


Every week, I get an email from freeCodeCamp with a story about someone who learned to code and got their dream job. Those stories kept me motivated while pursuing my own dream job.

每周,我都会收到来自freeCodeCamp的电子邮件,其中包含有关某人的故事,这些人学会了编码并获得了梦想的工作。 这些故事使我在追求自己的梦想工作的过程中充满了动力。

Now that I’ve been hired after just 11 months of learning JavaScript 😲, I wanted to share my story to hopefully motivate others down the road.

现在,我在学习JavaScript just仅仅11个月后就被录用了,我想分享我的故事,以期激励其他人。

(Full disclosure: before starting HTML/CSS/JavaScript in January 2019, I had some basic Python skills from college. Nothing advanced, but a good starting point.)

( 全面披露 :在2019年1月开始使用HTML / CSS / JavaScript之前,我具有大学方面的一些基本Python技能。没有什么进步,但是是一个很好的起点。)

The four biggest sources of my growth as a developer:


  1. freeCodeCamp

  2. #100DaysOfCode

  3. My mentor

  4. Online community


freeCodeCamp (freeCodeCamp)

This is where I started learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript last January as a  total newbie. It takes you step by step, teaching you the basics.

去年一月,我从这里开始学习HTML,CSS和JavaScript,作为一个新手。 它一步一步地教您基础知识。

I began at the beginning: by saying “Hello World” on a blank page. As the saying goes, “Getting started is the hardest part,” and simply saying “hello” made it easy.

我从头开始:在空白页上说“ Hello World”。 俗话说,“入门是最难的部分”,而简单地说“ hello”就很容易。

I progressed through the Basic HTML and HTML5 tutorials and on to the Basic CSS tutorials. So far, so good.

我学习了基本HTML和HTML5教程以及基本CSS教程。 到目前为止,一切都很好。

I continued through the Responsive Web Design curriculum until I arrived at the projects.


This is where you get to put your new skills to practice. No projects — no gains.

在这里,您可以练习新技能。 没有项目-没有收获。

I’ll be frank. It’s tough. But you also have an enormous community behind you to help you push through. Some quick tips:

我会坦率的。 这很难。 但是您背后也有一个庞大的社区,可以帮助您继续前进。 一些快速提示:

  1. Start by looking at examples. A quick Google search will show you how others (newbies and pros alike) did their projects. Get some ideas here.

    首先看例子 。 快速的Google搜索将向您展示其他人(无论是新手还是专业人士)如何完成他们的项目。 在这里获取一些想法。

  2. Sketch it out. Paper and pencil are your friends.

    勾画出来 。 纸和铅笔是你的朋友。

  3. Follow the user stories. Each project comes with a set of required elements that provide you some structure (which is great for getting started).

    跟踪用户故事 每个项目都带有一组必需的元素,这些元素为您提供了一些结构(这对于入门非常有用)。

  4. Google to your heart’s desire. Experienced developers don’t have everything memorized — you certainly don’t need to. Here’s proof.

    Google尽您所能 。 经验丰富的开发人员不会记住所有内容,您当然不需要。 这是证明 。

  5. Find other tutorials if you get stuck. Can’t grasp a concept? Google it and find another tutorial. Get another perspective. Then come back to it.

    如果遇到困难,请查找其他教程 。 无法掌握概念? 谷歌它,找到另一个教程。 换个角度来看。 然后回到它。

I made my way through the first four Responsive Web Design projects alright, and then I got to the Personal Portfolio project.

我顺利完成了前四个响应式Web设计项目,然后进入了Personal Portfolio项目。

I spent a long time here, trying to make it perfect. I essentially stopped progress on other things in life to dedicate more time to my portfolio.

我在这里呆了长时间,试图使其完美。 我基本上停止了生活中其他方面的进步,将更多的时间用于我的投资组合。

I mean, this is how I’m going to showcase my work!


I ended up learning Bootstrap to help with responsiveness, and I upgraded my HTML/CSS skills a ton. Putting skills to practice — that’s what counts.

我最终学习了Bootstrap以帮助提高响应能力,并且大量提高了我HTML / CSS技能。 实践技能-这才是关键。

And with that, I earned my Responsive Web Design Certification. Such a great feeling 😁

这样,我获得了响应式Web设计认证。 感觉真好😁

100天的代码 (100DaysOfCode)

I truly can’t emphasize how huge a role this challenge played in my learning. I wouldn’t have gotten hired without it.

我真的不能强调这个挑战在我的学习中扮演着多么重要的角色。 没有它,我就不会被录用。

#100DaysOfCode is a challenge for developers of all experience levels. (Pssst… that means you.)

#100DaysOfCode对于所有经验水平的开发人员都是一个挑战。 (Pssst…意味着您。)

TL;DR — you code for 1 hour every day for 100 days straight. Work on whatever you like. Just code. At the end of the day, log your progress on GitHub and Twitter.

TL; DR-您每天连续1个小时编码100天。 随心所欲地工作。 只是代码。 最终,在GitHub和Twitter上记录您的进度。

And don’t worry — you can miss a day here and there. Life happens. The important thing is to get back to it the next day. Make it part of your daily routine.

不用担心-您可能会在这里和那里错过一天。 这就是生活。 重要的是第二天要恢复到原来的状态。 使其成为您日常工作的一部分。

It was tough. And it was great.

辛苦了 那很棒

What do you work on for 100 days? I developed a website for my students from scratch. It grades their homework, logs their grades, tracks their attendance, and lets them send me anonymous messages. Considering I had never built a website before, this took the majority of the 100 days.

您从事100天的工作是什么? 我从头开始为我的学生们开发了一个网站。 它给他们的作业评分,记录他们的成绩,跟踪他们的出勤率,并让他们向我发送匿名消息。 考虑到我以前从未建立过网站,这花费了100天的大部分时间。

In this process, I gained experience with a ton of new technologies, like Node.js, Express.js, AJAX, user authentication, dynamic rendering, email protocol, HTTPS, and SQLite, for starters. And I learned each part for a real-life need.

在此过程中,我获得了许多新技术的经验,例如Node.js,Express.js,AJAX,用户身份验证,动态渲染,电子邮件协议,HTTPS和SQLite。 我了解了现实生活中的每个部分。

Again for the people in the back — “for a real-life need”.


Doing things for the sake of learning is great, but that’s usually not an end in itself. Applying your skills to solve a real-life problem is where it’s all worthwhile.

为学习而做的事情很棒,但这本身并不是目的。 应用您的技能来解决现实生活中的问题是值得的。

If you haven’t taken on this challenge yet — do it. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn.

如果您尚未接受挑战,那就去做吧。 您会惊讶于您学到了多少东西。

Did someone say “New Year’s resolution”?


(Fun story: my wife caught a cold during my #100DaysOfCode, so I also built a simple app using the Facebook Messenger API to automatically message her every 15 minutes to drink more water.

(有趣的故事:我的妻子在#100DaysOfCode期间感冒了,所以我还使用Facebook Messenger API构建了一个简单的应用程序 ,每隔15分钟自动向她发送消息以喝更多的水。

She hated it. I loved it 😜 )

她讨厌它。 我喜欢它😜)

我的导师 (My mentor)

Naturally, I got stuck often.


And before you skip this section, thinking, “Well, I don’t have a mentor, so…”, you don’t need a personal mentor (though it’s certainly nice). There are tons of people online willing to help you out.

在跳过本节之前,您会想到:“好吧,我没有导师,所以……”,您不需要私人导师(尽管肯定不错)。 在线有很多人愿意为您提供帮助。

Where to look?


  1. Stack Overflow: this one’s probably obvious, but you’d be surprised how many questions are answered here. This is where I always start when I have a weird bug.

    堆栈溢出 :这可能很明显,但是您会惊讶于这里回答了多少个问题。 当我遇到奇怪的错误时,我总是从这里开始。

  2. Reddit: I just recently found a couple of subreddits that are great when you have a question that you can’t find on Stack Overflow. r/learnprogramming and r/learnjavascript are perfect for this.

    Reddit :我最近发现了一些子reddit ,当您有在Stack Overflow上找不到的问题时,这些子reddit非常有用。 r / learnprogramming和r / learnjavascript非常适合此功能。

  3. freeCodeCamp forum: another judgement-free place you can go with newbie questions 😄

    freeCodeCamp论坛 :您可以免去新手提问的另一个免评场所😄

  4. YouTube: again, pretty obvious, and some channels will suit you better than others, but most of the time you can find a good tutorial for your next project! I recommend checking out a few different tutorials for a new project before getting started — never know whose teaching style will jive with you best.

    YouTube :同样,很明显,有些渠道比其他渠道更适合您,但是大多数时候您可以为下一个项目找到一个不错的教程! 我建议您在开始之前先为新项目查看一些不同的教程-永远不知道谁的教学风格会与您最好地融合在一起。

  5. A mentor: last but not least, if you know someone who’s willing to answer your endless questions (like I had/have), trade brain power for coffee. More often than not, people are happy to see you learning.

    导师 :最后但并非最不重要的一点,如果您知道有人愿意回答您无休止的问题(例如我曾经/曾经),请以脑力换咖啡。 人们常常很高兴看到您学习。

I’ll admit, my mentor and professor (a Russian computer scientist — who would’ve thought?) was extremely instrumental in my success thus far, but I see lots of people online who don’t have a mentor and make do. I just got lucky.

我承认,到目前为止,我的导师和教授(俄罗斯计算机科学家,谁会想到?)对我的成功至关重要,但是我看到很多网上没有导师的人会做。 我很幸运。

在线社区 (Online Community)

I got into Twitter purely for the programming community. People are so enthusiastic about learning to code and teaching others. It’s a huge source of encouragement and full of learning opportunities.

我纯粹是为编程社区而设计的。 人们非常热衷于学习编码和教别人。 这是巨大的鼓励来源,并且充满学习机会。

Personally, I like hearing from @WellPaidGeek, @ossia, @kvlly, @js_tut, @cassidoo, and of course, @freeCodeCamp.

就个人而言,我喜欢听到@ WellPaidGeek,@ ossia,@ kvlly,@ js_tut,@ cassidoo,当然还有@freeCodeCamp。

I also subscribed to Medium’s news feed as well as Quora. Plug in a few of your interests and enjoy the articles that pour into your inbox. This lets you see what people are writing about and what’s happening in the field.

我还订阅了Medium的新闻Feed和Quora。 插入您的一些兴趣爱好,然后欣赏倾倒在收件箱中的文章。 这使您可以查看人们在写什么以及该领域中正在发生的事情。

And importantly, Quincy Larson’s weekly emails from freeCodeCamp. I love those. (Sign up here!)

重要的是,昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)从freeCodeCamp获得的每周电子邮件。 我爱那些。 (在这里注册!)

面试 (The Interview)

So how’d I land the job? A few steps here.

那我怎么找到工作呢? 这里有几个步骤。

First, I went to my university's career fair. I brought a resume that showcased my personal projects, since I didn’t have any formal work experience, and I talked to ~6 companies.

首先,我去了大学的招聘会。 由于我没有任何正式的工作经验,所以我带了一份简历来展示我的个人项目,并与〜6家公司进行了交谈。

One critical question I asked every employer: “What can I learn now to prepare me for the job?” They like hearing that, and I was sincere. I’ll learn whatever I need to.

我问了每个雇主一个关键问题:“我现在可以学到什么来为我做这份工作做好准备?” 他们喜欢听,我很真诚。 我会学任何我需要的东西。

After a few weeks, I got an email inviting me in for a full-time interview at one of the companies. I had no idea what the interview would be like, but I wanted to give it a shot.

几周后,我收到一封电子邮件,邀请我参加其中一家公司的全职采访。 我不知道面试会是什么样,但我想试一下。

It was pretty relaxed, lots of talk about my career change and my background. Then they opened up my GitHub repos in front of me and started with some questions about my code. I did the best I could.

这很轻松,关于我的职业变化和背景的讨论很多。 然后他们在我面前打开了我的GitHub存储库,并开始了有关我的代码的一些问题。 我已经尽力了。

What I made sure to emphasize:


  1. I like to be challenged.

  2. I want to build apps that help people.

  3. I love what I’m doing, and I’m motivated to pursue it.


I guess it went well 🤷🏻‍♂️


摘要 (Summary)

Join #100DaysOfCode. Do projects that you can use. Join the online community. Apply to jobs (even if you don’t meet the job description — yet). And stay motivated.

加入#100DaysOfCode。 做您可以使用的项目。 加入在线社区。 适用于职位(即使您不符合职位说明)。 并保持动力。

If you’re learning to code and want to land a developer job someday, remember this:


I’m no outlier. Lots of people out there are learning to code, challenging themselves every day, and making their dreams come true. You can, too.
我没有异常。 许多人都在学习编码,每天挑战自我,实现梦想。 你也可以

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/how-freecodecamp-and-100daysofcode-helped-me-get-hired-in-under-a-year/


本文标签: 我在时间内freecodecampfreeCodeCampDaysOfCode