

Java Python Case Study: Organizing a Technology and Innovation Expo

The Sydney city council has decided to organize a Technology and Innovation Expo. This will be a three-day event featuring leading tech companies, startups, and innovators from around the globe with an estimated attendance of 50,000 people. The expo aims to promote technological advancements, foster networking opportunities, and encourage local entrepreneurship. Organizing such an event requires detailed planning, budgeting, coordination with different stakeholders, risk management, and a focus on safety and security.

Task 1: Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

You have been provided with the first level of the work breakdown structure (WBS) comprising 15 major activities with their most optimistic duration estimates. You are required to further break down these activities into at least 40 detailed tasks (you might include one or a few sub-activities for some of these activities and more for others). You need to ensure that the cumulative duration of all sub-activities is equal to the duration of their parent activity. These activities and their estimated optimistic durations are:

• Project initiation (2 days)

• Requirement gathering and Scope definition (7 days)

• Stakeholder engagement (4 days)

• Development of project charter (3 days)

• Planning of expo logistics (booths, facilities, etc.) (11 days)

• Risk assessment (5 days)

• Environmental impact and crowd management planning (5 days)

• Procurement of materials and services (17 days)

• Exhibitor booking and management (21 days)

• Ticketing and marketing (29 days)

• Quality assurance and control (7 days)

• Stakeholder communication (12 days)

• Legal compliance and permit acquisition (13 days)

• Expo execution and control (3 days)

• Post-event evaluation and project closure (4 days)

Task 2: Create a Sequence Diagram

Using your best judgment and the provided WBS, create a sequence diagram for the 15 activities. Your diagram should reflect a logical and efficient order of tasks while considering dependencies and constraints. The sequence diagram dependencies and constraints should be reasonable but based on your own judgment. Please use the standard template given below to create your sequence diagrams.

ES             ID                    LS

Float          Description

EF             Duration            LF

Task 3: PERT Analysis

Perform. a Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) analysis on the initial 15 activities. Given that the provided durations are the most optimistic estimates, use your own judgment to estimate most likely and pessimistic estimates for these durations. Once you have all these three estimates, you will need to compute the expected time and variance for each activity. If your estimates are not full days, you can round them up to full days (e.g., 3.5 days rounded up to 4 days). Your analysis of these days needs to show your in-depth understanding of how to do PERT analysis.

Task 4: Critical Path Analysis

Using the sequence diagram that has the original 15 activities, perform. a Critical Path Analysis. You need to develop an updated sequence diagram where the PERT-based computed durations are used for the duration of activities. Identify the critical path and its duration. Also, determine any slack/buffer time available in the non-critical tasks. In your report, you should describe what a critical path analysis is and what terms like ‘Early Start,’ ‘Early Finish,’ ‘Late Organizing a Technology and Innovation ExpoJava Start,’ ‘Late Finish,’ and ‘Float’ mean. You should also indicate the critical path in your sequence diagram as well as include the sequence of the critical activities in the Start->Activity A->Activity B->Finish format. You must also mention the total project duration. Let’s say this total project duration is ‘y’.

The Sydney City Council wants to know the probability of completing the project in y – 6 days and y + 5 days. Also, calculate the likely duration that is associated with a 99% probability. For all the above calculations, please include the steps you have taken. Please also explain and interpret how you came up with these probabilities and duration.

Task 5: Use ChatGPT for Strategic Decision Making

For this task, you are expected to use ChatGPT as a tool for brainstorming and strategic decision making. Imagine a hypothetical scenario where a significant challenge arises during the project execution phase. You can choose a challenge that fits into the overall project scenario, like an unforeseen change in exhibitor lineup, unexpected technical disruption, or sudden change in regulations.

Once you've determined your challenge, consult ChatGPT about possible solutions and strategies to overcome this challenge, providing as much detail about the situation as possible. Write a detailed dialogue with ChatGPT asking questions and exploring different solutions. The goal of this task is not only to come up with a solution but to demonstrate your ability to think critically and use AI tools for strategic decision-making. Please remember to include the full dialogue with ChatGPT in your assignment submission.

Your task 5 will be evaluated based on the following:

• Relevance and complexity of the chosen challenge.

• Depth and quality of the dialogue with ChatGPT.

• The feasibility of the solutions generated and your rationale for choosing one.


• A detailed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with at least 40 activities.

• A sequence diagram representing the logical order and dependencies of the 15 activities.

• A completed PERT analysis for the 15 activities.

• A Critical Path Analysis including the identification of the critical path and its duration along with your probability-related analysis.

• A hypothetical challenging scenario related to the project and a detailed dialogue with ChatGPT discussing potential solutions.

Remember, successful event planning is all about meticulous organization, efficient resource allocation, and the ability to handle challenges effectively. In this assignment, you will get the opportunity to integrate AI into real-world decision-making, which allows you to understand the strengths and limitations of AI in project management.

When preparing your assignment report, ensure it is properly structured with clear and distinct sections. Your report should follow this format:

• Executive Summary

• Introduction

• Methodology

• Task 1: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

• Task 2: Sequence Diagram

• Task 3: PERT Analysis

• Task 4: Critical Path Analysis and your probability based analysis

• Task 5: Using ChatGPT for Strategic Decision Making

• Discussion

• Conclusion

• References (if applicable)

Your report should be neatly structured, thoroughly proofread, and submitted by the given deadline. Each section should clearly address its respective task or report component. We look forward to reviewing your innovative solutions and strategic decision-making process         

本文标签: TechnologyOrganizingExpoJavainnovation