



01 前沿研究分析与论文大纲构建

Prompt 指令:



Please use your deep learning ability to thoroughly analyze the latest research findings in [specific academic field]. Based on this analysis, create an outline for a forward-looking and innovative paper. Highlight your novel insights and their potential practical applications. Ensure that the outline has a clear structure, logical coherence, and covers key issues and development trends in the field.

02 问题导向的论文初稿撰写

Prompt 指令:



For the [specific research question], combine relevant theoretical frameworks and typical case studies to write a first draft of a paper with tight logic and sufficient evidence. Prioritize citing the most recent academic literature to enhance the persuasiveness and timeliness of your arguments. Ensure that each point is supported by corresponding theoretical or empirical evidence, and clearly explain your research methods and analytical processes.

03 技术综述论文的系统性撰写

Prompt 指令:



Based on your in-depth understanding of [specific technological field], write a comprehensive review paper. Systematically outline the development history of this field, analyze the current key challenges, and predict possible future trends. Based on this, present your unique insights and innovative viewpoints. Ensure that the paper has a clear structure, broad coverage, and highlights key and difficult issues.

04 探索研究空白与假设提出

Prompt 指令:



As a senior scholar in [specific research area], write an exploratory article that thoroughly explores the areas in this field that have not been fully studied. Propose creative and feasible research hypotheses and then design experimental plans to test these hypotheses. Explain your research design in detail, including data collection methods, analysis techniques, and expected results.

05 复杂数据的可视化与论文撰写

Prompt 指令:



With your data processing and language organization skills, transform the complex data and analysis results of [specific research project] into easily understandable charts and textual explanations. Then, write a rigorously structured and well-argued academic paper to ensure that readers can accurately understand the core value and main findings of the research. Pay attention to the clarity and aesthetics of data visualization to make complex information more accessible and acceptable.

06 批判性思维与社会现象分析

Prompt 指令:



For the [specific social phenomenon], use critical thinking to write an in-depth analysis article. Explore the social, economic, or cultural factors behind this phenomenon and propose actionable improvement suggestions. Ensure that your analysis is comprehensive and objective, consider the perspectives of multiple stakeholders, and provide solutions based on empirical research.

07 实证研究论文的设计与实施

Prompt 指令:



Based on a specific theoretical framework, create a rigorous empirical research paper. Design and carry out a survey or experiment to test or refute specific hypotheses. Describe in detail your research methods, including sample selection, data collection process, and statistical analysis techniques. Analyze the broad significance of your results and discuss the limitations of the study and directions for future research.

08 跨学科创新研究论文

Prompt 指令:

作为一个跨学科的研究者,把学科 A 和学科 B 的知识结合起来,写一篇很有创新性的交叉学科论文。展示这两个领域之间的新联系以及可能的协同应用。重点讲讲跨学科研究方法的好处,还有怎么通过跨学科的视角去解决复杂问题。讨论一下你的研究对这两个学科发展可能带来的贡献。


As an interdisciplinary researcher, combine the knowledge of Discipline A and Discipline B to write an innovative cross-disciplinary paper. Showcase the new connections and potential synergistic applications between these two fields. Highlight the advantages of interdisciplinary research methods and how complex problems can be addressed through an interdisciplinary perspective. Discuss the potential contributions of your research to the development of both disciplines.

09 政策影响分析与建议

Prompt 指令:



Thoroughly analyze the impact of a specific policy on a specific industry or field. Using case studies, data analysis, and policy evaluations, write a paper that provides policy-relevant insights. Provide evidence-based policy recommendations and discuss their feasibility and potential impacts. Consider the perspectives of different stakeholders and propose solutions that balance various interests.

10 技术发展趋势预测论文

Prompt 指令:



Write a predictive paper on the future trends of a specific technological field. Incorporating current technological developments, changes in market demands, and potential challenges, offer reasonable forecasts and strategic recommendations. Analyze key factors that may influence the development of this technology, including technological breakthroughs, market trends, and policy environments. Discuss the potential impacts of your predictions on both academia and industry.

11 学术论文润色与结构优化

Prompt 指令:



Please carefully check the whole manuscript. Adjust sentence structures to make expressions clear and fluent. Remove redundant words to enhance the conciseness and refinement of the paper. Check transition sentences and paragraph connectors to ensure they effectively promote logical coherence. Adjust the paragraph order to ensure a clear content hierarchy for easy reader understanding. Split or restructure long and complex sentences to improve readability.

12 专业术语与学术规范检查

Prompt 指令:



Ensure that all technical terms and abbreviations are accurately defined or explained when they first appear and are used consistently throughout. Adjust the citation format in the text to comply with the guidelines of the target academic journal or conference. Carefully verify the accuracy of cited data. Check the tone and wording to ensure compliance with academic norms. Avoid subjective assumptions and overly colloquial expressions.

13 图表与数据呈现优化

Prompt 指令:



Review the captions and explanations of figures and images carefully. Ensure they are closely related to the text content and clearly labeled for easy understanding. Optimize data visualization to make complex information more intuitive and understandable. Ensure all figures and tables have clear numbering and titles and are appropriately referenced in the main text.

14 文献引用与参考文献管理

Prompt 指令:



Ensure that all cited literature represents the latest research findings, especially those from the past five years. This shows the timeliness and cutting-edge nature of your study. Comprehensively cover both classic works and recent advancements in the relevant field to demonstrate the breadth and depth of your research. Carefully verify the accuracy and completeness of cited literature, including authors, year, title, journal name (or book details), and page numbers. Distinguish between direct and indirect citations. For indirect citations, paraphrase the content in your own words while still citing the original source.

15 学术论文致谢撰写

Prompt 指令:



Write a sincere and professional acknowledgment. Express gratitude to all those who have contributed to the research. Firstly, thank your supervisor. Their guidance and support are extremely important. Their high academic level and rigorous attitude have had a great impact on you. Also, thank your laboratory colleagues for their collaboration and support. And those involved in data collection and organization. Don't forget the understanding and sacrifice of your family. Express your appreciation to them. The resources and environment provided by the institution are great. Thank you. And the support of funding organizations is also crucial. Express gratitude for the valuable opinions of reviewers and editors. Finally, thank all those who have helped you on your academic journey.

16 最终校对与格式检查

Prompt 指令:



Conduct a thorough proofreading to make sure there are no typos, punctuation errors or formatting inconsistencies in the paper. Check if page numbers, headers, footers, font sizes and styles meet the requirements. Ensure that the numbering sequence of figures, equations and references is correct. See if the overall layout of the article is aesthetically pleasing and harmonious. 当前时间为 2024 年 9 月 24 日 15 时 48 分 31 秒,这天是星期二。

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