


New Product Development(NPD)

Product Failure

Many reasons of failure:

How to avoid failure?

 Characteristics of Successful Product Development:成功的产品赢在哪些方面


1.NPD  <——relationship——>  Innovation 两者的关系?

2. How to avoid a product failure?  如何避免产品失败

3.*General Product Development Process(6 phases) 产品开发6步流程

4.Think about a company very successful in introducing an innovative product

5.What are the different types of innovation?  创新品的不同类型

New Product Development(NPD)

A process of transforming business opportunities,expertise(专长、技能),resource,innovation  into tangible products & intangible service.

Managing innovation: 确保整个组织有条件有机会开发新产品

concerns the conditions that have to be in place to ensure that the whole organisation has opportunity to develop new products

Product Failure

Many reasons of failure:

  • Nothing new or no improved performance
  • Inadequate budget to develop ideas or market the product
  • Poor market research, positioning, misunderstanding of customers needs
  • Lack of top management
  • Did not involve customer
  • Exceptional factors such as government decision
  • Market too small, either forecasting error with sales or insufficient demand


  • Poor match with company’s capabilities:insufficient experience of the technology or market
  • Inadequate support from a channel
  • Late to market
  • Competitive response was strong and competitors were able to move quickly to face the challenge of the new product
  • Internal organisational problems, often associated with poor communication
  • Poor return on investment forcing company to abandon project
  • Unexpected changes in consumer tastes/fashion

How to avoid failure?

Characteristics of Successful Product Development:成功的产品赢在哪些方面

5 aspect:


1.NPD  <——relationship——>  Innovation 两者的关系?

new products are the outputs of the innovation process,

new product development process is a subprocess of innovation;


创新{开发,开发,开发......} ——> 新产品

2. How to avoid a product failure?  如何避免产品失败

Analyze the common failure modes reveals the root causes of failure 分析常见的一些 “反面教材”,揭示故障的根本原因
  • Process improvements and a structured approach can address these common failure. Eg.


  • Better requirements capture and management
  • Better planning (including getting to the market on time and first)
  • Better analysis and screening
  • Organization-wide process framework
  • Better execution
       增强执行力 This means we need a structured development process 需要:一个结构化的产品开发过程

3.*General Product Development Process(6 phases) 产品开发6步流程

  • Phase 0:Planning(lecture 11、12) 构思
      Began with the Corporate Strategy – what were the aims of the organisation, how could product development help in achieving these? (L5 Business Strategy)新产品以何种方式,达成企业何种目标       Output:A  Mission Statement , specified the target market for the product, business goals , key assumptions(关键构想) and constraints(约束限制)
  • Phase 1:Concept development(L1415)概念设计
      Identification of how the Corporate Strategy can be realised in terms of products       The needs of the target market were identified       Alternative product concepts were generated and evaluated       One or more concepts were selected for further development and testing       The concept descriptions and specifications were created and subsequently analysed in terms of economic justification and in comparison to competitive products       The chosen concepts were taken to the next phase
  • Phase 2:System-level design (L17)系统架构设计
​​​​     The selected product concepts were developed in more detail       The product architecture and the decomposition of the product into subsystems and components was created and completed       The geometric layout and functional specifications of the subsystems of the product were created       And a preliminary process flow diagram for the final assembly process was also created      These system-level details were then used as the input to the next phase
  • Phase 3:Detail design (L17)细节填充
     In this phase the complete specification of the geometry, materials and tolerances of all the unique parts of the product was finalised       Details of parts (standard or custom) to be purchased from suppliers were finalised       The output of this phase was the control documentation – the drawings or computer files describing the specifications of each of the parts of the product and how it is to be assembled       Production cost was addressed at this stage       The product is now ready for testing
  • Phase 4:Testing and refinement (L17)评测、改良
     Involved the construction and evaluation of multiple preproduction versions of the product – prototypes, GUI designs etc.             Initial testing within the organisation was completed      Further customer testing was carried out at this stage – with the lead customer      Feedback used to make improvements and adjustments to the products       The final product is now ready for Production Ramp-up
  • Phase 5:Production ramp-up 产能拉动
     The product is made using the intended production system             The work force is now trained and any remaining problems in the production process are ironed out      Products from this phase are delivered to preferred customers for initial feedback          At some point during this phase, the product is launched and therefore available for widespread distribution

4.Think about a company very successful in introducing an innovative product


The Apple introduced the iPhone series,makes a phone can do almost everything a computer can do,not just call anymore;also it apply the touchable screen;all of this fit global users' needs for having funnier,more functional and convenient-use phone. It reconstructed the whole phone business,Apple won lots of profit and replaced the state of Nokia.

5.What are the different types of innovation?  创新品的不同类型

What is innovation? Definition : A successful implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), process , marketing method , organisational method  in business practices, workplace organization or external relations 创新,就是一种新的、显著改进的产品( 或服务 )、 过程、营销方法、(在商业实践、工作场所、外部关系中)的组织架构方法成功应用于实践。

本文标签: 产品开发IoTProductinnovationDevelopment