


      • 一.图表作文模板
      • 二.图画与新题型
      • 三.图表真题实战
      • 四.考纲新题型样题实战
      • 附:常用高分表达




In light of the bar/pie/column/line chart above,it is evident that dramatic changes have taken place in terms of the <主题> these years. Specifically,the proportion/number of those <doing sth||who从句> declined hugely/moderately from <数据> in <年份> to <数据> in <年份>,whereas that of those <doing sth||who从句> ascended enormously/slightly form <数据> in <年份> to <数据> in <年份>.In the meanwhile, the past XXX years have witnessed a slight increase/decline from <数据> in <年份> to <数据> in <年份> in the percentage of <doing sth||that从句> during the same time span.

The bar/pie/column/line chart allows us a holistic view of <主题>.Specifically,<类别1> constitute a massive <数据> in XX and <数据>in XX,followed by<类别2> (数据) and <类别3>(数据).Overall there is an/a upward/downward trend in<类别1>,but an/a upward/downward trend in<类别1>

The bar/pie/column/line chart clearly illustrates the multiple options that eg:people have
of .Specifically,the majority of them(数据) <类别1>,whereas <> is the least popular,only accounting for <数据>.Other ways to<主题> include <类别2> and <类别3>,at <数据> and <数据> respectively,followed by<类别4>,at<数据>.

The given chart reveals <eg: China’s consecutive growth of museums and museum visitors> from eg:2013 to eg:2015. The growth of eg:museum experienced a slowdown in eg:2014,while the growth of <eg:museum visitors> maintained a dynamic momentum

The above pie chart provides answers as to <eg:the purpose of mobile reading among students at a certain university>.Most striking of all,<eg:数据> make this choice for the sake of <eg:acquiring knowledge>.Another crucial factor is<>,according <数据> of respondents.There are also <数据>(and <数据> respectively),deciding to <> so that they can <>.

In light of the information given in the pie chart,we can see the survey in terms of <主题>。Most strikingly of all,those <类型1> account for the largest proportion(数据),whereas <类型2> makes up only <数据>.Next come the<类型3> and <类型4>,which constitute <数据> and <数据> respectively,much higher than <类型5>(数据),then other factors merely make up <数据>.

As is demonstrated in the bar chart,the market for <> is generally entering a steady/dramatic/substantial growth.Specifically,<> surpassed/exceeded <数值> in <年份>,approximately <涨幅> more than <> years ago.It is worth noting that a considerable rise in <类别2> occurred form <>,and since then this burgeoning industry gained momentum.

According to the chart,over half of the respondents <类别1>,while <数据> do so in/with<类别2>By comparison,no more than <数据> of those questioned <类别3>.

What statistic reflect is closely related to our economic development.

Multiple factors underlie the phenomenon reflected in the chart.图表所反映的现象是许多因素合理的结果。

The given chart reveals <eg: China’s consecutive growth of museums and museum visitors> from eg:2013 to eg:2015.

The data above illustrates a shift in peoples views regarding <图表主题>,and it can be further interpreted as follows.

Such information brings clarity to the phenomenon/tendency of <主题>,and it can be further interpreted as follows.

Behind such information lies a phenomenon/tendency/perception of/that <主题>,and it can be further interpreted as follows.

The data indicates people’s inclination to <占比较高的数据项类别>.

The survey indicates the trend of<>

The chart indicates that <eg:mobile reading,once regarded merely as a way to kill time,has become an approach to improving oneself or expanding ones’s horizons>(once regarded merely as a way 曾经仅仅用于…)

It may seem a matter of personal preference,but in fact several factors play a part.(万能句:可能看起来这只是个人偏好,但实际上有好几个因素在其中起着作用)

The phenomenon can be attributed to the following reasons.(万能句:这种现象产生的原因可以被归纳如下)

It is actually a predictable phenomenon,given that the popularization of smartphones.<万能句:鉴于…的普及,这其实是一种可以预见的现象>

The increasingly intense competition in modern society also play a part.<万能句:现代社会日益激烈的竞争也起到了一定作用>

The most important factor to be considered is the fact that <>,which has a significant effect on <>.

This slowdown is partly owing to <原因>

The growth of eg:museum experienced a slowdown in eg:2014,while the growth of <eg:museum visitors> maintained a dynamic momentum

On one hand,owing to/because<原因>,it is not surprising that the proportion/number of<类别>remains pretty high.

On account of/Owing to<原因>,XXX are increasingly willing to doing…(ps:个人感觉increasingly…是比more and more更不落俗套的一种表达)

With the advancement of /decline in<影响因素>,<类别> which allows/brings people<带来的益处>,becomes increasingly popular,leaving the proportion/number of who<类别1的群体> dropping slightly/moderately/hugely/enormously accordingly.

<现象或原因> is the imptus for the rising /declining proportion/number

The advent/popularization of <> is an essential precondition for <现象>(…的出现/普及是…的必要条件)

Another conclusion from the data is that<结论>,<>boost the popularity of <>(…使…更加流行)

The public demand increasingly <eg: varied spiritual nutrition>

In view of the discussion above,it is no surprise to see such phenomenon in the current context of <>.And there is reason to believe that this trend will continue in the years to come.

It can be predicted that as<影响因素> improves/develops,<主题词> will be more <发展趋势>.Therefore,only by <建议做法>,can we better embrace this new trend.

In conclusion,given that <原因>,we can expect to see an increasing number of people <趋势>.This will contribute to greater diversity in<>.(这会增进…的多样性a)

In conclusion,<eg:mobile reading> is bound to rise in popularity,given that richer content and a better reading experience will be the key to attracting users.(总之,…一定会变得越来越流行,因为…)

Admittedly,this business still has a long way to go,as <> is yet to be perfected.But its popularization will certainly be irresistible as shown in the chart.


The picture virtually drips with sarcasm/inspiration when it comes to/in terms of <主题>.It can be seen that,<图片描述>.
The picture casts intense light on the <eg: the importance of cultivating a good habit>

In light of the simple but enlightening except from certain article,in which the author informs us that/argues that <观点>.As a youngster at the contemporary era,I strongly agree/disagree/ can only partially agree with such perspective/argument when it comes to <>.

The author argues that <观点>。Behind these instructive words lies a perception that <>,and as a youngster at the contemporary era,I strongly agree/disagree/ can only partially agree with such perspective when it comes to <>.

Given is a simple but enlightening excerpt of an article,which clearly illustrates the <…>

Behind such phenomenon/drawing/picture lies a perception of/that <主题>


<eg:much of this> can be blame on our lack of <eg:environment awareness>.

Actually,eg:happiness is measured by <eg:our own feeling of satisfaction>,and eg:optimism is the very condition to impel a man to unfold his power

<eg:optimism>is an essential ingredient of ,and it enables us to <eg: establish the correct mindset>

eg:people tend to be mired in<eg:pessimism when faced with dilemma>,killing the chance of <eg:seeing what they have>

The lack of <eg:positive attitude> often acts as a drag on <eg:our practice of moving ahead>

Likewise,the ripple effect of <> allows to tap into our potential and sow a sense of <>

All this gives enough grounds for <>,and it will promise to put us on the road to <>

Admittedly,there is a convenient excuse for <eg:delaying the work until last minute>

eg:modernization,urbanization,industrialization have put us on the trajectory of ,while < bringing us great convenience>

However,on the flip side,<eg:man-made damage> is felt everywhere in day-to-day life,and it is actually exemplified by the case illustrated in the above picture/material.

For this reason,we should recalibrate our way/behavior of <eg:interacting with environment>,since is subject to < the harmonious coexistance between man and nature>

In a nutshell, at the center of the issue is <eg: the need to foster a good habit of seizing time>,this is the right approach to <eg: become more efficient>,and it will put us into a better position to <eg: lift our performance>

All these factors above taken into consideration,only by translating <eg: the pessimistic attitude> into <eg:an optimistic mindset>,can we <eg:redirect our mind instead of focusing on the negative experience>.



2021 英二 大作文
The bar chart clearly illustrates the people’s multiple options of doing exercise in daily life. Specifically ,over half of respondents get physical exercise alone,while 47.7% do so with friends.By comparison,those opting for exercising with family only accounts for 23.9%followed by no more than 16% of those questioned play team sports.
The data above indicates people’s inclination to take exercise alone rather than with someone else.It may seem a matter of personal preference,but in effect several factors play a part.On account of the convenience and flexibility,it is no surprising that an increasing proportion of people incline to working out alone .Furthermore, as the popularization of the smart device ,the digital life has boosted the popularity of getting exercising by oneself .Another conclusion from the data is that people seem to prefer to do such things with friends instead their family members .That may be because exercise is not part of the family’s routine,or simply because they don’t share much leisure time with there family.
In conclusion,taking alone will be a growing trend in this busy society where most people’s schedules do not match.But it is still advisable that,if possible, to find a partner to keep your motivated.


2020 英二 大作文
The pie chart allows us a holistic view of the purpose of students’ mobile reading at a certain university.In light of the given data and most strikingly of all, over three quarters of respondents read on their cellphones for the sake of acquiring knowledge(%59.5) or obtain information(17.0%),while roughly one fifth do so just for fun.
Behind such information lies a phenomenon that modern students have the inclination to use mobile reading to expand their horizon by receiving real-time information, and it can be further interpreted as follows.Firstly,it is actually a predicable phenomenon,as the popularization of smart cellphone underpins the various ways of obtaining information.They provide us with easy online access,thereby catering to our need for a variety of information.Moreover, the increasingly intense competition in the job market also play a part. With the intention of gaining nothing more than slight edge over other job applicants,we college students have to keep mastering practical skills and being passionate for study all the time.
In conclusion,considering that the rapid technology development has put us on the trajectory of digital learning,the mobile reading is bound to rise in popularity for the better reading experience and richer content.

2019 英二 大作文
In light of the bar chart above, it is evident that dramatic changes have taken place in terms of the choice among graduates after graduation these years.Specifically,the proportion of those opting for finding jobs directly declined moderately from 68.1% in 2013 to 60.7% in 2018,whereas that of those deciding to pursuing further study ascended enormously from 26.3% in 2013 to 34.0% in 2018.Furthermore, there is a slightly growth in the proportion of those starting business from the 1.3% in 2013 to 2.6% in 2018.
The data shown in the chart clearly illustrates a shift in people’s views regarding the path’ choice after the graduation,and it can be interpreted as follows.Firstly,it is actually a predicable phenomenon, as the popularization of advanced education underpins the massive choices of continuing further study.Secondly,the declination of the number of job seekers can be attributed to the increasingly intense competition in modern society.Moreover,given that the business opportunities abounds in the contemporary era,it is not surprising that an increasingly number of graduates make the decision to starting their own business.
In conclusion,it can be predicted that,with the increasing enrichment of the material life,we can expect that more and more graduates will devote themselves into advanced education or independent business,which are both promising choices.


2018 英二 大作文
The pie chart allows us a holistic view of the factors that consumer focus on in terms of selecting an ideal restaurant.Most strikingly of all, consumers primary concern is the catering feature,which accounts for the largest proportion (36.3%),while the service and environment makes up 26.8% and 23.8% respectively,much higher than the price(8.4%),then the other factors merely constitute 4.7%.
Behind such statistics lies a phenomenon that,with the increasing enrichment of material life,the better experience and high-quality enjoyment have been the primary concern when it comes to dining out.Considering the multiple factors underling in the chart,it is actually a predictable phenomenon and can be attribute to the following reasons.For one thing ,the per capita disposable income’ arise and the advancement of the purchasing power underpins the catering consumption upgrade.For another,an increasingly number of restaurant with the similar price level are available to consumers,so more attention will be paid to factors as features, service and environment than price or something else.
In view of the discussion above, it is actually no surprise to see such phenomenon in the current context of consumption upgrade.And there is reason to believe that this trend will continue in the contemporary era,especially the a variety of consumption demands taken into consideration.


2017 英二 大作文
The given line chat clearly reveals the consecutive growth of the museum and museum visitors.It can be seen that the number of the museums experienced a decelerated growth,while the growth of the museums visitors maintain a steadily momentum.
Behind such a phenomenon lies a facts that an increasingly proportion of common citizens gradually put more and more emphasis on the experience in spirit,and it can be interpreted as follows.Firstly,owing to the national endeavor at cultural development,numerous museums have been constructed and opened freely to the public.Moreover,China’s rapid economic growth underpins the cultural progress,allowing people being able to having the access to the museum. Furthermore,the popularization of the traditional culture is also an essential precondition for the people’s enthusiasm for museum.
In the final analysis,although this encouraging sign still presents some challenges,but it is believed that that through joint efforts,China’s museum will constitute a bigger driving force advancing the cultural progress,thus further boosting the economic and social development.


题目:Read the following excerpt from an article and write an essay. In your essay, you should explain whether or to what extent you agree with the author. Support your argument with reasons and relevant examples.
Write your answer in about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15points)

文章内容:Studies in the US. and the UK. consistently show that children have lost the right to wander. This is why many of our youth turn to technology. They are not addicted to the computer; they’re addicted to interaction, and being around their friends. Children and especially teenagers, don’t want to only socialize with parents and siblings; they want to play with their peers. That’s how they make sense of the world. And we’ve robbed them of that opportunity. We’re raising our children in captivity and they turn to technology to socialize, learn and relax. Why are we blaming the screens?


In light of the simple but enlightening except from a certain article,in which the author clearly illustrates the phenomenon that the parents at the contemporary are raising their children in captivity and they turn to technology to socialize, learn and relax.Behind such a instructive words lies an argument that the right to wander should be available to children.And I can’t agree this perspective any more.
Admittedly,as the popularity of the smart device and high-tech life,it is no surprising that an increasingly number of our youth turn to technology to socialize,learn and relax,especially in the influence of their parents.Nevertheless,the interaction with the real children face to face is the essential ingredient of children’s healthy growth.Likewise,the ripple effect of the interaction with the real world,rather than being mired in a virtual and digital world,allows our children to tap into their ability of socialization and sow a sense of happiness.All this gives enough grounds that parents should provide children with enough opportunities to let them play with their peers and contact the extra world beyond the digital technology.
In a nutshell,the contemporary parents should recalibrate their way of raising children,since the happy and enrich childhood is the subject to the environment that children living with,and this is a right approach that will put us into a better position to raising children.


1.experience a slowdown in growth/decelerated growth <>增长放缓
2.maintain a dynamic momentum 保持了强势增长的势头
3.scale up/down 大规模增加/减少
4.steadily step up 稳定增长
5.yield good results 取得了良好的成效
6.endeavor at sth 在…方面的努力
7.encouraging sign 可喜的现象
8.most strikingly of all 最突出的是
9.over three quarters of respondents 超过四分之三的受访者 third/fifth/sixth 三分/五分/六分之一 quarter 四分之一 half of 一半
11.for the sake of 为了
12.roughly 大约

1.<eg:rapid economic growth>underpins<eg: the cultural progress> …构成了…的基础
2.boost economic and social development 促进社会和经济发展
3.It is actually a predicable phenomenon 这实际上是一个可以遇见的现象
4.The statistics …(用于替换data)
5.It is natural that…
6.It is no surprising that
7. sth be available to sb 可供…使用/选择 more attention would be paid to factors as … 因此…会更加关注…等因素

1.increasingly diverse need 多样化的需求 and digital technology 移动数字技术
3.spiritual nutrition 精神食粮
4.enhance people’s well-being 改善民生福祉
5.advance … development
6.joint efforts 共同努力
7.constitute a driving force 起到推动作用
8.enormous potential for career development 巨大的职业发展潜力
9.rapid economic growth 快速的经济发展
10.numerous job opportunities 大量的工作机会
11.expand horizons 开阔眼界
12.rise/grow/increase/gain in popularity 变得更受欢迎
13.respondent 受访者,调查对象
14.master practical skills 掌握实用技能
15.receiving real-time information 获取实时资讯
16.once regarded merely as a way 曾经仅仅用于…)
17.cater to the need for满足对…的需求
18.the increasingly intense competition 日益激烈的竞争
19.a variety of 多种多样的 a part 起到一定作用
21.gain an edge over 胜过,超过
22.being passionate all the time 时刻保持激情 the contemporary era 在当代
24.with the increasing enrichment of material life 随着物质生活的日渐丰富
25.primary concern 首要关心的问题
26.per capita disposable income 人均可支配收入
27.In the second place 其次
28.service industry 服务业
29.enterprise image 企业形象
30.purchasing power 购买力
31.advertisement campaign 广告宣传活动
32.economic recovery 经济复苏
33.Predictably,catering consumption upgrade will continue大众餐饮消费升级
34.high-quality enjoyment 高品质享受

本文标签: 图画图表实战模板新题型