

Why are we suddenly getting much better at Tetris?

Author and vlogger, John Green, raises this very interesting question in a recent video.Tetris was released for the Nintendo in 1984.At that time, far more people were playing Tetris than there are today.
作家和视频主播约翰·格林(John Green)最近在一个视频中提出了这个非常有趣的问题。俄罗斯方块是 1984年发布的一款游戏,后来版权归任天堂所有。当时玩俄罗斯方块的人远比现在要多。

And yet, performance on Tetris is better now, than it was then.A lot better.

Which brings up an interesting point: why would far fewer players, playing a game which is less objectively popular, nonetheless be much better at the game now, then in its heyday?

The answer actually has a lot to teach us about how people learn and what are the key ingredients needed for gettting really good at something.

The Four-Minute Barrier

Years before the Tetris renaissance there was another feat of human achievement.Roger Bannister ran a mile in under four minutes.
在俄罗斯方块复兴前许多年,人类还取得了另一项壮举:罗杰·班尼斯特(Roger Bannister)用不到4分钟的时间跑完了1英里。

Before this moment, many had considered such an athletic feat impossible.Yet, being an elite athlete with intense preparation, Bannister eventually ran a mile in under four minutes.

Today, however, running a mile in under four minutes is easy enough that even some high-school students can do it.

Why did something once deemed impossible suddeenly become routine?The human body didn’t change.Miles didn’t get any shorter.Yet our performance exploded.

Record-Breaking Environments

I believe the key to understanding both the explosion in Tetris Performance and the numerous pot-Bannister four-minute runs, is that while individual human beings are the ones breaking records, the overall performance often depends on the structure of the environment and the communities in which the results occur.

In the case of Tetris, easy recording, uploading and sharing of gameplay videos was a pivotal innovation to create the performance improvements, despite a declining player base.

Being able to watch top players, live, gives enormous insight into how they practice.You can see which strategies are used.You can learn tricks, such as the placement of holes, depending on the game speed, and avoid common pitfalls that would have stymied excellent players in the early days of the game.

Plentiful live recordings, plus online communities for discussing those recordings, allowed a much smaller group of people to collaborate on improving performance much more than a much more diffuse, less well-connected player base of casual fans.

How the Environment Determines Growth

Take two genetically identical seeds, raise one in soil, with plenty of water and sunlight, and it will grow into a large plant.Take another and put it in a dark closet and it will die.Environments determine growth in many biological systems, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they had enormous influence over human-scale ones.

In our Tetris example, different docial structures had different impacts on the growth in performance.Add the ability to see exactly how the best people are doing things, and a novice player can quickly get to the cutting edge.Have a large, diffuse player base and there is no accumulation of innovations.Each player must figure out what works best, on their own, through trial-and-error.

I suspect there are quite a few factors which determine this growth in performance, but I’d like to sketch out a few of the main possibilities here:

  1. Being able to witness performance in others.
  2. 能够看到其他人的表现

Recordings and streaming have made a big difference because they allowed players to learn via example.Prior to this, players could only learn by watching their best local player, or reading snippets of text descriptions from strategy guides which were often out of date.

Witnessing performance may matter a lot more than being able to understand performance.Studies show that groups which can copy can show rapid performace improvements, even when the individuals’ understanding of the principles behind their success are essentially zero.

I believe this is a highly-underused aspect of learning which we should foster more.Why are there plentiful recordings of video games, but far fewer recordings of high-level entrepreneurs going about their work?Engineers solving problems?Scientists doing experiments?
You may argue that privacy, selfishness or trade secrets prevent these, but I see these as being mostly technical obstacles.Open source software has succeeded on the same sorts of principles, despite being in competitive inidustries where both privacy and trade secrets are concerns.

3. Knowing that a goal is achievable.
4. 知道目标是可实现的

The post-Bannister prevalence of four-minute miles is not a case of technical innovation resulting in an explosion of performance, but of breaking a barrier indicating that future performance improvements are possilbe.

Often, even if you can’t know exactly how someone achieved something, the mere fact that the achievement exits can help you in planning for it.The constraints around the accomplishment limit the scope of what strategies could have been used, and they also give you a target which you can strive towards.
很多时候,即使你并不确切知道某人是如何做成一件事的,但仅仅是有人做到这个事实就有助于你做出规划。 成就周围的约束限制了你能采用的策略的范围,但它们也为你设定了目标,可以向之努力奋进。

In this sense, I see the posting of measureable progress made by Tetris players(and other competitive video gaming) as a component of what contributes to their success, beyond merely watching live replays.Knowing that someone has reached certain times spurs investment and innovation.

3. Having the right incentives to improve.
3. 有正确的激励促进提高

Patrick Collison and Michael Nielson report that our progress in science has declined.We used to make much more progress, with far fewer researchers, than we do today.A good question is why.
帕特里克·科里森(Patrick Colison) 和迈克尔·尼尔森(Michael Nielson)报告,我们在科学上的进步已经放缓。我们过去仅凭少得多的研究者,就取得了比今天多得多的科学进步。一个很好的问题是,为什么会这样。

While speculation as to the causes of the decline in academic productivity is everywhere, one that strikes me as a particularly apt one is by former MIT AI researcher David Chapman.
尽管随处可见人们对于学术生产力下降原因的推测,但其中最打动我、最合理的一个解释是MIT前人工智能研究员大卫·查普曼(David Chapman)提出的。

Chapman argues that poor incetives, which encourage making token progress on unimportant matters in order to increase paper publishing count degrade scientific progress.Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder echos this sentiment arguing that modern physics has gotten derailed spawning endless esoteric models rather than focusing on hard, mathematically wee-formulated problems
查普曼认为,糟糕的激励,即鼓励研究者在不重要的问题上取得装模作样的进步从而增加文章发表数量,导致了科学进步的放缓。物理学家萨宾,霍森菲尔德(Sabine Hossenfelder)发出了同样的感慨,称现代物理学已经偏离了正轨,孵化出无数复杂难懂的模型,而不是把精力集中在困难、能清楚数学描述的问题上。

Tetris players improve, not only because of their community and know achievements, but because the community is organized around accomplishing well-understood goals.Science, politics, and often business, can fail when the incentives that encourage participation(papers published, elections won, money earned) don’t reflect the true goals of those institutions(progress in knowledge, improved policies or value to customers and stakeholders).

How Can We Learn Better, By adjusting the groups we belong to?

In some sense, these problems exceed the capacity of any one individual to solve them.Even the most inspired Tetris player in 1985, couldn’t have single-handedly changed the landscape of Tetris improvement. Pre-Bannister runners, couldn’t have had the benefit of knowing the 4-minute mile could be run .

However, there are two main ways I see this idea improving our thoughts on knowledge and growth:

5. Better designing of the communities and institutions around performance.
6. 围绕成绩更好地设计社群和制度

Thanks to the internet, brand-new communities, with new rules and incentives for behavior are being generated every day in the form of new social networks.The difference between Twitter and Instagram isn’t simplty that the people are different, but that the mechanisms of how the community functions have been shaped by design decisions.

What’s stopping us from creating live-stream sharing where we practice skills which are actually useful?What’s to stop creating practice environments centered around skills with clear metrics for improvement?These things could exist, they would just take a few people with the initiactive to design them, or integrate them into platforms which already exist.

2. Joining communities with the right characteristics.
2. 加入具备正确特质的社群

If you want to learn a language, the best way is through immersion.This is because having an environment that necessitates non-stop practice makes learning so much easier than one where practice is always a deliberate effort.

Similarly, if you want to learn an important career skill, whether it’s design, programming, accounting, entrepreneurship or public speaking, the choice of where you choose to learn and practice may have more consequence than the methods or materials you end up using.

Look for groups where you can witness expert performance and emulate it.Join communities where you can see what goals are achievable.Go to environments where the incentives align with improving the skill you want.

Ultimately, whether it’s building a business, discovering new science or just getting really good at Tetris, the environment matters.

本文标签: 质量环境Ultralearningenvironmentsdetermnes