

xbox one驱动下载

Xbox One games can be massive in size, and take hours to download. Rather than waiting for games to download when you’re ready to play them, you can remotely start game downloads on your Xbox One from a smartphone or web browser. They’ll automatically download to your Xbox and be ready when you get home, so you can play them instantly.

Xbox One游戏的大小可能非常庞大,并且需要数小时才能下载。 您可以在Xbox One上从智能手机或Web浏览器远程开始下载游戏,而不必在准备玩游戏时等待下载游戏。 它们会自动下载到您的Xbox,并在您回家后准备就绪,因此您可以立即播放它们。

This only works with digital games. If you have a physical game, you have to insert it into your Xbox One’s disc drive before the console will begin installing it and downloading any necessary updates.

这仅适用于数字游戏。 如果您有实体游戏,则必须将其插入Xbox One的光盘驱动器中,然后控制台才能开始安装并下载任何必要的更新。

如何为远程游戏下载配置Xbox One (How to Configure Your Xbox One for Remote Game Downloads)

This will only work if your Xbox One is suspended and set to automatically downloaded game updates and stay in Instant-on mode. These are the default settings, so everything should just work. However, if you’ve modified these settings in the past, you may need to re-enable them.

仅当您的Xbox One被挂起并设置为自动下载游戏更新并保持在即时启动模式时,此方法才起作用。 这些是默认设置,因此一切都应该正常工作。 但是,如果您过去曾经修改过这些设置,则可能需要重新启用它们。

If you’re away from your Xbox One at the moment, feel free to skip this section and just try using the app or website to download a game. It will work if you haven’t modified these default settings in the past.

如果您目前不在Xbox One上,请随时跳过本节,而只是尝试使用应用程序或网站下载游戏。 如果您过去没有修改这些默认设置,它将可以使用。

First, head to Settings > All Settings > System > Updates. Ensure the “Keep my games & apps up to date” setting is enabled here. If it isn’t, your Xbox One won’t download new games or updates automatically.

首先,转到设置>所有设置>系统>更新。 确保此处启用了“使我的游戏和应用保持最新”设置。 如果不是,您的Xbox One不会自动下载新游戏或更新。

Second, head to Settings > All Settings > Power & startup > Power mode & startup. Ensure your Xbox One is set to “Instant-on” power mode. This means the Xbox One will go into a sort of sleep mode where some functions remain active, including background downloads of games and updates. Don’t set it to “Energy-saving” mode or it will shut down completely, and you won’t be able to use the remote game download feature.

其次,转到设置>所有设置>电源和启动>电源模式和启动。 确保您的Xbox One设置为“即时开启”电源模式。 这意味着Xbox One将进入一种睡眠模式,其中某些功能保持活动状态,包括游戏的后台下载和更新。 请勿将其设置为“节能”模式,否则它将完全关闭,您将无法使用远程游戏下载功能。

You should also ensure that you’ve signed into the Xbox One with the Microsoft account you plan on using on your phone. You can check this from Settings > All Settings > Sign-in, security & passkey.

您还应该确保已使用计划在手机上使用的Microsoft帐户登录Xbox One。 您可以从“设置”>“所有设置”>“登录,安全和密码”中进行检查。

如何开始使用手机下载游戏 (How to Start Downloading Games Using Your Phone)

You can download updates from your phone using the Xbox app, available from Google Play for Android, Apple’s App Store for iPhone, or even the Windows Store for Windows Phone. This app was previously named “Xbox Smartglass”, but is now just named “Xbox”.

您可以使用Xbox应用程序从手机上下载更新,该应用程序可以从Android的Google Play , iPhone的Apple的App Store甚至Windows Phone的W indows商店中获得 。 该应用程序以前被命名为“ Xbox Smartglass”,但现在仅被命名为“ Xbox”。

Download the app and sign in with the same Microsoft account you sign into your Xbox One with. Tap the menu button in the upper left corner and tap “Store” to view the Xbox Store.

下载该应用程序,并使用您用于登录Xbox One的相同Microsoft帐户登录。 点击左上角的菜单按钮,然后点击“存储”以查看Xbox Store。

Search for the game you want to install on your Xbox One in the Store. You can either find a free game and tap “Get it free” or purchase a game from here and immediately begin installing it on your Xbox One.

在商店中的Xbox One上搜索要安装的游戏。 您可以找到一个免费游戏,然后点击“免费获取”,或者从此处购买游戏,然后立即开始在Xbox One上安装它。

Once you’ve purchased the game (or tapped the “Get it free” button), you’ll see an “Install on Xbox One” button on its Store page. Tap that button and the app will queue it for download on your Xbox One.

购买游戏后(或点击“免费获取”按钮),您将在其“商店”页面上看到“在Xbox One上安装”按钮。 点击该按钮,该应用程序会将其排队等待在Xbox One上下载。

If you’ve previously purchased a game or downloaded it for free and want to redownload it, just search for the game on the Store and view its page. You’ll immediately see the “Install on Xbox One” button, which you can tap to begin the download.

如果您以前购买过游戏或免费下载了它并想重新下载它,只需在商店中搜索该游戏并查看其页面即可。 您将立即看到“在Xbox One上安装”按钮,您可以点击该按钮开始下载。

If the Xbox One is in Instant-on mode and is automatically downloading updates, it will soon begin downloading the game automatically. You can view the download progress on the console itself under Games & apps > Queue when you get back to your Xbox One.

如果Xbox One处于即时启动模式并自动下载更新,它将很快开始自动下载游戏。 回到Xbox One时,可以在游戏和应用程序>队列下的控制台上查看下载进度。

如何开始使用任何Web浏览器下载游戏 (How to Start Downloading Games Using Any Web Browser)

You can do the same thing from the Xbox Store website, too. It works just like the Xbox app for smartphones. You just need to sign in with the same Microsoft account you use on your Xbox One.

您也可以从Xbox Store网站执行相同的操作。 它的工作方式类似于智能手机的Xbox应用程序。 您只需要使用与Xbox One相同的Microsoft帐户登录即可。

Head to Microsoft’s Xbox Store website and sign in with your Microsoft account. Search for an Xbox One game and either purchase it or get it for free, depending on the price.

转到Microsoft的Xbox Store网站并使用您的Microsoft帐户登录。 搜索Xbox One游戏并购买或免费获得,具体取决于价格。

Once you have, you’ll see an “Install on Xbox One” button on the game’s web page. Click the button to queue it for download on your Xbox One. If you’re previously purchased a paid game or downloaded a free game, you’ll immediately see this button when you view the game’s web page.

拥有之后,您将在游戏网页上看到“在Xbox One上安装”按钮。 单击按钮以将其排队下载到Xbox One上。 如果您以前购买过付费游戏或下载了免费游戏,则在查看游戏网页时会立即看到此按钮。

如果下载没有开始 (If The Download Doesn’t Start)

If your Xbox One doesn’t immediately begin downloading the game, it’s probably either set to not download updates automatically, or is in Energy-saving mode instead of Instant-on mode. It’s also possible that the Xbox One is disconnected from the Internet. The game should still begin downloading when you power on your Xbox One and connect it to the Internet.

如果您的Xbox One没有立即开始下载游戏,则它可能设置为不自动下载更新,或者处于节能模式而不是即时启动模式。 Xbox One也有可能与Internet断开连接。 当您打开Xbox One并将其连接到Internet时,游戏仍应开始下载。

To ensure this works in the future, enable automatic game updates, select Instant-on mode, and ensure you’re signed in with the Microsoft account you use on the Xbox app or on the Xbox website.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/328847/how-to-download-games-to-your-xbox-one-from-your-phone/

xbox one驱动下载

本文标签: 游戏下载驱动下载手机Xbox