

task 1

The chart gives data about commuters going to work by bikes regarding the total number and the growth rate in 2001 and 2011 at 12 cities of the UK.

It is clear that the number of residents who ride bikes to work rose significantly and consistently across all these 12 cities.

Inner London and Outer London had the largest two population riding to work each year. However, they shown distinct growth rates. While Inner London had the biggest growth rate at 144% (from 43 thousand in 2001 to 106 thousand in 2011), the increase rate at Outer London was much smaller, which was the smallest among 12 cities, merely 45%, less than one third of that at Inner London.

The population cycling to work at other 10 cities ranged from about 1 thousand to 8 thousand, and the percentage of change varied from 48% to 109%. Bristol had 15 thousand cycling population in 2011, which was the third largest but was still no more than one eighth of that at Inner London. Brighton and Hove had the third largest growth rate at 109%.

task 2

It is sometimes argued that foreigner tourists should be charged with more money than local tourists at important attractions. However, I personally disagree with this opinion.

The major reason why I disagree with higher money for foreign visitors is that this action would eventually reduce the overall income of tourism, which would further have a negative impact on maintaining and protecting local attractions. Specifically, if foreigner visitors find that they have to spend more money at local attractions or scenery spots, they will tend to feel unfair and unpleasant and decide to never come to this place again. Furthermore, if it is reported that a country charging more for foreign tourists many times, people will consider this country is not willing to share their cultural and historical attractions to the world, which would leave a bad reputation for this country and fewer people would come to visit there. As a result, the overall tourism income would decrease and there might be less funding for maintaining local attractions because of the lack of profit.

It is true that local attractions rely heavily on state funding and local residents have already paid partially for local attractions through tax system. However, charging more money for foreign visitors is an unwise idea. It ignores the huge contributions of foreign visitors to local economy. They generally spend much more money on travelling than local residents, such as shopping at local malls, eating at local restaurants, and accommodating at local hotels. They should not further be charged more than local residents at entrance tickets.

In conclusion, I believe that foreigner visitors should not be charged more than locals at historical and cultural attractions. Otherwise, it would result in decrease of local tourism income and even government fundings on maintaining local attractions.

It is sometimes argued that foreign tourists should be charged more than local tourists at important attractions. But I personally do not agree with this view.

The main reason why I disagree with charging foreign tourists more is that such a practice will ultimately reduce the overall revenue of the tourism industry, which will further have a negative impact on the maintenance and preservation of local attractions. Specifically, if foreign tourists find themselves having to spend more money at a local attraction or scenic spot, they tend to feel unfair and unhappy and decide never to visit the place again. In addition, if a country is repeatedly reported to have overcharged foreign tourists, people will think that the country is unwilling to share its cultural and historical attractions with the world, which will give the country a bad name and fewer people will come to visit. As a result, there will be less overall tourism revenue and, due to the lack of profit, less money will be spent on maintaining local attractions.

It is true that local tourist attractions rely heavily on state funding and that local residents already pay part of the cost of local tourist attractions through the tax system. However, charging foreign tourists more is an unwise idea. It ignores the huge contribution that foreign tourists make to the local economy. They generally spend much more on tourism than local residents, such as shopping in local malls, dining in local restaurants and staying in local hotels. They should not be charged higher admission fees than local residents.

In conclusion, I do not think that foreign tourists should be charged higher fees than local residents at historical and cultural attractions. Otherwise, it will lead to a reduction in local tourism revenue and even government funding for the maintenance of local attractions.

task 1

The bar chart gives information about the winner of Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest from 1980 to 2010 regarding where winners came from and the number of hot dogs and buns they ate.

It is noticeable that the amount of hot dogs and buns that winners ate generally increased over the 30-year scale. It is also clear that most of the winners came from the US and Japan.

From 1980 to 1996, American dominated this contest. The number of hot dog and buns winners ate rose from 9 to 21. Only in 1983 and 1984 where the winners were not from the US. They came from Mexico and Germany and ate 9.5 and 19.5 hot dogs respectively. The winner from Germany was also the only female champion over the 30-year period.

Japanese won most of the contest held between 1997 to 2006 and the figure increased from 22.25 to 53.75, which was more than double of that in 1995. Since 2007, American dominated the game again and made a new record of 68.

task 2

It is a controversial topic that whether strict punishment, such as banning the license forever and prison, should be used for traffic offence. There are valid views on both sides which I will analyze.

On the one hand, supporters believe that strict punishment for traffic offence is the most effective way to reduce the number of traffic accidents. Because most traffic accidents are caused by those drivers taking less care of safety of other people and driving in a very reckless style in their daily driving. Only if they were informed of the strict punishment of traffic offence, they would completely change their dangerous driving style, which would reduce the overall traffic accident rate effectively.

On the other hand, many drivers consider that heavy punishments for all traffic offenders would be counterproductive and minor punishments are more effective. They highlight that many accidents on roads are caused by mistakes and hard to avoid. Strict punishment would make drivers more anxious and feel hard to concentrate on complicated road situation, which would raise the risk of accidents. However, compared with strict punishments, minor punishments like fining and forcing to take driving license again make a better balance between safety and punishment. Thus, it is more effective for reducing overall amount of traffic accident.

Overall, I believe that it is more reasonable to put heavy punishments for those who cause serious traffic accidents on purpose and minor punishments for offence by mistake.

Whether or not there should be severe penalties for traffic offenses, such as permanent license suspension and imprisonment, is a controversial topic. There are valid arguments for and against this, and I will analyze them.

On the one hand, supporters believe that severe penalties for traffic offenses are the most effective way to reduce traffic accidents. This is because most traffic accidents are caused by those drivers who do not pay attention to the safety of others in their daily driving and drive very recklessly. Only when they are made aware of the severe penalties for traffic offenses will they completely change their dangerous driving style, thus effectively reducing the overall rate of traffic accidents.

On the other hand, many drivers believe that heavy penalties for all traffic offenders are counterproductive and that lighter penalties are more effective. They emphasize that many traffic accidents are caused by mistakes that are hard to avoid. Strict penalties would make drivers more anxious and find it difficult to concentrate on complex road conditions, thus increasing the risk of accidents. However, minor penalties such as fines and mandatory re-testing of driving licenses can strike a better balance between safety and punishment than strict penalties. As a result, this is more effective in reducing the total number of traffic accidents.

In conclusion, I think it is more reasonable to impose heavy penalties on those who deliberately cause serious traffic accidents and light penalties on those who commit crimes of negligence.

task 1

The flow chart illustrates the key steps of how to recycle waste paper and produce usable paper from it.

There are six key steps clearly shown in the picture, covering the key information of waste paper collection and sorting and new paper production.

At the first two steps of the whole process, waste paper is collected and sorted. Waste paper is first collected from public paper banks and from companies, and is then classified by professional workers. If it is judged as not suitable for making new paper, it will be removed.

At the following steps, suitable paper is transformed into usable paper through several process. Suitable paper is first delivered into paper mill and then cleaned, pulped and deinked to remove other materials, such as pollutants mixed in and inks and glues attached on. Finally, it is feed into paper production machine and usable paper is produced from it.

task 2

It has been suggested that all young adults should be required to undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in the community. Would the drawbacks of such a requirement be greater than the benefits to the community and the individual young adults?

Some people argue that all young people should take part in voluntary activities for a period. However, opponents highlight the drawbacks of it and disagree with it. In my opinion, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks of voluntary activities for young adults and the community.

On the one hand, many people believe participating in community activities is beneficial both to young adults themselves and the local community. Besides the obvious benefits for the community, such as improving the quality and expanding the range of services with a lower cost, by deeply involved into community for a period, youngsters could significantly improve their abilities of communication and cooperation. Furthermore, they can also understand the meaning of love and contribution deeply and enjoy the fulfillment of community work, which might lead them to participate more in community work and dedicate themselves to improving the life quality of local residents in the future.

On the other hand, people highlight that forcing all young adults to do community work might be counterproductive. Because it is almost impossible to find a suitable unpaid job for every young student in local community. If they are not interested in and even suffering from the jobs given, they will tend to not take their work seriously and even put their frustrations and anger to community members. As a result, they might not learn any valuable ability from doing community work and the quality of community services might decrease eventually.

Overall, I believe it is beneficial both for themselves and community to require young adults to do some voluntary work, as long as they are offered with suitable jobs for them.

task 1

task 2
