


    • `How we behave is who we are`
    • `Getting older, getting wiser?`
    • `Discovering your niche holiday`
    • `Sloving problems & seeking happiness`
    • `Art expands horizons`
    • `Mass media: 24/7 coverage`
    • `Trouble in modern times`
    • `Everybody has a story to tell`
    • `Ocean Exploration`
    • `China in Transition`
    • `Job Hunting`
    • `Women Nobel Prize Winners`
    • `Cyber Language`
    • `Human-Robot Relations`

How we behave is who we are

➊ Running in a park
➋ Because getting up early is too difficult for her.
➌ Sitting before her computer.
➍ For exercise like jogging in the zoo.

➊ The quick tasks.
➋ Make use of your most productive time of day.
➌ He opens his inbox only when it’s necessary.
➍ To give some ideas on how to work well.

Getting older, getting wiser?

➊ What to wish for in life.
➋ It makes couples appreciate each other.
➌ He lost his job and house and was sick for years.
➍ Giving the woman advice on important things in life.

➊ They live to a much older age.
➋ About four years.
➌ It is high in fruit,vegetables and whole grains.
➍ Diet and lifestyle are crucial to good health.

Discovering your niche holiday

➊ It has nice paths and camping sites.
➋ By using both their cart and backpack.
➌ Bake a chocolate cake.
➍ Walk together in the beauty of nature.

➊ Because the exhibition will last for no more than a week.
➋ Beds and sofas that you can try out.
➌ It provides a practical experience for us to think about laziness.
➍ Sit down,relax and be lazy for a while.

Sloving problems & seeking happiness

➊ Because he has too much work to complete(因为他有太多的工作要完成).
➋ To help him do his work in her free time(在她的空闲时间帮助他做他的工作).
➌ He should have confidence in himself(他应该对自己有信心).
➍ Because it offers seasonal foods(因为它提供季节性食品).

➊ Less innovation efforts.
➋ 45.3 percent.
➌ Because they see more oppoortunities for promotion as baby boomers retire(因为随着婴儿一代的退休,他们看到了更多晋升机会).
➍ The reasons for job dissatisfaction are found to be various.

Art expands horizons

➊ She finds many sites stay unchanged(她发现许多网站保持不变).
➋ Viewing the bridge from a hill(从山上看桥).
➌ Eat before continuing their tour(在继续他们的旅行之前吃东西).
➍ To truly experience it in no rush(毫不匆忙地真正体验).

➊ The wife of a wealthy merchant(富商的妻子).
➋ The use of a wood panel(木的使用).
➌ Drawing the subject with accurate details(以准确的细节描绘主题).
➍ The reasons for the fame of the M o n a   L i s a Mona \ Lisa Mona Lisa.

Mass media: 24/7 coverage

➊ Because his father is meeting with his colleagues online.
➋ Because he wants to check the news about a golf player.
➌ Having dinner without any electronics.
➍ Electronics sometimes cause family disagreements.

➊ Because it gives us a break from the harsh realities.
➋ They do their utmist to gain attention.
➌ Because they contain things desired by common people(因为它们包含了普通人想要的东西).
➍ Celebrities’ lives are similar to those of common people(名人的生活与普通人相似).

Trouble in modern times

➊ Go to a store to get more emergency items(去商店买更多紧急物品).
➋ Flashlights and cash(手电筒和现金).
➌ Because the credit card machines may not work properly(因为信用卡机器可能无法正常工作).
➍ $200.

➊ The stealing of retail items from their stores by thieves(小偷从商店里偷走零售商品).
➋ Sell goods at higher prices than they normally do(以比平常更高的价格出售商品).
➌ Large retailers(大型零售商).
➍ Putting security devices on products(在产品上安装安全设备).

Everybody has a story to tell

➊ The writer of the song(这首歌的作者).
➋ To show his respect for Van Gogh(以表达他对梵高尊敬).
➌ He wasn’t popular during his lifetime(他生前不受欢迎).
➍ They both showed persistence in their pursuit of art(他们都表现出对艺术的执着 追求).

➊ To help first-grade students overcome reading problems(帮助一年级学生克服阅读问题).
➋ They help students find the best way to learn(他们帮助学生找到最佳的学习方式).
➌ When they have reached the average level of the class(当他们达到班级的平均水平时).
➍ It costs more than other programs(它比其他项目花费更多).

Ocean Exploration

➊ A powerful earthquake.
➋ There would be hazardous waves(会有危险的海浪).

➊ An undersea cable system(海底电缆系统).
➋ There are less susceptible to interference(不太容易受到干扰).

➊ Sea level rise(海平面上升).
➋ Storm surges(风暴潮).
➌ It would rise almost three meters.

➊ The cause of mass extinctons(大规模灭绝的原因).
➋ About 65 million years ago.
➌ The rise and fall of sea level.
➍ It gets colder.

➊ Ocean explorer.
➋ Most of the ocean is completely unexplored.
➌ The worms had another creature in their body(蠕虫体内还有另一种生物).
➍ Taking a simple he needs(他需要一个简单的).

➊ A manned submersible.
➋ It’s a single-person vessel system(这是一个单人船系统).
➌ By the foot pedals(脚).

➊ It should be used after being treated.
➋ It contains many contaminants(它含有许多污染物).
➌ It will increase in growing our future food(它将增加我们未来粮食的种植).

➊ To explore the ocean.
➋ 1600.
➌ Photographer.
➍ Create images of our coexistence with the ocean(创造我们与海洋共存的形象).

China in Transition

➊ She broke the current time record for total spacewalking time by a woman(她打破了目前由一名女性创造的太空行走总时间记录).
➋ September(九月).

➊ 11000.
➋ There was no relation between night shift and breast cancer(夜班与乳腺癌之间没有关系).

➊ With a remote control(用遥控器).
Popularization of self-driving cars(自动驾驶汽车的普及).
➌ It released the guidelines for driverless(它发布了无人驾驶指南).

➊ Eat at a pizza restaurant.
➋ 2:00PM.
➌ She wears glasses.
Kindergarten kids.

➊ Five years ago.
➋ Rock and Roll.
➌ In the shade.
➍ Nothing.

➊ Places to find free or discounted ebooks.
➋ They want to grow a readership.
➌ The free ebook files from them may infect your computer.

➊ People can interact with the virtual world VR creates(人们可以与虚拟现实创造的虚拟世界互动).
➋ Psychology(心理学).
➌ People can work at home as if they are at office.

➊ $20,090
➋ A decrease in the number of low income students enrolling in college.
➌ It receives support from a higher educatuon research group.
➍ To increase the number of low-income students studying at these schools.

Job Hunting

➊ They were celebrating New Year’s Eve(他们在庆祝除夕夜).
➋ It broke out at night(它是在晚上发生的).

➊ Helping illegal immigrants entering France(帮助非法移民进入法国).
➋ Provide humanitarian aid to immigrants(向移民提供人道主义援助).

➊ A plant-powered phone charger(工厂供电的手机充电器).
➋ While they were sitting in the yard(当他们坐在院子里的时候).
➌ By collecting energy from the soil(通过从土壤中收集能量).

➊ It requires no experience.
➋ A finance major graduate(金融 专业的毕业生).
➌ Career development.
➍ A job candidate and the interviewer(求职者和面试官).

➊ He is a filmmaker.
Nobody but himself.
➌ He felt as if he was hugging the 18-year-old self(他觉得自己好像在拥抱18岁的自己).
➍ A project of filming oneself at different ages(在不同年龄拍摄自己的项目).

➊ Fathers spend more time taking care of the children.
➋ He earned less than his wife(他挣得比他妻子少).
➌ He is scared by the idea(他被这个想法吓坏了).

➊ Purple tea can be sold for a higher price.
➋ It hasn’t brought anticpated profits to farmers(它没有给农民带来预期的利润).
➌ Kenyan tea farmers’ worries(肯尼亚茶农的担忧).

➊ Grades dropping by half a letter(成绩下降了半个字母).
➋ He offers participation points for students turning off their phones(他为关闭手机的学生提供参与点).
➌ It distracts students further from class(它会进一步分散学生的注意力).
➍ A solution to smartphone distraction in class(智能手机课堂分心解决方案).

Women Nobel Prize Winners

➊ The loss of the world’s wildlife(世界野生动物的消失).
➋ Make laws to protect the environment(制定保护环境的法律).

➊ White middle-aged Americans without college degrees(没有大学学位的白人中年美国人).
➋ They are better-off than previous generations(他们比上一代人过得更好).

➊ It was caught in rainstorms(它遇上了暴雨).
➋ The weather event called EI Nino(被称为厄尔尼诺的天气事件).
➌ Schools have suspended calsses(学校已经停课).

➊ She is a gymnast.
➋ To get rid of her.
➌ She felt free with gymnastics(她对体操感到自由).
➍ She does not agree(她不同意).

➊ Send an email to an annoying coworker without revealing their names.
➋ A manager who tries to occupy all employees’ time with work(试图把所有员工的时间都用在工作上的经理).
➌ Sympathetic(同情的).
➍ Send an email to the annoying coworker(给讨厌的同事发一封电子邮件).

➊ How to judge whether a company supports women's development(如何判断公司是否支持女性发展).
➋ Women’s role in strategy-making and operations of the company(女性在公司战略制定和运营中的作用).
Budget for women’s development network provided by senior management(高级管理层提供的妇女发展网络预算).

➊ It is voted as the happiest nation in the world(它被选为世界上最幸福的国家).
➋ Freedom of speech(言论自由).
➌ Generous unemployment(大量失业).
➍ Both women and men enjoy generous leave after childbirth(妇女和男子在分娩后都享受优厚的假期).

➊ To give presentations(演讲).
➋ Decide on the main ideas and points(确定主要观点和要点).
➌ Understanding the speech subject well(很好地理解演讲主题).

Cyber Language

➊ The have received some supplies to keep warm(他们收到了一些保暖用品).
➋ Road treatment(道路处理).

Cherry blossoms growing on the trees(树上的樱花).
➋ A delayed cherry blossoms(晚开的樱花).

➊ They took a rescue vehicle(他们开了一辆救援车).
➋ It has been highly active recently(它最近非常活跃).
Frightening (可怕的).

➊ Via mobile phone.
Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones(移动电话的优缺点).

➊ To bring in profits to the websites.
➋ It dose not work anymore.
➌ It is consistent with their pre-existing views(这与他们先前的观点一致).
➍ The reason for abandoning the column(放弃该的原因).

➊ It is a problem for the masses(这是群众的问题).
➋ It refers to addiction to experiences(它指的是对经验的上瘾).
➌ Misunderstandings of addiction(对上瘾的误解).

Narrow selection(缩小选择范围).
➋ 21%.
➌ It is inappropriate(这是不恰当的).

➊ They might bring children trouble(他们可能给孩子们带来麻烦).
➋ Malaysia(马来西亚).
➌ Naming rules vary from state to state(命名规则因州而异).
➍ They will choose names with qualities they desire(他们会选择具有他们想要的 品质的名字).

Human-Robot Relations

➊ Robots that can assist in health centers.
Determining the need of the robot market(确定机器人市场的需求).

➊ Because of flood warning(因为洪水警报).
Central and northern California(加利福尼亚州中部北部).

➊ It will continuously support the education sector in Nigeria(它将继续支持尼日利亚的教育部门).
➋ To improve the quality of and access to basic education(提高基础教育的质量和获得基础教育的机会).
➌ About 2 million

➊ Grades(分数).
➋ Economics(经济学).
➌ He himself.
➍ Playing games.

➊ He wants to drop it(他想放弃它).
➋ The professor just read things out from textbooks(教授只是把课本上的东西读出来).
➌ Go on to the university(继续上大学).
➍ Tomorrow at 6pm.

➊ Social media addiction(社交媒体成).
➋ Not posting or reading anything on the Internet(不在互联网上发布或阅读任何内容).
➌ To get rid of their addiction to social media(摆脱对社交媒体的依赖).

➊ It can reduce your cognitive decline(它可以减少你的认知 衰退).
➋ How the brain responds.
➌ Listening to an audio book(听有声书).
➍ Reading can be positive to your brain functions(阅读对你的大脑功能有积极的 影响).

➊ The benefits and threats of AI(人工智能的好处和威胁).
➋ AI will change the economy and the present lifestyle.
➌ Make treaties to ban harmful weapons(制定禁止有害武器条约).

本文标签: 教科书答案