

Eliminate ^M character using vi(Linux)

Sometimes certain characters(for eg.,^M characters)are placed in a file during a DOS to UNIX conversion.To modify these files with a lot of ^M symbol at the end of every line,using the vi editor,use the following command:
(To get the ^M hold the control key, press V then M (Both while holding the control key) and the ^M will appear.)
This command will find all occurances and replace them with nothing. Here,the :%s is a basic search and replace command in vi. It tells vi to replace the regular expression between the first and second slashes (^M) with the text between the second and third slashes (nothing in this case). The g at the end directs vi to search and replace globally (all occurrences). Remove ^M characters at end of lines in vi 有一点需要注意的是,如果采用命令vi file_name将无法看到这些非法字符,也无法执行上面的替换操作,必须以binary方式打开: vi file_name -b


本文标签: characterEliminateLinuxvi