security flaws are constantly uncovered, it is not only impracticable but dangerous to use out-of-date software on an internet-enabled device. For this reason, the Google Play App store typically keeps a constant watch on changes in apps and updates them, often in the background. Without an automated service of some kind handling this task, the user is overwhelmed — the use of a device subsumed to the act of maintaining it.

要在没有Google Play商店的手机上安装应用程序,您需要其他应用程序源。 可以直接从Internet下载和安装Android应用程序,但是此选项很快变得难以管理。 发行静态软件的日子已经一去不复返了,直到下一个版本发行之前,这些软件可以持续运行而无需进行重大更改。 许多开发团队每天都会编辑代码 ,而更改经常会导致每周几次官方更新。 在一个不断创建新功能并且不断发现安全漏洞的世界中,在支持Internet的设备上使用过时的软件不仅不切实际,而且危险。 因此,Google Play应用商店通常会持续监视应用中的更改并经常在后台对其进行更新。 如果没有某种自动化服务来处理此任务,那么用户将不堪重负-使用包含于维护该设备的行为的设备。

F-Droid is an open source alternative to the Google Play Store. Can you find the app you were looking for here? Probably not, but you might find a free, open source alternative. Image: F-Droid
F-Droid是Google Play商店的开源替代品。 您可以在这里找到想要的应用程序吗? 可能不是,但是您可能会找到免费的开源替代方案。 图片:F-Droid

Those of us seeking an alternative to Google Play can find a refuge in a number of different options, but the most established alternative provider of free and open-source apps on Android is F-Droid. F-Droid keeps a repository of thousands of apps and takes on the task of notifying the user about changes and updates. In terms of overall experience, the process of finding an application is very similar to using Google Play Services: You search for an app, read the description provided by the developer, and download. There’s no review system to be found, so we’re left to make a judgment based on the quality of the images and descriptions left by the author (and how recently the app has been updated). Many crucial tasks are possible through open-source apps.

我们中那些寻求Google Play替代产品的人可以在许多不同的选择中寻求庇护,但是最成熟的Android免费和开源应用替代产品提供商是F-Droid 。 F-Droid保留了数千个应用程序的存储库,并承担了将更改和更新通知用户的任务。 从总体经验来看,查找应用程序的过程与使用Google Play服务非常相似:搜索应用程序,阅读开发人员提供的说明,然后下载。 找不到评论系统,因此我们只能根据作者留下的图像和描述的质量(以及应用程序的近期更新)做出判断。 通过开源应用程序可以完成许多关键任务。

In my experiment, I used F-Droid to install a suite of different open source services: OsmAnd+ to replace Google Maps, Telegram and Riot for messaging, Fedilab for a Twitter-like social experience, Nextcloud (for cloud file management), AntennaPod, and various browsers. Each experience was comparable — though not identical — to those provided by for-profit, data or ad-driven companies.

在实验中,我使用F-Droid安装了一套不同的开源服务: OsmAnd +替代了Google Maps, Telegram和Riot进行了消息传递, Fedilab进行了类似Twitter的社交体验, Nextcloud (用于云文件管理), AntennaPod ,和各种浏览器。 每种体验都可以与营利性,数据或广告驱动公司提供的体验进行比较,尽管不尽相同。

When using free and open-source software, it’s easy to feel a sense of liberation. “Open source” does not necessarily connote a rejection of profit — indeed, some of the biggest tech companies maintain open source software as a part of their business model. Nevertheless, somehow in this hyper-capitalist age many developers have combined forces to create software free for anyone to use. Certainly the hardware it runs on cost money, as does the data connection that transfigures the phone from a paperweight made of rare-earth minerals, glass, and plastic into a portal to the whole of the world’s information, but the software itself is free. As one deploys these apps to find new places, speak with people, access and share information, it’s possible to envision a world of collaboration and technological plenty, where people collaborate for the common good.

使用免费和开源软件时,很容易感到解放。 “开源”并不一定意味着对利润的拒绝-实际上,一些大型科技公司将开源软件作为其业务模型的一部分进行维护 。 尽管如此,在这个超级资本主义时代,许多开发人员已经合力创建了免费的软件供任何人使用。 当然,它运行的硬件是要花钱的,数据连接也可以将电话从由稀土矿物,玻璃和塑料制成的纸镇转变成通往全世界信息门户的数据连接,但是软件本身是免费的。 当人们部署这些应用程序以寻找新的地方,与人交谈,访问和共享信息时,就有可能设想一个协作和技术丰富的世界,人们可以为了共同的利益进行协作。

At its best, this is what a device running open-source software delivers. In a world where six in 10 Americans believe that it is not possible to go through their daily life without their data being collected, truly open-source operating systems convey a sense that the watchers are held at bay. Interactions between the user and the machine — if not inviolate — are at least guarded by an honest servant. It’s a glimpse of what technology is supposed to be, an interaction that leaves us “all more empowered,” as Brand put it, “as individuals and co-operators.”

最好的是,这是运行开源软件的设备所提供的。 在这个十分之六的美国人认为,不收集其数据就不可能度过日常生活的真正世界中,真正的开源操作系统传达出一种看守者被困的感觉。 用户和机器之间的交互(如果不加侵犯),至少要由诚实的仆人来保护。 这是技术应该是什么样子的一瞥,这种相互作用使我们像布兰德所说的那样 ,“作为个人和合作者”拥有更大的权力。

遏制雄心 (Curbing ambitions)

While many functions can be filled with open-source alternatives, specific services are only available through the Google Play Store. Although Signal and ProtonMail are open source, they rely on Google Play Services to send notifications. Other proprietary, but nevertheless essential services, such as popular two-factor authentication applications or password managers, are likewise dependent. If at any point you’re reliant on a service that isn’t obtainable through an open-source marketplace, you’re faced with a difficult choice: either to abandon it or to limit the scope of your endeavor to be Google free.

尽管许多功能都可以用开放源代码替代品来填充,但特定的服务仅可通过Google Play商店获得。 尽管Signal和ProtonMail是开源的,但它们依靠Google Play服务发送通知。 其他专有的但仍然必不可少的服务,例如流行的两因素身份验证应用程序或密码管理器,也同样依赖。 如果您在任何时候都依赖于无法通过开源市场获得的服务,那么您将面临一个艰难的选择:要么放弃它,要么限制您免费使用Google的范围。

A half-compromise presents itself, satisfying neither the goal of a phone without Google or the convenience Google provides. Aurora is an open-source interface for the Google Play Store, which enables you to crack a window on the “no Google” policy rather than fully open the door. You log in with your Google credentials and access the Google Play Store library of free applications. We’re therefore dependent on a proprietary big-tech service to obtain applications, but because Google Play Services is not installed, Google’s ad-delivery and tracking mechanisms are still omitted.

不折不扣的自我呈现,既无法满足没有Google的手机的目标,也无法满足Google提供的便利。 Aurora是Google Play商店的开源界面,可让您破解“禁止Google”政策的窗口,而不是完全打开大门。 您使用Google凭据登录并访问免费应用程序的Google Play商店库。 因此,我们依赖专有的大型技术服务来获取应用程序,但是由于未安装Google Play服务,因此仍省略了Google的广告投放和跟踪机制。

Apps installed through this process often function strangely. Notifications that rely on Google Play Services break, so Twitter and ProtonMail are silent until opened. (Depending on the user, this might be an improvement.) Other applications, like Authy, send a warning whenever they are opened, vehemently protesting that they don’t function without Google Play Services. Sometimes this notice was the only indication that something had gone awry, creating an experience somewhat akin to walking through a building with an active fire alarm but no obvious sign of flames. One can be certain something is going wrong, it’s just not visible at this moment. And other applications failed to work altogether. My beloved NPR One app couldn’t function without the support of the Google infrastructure — a hint that my project had an end date.

通过此过程安装的应用程序通常运行异常。 依赖于Google Play服务的通知会中断,因此Twitter和ProtonMail会保持沉默直到打开。 (这取决于用户,这可能是一种改进。)其他应用程序(如Authy)会在每次打开时发出警告,强烈抗议它们如果没有Google Play服务将无法运行。 有时,此通知是出现问题的唯一迹象,从而创造了一种类似于在建筑物中行走的体验,该建筑物带有主动式火灾报警器,但没有明显的火焰迹象。 可以肯定的是 出问题了,目前还不可见。 其他应用程序完全无法正常工作。 没有Google基础架构的支持,我心爱的NPR One应用程序无法运行-暗示我的项目已经结束。

复发 (Relapse)

Everyone who tries to eliminate big tech from their lives finds an end point. When pushing out of the cozy apps and services that power our daily interactions, things become harder to do, less convenient, more cumbersome. At the outset, it may be possible to find open-source and free alternative applications that mirror, or at least, approximate the behavior of our services, perhaps with a little less polish, perhaps with a different or diminished functionality. Eventually, however, orthodoxy requires not just adaptation but abnegation, a limitation of one’s own actions and impulses. I ended up drawing the line at a phone that constantly protested that lack of Google Play Services. I am willing to tolerate my own craving of seamless convenience; I’m less willing to accept when my device itself is harping on its addiction to tech giants, protesting like a traveling companion that never signed on to the destination.

每个试图从生活中消除大型技术的人都找到了终点。 当推出支持我们日常交互的舒适应用程序和服务时,事情变得更难做,更不方便,更麻烦。 首先,可能会找到开源或免费的替代应用程序,这些应用程序可能至少反映了我们服务的行为,或者至少近似地反映了我们的服务行为,也许没有那么完善,或者功能有所不同或有所减少。 然而,最终,正教不仅需要适应,而且还需要舍弃,这是对自己行为和冲动的限制。 我最终在一条电话上划了界线,该电话一直在抗议缺少Google Play服务。 我愿意忍受自己对无缝便利性的渴望; 当我的设备本身正对高科技巨头产生沉迷感时,我就不太愿意接受,就像从来没有签到目的地的旅行同伴一样抗议。

Ripping out Google Play Services might have allowed me to see what a “phone without Google” felt like, but it didn’t do anything to prevent the death of my hardware. My battery was clearly kicking the bucket, and I knew that a new phone was just around the corner. One Saturday evening I held my breath, and repeated the process from the beginning to wipe my phone and restore it to a clean, standard Android experience. A refurbished replacement phone arrived in the mail, and my dead device was sent off to replace it. As I held the replacement device in my hand, I considered what I should do with it. A part of me wanted to wipe my phone as I had before, remove the Google Play Services and try to push the bounds a bit further.

翻录Google Play服务可能使我看到了“没有Google的手机”的感觉,但是它并没有采取任何措施来防止硬件死亡。 我的电池显然快要命中了,而且我知道即将有一部新手机出现。 一个星期六晚上,我屏住了呼吸,从头开始重复该过程,以擦除手机并将其恢复为干净的标准Android体验。 一封翻新的替换电话收到了邮件,我的旧设备也被送去替换。 当我握住替换设备时,我考虑了应该如何处理。 我的一部分希望像以前一样擦拭手机,删除Google Play服务,然后再尝试进一步扩展。

It’s possible to envision a world of collaboration and technological plenty, where people collaborate for the common good.


The impulse was fleeting. I submitted. I booted up the phone as normal, signed into my Google account, and initiated the relapse, downloading the proprietary apps and experiences that power my daily life. Hello again, Big Brother.

冲动转瞬即逝。 我提交了。 我正常启动了手机,登录了我的Google帐户,然后启动了复发操作,下载了支持我日常生活的专有应用和体验。 大家好,老兄

There are trends in the open-source community that suggest that phones that deliver on Android’s original promise of an “open” operating system are not too far off. At the time this article is written, at least two hardware companies are in the early stages of developing a phone capable of running a Linux-based operating system. Purism’s $749 Librem 5 phone is an attempt at both open software and hardware, with a phone that, when finished, will run Linux-based applications through its PureOS operating system on hardware that is almost all free of proprietary code. The cheaper PinePhone ($149) is likewise an open phone capable of running Linux-based distributions such as UBports, postmarketOS, or Sailfish OS. None of these operating systems rely on software dependent on big technology companies to function. And none — as yet — provide an experience to compete with the convenience and effortless functionality of proprietary big tech solutions. Hopefully, as they mature, they provide a viable alternative for people who are concerned about the prevalence of big tech in our big lives, but that day has not yet come except for an enthusiastic minority of users.

开源社区中的趋势表明,能够实现Android最初承诺的“开放”操作系统的手机距离还不太远。 在撰写本文时,至少有两家硬件公司正处于开发能够运行基于Linux操作系统的手机的早期阶段。 Purism售价749美元的Librem 5手机是对开放软件和硬件的尝试,该手机完成后将通过其PureOS操作系统在几乎完全不含专有代码的硬件上运行基于Linux的应用程序。 便宜PinePhone ($ 149),同样能够运行基于Linux的发行版本,比如一个开放的手机UBports , postmarketOS ,或旗鱼操作系统 。 这些操作系统都不依赖于依赖大型技术公司的软件来运行。 迄今为止,没有一家公司能够提供与专有大技术解决方案的便利性和轻松功能竞争的经验。 希望随着它们的成熟,它们为关心大型技术在我们的大生活中盛行的人们提供了一种可行的选择,但是除了少数热情的用户之外,这一天还没有到来。

Even the most die-hard advocates for an open-source ecosystem acknowledge that a community of fringe adopters of experimental solutions won’t solve the problem of technology giants run amok, gluttons for the world’s personal data. As Zeynep Tufecki writes, “Data privacy is … like air quality or safe drinking water, a public good that cannot be effectively regulated by trusting in the wisdom of millions of individual choices. A more collective response is needed.” Until regulation by governments can address the issue, mandating greater data protections, those of us seeking technology without big tech must live on the experiential fringe. Adventuring into the realm of open-source, privacy respecting software, while occasionally limiting, provides a technological freedom that today is rare and altogether fleeting.

即使是最顽固的开源生态系统倡导者也承认,实验解决方案的边缘采用者社区不会解决技术巨头为世界范围内的个人数据run之以鼻的问题。 正如Zeynep Tufecki所说: “数据隐私就像……空气质量或安全的饮用水一样,是无法通过信任数百万个人选择的智慧来有效调节的公共物品。 需要更集体的回应。” 在政府监管能够解决该问题,要求加强数据保护之前,我们中那些寻求技术而不拥有大技术的人必须生活在经验边缘。 冒险进入开源,尊重隐私的软件领域,尽管有时会受到限制,但它提供了一种技术自由,而这种自由如今是罕见的,而且一时变得短暂。

翻译自: https://onezero.medium/life-on-the-technological-fringe-ad3348eefa6f

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