

Part-based Object Detection Method

Circle Hough Transform

  • Radius-known case: the model parameter space is two dimensional: the coordinate of center.
  • Procedure:
    • discretize model parameter space and create accumulation matrix;
    • calculate the pixel gradient (including magnitude and direction) of image, and choose those with high enough response as key point;
    • Each key point will vote for a set of model parameters. While models with strong image support will accumulate most votes.
  • Radius-Unknown Case:
    • Either we have to add one dimension of the model parameter space – radius dimension and restart the discretization of model space and vote.
      • So curse of dimensionality: complexity increases exponentially with the number of model parameter
    • Instead, with the knowledge of the gradient direction, the center must locate on this line of direction – Thus transform the conical surface into a line in parameter space
  • Generalized Hough Transform: with the introduction of predefined reference point and pre-calculated R-table.
    • The purpose of GHT is still construct model parameter space, which corresponding to the find the most supported reference point.
  • Pros:
    • Points are processed indpendently: robustness to noise and occlusion
  • Cons:
    • Non-object can also contribute to spurious peak in model space.

Implicit Shape Model

  • Divided into two procedure:
    • Learning a object model:
      • Extract interest point, compute descriptor and offset to a reference point;
      • Cluster descriptors and offsets to form a visual dictionary
    • Object detection:
      • Extract interest point, compute descriptor
      • Find the most similar descriptor and vote for the possible reference point
  • Non-maxima suppression: find the strongest response

Window-based Object Detection Method

  • Sliding window: direct template matching - normalized cross-correlation
  • Viola-Jones detector: for person face detection:
    • A very unbalanced tree
  • Deformable part model: relative placement of part is allowed to change
  • Window proposal:

    • Instead of searching all over the window, only search candidate wondiow which may contain object.
    • Also accompany image segmentation
    • Not suitable for diffuse or low-contrast object
    • few false positive but more false negative.

    Histogram of oriented gradient

    In the HOG feature descriptor, the distribution ( histograms ) of directions of gradients ( oriented gradients ) are used as features.

    • Procedure:
    • Calculate the gradient (including magnitude and direction) of each pixel. For 3 Channels image, we simply use the maximum magnitude among three channels and its corresponding direction (angle).
    • Divide the whole image patch into 8×8 8 × 8 subpatch. Note that the image patch has already been scaled a patch of 64×128×3 64 × 128 × 3 .
    • Each 8×8 8 × 8 subpatch creates a histogram. The horizontal axis of histogram is divided into 9 bins, which corresponding to 9 separated group of the direction of gradient(angle). Here the angle (direction of gradient) ranges from 0 to 180 degree.
    • Each pixel will contributes to its corresponding bin according to its direction. The magnitude of contribution is proportional to its magnitude.
    • Normalized histogram by forming a 16×16 16 × 16 block, to eliminate the effect of brightness variation. Then a vector of 36×1 36 × 1 is created.


Histogram of Oriented Gradient

本文标签: interpretationImageDetectionobject