


norm n.标准;规范
incredibly adv.难以置信地;非常地
raise v.抚养;养育
affordable adj.负担得起的
parentless adj.无父母的
household n./adj.家庭;家庭的
emotional support 精神支持
facet n.(问题等的)一个方面
psychological development 心理发展
frequently adv.频繁地
present v.提出;呈现;赠送
absent adj.缺席的
case n.实情;情况
(an) earlier age 较早的年龄
demonstrate v.证明;论证
desirable adj.值得拥有的
far outweigh 远大于
trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索
indisputable adj.不容置疑的;不可争辩的
overprotective adj.过度保护的
income stream 收益流
parenting n.养育
tend to 倾向
prevent from 阻止;妨碍
outcome n.结果
mature adj.成熟的
counterpart n.对应的人(或物)
decision-making n.决策
tuition fees (大专院校的)学费
critical-thinking n.批判性思维
charge v./n.收费
adapt v.适应
reality n.现实
stream v.分流
monopolise v.垄断
fair=equitable=impartial=disinterested=unprejudiced adj.公平的
form n.形式->formal adj.形式的
substance n.实质->substantial adj.实质的
form and substance 形式和实质
mutual transformation 相互转化
mutual adj.相互的;彼此的;共同的;共有的;互助的
absolutely essential 绝对必要的
maximise v.最大化
further adv.进一步地
potential n.潜力
appropriate adj.合适的;适当的
valid argument 有效的论据
fall behind 落后
to the contrary 相反地
in such cases 在这种情况下
efffective adj.有效的
separate classes 不同的班级;分班
behavioural problem 行为问题
address v.处理
outcome n.结果;成果
motivate v.激发;激励
highly competitive 竞争激烈的
feel-good culture 自我感觉良好的文化
deny v.否认;拒绝给予
self-esteem n.自尊;自负
crowd control 人群控制
desire n./v.渴望
ill-disciplined adv.实际上;有效地
primary task 主要任务
well-behaved adj.行为端正的
educator n.教育工作者
majority n.大多数
maintain v.主张;坚持
proper adj.适当的
be conducive to 有助于=be beneficial to
thus adv.因此
rather than 而不是
reduce v.降低;擦除=wipe
proponent n.倡议者;建议者
tarrif n.关税
distribute v.分发;分配;配送
labour n.劳动力
smack v.掌掴
spank v.打屁股(用手掌)
corporal adj.肉体的
politically adv.政治地
explanation n.解释;说明
fundamental adj.根本的;基本的->fundamentally
attribute v.把…归因于…
nurture v./n.养育;培养=upbring
trait n.特征;特点=characteristic
heredity n.遗传
predispose v.预先处置;使…偏向于
sibling n.兄弟姐妹
neglect v.忽视;忽略=ignore
debt n.债务;欠款;人情债
dispose of 处理
landfill n./v.废物填埋
segregate v.使分开=separate
notoriously adv.臭名昭著地
emission n.排放物
circustance n.周遭环境
identical adj.完全相同的
inextricably adv.不可分开地;密不可分地
extinct adj.灭绝的
genetic science 基因科学
solely adv.单独地
determine v.决定
on the subject of 关于…主题
environmental factor 环境因素
be attributed to 把…归因于
related by blood 有血缘关系的
unique adj.唯一的;独一无二的
play a greater role 发挥较大的影响力
evidence n.证据
combination n.混合
trait n.特征;个性=characteristic
controversial adj.有争议的
virtually impossible 几乎不可能的
sexual orientation 性取向
quantity n.用数量表示
relative effect 相对影响
theory n.原理;理论
meaningful adj.有意义的
homosexuality n.同性恋
heredity n.遗传
inherit v.遗传
vary v.不同;变化
fraternal twins 异卵双胞胎
identical twins 同卵双胞胎
predispose v.使易于
genetic predisposition 遗传基因倾向
in this regard 在这方面
shared attributes 共同拥有的特性
concordance n.一致
adopted adj.收养的
in spite of 不管;不顾
birth parents 亲生父母
considerable adj.相当多的
biological family 原生家庭
nevertheless adv.然而=nonetheless
reunite v.重逢
scenario n.预料或期望的一系列事件的梗概或模式
sibling n.兄弟姐妹
interact v.相互影响
later in life 后来=consequenctly
wage n.工资
fear n.恐惧
greedy adj.贪婪的
interpreter n.译员;解释程序;表演者
passive adj.消极的;被动的
payout n.支出;花费
opt n.选择=alternative=choice
assume v.假设
textese n.缩略用语
abbreviate v.缩写
isolated adj.偏僻的;与世隔绝的;单独的;只出现一次的
depression n.抑郁
stigma n.耻辱
admit v.承认
excessive adj.过度的;过多的
consumerism n.消费主义;高消费;消费者权益保护
diminish v.减弱;降低;减少;轻视
offspring n.后代;子女;幼崽;结果;产物
cap n.帽子;盖;套
curb v.控制=control
rampant adj.泛滥的;猖獗的;蔓延的
halt v.阻止;中断=resist=prevent
negotiate v.谈判
emission n.排放物->emit v.排放
exempt v.免除;豁免
sacrifice v./n.牺牲;奉献
hypocritical adj.虚伪的;伪善的
anthropogenic adj.人为的=factitious=artificial=contrived
plentiful adj.丰富的;众多的<->scant adj.不足的;缺乏的
melting adj.令人爱怜的;令人同情的
vital adj.至关重要的
insist v.坚持
domestical adj.国内的;家庭的
democratic adj.平等的;有民主精神的
vested adj.既定的
resistance n.反对=objection
interest=benefit=sake n.利益
groups with vested interests 既得利益群体
combat v.战斗;与…战斗
blame v./n.责备
anthropogenic adj.人为的;人类起源的
melting adj.融化的
industrial revolution 工业革命;产业革命;行业革命
polar ice cap 极地冰帽
rising sea level 上升的海平面
polluter n.污染者
domestically adv.家庭式地
unpredictable adj.出乎意料的
democratic adj.民主的
phenomenon n.现象
lack the political will 缺乏政治意愿
threaten v.威胁;恐吓
take action 采取行动
wellbeing n.身心健康
in the face of 面对
future generation 后代
resistance n.反对;抵抗
thus far 到现在;迄今为止
vested interest 既得利益
curb v.控制
consequence n.结果;后果
be willing to do 愿意做
living standard 生活水准
stand-off n.对峙
the driving force behind 驱动力
put … aside …把…搁置
negotiation n.协商
self-interest n.利己;自私
set a limit 设限
for the sake of 为了…
carbon n./adj.碳;碳的
contribute v.贡献
exempt adj.被免除的;被豁免的
play the blame game 推卸责任;互相指责;互相推诿


bullet n.黑点
tone n.基调
consistent adj.始终如一的
adequately adv.足够地;适当地
recount v.说明
mechanically adv.机械地
tendency n.偏好;趋势
confuse v.使迷惑;混淆
barely adv.勉强地
cohesion n.连贯;衔接
aspect n.方面
progression n.发展
device n.设备;方法
arrange v.安排
overall adj.全面的
substitution n.代替
indicate v.表明;象征;暗示
lexical n.词汇
minor adj.较小的;次要的
sophisticated adj.老练的
slip n.疏漏
convey v.传送
precise adj.精确的
uncommon adj.不寻常的;程度深的
impede n.妨碍;阻碍
strain n.焦虑
severely adv.非常严重地
distort v.扭曲
essentially adv.根本地
isolated adj.孤立的
error-free adj.无误的
occasional adj.偶尔的
punctuation n.标点符号
subordinate n.下级
clause n.从句
predominate v.占优势
phrase n.短语
attend v.出席
attempt v.尝试;努力
draw v.引起
tangential adj.正切的;扯远的
daunting adj.复杂的=complex
diagram n.图表
line graph n.曲线图
column graph n.柱状图
peak n.顶点 v.到达顶点=apex
steadily adv.逐渐地;稳步地->stead adj.平稳的
gradually adv.逐渐地
fertility n.生育能力;生育率;富饶
plunge v.跌落
exponential adj.指数的
sustained adj.持续的
decline v./n.下降=slip=decrease<->increase=soar=climb
vicinity n.附近
widen v.变宽
slid v.滑行;滑落->slid away=plunge=slip
conviction n.判罪
inmate n.居住者;囚犯
relevant adj.有关的;切题的;正确的
gender n.性别=sex
jail=gaol=prison n.监狱;监禁
criminal adj.犯罪的 n.罪犯
prisoner n.罪犯=offender=convicted criminal=prison inmate
offender n.罪犯;违法者;侵略者<->defender n.防御者;守卫者
offfend v.侵略<->defend v.防守
offensive adj.侵略的;攻击的;冒犯的<->defensive adj.防御的;防守的;戒备的
soar v.高涨
adolecent=teenager n.青少年
adolecence n.青春期
leisure n.闲暇;业余时间;休闲活动
hobby n.业余爱好
figure n.数字
pastime=entertainment;消遣=leisure activity
respondent n.答卷人;调查对象
survey n.民意调查
rate v.评价
prefer v.青睐;更喜爱
stark adj.明显的
prevalence n.流行;盛行=popularity
metro n.地铁
stretch v.(使)变大;拉长 n.(土地;冰域;时间)一片;一段
yearly=annual adj.每年的
impoverished adj.贫困的;赤贫的;(品质)恶化的 v.使贫穷;使枯竭
cosmetic adj.装门面的;表面的;化妆用的;美容的;整容的
procedure n.手续;步骤;程序;外科手术=surgery n.外科手术;诊所;(议员的)接待时间;应诊时间;手术室
plastic adj.塑料的;人造的;不自然的
conduct v.实施;指挥 n.行为;经营方式=perform=carry out
exclusive adj.独有的;专用的;高档的;昂贵的;排外的;独家的;n.独家新闻;独家报导
graph=figure n.图形;图表
kind=type->form n.形式
different kinds=various forms
denote v.标志;预示;表示
empty v.清空;流入;使失去;adj.空的
mark v.标记;标志
remark v.评论=comment=assess(评价;估价;估计)=estimate(估算;评价)
commend v.推荐;举荐;赞许;把…托付给;被接受,得到认可
show=illustrate v.说明;表明=mark=denote v.标志;表明=indicate
give=supply=provide v.提供
stay=keep=remain v.保持
sit=settle v.坐落(于)
filter v.过滤;筛选
dismantle v.拆卸;拆开;废除;取消
forward v.运送
involve v.涉及
entail v.使必要;需要;限定继承;使人承担=involve
allow=permit v.允许
alter=change v.改变;改建
messenger n.信使
contend v.声称;主张=claim=suggest=argue=maintain
restate v.重申=reaffirm
valid adj.有效的;正当的;合理的
drawback n.缺点
weakness=weak point 缺点
facilitate v.使便利
trade n.贸易
shelf n.架子
opinion=position=view n.观点;主张=perspective
affect(effect n.)=influence=impact v.影响
believe=feel v.相信;觉得
improve=revolutionise v.提高,改善;改革
communication=contact(v./n.) 交流;联系
available adj.可以获得的;可以使用的=can be accessed
delibrate adj.故意的
clown n.小丑
beacoh n.灯塔;灯标;信标;引路人 v.照亮;指引
warrant v.使有必要;使正当;需要;值得;允诺;保证
laud v./n.赞美;称赞
argue v.主张;认为;说服;争论;提出质疑;提出理由
affordable adj.可以承担的;可以支付的起的
shape v.塑造;塑形
beacon n.指引
disturb v.打扰;烦扰=disrupt=upset
degradation n.丢脸;落魄;侮辱;损害;恶化;降解
solve=resolve v.解决;处理=address=tackle=overcome
main=primary adj.主要的=principal
observe v.注意到;观察到
adopt v.收养;采取;采纳;接受;定居
example n.例子=instance
allow v.允许=permit
want=desire v.想要;渴望=wish
interchangeably adv.可互换地;可交换地;可交替地
perhaps adv.或许=probably=maybe
substance n.物质;材料;主旨;真实性;毒品;财富
decide v.决定=determine
need v.需要=require
question n.问题=issue
try v.尝试;努力=attempt=endeavour v./n.努力;尽力
recognize=appreciate v.理解;明白;认识到
intend v.打算;想要
consequence n.结果;后果;重要性;价值;(后续)影响=effect=influence=impact
prone adj.有做…倾向的;俯卧的;易于的
stem v.阻止;遏制=prevent=stop
alike adj./adv.相似的=similar
willingly adv.欣然地
cramp adj.狭窄的;难懂的;难辨的
another=one other=one further 另一个
abovementioned adj.上面提到的=outline above
step=measure n.步骤;途径;方法
sign n.标志;迹象 v.签字;打手势;示意
opposite n.反义词
counterpart n.对应的人(或事物);法律文件的副本
tuition n.教学;指导;学费
facet n.部分;方面
disposal v.处理;清除
rob v.抢劫;盗取;剥夺;敲…竹杠
esteem v.尊重=respect
desire v.渴望
progress v./n.进展;进步
process n.步骤;程序
silent adj.安静的;沉默的
violent adj.暴力的
immoral adj.不道德的;邪恶的
imitate v.模仿;仿造
profound adj.深刻的
temptation n.引诱;诱惑
defeat v.击败;难住;阻挠;反对;n.失败
condition n.状态;状况;条件 v.训练;控制
sizeable adj.大的;相当大的




ethical adj.道德的;伦理的
integrate v.合并;融入
divorce n.离婚
breakdown n.故障;破坏
solitary adj.独立的;单独的
subsidise v.奖励;激励
subsidy v.补贴;津贴=incentive=financial incentive
pastime activity
leisure n.闲暇;休闲活动 adj.空闲的;业余的
compaign n.活动;运动;战役 v.领导(参与)运动,从事竞选活动=programme
symptomatic adj.有症状的;症候的
be symptomatic of… 有…症状,是…症状
chief adj.首要的 n.领袖 adv.主要地=primary
assume v.假定;承担
breadwinner n.养家糊口的人
admit v.承认;准许进入->admittedly adv.诚然;不可否认地
alienate v.使疏远
passive adj.消极的;被动的=negnative
compensate v.赔偿;赔付
outline v.概述;勾勒;描画…的轮廓 n.轮廓;外形
consequently adv.因此;结果=hence=thus=so
naturally adv.自然地=unsurprisingly
nature n.自然;秉性;本质;特点;类型
virtual adj.几乎地;实质上的;虚拟的
virtually adv.几乎=almost=nearly
cause n.原因=source=contributing factor
traditionally=in the past adv.过去地;传统地;往往地
usually=typically adv.通常地;典型地
choice=alternative n.选择
look after=take care of
would prefer to=would rather
household n.家庭;一家人; adj.家用的;家务的=family
mature adj.成熟的
spoilt adj.宠坏的;损坏的 v.宠坏;毁坏(spoil)
pub n.酒吧
tough adj.严厉的;坚韧的;坚固的
terror n.惊恐;恐惧;恐怖主义
upbring v.教育;养育
observe v.注意到;注视
antisocial elements 反社会人群
resist v.阻挡;抵制
overcome oneself 战胜自己=conquer oneself
beat oneself 自责
heredity n.遗传
sibling n.兄弟姐妹
fraternal adj.兄弟般的
ordinary adj.普通的
identical adj.同卵的
identical twins 同卵双胞胎
homosexuality n.同性恋
sexuality n.性欲;性取向=sexual orientation
scenario n.设想;剧情
relative adj.相对的;相关联的 n.亲戚
remain v.留下;一直是
integrate v.融入


holiday=vacation n.假期;度假
scuba n.水下呼吸器
snorkeller n.通气管
diver n.潜水者
travel n.旅行=tourism=holidaymaking
visit v.访问;到访=holiday in=vacation in


caloric adj.热量的;n.热量
ailment n.疾病;小病;不安=illness=disease
fry v.油炸;油煎->fried adj.油炸的
obesity n.肥胖症
diabetes n.糖尿病
detrimental adj.有害的;不利的=harmful
benefit=interest n.好处;利益=sake(利益;好处;目的)
serious health problem=major health problem 严重的健康问题
eat=consume v.吃;消耗;消费
danger=risk n.危险;风险
litter n.垃圾=garbage=rubbish
tobacco n.烟草;烟叶
heroin n.海洛因
marijuana n.大麻
habit n.习惯
drug abuse=substance abuse 药物滥用;毒品泛滥
liver n.肝脏
liver cirrhosis 肝硬化
cirrhosis n.硬化


Thailand n.泰国
Indonesia n.印度尼西亚


written laws n.成文法
obey v.遵守<->disobey v.违反;不遵从
violation n.违背;违反;侵权行为;侵犯
civil adj.公民的;国民的
liberty n.自由;合法权利
illicit adj.违法的=illegal=prohibited
llegal adj.合法的=legitimate adj.正当的;合法的
own v.拥有
gamble v./n.冒险;赌博
glue v.用胶水粘 n.胶水;凝聚力
unity n.团结;统一=cohesion n.凝聚力;团结;衔接;连贯=glue
alienate v.使疏远
prohibit v.禁止=forbid=prevent=ban
prohibitionist n.禁酒主义者
possession n.拥有;持有;个人财产;支配;控制=asset n.有利条件;有价值的人或物;资产;财产
undermine v.逐渐削弱;故意破坏(某人)的形象
obey the law=observe the law
disobey v.违反;不服从
disobedient adj.不服从的
own v.拥有=posess
gun=firearm v.枪炮
justified adj.有正当理由的
trial n.审判;磨练


graffi n./v.涂鸦
vandalism n.故意破坏
divorce n.离婚
overtime n.加班 adj.加班的 adv.加班地
promotion n.晋升
ageing population 人口老龄化
refugee n.难民
taxpayer n.纳税人
campaign n.活动;运动;战役;战斗 v.领导(参加)运动;从事竞选活动
western problem 西方问题;西方化问题
prostitution n.卖淫
alcoholism n.酗酒=binge drinking
regulate v.管理;控制=control
influx v.流入
flood n.流;流动
relocate v.搬迁;迁移
integrate v.合并;融入
immigrant n.(外来)移民=newcomer
emigrant n.(移居外国的人)移民
potent adj.强大的;有力的
host n.主持人;主办方;东道主
the wealthy n.富人
affluent adj.富裕的
foster v.培养
decadence n.堕落
country=nation n.国家
overseas=abroad adv.国外
poorer country=developing country n.发展中(贫穷的)国家
developed country n.发达国家
lack of moral standards=moral decadence 道德滑坡;道德堕落
growing n.发展=booming n.繁荣;绽放
vibrancy n.振动;活力
social order 社会秩序
chaos n.混乱
ensue vi.继而发生
firearm n.火器;枪炮
social norms 社会准则;标准=social custom=social rule/rule of behaviour
homogenous adj.同质的;同类的
blur v.(使)看不清;记不清;变模糊
demand v.强烈要求;需求
adapt v.适应=adjust=fit in
new country=adopted country
social=societal adj.社会的
occupation n.工作;职业=job=career=calling
repressive adj.镇压的;压制的;压抑的;抑制的
recreational adj.娱乐的
entertainment activity
sake=benefit=interest n.利益
pointless adj.毫无意义的;毫无目标的;浪费时间的
arrange v.安排;筹备;整理
settlement n.协议;和解;定居点;殖民;开拓
constitue v.组成;构成;成立;任命;是,被认为
slum n.贫民窟
tide n.浪潮;潮水
disparty n.明显差异
firmly adv.坚固地;牢固地
dweller n.居民;居住者
appeal v./n.呼吁;恳求;上诉;申诉;吸引力;感染力
incentive n.奖励;激励
antisocial adj.反社会


life long customer n.终身顾客
export v.输出
industry n.行业=trade
trade n.贸易;行业
wealth n.财富;繁荣=prosperity
rich=wealthy=affluent adj.富有的;富裕的
chance n.机会;机遇=opportunity
reserve v.预定;保留
serve v.为…工作;服务;供应=supply
reverse v.逆转;彻底改变=reform=revolute=innovate
costly adj.昂贵的=expensive
pay the bill=cover the costs 买单
fascinate v.迷住
attractive adj.吸引人的=appealing
subsidise v.消退;下沉;平息;资助
provide financial incentives 提供资金激励
scheme n.方案
convince v.使信服;说服
enormous adj.巨大的
recreational adj.娱乐的
recreational facilities 娱乐设备
leather n.皮革
binge v./n.放纵
binge drinking 酗酒


pornography n,色情描述
instruction n.使用说明;指示;指导


edge n.边缘;边
outskirt n.郊区;市郊=suburb=rural zone
arterial adj.动脉的=干线的
terminate v.结束;到达终点站
zone=area=district=region=section n.地区
place=settle=sit=situate=locate v.坐落(于)
build=construct=establish v.建造
center=centre=middle n.中心
rural adj.乡村的
country n.乡村
depopulation n.人口减少;灭绝
facility n.设备;设施;卫生间;天赋;才能=equipment
facilitate v.使便利;促进;推动
vibrant adj.充满活力的;充满生机的


phase n.阶段;步骤=stage
precede v.在…之前=prior to


mechanical adj.机械的
magnetic adj.磁的
wiring board n.手写板
copper n.铜
smelt v.精炼=refine v.精炼;提纯
extract v.提取;提炼
precious adj.宝贵的
reprocess v.再加工
incineration n.焚化
component n.组件;零件


maternity n.母性 adj.怀孕的;产妇的
leave n.许可;假期


Undergraduate 本科生
Graduate(college graduates) 大学毕业生
Bachelor degree学士学位
Doctorate 博士学位/头衔
Certificate 证书
graduate student研究生(硕/博)
grad(graduate) school研究院

幼儿园 kindergarten/nursery school (nursery adj幼儿教育的)
小学 elementary school/primary school
初中 junior middle school
高中 senior middle school/senior high school (junior n.年少者; 青少年; 职位较低者;adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的; 青少年的 senior adj.级别(或地位)高的; 成人的; 高级水平的; n.较…年长的人; 级别(或地位)较高者; 中学生; 毕业班学生;)
大学 college university

小学生:pupil; school boy; junior;

中学生:middle school student;middle school student; senior;

大学生:university student; college student; undergraduate

研究生:postgraduate; graduate student;

博士:doctor; learned scholar; master; Dr;

secondary education n.中等教育;职高教育;大专教育;高中教育;中学教育
higher education n.高等教育;大学教育=tertiary education
gain an education/receive an education
gain a higher education=attend college/unversity
literacy n.识字能力
numeracy n.计算能力
discipline v.惩罚;处分;训练;管教 n.纪律;处分=punish v.处罚;惩罚
smack v./n.掌掴;拍击
cane v.用藤条打 n.藤条
misbehave v.行为不端;发生故障
hold v.握住;举起;提出
viable adj.切实可行的;可望成功的=practical
perception n.看法;认识;收获;占有
obstacle n.障碍;阻碍
corporal n.下士; adj.肉体的;身体的->corporal punishment 体罚=physical punishment
unruly adj.不守规矩的;任性的<->ruly adj.有秩序的;有条不紊的
resultant n.合力;合成速度;合成矢量;结果
undermine v.逐渐削弱
frown n./v.皱眉
frown upon 不赞成;反对
undue adj.不适当的;过分的;未到期的
serve to… 起…作用
neglect v./n.忽略=ignore
vast adj.巨大的;广大的
promlematic adj.成问题的;有困难的
poor quality=sub-standard 低质量的;低水平的
naughty adj.顽皮的
cruel adj.残酷的
penalise v.扣分
adolescent n.青少年=teenager=juvenile
adolescence n.青少年时期=teenage=youth
teen n.十几岁;青少年时期;少年 adj.十几岁的;青少年的
adolescent n.青少年; adj.青春期的;不成熟的
folk n,家人=family
disruptive adj.引起混乱的;破坏的;创新的;开拓性的
disobedient adj.不服从的


liposuction n.抽脂术
breast enlargement n.乳房增大术
laser skin resurfacing n.激光皮肤复原
rhinoplasty n.整形术
eyelid surgery n.眼皮手术
facelift n.整容手术(去除面部皱纹)
abdominoplasty n.腹部成形术
hair transplantation n.头发移植
comestic surgery=comestic procedure n.整形手术;整容手术


polar adj.极地的
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
drought n.干旱
extinction n.灭绝;消亡;(债务)偿清;消光
preg v.捕食 n.猎物
haunt v.(鬼魂)触摸;萦绕在…心头;(长期)困扰;常去(某地)
rabbit n.兔子;新手
recycling company 回收公司
recycler 回收工作者;回收器
pollutant n.污染物
nitrogen n.氮
fixation n.固着;固化
absorption n.吸纳;吸收
fertiliser n.化肥
metal n.金属
multiply=reproduce v.复制;再生;繁殖
ruin v./n.毁坏;破坏
upset v.打乱;使生气
predatory adj.捕食性的;食肉的;掠夺性的;弱肉强食的
predator n.掠食者
disturb v.打扰;打乱;妨碍=disrupt=upset
delicate adj.柔和的 n.精美的衣物
preserve v.保护=protect=conservate=defend=guard=safeguard=save
intrinsic adj.内在的=inherent (内在的;继承的)
die out=disappear=become extinct 灭绝
delicate=fragile adj.柔和的;纤弱的;易碎的
natural living environment=habitat n.栖息地;习惯居住地


sole adj.唯一的=mere=alone
rapid adj.快速的->rapidly
considerable adj.可观的->considerably
exponential adj.指数的->exponentially
marked adj.显著的->markedly
moderate adj.普通的;中等的
common=popular adj.普遍的;众人皆知的;流行的
threefold adj.三倍的
twofold adj.两倍的
fourfold adj.四倍的
staggering adj.令人吃惊的;大的惊人的 v.摇摇晃晃地走;使震惊=striking adv.惊人的
apparent adj.明显的=evident
negligible adj.微不足道的
dramatically adv.剧烈地;明显地
sufficient adj.充足的->sufficiently adv.
affluent adj.富裕的;富足的 n.富人
a little=marginally 一点点
percentage n.百分比;比例=rate
some=approximately=an approximate adv.大约
much of=a vast amount of大量=a great deal of=large amounts of
too much=to excess 过量的/过量地
many=numerous=countless adj.许多的;大量的;数不胜数的
reliable adj.可靠的
indisputable adj.不容置疑的;无可争辩的=irrefutable=proven=undoubtedly
no doubt 毫无疑问地
undeniable adj.不可否认的
incredible adj.不可思议的;难以置信的=unbelievable
incredibly adv.难以置信地;非常地
pivotal adj.中枢的;关键的
fatal adj.致命的;导致失败的;灾难性的
at large 未被限制地;自由地;在逃地
excess adj.过量的 n.过量
significant adj.重要的
vital adj.至关重要的;必不可少的->vitally adv.至关重要地;必不可少地;极其地;紧要地;生死攸关地=essential=absolutely pivotal=important=crucial
warranted adj.担保的;合理的
salient adj.显著的
renowned adj.著名的;有声望的
surmountable adj.可克服的;可超越的<->insurmountable adj.不可克服的;不可超越的=impossible to overcome
overcome v.克服=conquer=surmount
by no means 绝不=certainly not
problem=difficulty=challenge n.问题;困难;挑战
mostly=mainly adv.主要地
worrying=disturbing adj.令人忧虑的;令人焦虑的
damage n.伤害
degradation n.丢脸;落魄;侮辱;损害;恶化;衰退;降解
especially=particularly adv.特别地
large adj.大的=vast
slowly adv.缓慢地;逐步地=gradually
famous=world renowned 世界著名的
complicated=complex adj.复杂的
formal adj.正式的;拘谨的;有条理的
normally adv.通常地
innovation n.革新;创新
revolution n.革命;改革
generalisation n.一般化;归纳;普遍原理
sterotype n.老一套;刻板印象 v.对…有成见
trait n.特征;特点;一点;少许
convention n.惯例;习俗;大会->conventional adj.惯例的;习俗的=traditional
pursue v.追求;致力于
conservative adj.保守的=conservational=traditional
well adv.好地=effectively adv.有效地
right adj.对的;正好的=accurate
often adv.经常=frequently
ultimate adj.最终的;最后的;最根本的
seriousness n.严肃;认真;严重性
finitely adv.有限地<->infinitely adv.无限地
definitely adv.肯定地;当然;明确地;确定地=certainly=of course
controversial adj.有争议的;引发争议的=contentious
dinosaur n.恐龙;守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西
indispensable adj.不可或缺的
potential adj.潜力的 n.潜力
valid adj.有效的;正当的;合理的
precisely adv.恰恰;恰好=exactly=just
conducive adj.有助的;有益的=beneficial


meanwhile adv.同时地=simultaneously=concurrently=synchronously
therefore adv.因此=thus=hence
similarly=likewise adv.相似地;同样地;类似地
however=yet=nevertheless=nonetheless=whereas=but adv.然而;但是=while
since adv.既然
because=since=given that 因为;由于
though=although 虽然=despite
even though=even if 即使
conversely adv.相反地;反过来说=to the contrary=on the contrary
in general=overall adv.总的来说
as for=with regard to 说到…=considering=given(考虑到)
by contrast 相对地;对比地;差异地=in contrast=conversely=in stark contrast, however…
by far 目前;迄今为止=so far=thus far
no surprising=predicable adj.可预见的;不出意外的
subsequently adv.后续地;自然地;后来;然后=then=after this=at this point=at this time
occasionally adv.偶然地
equally importantly 同样重要地
admittedly adv.诚然=of course=certainly=definitely
by way of conclusion=to summerize adv.(可放在句首)总结=to conclude=in conclusion=in summary
in other words 换句话说
in the short term 短期内
firstly=first of all 首先
in addition to this=further and even more importantly, though, …
even more worrying 更令人担忧地
actually adv.事实上;实际上=in fact
and=as well as 且;还有…
not likely=highly unlikely adj.不可能的;绝对不可能的
powerful=potent adj.强有力的
sign=symbol n.标志;符号;代表
power=domination n.统治;统治地位
especially=particularly adv.特别地
furthermore=further 更多地;而且
as far as I am concerned 尽我所能想到的范围来说
further to this point 对这一点展开来说
finally adv.最后


somewhere adv.某个地方
remainder n.剩余部分


prior to 在…之前=precede
slid away 滑落
soar to 高涨到…
it is evident from the information provided that
it is interesting to note that
a glance at the graph/picture/chart/table/figure reveals (that)…
recently established 刚建立的
vary greatly 大幅度变化;变化巨大
part of the world=region of the world
either…or… 要么…要么…
neither…nor… 既不…也不…
not only…but also… 既…又…
at this point
at this time
dispose of v.处理;丢掉;安排
in recent times=nowadays=recently 最近
in earlier times 在早些时候;以前;从前=in the past
as to… 至于;关于;就…而言;根据;按照
place…at our/the/my fingertip 使…唾手可得
rather than=instead of 而不是
restate/reaffirm one’s position 重申某人的主张->By way of conclusion, I once again restate my position that…最后,我再次重申我的主张…
talk to=relate to 关于…
family and friends=loved ones 家人和朋友;所爱的人
other countries=faraway places 其他国家;国外;外地;远方
international business=global trade 国际贸易
because of=given 因为;由于=due to
lead to =cause=result in 导致= give rise to
in later life 在往后的生命中=in future
in the short term 在短期内
in the foreseeable future 在可预见的未来
in recent years=over the past few decades在过去几年里
in order to 为了…
it is interesting to note that…有趣的是…
grow up doing sth. 做某事长大
be responsible for… 对…负责
be now more common than ever before 比以往任何时候都更普遍
the past 50 years have seen…在过去50年中我们已经看到…
bring problems/cause problems=create difficulties
create wealth=bring economic prosperity
involved with=associated with 与…相关
The reasons for this are twofold. 这个的理由是两方面的。
regardless of… 不管/不顾…
borders between countries become increasingly blurred=borders between countries is increasingly blurring
make sure=ensure 确保
hold to sth./doing sth.=persist on sth./doing sth. 坚持做某事
…and vice versa. 反之亦然
be able to do sth.=be capable of doing sth. 能够做某事
in favour of… 支持/赞同…
impact upon… 冲击…;对…产生影响
recognize/appreciate the importance of…认识到…的重要性
depend on=rely on 依赖
out of control=unchecked 失控的
more and more=an increasing number of
little wonder=it is unsurprising
I don’t believe any real solution will be found in the near future.
by many these days 这些天来
in my view=from my perspective 从我的观点来看
important subject=core subject 重点主题;核心主题
in oneself 本身
It’s far better that we accept and adapt to the reality of modern life than try to turn back the clock.
give up 放弃=abandon=discard
in order to do sth. 为了做某事
in order for sb to do sth.为了让某人去做某事
While there are valid arguments to the contrary,… 尽管这里有一些相互冲突的争论
xxx is an effective way of ensuring the best possible educational outcomes for all.
In these highly competitive times where knowledge is power, nobody has the right to deny anyone else an education.
their relative influence varies from one person to the next.
in large part 很大程度上地
the most likely scenario is that …
in the worst case scenario, …
revert to …恢复到…
sb find themselves in the role of interpreter.发现自己的扮演着表演者的角色
for my view on this issue 就我对这个问题的看法来说
be satisfied with… 对…感到满意
put more effort into doing sth. 对做某事投入更多努力
stand-off n.僵持
groups with vested interests 既得利益群体
for any government action to succeed,…先要任何政府行为获得成功,就要…
aim at… 旨在…
perform at one’s peak 表现出某人的巅峰水平
right up until … 一直到…为止
Big business has a vested interest in political stability, as money markets are very sensitive to uncertainty. 大型商业活动对政策稳定性有既得利益,正如货币市场对不确定性非常敏感一样。

本文标签: 雅思