


Someone is claiming to sell a 32GB SD card on Google Play. Seriously.

有人声称要在Google Play上出售32GB SD卡。 说真的

It’s a mobile variation of the “Download More RAM!” scheme common in the early 2000s, but the surprising thing here is that Google ever allowed it on the Play store in the first place. I hope it’s taken down soon.

这是“下载更多RAM!”的移动版本。 计划在2000年代初期很普遍,但令人惊讶的是Google最初曾允许它在Play商店中使用。 我希望它很快被删除。

Here it is, if you’re interested, but please don’t install it. The description is a jumbled mess, but eventually it gets around to this false claim:

如果您有兴趣, 这里是 ,但是请不要安装它。 描述是一团糟,但最终它绕开了这个错误的说法:

…this app give you 32 GB sd card Free to use on your phone for more space storage.

…此应用可为您提供32 GB的SD卡,可在手机上免费使用,以存储更多空间。

Yeah…that’s not possible. At all. Adding to the confusion are the reviews:

是的...那不可能。 完全没有 评论增加了混乱:

It’s honestly hard to tell if these are fake reviews planted by the developer or joke reviews mocking this app for existing, The effect is the same for users who aren’t tech savvy, giving this app high ratings and a sense of legitimacy. This app really needs to be pulled from the Play Store.

老实说,很难说这些是开发人员植入的虚假评论,还是嘲笑该应用程序是否已有的恶作剧评论。对于不精通技术的用户来说,效果是相同的,为该应用程序赋予了很高的评分和合法性。 此应用确实需要从Play商店中提取。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/fyi/no-you-cant-download-a-32gb-sd-card-from-google-play/


本文标签: Googleplay谷歌SD