

hashcat --help 中文注释

    • 1、选项
    • 2、HASH 模式
    • 3、Brain Client Features 脑客户端功能
    • 4、Rule Debugging Modes 规则调试模式
    • 5、Attack Modes 攻击模式
    • 6、Built-in Charsets 内置字符集
    • 7、OpenCL Device Types 设备类型
    • 8、Workload Profiles 工作负载配置
    • 9、基本示例

  • Hashcat号称宇宙最强密码破解工具,其是一款开源软件,有针对Windows、Mac和Linux的版本,支持CPU、GPU、APU、DSP和FPGA等多种计算核心,支持多种hash散列算法,支持对rar、office、pdf、windows账户、wifi等多种密码的破解


PS E:\hashcat\hashcat-6.2.6> .\hashcat.exe --help
hashcat (v6.2.6) starting in help mode

Usage: hashcat [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapxfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...

- [ Options ] -

 Options Short / Long           | Type | Description                                          | Example
 -m, --hash-type                | Num  | 哈希类型,引用以下hash模式(否则自动检测)   	  			  | -m 1000    
 -a, --attack-mode              | Num  | 攻击模式, 引用以下Attack Modes 攻击模式                  | -a 3    
 -V, --version                  |      | 版本                             				      |        
 -h, --help                     |      | Print help                                           |  
     --quiet                    |      | 抑制输出(静默)                 						  |  			
     --hex-charset              |      | 假设字符集以十六进制|给出                                |   
     --hex-salt                 |      | 假设在十六进制|中给出了salt               		          |     
     --hex-wordlist             |      | 假设wordlist中的单词以十六进制|给出		              |      
     --force                    |      | 无视警告                           		              |    
     --deprecated-check-disable |      | 启用弃用的插件            			                  |    
     --status                   |      | 启用状态屏幕自动更新        							  |      
     --status-json              |      | 启用JSON格式的状态输出  				                  |     
     --status-timer             | Num  | 设置状态屏幕更新间隔为X秒							      | --status-timer=1    
     --stdin-timeout-abort      | Num  | 如果X秒内没有stdin输入则中止 							  | --stdin-timeout-abort=300      
     --machine-readable         |      | 以机器可读的格式显示状态视图							  |     
     --keep-guessing            |      | 在哈希被破解后继续猜 								      |			
     --self-test-disable        |      | 启动时关闭自检功能					                  |			
     --loopback                 |      | 为导入目录添加新的平原					                  |				
     --markov-hcstat2           | File | 指定使用|的hcstat2文件		                          | --markov-hcstat2=my.hcstat2     
     --markov-disable           |      | 禁用markov链,模拟经典的暴力							  |			
     --markov-classic           |      | 启用经典的markov链,不是每个位置				          |			
     --markov-inverse           |      | 启用反向markov链,不是每个位置     					  |      
 -t, --markov-threshold         | Num  | 阈值X何时停止接受新的markov-chains					  | -t 50   
     --runtime                  | Num  | X秒后中断会话					  	 	              | --runtime=10			
     --session                  | Str  | 定义具体的会话名称				                      | --session=mysession			
     --restore                  |      | 从session 恢复会话                 				      |			
     --restore-disable          |      | 不写恢复文件  				                          |			
     --restore-file-path        | File | 恢复文件|的具体路径			                          | --restore-file-path=x.restore  
 -o, --outfile                  | File | 定义outfile为恢复的散列				                  | -o outfile.txt				
     --outfile-format           | Str  | 要使用的外文件格式,以逗号分隔					          | --outfile-format=1,3    
     --outfile-autohex-disable  |      | 禁止在输出平原中使用$HEX[]					          |			
     --outfile-check-timer      | Num  | 设置outfile检查的间隔时间为X秒				              | --outfile-check-timer=30		
     --wordlist-autohex-disable |      | 不要破解散列,而是只打印候选者						      |		
 -p, --separator                | Char | 用于hashlist和outfile的分隔字符":"  		              | -p :			
     --stdout                   |      | 不要破解散列,而是只打印候选者						      |			
     --show                     |      | 比较hashlist和potfile;显示破解散列				      |			
     --left                     |      | 比较hashlist和potfile;显示未破解的散列					  |			
     --username                 |      | 启用忽略hashfile中的用户名				              |   
     --remove                   |      | 启用删除散列一旦他们被破解						          | 
     --remove-timer             | Num  | 每X秒更新一次输入哈希文件				                  | --remove-timer=30    
     --potfile-disable          |      | 不写potfile                 				          |    
     --potfile-path             | File | 指定的potfile路径		                              | --potfile-path=my.pot    
     --encoding-from            | Code | 强制从X进行内部单词列表编码				              | --encoding-from=iso-8859-15   
     --encoding-to              | Code | 强制内部wordlist编码到X           				      | --encoding-to=utf-32le    
     --debug-mode               | Num  | 定义调试模式(仅通过使用规则混合) 						  | --debug-mode=4   
     --debug-file               | File |  调试规则的输出文件					 	              | --debug-file=good.log  
     --induction-dir            | Dir  | 指定用于环回|的诱导目录  								  | --induction=inducts  
     --outfile-check-dir        | Dir  | 指定要监控的outfile目录								  | --outfile-check-dir=x   
     --logfile-disable          |      | 禁用文件              			                      |  
     --hccapx-message-pair      | Num  | 只从匹配X的hccapx加载消息对						      | --hccapx-message-pair=2   
     --nonce-error-corrections  | Num  | 用来替换AP的nonce last bytes的BF大小范围		          | --nonce-error-corrections=16  
     --keyboard-layout-mapping  |      | 特殊哈希模式的键盘布局映射表						      | --keyb=german.hckmap
     --truecrypt-keyfiles       | File | 使用的密钥文件,以逗号分隔					              | --truecrypt-keyf=x.png   
     --veracrypt-keyfiles       | File | 使用的密钥文件,以逗号分隔					              | --veracrypt-keyf=x.txt  
     --veracrypt-pim-start      | Num  | VeraCrypt个人迭代倍增器start					          | --veracrypt-pim-start=450  
     --veracrypt-pim-stop       | Num  | VeraCrypt个人迭代倍增器stop 					          | --veracrypt-pim-stop=500   
 -b, --benchmark                |      | 运行所选散列模式|的基准测试			                  |  
     --benchmark-all            |      | 运行所有哈希模式的基准测试(要求-b)				          |   
     --speed-only               |      | 返回攻击的预期速度,然后退出					          |   
     --progress-only            |      | 返回处理|的理想进度步长和时间							  |    
 -c, --segment-size             | Num  | 设置从wordfile缓存到X的大小,单位为MB				      | -c 32   
     --bitmap-min               | Num  | 设置位图允许的最小位数为X						          | --bitmap-min=24    
     --bitmap-max               | Num  | 设置位图允许的最大位数为X					              | --bitmap-max=24  
     --cpu-affinity             | Str  | 锁定CPU设备,以逗号分隔						          | --cpu-affinity=1,2,3   
     --hook-threads             | Num  | 设置钩子的线程数(每个计算单元)							  | --hook-threads=8   
     --hash-info                |      | 显示每个哈希模式的信息					                  |   
     --example-hashes           |      | hash-info的别名		                                  |   
     --backend-ignore-cuda      |      | 启动时,不要尝试打开CUDA接口					          |   
     --backend-ignore-hip       |      | 不要尝试在启动|时打开HIP接口					          |   
     --backend-ignore-metal     |      | 启动时不要尝试打开Metal接口					          |    
     --backend-ignore-opencl    |      | 启动时不要尝试打开OpenCL接口					          |    
 -I, --backend-info             |      | 显示系统/环境/后端API信息					              | -I or -II    
 -d, --backend-devices          | Str  | 要使用的后端设备,以逗号分隔					          | -d 1    
 -D, --opencl-device-types      | Str  | 使用的OpenCL设备类型,以逗号分隔					      | -D 1  
 -O, --optimized-kernel-enable  |      | 启用优化的内核(限制密码长度)						      |   
 -M, --multiply-accel-disable   |      | 禁用倍增内核加速与处理器计数						      |   
 -w, --workload-profile         | Num  | 启用特定的工作负载配置文件,参见|下面的Workload Profiles	  | -w 3    
 -n, --kernel-accel             | Num  | 手动负载调优,设置outerloop步长为X						  | -n 64   
 -u, --kernel-loops             | Num  | 手动负载调优,设置内环步长为X							  | -u 256    
 -T, --kernel-threads           | Num  | 手动负载调优,设置线程数为X						      | -T 64    
     --backend-vector-width     | Num  | 手动覆盖后端vector-width为X					          | --backend-vector=4   
     --spin-damp                | Num  | 使用CPU进行设备同步,百分数						      | --spin-damp=10   
     --hwmon-disable            |      | 禁用温度和风扇速度读取和触发							  |    
     --hwmon-temp-abort         | Num  | 温度达到X摄氏度时中止								      | --hwmon-temp-abort=100    
     --scrypt-tmto              | Num  | 手动覆盖TMTO的值为X 							          | --scrypt-tmto=3    
 -s, --skip                     | Num  | 从开头跳过X个单词				                          | -s 1000000    
 -l, --limit                    | Num  | 限制从开头开始的X个单词+跳过的单词				          | -l 1000000    
     --keyspace                 |      | 显示keyspace base:mod值并退出				          |   
 -j, --rule-left                | Rule | 单个规则应用于左单词列表中的每个单词						  | -j 'c'    
 -k, --rule-right               | Rule | 单个规则应用于右侧单词列表中的每个单词					  | -k '^-'    
 -r, --rules-file               | File | 多个规则应用于单词列表中的每个单词					      | -r rules/best64.rule  
 -g, --generate-rules           | Num  | 生成X条随机规则			                              | -g 10000   
     --generate-rules-func-min  | Num  | 每条规则强制最小X个函数		                          |  
     --generate-rules-func-max  | Num  | 强制每个规则最大使用X个函数		                      |    
     --generate-rules-func-sel  | Str  | 随机规则引擎有效的规则操作符池							  | --generate-rules-func-sel=ioTlc   
     --generate-rules-seed      | Num  | 强制RNG种子设置为X			                          |   
 -1, --custom-charset1          | CS   | 用户定义的字符集?1			                          | -1 ?l?d?u    
 -2, --custom-charset2          | CS   | User-defined charset ?2                              | -2 ?l?d?s    
 -3, --custom-charset3          | CS   | User-defined charset ?3                              |     
 -4, --custom-charset4          | CS   | User-defined charset ?4                              |  
     --identify                 |      | 显示所有支持的输入哈希算法							      | --identify my.hash    
 -i, --increment                |      | 开启掩码增量模式				                          |     
     --increment-min            | Num  | 开始掩码增量在X						                  | --increment-min=4     
     --increment-max            | Num  | 停止掩码在X处递增				                          | --increment-max=8   
 -S, --slow-candidates          |      | 启用较慢(但高级)的候选生成器						      |    
     --brain-server             |      | 启动brain服务器		                                  |     
     --brain-server-timer       | Num  | 每X秒更新一次brain server dump (min:60) 				  | --brain-server-timer=300    
 -z, --brain-client             |      | 启用brain客户端,激活-S				                  |     
     --brain-client-features    | Num  | 定义brain客户端功能,见下面brain			              | --brain-client-features=3   
     --brain-host               | Str  | Brain服务器主机(IP或域)			                      | --brain-host=    
     --brain-port               | Port | 脑服务器端口			                                  | --brain-port=13743     
     --brain-password           | Str  | Brain服务器认证密码						              | --brain-password=bZfhCvGUSjRq     
     --brain-session            | Hex  | 十六进制|覆盖自动计算的大脑会话						      | --brain-session=0x2ae611db     
     --brain-session-whitelist  | Hex  | 只允许给定的会话,用逗号分隔						      | --brain-session-whitelist=0x2ae611db    

2、HASH 模式

- [ Hash modes ] -

      # | Name                                                       | Category
    900 | MD4                                                        | Raw Hash
      0 | MD5                                                        | Raw Hash
    100 | SHA1                                                       | Raw Hash
   1300 | SHA2-224                                                   | Raw Hash
   1400 | SHA2-256                                                   | Raw Hash
  10800 | SHA2-384                                                   | Raw Hash
   1700 | SHA2-512                                                   | Raw Hash
  17300 | SHA3-224                                                   | Raw Hash
  17400 | SHA3-256                                                   | Raw Hash
  17500 | SHA3-384                                                   | Raw Hash
  17600 | SHA3-512                                                   | Raw Hash
   6000 | RIPEMD-160                                                 | Raw Hash
    600 | BLAKE2b-512                                                | Raw Hash
  11700 | GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 256-bit, big-endian           | Raw Hash
  11800 | GOST R 34.11-2012 (Streebog) 512-bit, big-endian           | Raw Hash
   6900 | GOST R 34.11-94                                            | Raw Hash
  17010 | GPG (AES-128/AES-256 (SHA-1($pass)))                       | Raw Hash
   5100 | Half MD5                                                   | Raw Hash
  17700 | Keccak-224                                                 | Raw Hash
  17800 | Keccak-256                                                 | Raw Hash
  17900 | Keccak-384                                                 | Raw Hash
  18000 | Keccak-512                                                 | Raw Hash
   6100 | Whirlpool                                                  | Raw Hash
  10100 | SipHash                                                    | Raw Hash
     70 | md5(utf16le($pass))                                        | Raw Hash
    170 | sha1(utf16le($pass))                                       | Raw Hash
   1470 | sha256(utf16le($pass))                                     | Raw Hash
  10870 | sha384(utf16le($pass))                                     | Raw Hash
   1770 | sha512(utf16le($pass))                                     | Raw Hash
    610 | BLAKE2b-512($pass.$salt)                                   | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
    620 | BLAKE2b-512($salt.$pass)                                   | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
     10 | md5($pass.$salt)                                           | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
     20 | md5($salt.$pass)                                           | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   3800 | md5($salt.$pass.$salt)                                     | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   3710 | md5($salt.md5($pass))                                      | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4110 | md5($salt.md5($pass.$salt))                                | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4010 | md5($salt.md5($salt.$pass))                                | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  21300 | md5($salt.sha1($salt.$pass))                               | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
     40 | md5($salt.utf16le($pass))                                  | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   2600 | md5(md5($pass))                                            | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   3910 | md5(md5($pass).md5($salt))                                 | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   3500 | md5(md5(md5($pass)))                                       | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4400 | md5(sha1($pass))                                           | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4410 | md5(sha1($pass).$salt)                                     | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  20900 | md5(sha1($pass).md5($pass).sha1($pass))                    | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  21200 | md5(sha1($salt).md5($pass))                                | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4300 | md5(strtoupper(md5($pass)))                                | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
     30 | md5(utf16le($pass).$salt)                                  | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
    110 | sha1($pass.$salt)                                          | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
    120 | sha1($salt.$pass)                                          | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4900 | sha1($salt.$pass.$salt)                                    | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4520 | sha1($salt.sha1($pass))                                    | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  24300 | sha1($salt.sha1($pass.$salt))                              | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
    140 | sha1($salt.utf16le($pass))                                 | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  19300 | sha1($salt1.$pass.$salt2)                                  | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  14400 | sha1(CX)                                                   | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4700 | sha1(md5($pass))                                           | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4710 | sha1(md5($pass).$salt)                                     | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  21100 | sha1(md5($pass.$salt))                                     | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  18500 | sha1(md5(md5($pass)))                                      | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4500 | sha1(sha1($pass))                                          | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   4510 | sha1(sha1($pass).$salt)                                    | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   5000 | sha1(sha1($salt.$pass.$salt))                              | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
    130 | sha1(utf16le($pass).$salt)                                 | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1410 | sha256($pass.$salt)                                        | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1420 | sha256($salt.$pass)                                        | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  22300 | sha256($salt.$pass.$salt)                                  | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  20720 | sha256($salt.sha256($pass))                                | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  21420 | sha256($salt.sha256_bin($pass))                            | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1440 | sha256($salt.utf16le($pass))                               | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  20800 | sha256(md5($pass))                                         | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  20710 | sha256(sha256($pass).$salt)                                | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  21400 | sha256(sha256_bin($pass))                                  | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1430 | sha256(utf16le($pass).$salt)                               | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  10810 | sha384($pass.$salt)                                        | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  10820 | sha384($salt.$pass)                                        | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  10840 | sha384($salt.utf16le($pass))                               | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
  10830 | sha384(utf16le($pass).$salt)                               | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1710 | sha512($pass.$salt)                                        | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1720 | sha512($salt.$pass)                                        | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1740 | sha512($salt.utf16le($pass))                               | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
   1730 | sha512(utf16le($pass).$salt)                               | Raw Hash salted and/or iterated
     50 | HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)                                     | Raw Hash authenticated
     60 | HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)                                     | Raw Hash authenticated
    150 | HMAC-SHA1 (key = $pass)                                    | Raw Hash authenticated
    160 | HMAC-SHA1 (key = $salt)                                    | Raw Hash authenticated
   1450 | HMAC-SHA256 (key = $pass)                                  | Raw Hash authenticated
   1460 | HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt)                                  | Raw Hash authenticated
   1750 | HMAC-SHA512 (key = $pass)                                  | Raw Hash authenticated
   1760 | HMAC-SHA512 (key = $salt)                                  | Raw Hash authenticated
  11750 | HMAC-Streebog-256 (key = $pass), big-endian                | Raw Hash authenticated
  11760 | HMAC-Streebog-256 (key = $salt), big-endian                | Raw Hash authenticated
  11850 | HMAC-Streebog-512 (key = $pass), big-endian                | Raw Hash authenticated
  11860 | HMAC-Streebog-512 (key = $salt), big-endian                | Raw Hash authenticated
  28700 | Amazon AWS4-HMAC-SHA256                                    | Raw Hash authenticated
  11500 | CRC32                                                      | Raw Checksum
  27900 | CRC32C                                                     | Raw Checksum
  28000 | CRC64Jones                                                 | Raw Checksum
  18700 | Java Object hashCode()                                     | Raw Checksum
  25700 | MurmurHash                                                 | Raw Checksum
  27800 | MurmurHash3                                                | Raw Checksum
  14100 | 3DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                             | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  14000 | DES (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                              | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  26401 | AES-128-ECB NOKDF (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  26402 | AES-192-ECB NOKDF (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  26403 | AES-256-ECB NOKDF (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  15400 | ChaCha20                                                   | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  14500 | Linux Kernel Crypto API (2.4)                              | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  14900 | Skip32 (PT = $salt, key = $pass)                           | Raw Cipher, Known-plaintext attack
  11900 | PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5                                            | Generic KDF
  12000 | PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1                                           | Generic KDF
  10900 | PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256                                         | Generic KDF
  12100 | PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512                                         | Generic KDF
   8900 | scrypt                                                     | Generic KDF
    400 | phpass                                                     | Generic KDF
  16100 | TACACS+                                                    | Network Protocol
  11400 | SIP digest authentication (MD5)                            | Network Protocol
   5300 | IKE-PSK MD5                                                | Network Protocol
   5400 | IKE-PSK SHA1                                               | Network Protocol
  25100 | SNMPv3 HMAC-MD5-96                                         | Network Protocol
  25000 | SNMPv3 HMAC-MD5-96/HMAC-SHA1-96                            | Network Protocol
  25200 | SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA1-96                                        | Network Protocol
  26700 | SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA224-128                                     | Network Protocol
  26800 | SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA256-192                                     | Network Protocol
  26900 | SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA384-256                                     | Network Protocol
  27300 | SNMPv3 HMAC-SHA512-384                                     | Network Protocol
   2500 | WPA-EAPOL-PBKDF2                                           | Network Protocol
   2501 | WPA-EAPOL-PMK                                              | Network Protocol
  22000 | WPA-PBKDF2-PMKID+EAPOL                                     | Network Protocol
  22001 | WPA-PMK-PMKID+EAPOL                                        | Network Protocol
  16800 | WPA-PMKID-PBKDF2                                           | Network Protocol
  16801 | WPA-PMKID-PMK                                              | Network Protocol
   7300 | IPMI2 RAKP HMAC-SHA1                                       | Network Protocol
  10200 | CRAM-MD5                                                   | Network Protocol
  16500 | JWT (JSON Web Token)                                       | Network Protocol
  29200 | Radmin3                                                    | Network Protocol
  19600 | Kerberos 5, etype 17, TGS-REP                              | Network Protocol
  19800 | Kerberos 5, etype 17, Pre-Auth                             | Network Protocol
  28800 | Kerberos 5, etype 17, DB                                   | Network Protocol
  19700 | Kerberos 5, etype 18, TGS-REP                              | Network Protocol
  19900 | Kerberos 5, etype 18, Pre-Auth                             | Network Protocol
  28900 | Kerberos 5, etype 18, DB                                   | Network Protocol
   7500 | Kerberos 5, etype 23, AS-REQ Pre-Auth                      | Network Protocol
  13100 | Kerberos 5, etype 23, TGS-REP                              | Network Protocol
  18200 | Kerberos 5, etype 23, AS-REP                               | Network Protocol
   5500 | NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv1+ESS                                  | Network Protocol
  27000 | NetNTLMv1 / NetNTLMv1+ESS (NT)                             | Network Protocol
   5600 | NetNTLMv2                                                  | Network Protocol
  27100 | NetNTLMv2 (NT)                                             | Network Protocol
  29100 | Flask Session Cookie ($salt.$salt.$pass)                   | Network Protocol
   4800 | iSCSI CHAP authentication, MD5(CHAP)                       | Network Protocol
   8500 | RACF                                                       | Operating System
   6300 | AIX {smd5}                                                 | Operating System
   6700 | AIX {ssha1}                                                | Operating System
   6400 | AIX {ssha256}                                              | Operating System
   6500 | AIX {ssha512}                                              | Operating System
   3000 | LM                                                         | Operating System
  19000 | QNX /etc/shadow (MD5)                                      | Operating System
  19100 | QNX /etc/shadow (SHA256)                                   | Operating System
  19200 | QNX /etc/shadow (SHA512)                                   | Operating System
  15300 | DPAPI masterkey file v1 (context 1 and 2)                  | Operating System
  15310 | DPAPI masterkey file v1 (context 3)                        | Operating System
  15900 | DPAPI masterkey file v2 (context 1 and 2)                  | Operating System
  15910 | DPAPI masterkey file v2 (context 3)                        | Operating System
   7200 | GRUB 2                                                     | Operating System
  12800 | MS-AzureSync PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256                            | Operating System
  12400 | BSDi Crypt, Extended DES                                   | Operating System
   1000 | NTLM                                                       | Operating System
   9900 | Radmin2                                                    | Operating System
   5800 | Samsung Android Password/PIN                               | Operating System
  28100 | Windows Hello PIN/Password                                 | Operating System
  13800 | Windows Phone 8+ PIN/password                              | Operating System
   2410 | Cisco-ASA MD5                                              | Operating System
   9200 | Cisco-IOS $8$ (PBKDF2-SHA256)                              | Operating System
   9300 | Cisco-IOS $9$ (scrypt)                                     | Operating System
   5700 | Cisco-IOS type 4 (SHA256)                                  | Operating System
   2400 | Cisco-PIX MD5                                              | Operating System
   8100 | Citrix NetScaler (SHA1)                                    | Operating System
  22200 | Citrix NetScaler (SHA512)                                  | Operating System
   1100 | Domain Cached Credentials (DCC), MS Cache                  | Operating System
   2100 | Domain Cached Credentials 2 (DCC2), MS Cache 2             | Operating System
   7000 | FortiGate (FortiOS)                                        | Operating System
  26300 | FortiGate256 (FortiOS256)                                  | Operating System
    125 | ArubaOS                                                    | Operating System
    501 | Juniper IVE                                                | Operating System
     22 | Juniper NetScreen/SSG (ScreenOS)                           | Operating System
  15100 | Juniper/NetBSD sha1crypt                                   | Operating System
  26500 | iPhone passcode (UID key + System Keybag)                  | Operating System
    122 | macOS v10.4, macOS v10.5, macOS v10.6                      | Operating System
   1722 | macOS v10.7                                                | Operating System
   7100 | macOS v10.8+ (PBKDF2-SHA512)                               | Operating System
   3200 | bcrypt $2*$, Blowfish (Unix)                               | Operating System
    500 | md5crypt, MD5 (Unix), Cisco-IOS $1$ (MD5)                  | Operating System
   1500 | descrypt, DES (Unix), Traditional DES                      | Operating System
  29000 | sha1($salt.sha1(utf16le($username).':'.utf16le($pass)))    | Operating System
   7400 | sha256crypt $5$, SHA256 (Unix)                             | Operating System
   1800 | sha512crypt $6$, SHA512 (Unix)                             | Operating System
  24600 | SQLCipher                                                  | Database Server
    131 | MSSQL (2000)                                               | Database Server
    132 | MSSQL (2005)                                               | Database Server
   1731 | MSSQL (2012, 2014)                                         | Database Server
  24100 | MongoDB ServerKey SCRAM-SHA-1                              | Database Server
  24200 | MongoDB ServerKey SCRAM-SHA-256                            | Database Server
     12 | PostgreSQL                                                 | Database Server
  11100 | PostgreSQL CRAM (MD5)                                      | Database Server
  28600 | PostgreSQL SCRAM-SHA-256                                   | Database Server
   3100 | Oracle H: Type (Oracle 7+)                                 | Database Server
    112 | Oracle S: Type (Oracle 11+)                                | Database Server
  12300 | Oracle T: Type (Oracle 12+)                                | Database Server
   7401 | MySQL $A$ (sha256crypt)                                    | Database Server
  11200 | MySQL CRAM (SHA1)                                          | Database Server
    200 | MySQL323                                                   | Database Server
    300 | MySQL4.1/MySQL5                                            | Database Server
   8000 | Sybase ASE                                                 | Database Server
   8300 | DNSSEC (NSEC3)                                             | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  25900 | KNX IP Secure - Device Authentication Code                 | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  16400 | CRAM-MD5 Dovecot                                           | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1411 | SSHA-256(Base64), LDAP {SSHA256}                           | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1711 | SSHA-512(Base64), LDAP {SSHA512}                           | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  24900 | Dahua Authentication MD5                                   | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  10901 | RedHat 389-DS LDAP (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256)                    | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  15000 | FileZilla Server >= 0.9.55                                 | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
  12600 | ColdFusion 10+                                             | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1600 | Apache $apr1$ MD5, md5apr1, MD5 (APR)                      | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
    141 | Episerver 6.x < .NET 4                                     | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1441 | Episerver 6.x >= .NET 4                                    | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   1421 | hMailServer                                                | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
    101 | nsldap, SHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SHA                   | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
    111 | nsldaps, SSHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SSHA                | FTP, HTTP, SMTP, LDAP Server
   7700 | SAP CODVN B (BCODE)                                        | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   7701 | SAP CODVN B (BCODE) from RFC_READ_TABLE                    | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   7800 | SAP CODVN F/G (PASSCODE)                                   | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   7801 | SAP CODVN F/G (PASSCODE) from RFC_READ_TABLE               | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  10300 | SAP CODVN H (PWDSALTEDHASH) iSSHA-1                        | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
    133 | PeopleSoft                                                 | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  13500 | PeopleSoft PS_TOKEN                                        | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  21500 | SolarWinds Orion                                           | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  21501 | SolarWinds Orion v2                                        | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
     24 | SolarWinds Serv-U                                          | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   8600 | Lotus Notes/Domino 5                                       | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   8700 | Lotus Notes/Domino 6                                       | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   9100 | Lotus Notes/Domino 8                                       | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  26200 | OpenEdge Progress Encode                                   | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  20600 | Oracle Transportation Management (SHA256)                  | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
   4711 | Huawei sha1(md5($pass).$salt)                              | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  20711 | AuthMe sha256                                              | Enterprise Application Software (EAS)
  22400 | AES Crypt (SHA256)                                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  27400 | VMware VMX (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 + AES-256-CBC)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  14600 | LUKS v1 (legacy)                                           | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29541 | LUKS v1 RIPEMD-160 + AES                                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29542 | LUKS v1 RIPEMD-160 + Serpent                               | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29543 | LUKS v1 RIPEMD-160 + Twofish                               | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29511 | LUKS v1 SHA-1 + AES                                        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29512 | LUKS v1 SHA-1 + Serpent                                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29513 | LUKS v1 SHA-1 + Twofish                                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29521 | LUKS v1 SHA-256 + AES                                      | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29522 | LUKS v1 SHA-256 + Serpent                                  | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29523 | LUKS v1 SHA-256 + Twofish                                  | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29531 | LUKS v1 SHA-512 + AES                                      | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29532 | LUKS v1 SHA-512 + Serpent                                  | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29533 | LUKS v1 SHA-512 + Twofish                                  | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13711 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit (legacy)                 | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13712 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13713 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13741 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode (legacy)     | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13742 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode (legacy)    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13743 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode (legacy)    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29411 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit                          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29412 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29413 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29441 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode              | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29442 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29443 | VeraCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13751 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 512 bit (legacy)                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13752 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13753 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13761 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode (legacy)        | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13762 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode (legacy)       | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13763 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode (legacy)       | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29451 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 512 bit                             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29452 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1024 bit                            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29453 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1536 bit                            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29461 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode                 | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29462 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29463 | VeraCrypt SHA256 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13721 | VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512 bit (legacy)                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13722 | VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13723 | VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29421 | VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512 bit                             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29422 | VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1024 bit                            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29423 | VeraCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1536 bit                            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13771 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512 bit (legacy)              | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13772 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13773 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13781 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode (legacy)  | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13782 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode (legacy) | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13783 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode (legacy) | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29471 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512 bit                       | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29472 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1024 bit                      | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29473 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1536 bit                      | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29481 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode           | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29482 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29483 | VeraCrypt Streebog-512 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13731 | VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit (legacy)                 | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13732 | VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  13733 | VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29431 | VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit                          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29432 | VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1024 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29433 | VeraCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1536 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  23900 | BestCrypt v3 Volume Encryption                             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  16700 | FileVault 2                                                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  27500 | VirtualBox (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 & AES-128-XTS)              | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  27600 | VirtualBox (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 & AES-256-XTS)              | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  20011 | DiskCryptor SHA512 + XTS 512 bit                           | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  20012 | DiskCryptor SHA512 + XTS 1024 bit                          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  20013 | DiskCryptor SHA512 + XTS 1536 bit                          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  22100 | BitLocker                                                  | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  12900 | Android FDE (Samsung DEK)                                  | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   8800 | Android FDE <= 4.3                                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  18300 | Apple File System (APFS)                                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6211 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit (legacy)                 | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6212 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6213 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6241 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode (legacy)     | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6242 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode (legacy)    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6243 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode (legacy)    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29311 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit                          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29312 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29313 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29341 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode              | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29342 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1024 bit + boot-mode             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29343 | TrueCrypt RIPEMD160 + XTS 1536 bit + boot-mode             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6221 | TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512 bit (legacy)                    | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6222 | TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6223 | TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29321 | TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 512 bit                             | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29322 | TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1024 bit                            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29323 | TrueCrypt SHA512 + XTS 1536 bit                            | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6231 | TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit (legacy)                 | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6232 | TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1024 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
   6233 | TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1536 bit (legacy)                | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29331 | TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit                          | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29332 | TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1024 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  29333 | TrueCrypt Whirlpool + XTS 1536 bit                         | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  12200 | eCryptfs                                                   | Full-Disk Encryption (FDE)
  10400 | PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4)                              | Document
  10410 | PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4), collider #1                 | Document
  10420 | PDF 1.1 - 1.3 (Acrobat 2 - 4), collider #2                 | Document
  10500 | PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8)                              | Document
  25400 | PDF 1.4 - 1.6 (Acrobat 5 - 8) - user and owner pass        | Document
  10600 | PDF 1.7 Level 3 (Acrobat 9)                                | Document
  10700 | PDF 1.7 Level 8 (Acrobat 10 - 11)                          | Document
   9400 | MS Office 2007                                             | Document
   9500 | MS Office 2010                                             | Document
   9600 | MS Office 2013                                             | Document
  25300 | MS Office 2016 - SheetProtection                           | Document
   9700 | MS Office <= 2003 $0/$1, MD5 + RC4                         | Document
   9710 | MS Office <= 2003 $0/$1, MD5 + RC4, collider #1            | Document
   9720 | MS Office <= 2003 $0/$1, MD5 + RC4, collider #2            | Document
   9810 | MS Office <= 2003 $3, SHA1 + RC4, collider #1              | Document
   9820 | MS Office <= 2003 $3, SHA1 + RC4, collider #2              | Document
   9800 | MS Office <= 2003 $3/$4, SHA1 + RC4                        | Document
  18400 | Open Document Format (ODF) 1.2 (SHA-256, AES)              | Document
  18600 | Open Document Format (ODF) 1.1 (SHA-1, Blowfish)           | Document
  16200 | Apple Secure Notes                                         | Document
  23300 | Apple iWork                                                | Document
   6600 | 1Password, agilekeychain                                   | Password Manager
   8200 | 1Password, cloudkeychain                                   | Password Manager
   9000 | Password Safe v2                                           | Password Manager
   5200 | Password Safe v3                                           | Password Manager
   6800 | LastPass + LastPass sniffed                                | Password Manager
  13400 | KeePass 1 (AES/Twofish) and KeePass 2 (AES)                | Password Manager
  29700 | KeePass 1 (AES/Twofish) and KeePass 2 (AES) - keyfile only mode | Password Manager
  23400 | Bitwarden                                                  | Password Manager
  16900 | Ansible Vault                                              | Password Manager
  26000 | Mozilla key3.db                                            | Password Manager
  26100 | Mozilla key4.db                                            | Password Manager
  23100 | Apple Keychain                                             | Password Manager
  11600 | 7-Zip                                                      | Archive
  12500 | RAR3-hp                                                    | Archive
  23800 | RAR3-p (Compressed)                                        | Archive
  23700 | RAR3-p (Uncompressed)                                      | Archive
  13000 | RAR5                                                       | Archive
  17220 | PKZIP (Compressed Multi-File)                              | Archive
  17200 | PKZIP (Compressed)                                         | Archive
  17225 | PKZIP (Mixed Multi-File)                                   | Archive
  17230 | PKZIP (Mixed Multi-File Checksum-Only)                     | Archive
  17210 | PKZIP (Uncompressed)                                       | Archive
  20500 | PKZIP Master Key                                           | Archive
  20510 | PKZIP Master Key (6 byte optimization)                     | Archive
  23001 | SecureZIP AES-128                                          | Archive
  23002 | SecureZIP AES-192                                          | Archive
  23003 | SecureZIP AES-256                                          | Archive
  13600 | WinZip                                                     | Archive
  18900 | Android Backup                                             | Archive
  24700 | Stuffit5                                                   | Archive
  13200 | AxCrypt 1                                                  | Archive
  13300 | AxCrypt 1 in-memory SHA1                                   | Archive
  23500 | AxCrypt 2 AES-128                                          | Archive
  23600 | AxCrypt 2 AES-256                                          | Archive
  14700 | iTunes backup < 10.0                                       | Archive
  14800 | iTunes backup >= 10.0                                      | Archive
   8400 | WBB3 (Woltlab Burning Board)                               | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   2612 | PHPS                                                       | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
    121 | SMF (Simple Machines Forum) > v1.1                         | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   3711 | MediaWiki B type                                           | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   4521 | Redmine                                                    | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  24800 | Umbraco HMAC-SHA1                                          | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
     11 | Joomla < 2.5.18                                            | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  13900 | OpenCart                                                   | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  11000 | PrestaShop                                                 | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  16000 | Tripcode                                                   | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   7900 | Drupal7                                                    | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   4522 | PunBB                                                      | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   2811 | MyBB 1.2+, IPB2+ (Invision Power Board)                    | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   2611 | vBulletin < v3.8.5                                         | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
   2711 | vBulletin >= v3.8.5                                        | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  25600 | bcrypt(md5($pass)) / bcryptmd5                             | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  25800 | bcrypt(sha1($pass)) / bcryptsha1                           | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  28400 | bcrypt(sha512($pass)) / bcryptsha512                       | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
     21 | osCommerce, xt:Commerce                                    | Forums, CMS, E-Commerce
  18100 | TOTP (HMAC-SHA1)                                           | One-Time Password
   2000 | STDOUT                                                     | Plaintext
  99999 | Plaintext                                                  | Plaintext
  21600 | Web2py pbkdf2-sha512                                       | Framework
  10000 | Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)                                     | Framework
    124 | Django (SHA-1)                                             | Framework
  12001 | Atlassian (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1)                               | Framework
  19500 | Ruby on Rails Restful-Authentication                       | Framework
  27200 | Ruby on Rails Restful Auth (one round, no sitekey)         | Framework
  30000 | Python Werkzeug MD5 (HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt))               | Framework
  30120 | Python Werkzeug SHA256 (HMAC-SHA256 (key = $salt))         | Framework
  20200 | Python passlib pbkdf2-sha512                               | Framework
  20300 | Python passlib pbkdf2-sha256                               | Framework
  20400 | Python passlib pbkdf2-sha1                                 | Framework
  24410 | PKCS#8 Private Keys (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 + 3DES/AES)          | Private Key
  24420 | PKCS#8 Private Keys (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + 3DES/AES)        | Private Key
  15500 | JKS Java Key Store Private Keys (SHA1)                     | Private Key
  22911 | RSA/DSA/EC/OpenSSH Private Keys ($0$)                      | Private Key
  22921 | RSA/DSA/EC/OpenSSH Private Keys ($6$)                      | Private Key
  22931 | RSA/DSA/EC/OpenSSH Private Keys ($1, $3$)                  | Private Key
  22941 | RSA/DSA/EC/OpenSSH Private Keys ($4$)                      | Private Key
  22951 | RSA/DSA/EC/OpenSSH Private Keys ($5$)                      | Private Key
  23200 | XMPP SCRAM PBKDF2-SHA1                                     | Instant Messaging Service
  28300 | Teamspeak 3 (channel hash)                                 | Instant Messaging Service
  22600 | Telegram Desktop < v2.1.14 (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1)              | Instant Messaging Service
  24500 | Telegram Desktop >= v2.1.14 (PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512)           | Instant Messaging Service
  22301 | Telegram Mobile App Passcode (SHA256)                      | Instant Messaging Service
     23 | Skype                                                      | Instant Messaging Service
  29600 | Terra Station Wallet (AES256-CBC(PBKDF2($pass)))           | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  26600 | MetaMask Wallet                                            | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  21000 | BitShares v0.x - sha512(sha512_bin(pass))                  | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  28501 | Bitcoin WIF private key (P2PKH), compressed                | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  28502 | Bitcoin WIF private key (P2PKH), uncompressed              | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  28503 | Bitcoin WIF private key (P2WPKH, Bech32), compressed       | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  28504 | Bitcoin WIF private key (P2WPKH, Bech32), uncompressed     | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  28505 | Bitcoin WIF private key (P2SH(P2WPKH)), compressed         | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  28506 | Bitcoin WIF private key (P2SH(P2WPKH)), uncompressed       | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  11300 | Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat                                | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  16600 | Electrum Wallet (Salt-Type 1-3)                            | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  21700 | Electrum Wallet (Salt-Type 4)                              | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  21800 | Electrum Wallet (Salt-Type 5)                              | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  12700 | Blockchain, My Wallet                                      | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  15200 | Blockchain, My Wallet, V2                                  | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  18800 | Blockchain, My Wallet, Second Password (SHA256)            | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  25500 | Stargazer Stellar Wallet XLM                               | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  16300 | Ethereum Pre-Sale Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256               | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  15600 | Ethereum Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256                        | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  15700 | Ethereum Wallet, SCRYPT                                    | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  22500 | MultiBit Classic .key (MD5)                                | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  27700 | MultiBit Classic .wallet (scrypt)                          | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  22700 | MultiBit HD (scrypt)                                       | Cryptocurrency Wallet
  28200 | Exodus Desktop Wallet (scrypt)                             | Cryptocurrency Wallet

3、Brain Client Features 脑客户端功能

- [ Brain Client Features ] - -[脑客户端功能]-

  # | Features   特性
  1 | Send hashed passwords      发送散列密码
  2 | Send attack positions   发送攻击位置
  3 | Send hashed passwords and attack positions    发送散列密码和攻击位置

- [ Outfile Formats ] -    输出文件格式

  # | Format
  1 | hash[:salt]   散列(盐):
  2 | plain    平原
  3 | hex_plain    
  4 | crack_pos
  5 | timestamp absolute    时间戳绝对
  6 | timestamp relative    时间戳相对

4、Rule Debugging Modes 规则调试模式

- [ Rule Debugging Modes ] -    规则调试模式

  # | Format
  1 | Finding-Rule
  2 | Original-Word   原始词语
  3 | Original-Word:Finding-Rule    原始词语  Finding-Rule
  4 | Original-Word:Finding-Rule:Processed-Word   原始词语  Finding-Rule: Processed-Word
  5 | Original-Word:Finding-Rule:Processed-Word:Wordlist    原始词语   Finding-Rule: Processed-Word:词库

5、Attack Modes 攻击模式

- [ Attack Modes ] -   攻击模式

  # | Mode
  0 | Straight  直
  1 | Combination    组合
  3 | Brute-force    强力
  6 | Hybrid Wordlist + Mask    混合文字列表+掩码
  7 | Hybrid Mask + Wordlist    混合掩码+文字列表
  9 | Association    协会

6、Built-in Charsets 内置字符集

- [ Built-in Charsets ] -    内置字符集

  ? | Charset
  l | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz [a-z]
  d | 0123456789                 [0-9]
  h | 0123456789abcdef           [0-9a-f]
  H | 0123456789ABCDEF           [0-9A-F]
  s |  !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
  a | ?l?u?d?s
  b | 0x00 - 0xff

7、OpenCL Device Types 设备类型

- [ OpenCL Device Types ] -    设备类型

  # | Device Type
  1 | CPU
  2 | GPU
  3 | FPGA, DSP, Co-Processor(协处理器)

8、Workload Profiles 工作负载配置

- [ Workload Profiles ] -    

  # | Performance 性能 | Runtime 运行时间 | Power Consumption    功耗 | Desktop Impact 桌面影响
  1 | Low        	 |   2 ms  		| Low               | Minimal
  2 | Default    	 |  12 ms  		| Economic          | Noticeable
  3 | High       	 |  96 ms 		| High              | Unresponsive
  4 | Nightmare  	 | 480 ms  		| Insane            | Headless

- [ License ] -

  hashcat is licensed under the MIT license
  Copyright and license terms are listed in docs/license.txt



- [ Basic Examples ] -    基本示例

  Attack-          | Hash- |
  Mode             | Type  | Example command
  Wordlist         | $P$   | hashcat -a 0 -m 400 example400.hash example.dict
  Wordlist + Rules | MD5   | hashcat -a 0 -m 0 example0.hash example.dict -r rules/best64.rule
  Brute-Force      | MD5   | hashcat -a 3 -m 0 example0.hash ?a?a?a?a?a?a
  Combinator       | MD5   | hashcat -a 1 -m 0 example0.hash example.dict example.dict
  Association      | $1$   | hashcat -a 9 -m 500 example500.hash 1word.dict -r rules/best64.rule

If you still have no idea what just happened, try the following pages:

* https://hashcat/wiki/#howtos_videos_papers_articles_etc_in_the_wild
* https://hashcat/faq/

本文标签: 注释中文Hashcat