

Would you like to view documents, presentations, and PDFs directly in Google Chrome?  Here’s a handy extension that makes Google Docs your default online viewer so don’t have to download the file first.

您要直接在Google Chrome浏览器中查看文档,演示文稿和PDF吗? 这是一个方便的扩展程序,使Google文档成为您的默认在线查看器,因此您不必先下载文件。

Getting Started


By default, when you come across a PDF or other common document file online in Google Chrome, you’ll have to download the file and open it in a separate application.

默认情况下,当您在Google Chrome浏览器中在线遇到PDF或其他常见文档文件时,必须下载文件并在单独的应用程序中将其打开。

It’d be much easier to simply view online documents directly in Chrome.  To do this, head over to the Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer page on the Chrome Extensions site (link below), and click Install to add it to your browser.

直接在Chrome中直接查看在线文档会容易得多。 为此,请转到“ Chrome扩展程序”网站(下面的链接)上的“文档PDF / PowerPoint查看器”页面,然后单击“安装”以将其添加到浏览器中。

Click Install to confirm that you want to install this extension.


Extensions don’t run by default in Incognito mode, so if you’d like to always view documents directly in Chrome, open the Extensions page and check Allow this extension to run in incognito.


Now, when you click a link for a document online, such as a .docx file from Word, it will open in the Google Docs viewer.

现在,当您单击在线文档的链接(例如Word中的.docx文件)时,该链接将在Google Docs查看器中打开。

These documents usually render in their original full-quality.  You can zoom in and out to see exactly what you want, or search within the document.  Or, if it doesn’t look correct, you can click the Download link in the top left to save the original document to your computer and open it in Office.

这些文档通常以其原始完整质量呈现。 您可以放大和缩小以查看所需的内容,也可以在文档中进行搜索。 或者,如果看起来不正确,则可以单击左上方的“下载”链接以将原始文档保存到计算机并在Office中打开它。

Even complex PDF render very nicely.  Do note that Docs will keep downloading the document as you’re reading it, so if you jump to the middle of a document it may look blurry at first but will quickly clear up.

甚至复杂的PDF也可以很好地呈现。 请注意,在您阅读文档时,文档会一直下载,因此,如果您跳到文档的中间,乍一看可能看起来很模糊,但很快就会清除。

You can even view famous presentations online without opening them in PowerPoint.  Note that this will only display the slides themselves, but if you’re looking for information you likely don’t need the slideshow effects anyway.

您甚至可以在线查看著名的演示文稿,而无需在PowerPoint中打开它们。 请注意,这只会显示幻灯片本身,但是,如果您要查找信息,则可能根本不需要幻灯片效果。

Adobe Reader Conflicts

Adobe Reader冲突

If you already have Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader installed on your computer, PDF files may open with the Adobe plugin.  If you’d prefer to read your PDFs with the Docs PDF Viewer, then you need to disable the Adobe plugin.  Enter the following in your Address Bar to open your Chrome Plugins page:

如果您已经在计算机上安装了Adobe Acrobat或Adobe Reader,则可能会使用Adobe插件打开PDF文件。 如果您希望使用“文档PDF查看器”阅读PDF,则需要禁用Adobe插件。 在地址栏中输入以下内容以打开Chrome插件页面:


chrome:// plugins /

and then click Disable underneath the Adobe Acrobat plugin.

然后单击Adobe Acrobat插件下面的“禁用”。

Now your PDFs will always open with the Docs viewer instead.




Who hasn’t been frustrated by clicking a link to a PDF file, only to have your browser pause for several minutes while Adobe Reader struggles to download and display the file?  Google Chrome’s default behavior of simply downloading the files and letting you open them is hardly more helpful.

谁没有为单击PDF文件的链接而感到沮丧,而只是想让您的浏览器暂停几分钟,而Adobe Reader却难以下载和显示该文件? Google Chrome的默认行为是简单地下载文件并让您打开它们几乎没有什么用。

This extension takes away both of these problems, since it renders the documents on Google’s servers.  Most documents opened fairly quickly in our tests, and we were able to read large PDFs only seconds after clicking their link.  Also, the Google Docs viewer rendered the documents much better than the HTML version in Google’s cache.

此扩展程序消除了这两个问题,因为它可以将文档呈现在Google的服务器上。 在我们的测试中,大多数文档都打开得相当快,并且在单击它们的链接后仅几秒钟,我们便能够读取大型PDF。 此外,与Google缓存中HTML版本相比,Google Docs查看器呈现的文档要好得多。

Google Docs did seem to have problem on some files, and we saw error messages on several documents we tried to open.  If you encounter this, click the Download link in the top left corner to download the file and view it from your desktop instead.

Google文档似乎在某些文件上有问题,并且我们在尝试打开的多个文档中看到错误消息。 如果遇到这种情况,请单击左上角的“下载”链接以下载文件并从桌面上查看。



Google Docs has improved over the years, and now it offers fairly good rendering even on more complex documents.  This extension can make your browsing easier, and help documents and PDFs feel more like part of the Internet.  And, since the documents are rendered on Google’s servers, it’s often faster to preview large files than to download them to your computer.

多年来,Google文档已经得到了改进,现在,即使在更复杂的文档上,它也可以提供相当不错的呈现效果。 此扩展程序可以使您的浏览更加轻松,并使文档和PDF看起来更像Internet的一部分。 而且,由于文档是在Google的服务器上呈现的,因此预览大型文件通常比将其下载到计算机上要快得多。



Download the Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer extension from Google

从Google下载文档PDF / PowerPoint Viewer扩展

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/18948/view-docs-and-pdfs-directly-in-google-chrome/

本文标签: 器中文档GooglechromePDF