


I recently had an opportunity to grill Wendy White, Project Manager for Team Australia, about her experience with FullCodePress last month. Wendy’s team was tasked with building a website for NSW Disability Discrimination Legal Centre. While her team didn’t win the competition, the final product (done from start to finish in 24 hours) was pretty impressive!

最近,我有机会向澳大利亚团队的项目经理Wendy White汇报了她上个月在FullCodePress工作的经历。 温迪的团队的任务是为新南威尔士州残疾歧视法律中心建立一个网站。 尽管她的团队没有赢得比赛,但是最终产品(24小时内从头到尾完成)确实令人印象深刻!

Here are the highlights from my interview with Wendy, including how she and another member of her team competed while fighting the flu, and how she used her “not unremarkable” array of martial arts skills to support her teammates!


Alyssa Gregory: Tell me about your role on your team.

Alyssa Gregory:告诉我您在团队中的角色。

Wendy White: I was the Project Manager. I guided team discussions and planning, and tried to keep everyone sane, unhassled and productive during the competition.

温迪·怀特:我是项目经理。 我指导了团队讨论和计划,并试图在比赛中保持所有人的理智,轻松和高效。

When I applied for the role, I assumed that most of it could be performed prior to the competition during our preparation process. My plan was to get a solid timeline set up, and then give us an edge during the competition by doubling as an extra team member in whatever area needed the most work done.

当我申请该职位时,我认为大部分工作都可以在我们的准备过程中的比赛前进行。 我的计划是建立一个可靠的时间表,然后在需要完成最多工作的任何领域加倍增加一名团队成员,从而在比赛中占据优势。

This was somewhat premature as it turned out the project management kept me fully occupied throughout the entire competition! So there you go. Turns out Project Management really is a full time job after all!

这还为时过早,因为事实证明,项目管理使我在整个比赛中全神贯注! 所以你去了。 事实证明,项目管理毕竟是一项全职工作!

AG: Were there any challenges with the team dynamic?


WW: There were no real personality conflicts – we did have the opportunity to converse via email for a week or so before the competition – but getting our working styles to mesh together was tough. Normally, you would learn about a team’s style over time – who works best with regular personal check-ins, who needs motivating and re-focusing, all that stuff. There was no opportunity for that. We had to adapt to each other’s way of doing things on the fly.

WW:没有真正的人格冲突-我们确实有机会在比赛前一个星期左右通过电子邮件进行交谈-但要使我们的工作风格保持一致是很困难的。 通常,随着时间的推移,您会了解团队的风格-谁最适合定期进行个人签到,谁需要激发和重新关注所有这些东西。 没有机会。 我们必须适应彼此的动态处理方式。

Keeping everyone sane during the great dramas was a bit tough. Like the wireless network continually dropping out due to all the CeBIT traffic causing our CMS to save over completed content with corrupted half-saves, but my team rose to every challenge!

在精彩的戏剧中保持所有人的理智有些困难。 就像由于所有CeBIT流量而导致无线网络不断掉线,导致我们的CMS用损坏的半保存内容保存了完整的内容一样,但是我的团队迎接了每个挑战!

Everyone had a great attitude, and now that we’ve worked together once, I’d find it a lot easier to manage the team a second time. At the end of the competition, everyone was unanimous – we wanted to have another go!

每个人都有很好的态度,现在我们在一起工作过一次,我发现第二次管理团队要容易得多。 比赛结束时,所有人都一致同意-我们想再去一次!

AG: Tell me about the client you worked with.


WW: Our client was the NSW DDLC – quite a mouthful. That stands for the New South Wales Disability Discrimination Legal Centre. They provide an overwhelming amount of resources and support for people with disabilities, and their supporters.

WW:我们的客户是新南威尔士州的DDLC-相当可观。 代表新南威尔士州的残疾歧视法律中心。 他们为残疾人及其支持者提供了大量资源和支持。

The client had an existing website, but the design and IA needed a complete overhaul, and there was a lot more content to be added.


The two representatives from the DDLC, Natalie and Peter, were fantastic. Both were very enthusiastic and had clearly put a lot of time into thinking about the website prior to the event. Peter is deaf, so we had to communicate with him via an interpreter. However, the interpreter was only available for a handful of hours during the day, so we ended up relying on other means of communicating for the majority of the competition. He is actually a very skilled lip reader, which made life a lot easier. He was a real champion, staying with us until 5:00 am in order to answer any additional queries we had while we were working on the website – and he was back again by 9:00 am! We were very fortunate to have him around for such an extended time.

DDLC的两位代表Natalie和Peter非常出色。 两者都很热情,并且在活动开始之前显然已经花了很多时间来考虑该网站。 彼得聋了,所以我们不得不通过口译员与他沟通。 但是,该口译员一天只提供几个小时的服务,因此我们在大部分比赛中都依赖其他沟通方式。 他实际上是一个非常熟练的嘴唇读取器,这使生活变得容易得多。 他是一位真正的拥护者,为了与我们在网站上工作时遇到的任何其他疑问保持在一起,直到5:00上午–他在9:00之前又回来了! 我们很幸运能将他陪伴这么长时间。

Natalie was very generous and brought us all kinds of sugary pick-me-ups to keep us going throughout the competition. We had to be careful not to indulge in those too much, though, otherwise we would have been shaking too much to do any work!

娜塔莉(Natalie)非常慷慨,为我们带来了各种含糖的接送服务,使我们在比赛中一路前进。 但是,我们必须注意不要过多地沉迷其中,否则我们将摇得太多而无法做任何工作!

AG: How did you tackle the hurdle of creating your client’s visual identity in only a few hours?


WW: Well, we were very lucky to have Rhonda, Patrick and Alexi on the team, as their considerable experience helped keep that process focused and efficient. They had a very intense discussion session with the client after our initial general group discussion and were able to get some very good information early on about what would work.

WW:嗯,我们很幸运能将Rhonda,Patrick和Alexi加入团队,因为他们的丰富经验帮助保持了流程的专注和高效。 在我们最初的一般小组讨论之后,他们与客户进行了非常激烈的讨论,并且能够尽早获得一些有用的信息。

Our client’s brief was “serious, business-like, but hopeful” and I think the design of the site embodies that perfectly. Due to the fact that people with visual and motor disabilities would be using the website, making the site accessible to them with clear menus and large areas to click on were a must.

客户的简介是“严肃,类似业务但充满希望的”,我认为网站的设计完美地体现了这一点。 由于视力和运动障碍人士会使用该网站,因此必须通过清晰的菜单和较大的点击区域使他们可以访问该网站。

AG: Did you follow your usual process? Any shortcuts taken?

AG:您是否遵循您的常规流程? 有捷径吗?

WW: VERY no and VERY yes! This was an artificial, compressed way of doing things and as such a lot of our normal processes just wouldn’t work. One of the biggest challenges for us was attempting to work on all areas of the site simultaneously, when normally there would far less overlap. Trying to keep everyone busy but not allowing anyone’s work to stop others from getting things done was a tricky business.

WW:非常不,非常非常! 这是一种人为的,压缩的工作方式,因此我们的许多正常流程都无法正常工作。 对于我们来说,最大的挑战之一是试图同时在站点的所有区域进行工作,而通常情况下,重叠的机会要少得多。 试图让每个人都忙,但不允许任何人的工作阻止他人完成工作是一件棘手的事情。

Elle, for example, made effective use of her time setting up the CMS, a basic template and patching up security holes while she waited on the design from Alexi. Alexi searched for source images while Patrick and Rhonda reviewed and shuffled the website’s IA.

例如,Elle在等待Alexi的设计时,充分利用了自己的时间来设置CMS,基本模板并修补安全漏洞。 Alexi搜索源图像,而Patrick和Rhonda则审查并改组了网站的IA。

We couldn’t take things to the depth we’re normally able to during the development process. We also had to be very severe with our “must haves” and “nice to haves” list. I know every shortcut taken hurt Patrick in particular – he’s a fantastic user advocate and it was hard for him to have so little time to asses the site audience’s needs. Alexi also didn’t want to hand over the template for Elle to code until he was 100% happy with it, but if we did it again we’d probably do a quick and dirty version for coding first before spending time on the polish.

在开发过程中,我们无法深入到通常能够做到的深度。 我们还必须严格对待我们的“必备品”和“必备品”清单。 我知道所采取的每项捷径都特别伤害了Patrick –他是一位出色的用户拥护者,他很难花这么少的时间来评估网站受众的需求。 Alexi也不想在Elle满意之前就交给模板进行编码,直到他100%满意为止,但是如果我们再次这样做,我们可能会先做一个快速而肮脏的版本来进行编码,然后再花些时间进行修饰。

My team are actually adding a few extra things to the website over the next month, because there’s things that we just can’t leave undone even though they had to be cut from the original website due to the 24-hour timeframe, such as creating an option to view the website using a high contrast style sheet.


AG: How did you handle the sleep deprivation?


WW: Surprisingly, we actually drank almost no coffee and only had small amounts of sugar throughout the night. We knew that we couldn’t rely on getting one huge hit of energy every few hours – the repeated sugar/caffeine crashes would wreck us too much in the long haul – so we opted to eat a lot of whole, unprocessed foods along with the occasional Tim Tam. Not standard geek fare, I know, but we had to think like endurance athletes for an event like this.

WW:令人惊讶的是,我们实际上几乎没有喝咖啡,整个晚上只喝了少量的糖。 我们知道,我们不能依靠每隔几个小时就获得一次巨大的能量消耗-反复发生的糖/咖啡因崩溃在长期内会严重破坏我们的生命-因此我们选择吃很多未加工的完整食物以及偶尔添谭。 我知道,这不是标准的怪胎票价,但对于这样的比赛,我们必须像耐力运动员那样思考。

AG: What tools or processes did you use to stay organized during the competition?


We had all initial plans mapped out on a private blog, although we mostly referred to that at the beginning of the competition. We used a lot of sticky notes. Our timelines were made of sticky notes on butcher’s paper. Our IA was constructed by shuffling sticky notes around. It felt like our brains were piles of sticky notes by about 6:00 am.

我们已经在私人博客上列出了所有最初的计划,尽管我们在比赛开始时大多都提到了这个计划。 我们使用了很多便签。 我们的时间表是由屠夫纸上的便笺组成的。 我们的IA是通过将粘滞便笺混洗而构建的。 感觉像大约6:00之前我们的大脑堆满了便签。

We also used the whiteboard to keep track of the results of our most recent “group huddles” that we had every couple of hours, and we emailed each other frequently so that we could keep each other up to date without having to break our concentration during an important task. I tried to meet with individuals periodically so that I would have an idea of where everyone was at all times.

我们还使用白板来跟踪每隔几个小时的最新“小组聚会”的结果,并且我们会经常相互发送电子邮件,以便我们彼此保持最新状态而不必在此期间保持专注一个重要的任务。 我试图定期与个人会面,以便让我对每个人在任何时候的位置有一个了解。

I also tried to provide regular updates on our progress via Twitter, to try and balance the reporting – there were far more tweets about the competition from NZ supporters than there were from Aussies, which was a little disappointing.


AG: What was one of the biggest challenges for you personally, and how did you overcome it?


WW: Both Patrick and I had the flu during the competition, which made thinking a little bit more like wading through syrup than we would have liked. Being on display on the CeBIT floor was tough, too. The Aussie team lost the coin flip so we got the open-air booth while the NZ team got to have a few walls around them. A huge amount of my time was taken up answering questions from punters on the floor, and it would have been great to have had a PR person on the team whose sole job was to answer the questions from the 38,000 attendees and share our progress on social media sites in a positive fashion. I found it quite frustrating that whenever both teams did something right, someone would tweet or blog about it, but only mention the New Zealanders!

WW:我和帕特里克在比赛中都得了流感,这使得思考比我们想要的更像是在喝糖浆。 在CeBIT地板上展出也很困难。 澳大利亚团队输掉了硬币,所以我们得到了露天摊位,而新西兰团队则不得不绕着几堵墙。 我花了大量时间回答地板上的下注者的问题,如果团队中有一名PR人员,唯一的工作就是回答38,000名与会者的问题,并分享我们在社交方面的进展,那真是太好了媒体网站以积极的方式。 我感到非常沮丧的是,只要两支球队都做正确的事,有人都会发推文或写博客,但只提及新西兰人!

I overcame the flu (as did Patrick) through judicial use of painkillers and Lemsip. The 38,000 CeBIT attendees – well, I just tried to minimize the amount of time they spent distracting my teammates by using my not unremarkable array of martial arts skills. PM PUNCH!

我通过司法使用止痛药和Lemsip克服了流感(与Patrick一样)。 38,000名CeBIT的参与者–好吧,我只是尝试通过使用我平常的武术技能来最小化他们用来分散队友注意力的时间。 下午冲!

The PR issues I overcame by slowly becoming a twisted and bitter creature, until all that was beautiful within me withered and died, replaced by the cruel and cynical woman you see before you today. I now have a bright future ahead of me in marketing!

我逐渐克服了PR问题,慢慢变成了一个扭曲和痛苦的生物,直到我内心所有美丽枯萎而死,取而代之的是您今天看到的残酷愤世嫉俗的女人。 现在,我在营销方面拥有光明的未来!

We all came out of Full Code Press having learned a lot from such an intense, condensed experience, and we all agreed that we’d do it again in a heartbeat – after a month’s rest, anyway.

我们都从Full Code Press中学到了很多东西,他们从如此密集的,浓缩的经验中学到了很多东西,我们都同意,只要休息一个月,我们就会再次跳动。

AG: Thank you so much, Wendy!


More About Wendy Wendy White is the Online Project Developer at Scitech, an interactive science museum in Perth. She has been programming since she was ten years old, and she still thinks Notepad is cool (actually, she’s moved on to Notepad++). Just don’t talk to her about Java. Her passion for technology and design is only eclipsed by her passion for organizing people and projects.

有关Wendy的更多信息 Wendy White是珀斯互动科学博物馆Scitech的在线项目开发人员。 她从10岁起就开始编程,但她仍然认为Notepad很酷(实际上,她已经开始使用Notepad ++)。 只是不要和她谈论Java。 她对技术和设计的热情仅被她对组织人员和项目的热情所掩盖。

She has six years of experience working with not for profit organizations, and worked as a science communicator, puppeteer and tour guide before moving into web development after graduating from her Multimedia degree at Murdoch University.

她在与非营利组织合作方面拥有6年的经验,在从默多克大学(Murdoch University)获得多媒体学位后,她从事科学传播,木偶戏和导游工作,然后进入网络开发。

About FullCodePress FullCodePress is a web competition started in 2007 that pits one team of Web professionals against another as they compete at the same location to build a complete website for a charitable organization in 24 hours. For more information, visit http://www.fullcodepress.

关于FullCodePress FullCodePress是一项始于2007年的网络竞赛,它使一个Web专业团队与另一个团队竞争,因为他们在同一地点竞争为慈善组织在24小时内建立完整的网站。 有关更多信息,请访问http://www.fullcodepress 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint/fullcodepress-wendy-white/


本文标签: 澳大利亚数据处理团队wendyFullCodePress