

Woven baskets characterized by a particular distinctive pattern have previously been found only in the immediate vicinity of the prehistoric village of Palea and therefore were believed to have been made only by the Palean people. Recently, however, archaeologists discovered such a "Palean" basket in Lithos, an ancient village across the Brim River from Palea. The Brim River is very deep and broad, and so the ancient Paleans could have crossed it only by boat, and no Palean boats have been found. Thus it follows that the so-called Palean baskets were notuniquely Palean.

Chinese Version:

作者提到考古学家在Lithos发现了basket, 并且有一条非常深和宽的和, called Brim River, 没有船的话Palean 不可能过去, 因此他就快速得到了一个结论这个basket 不是Palean 独有的。不幸的是,这个推论基于不可靠的猜想: 

1) Brim River 在Palean 的时候就已经存在了,并且和现在一样深AND 宽 

2) 考古学家肯定能够发现船,如果真有船存在过的话 

3) 对于Palean 来说,没有其他的方式过河,除了by boat 

但是,上述的猜想都是站不住脚跟的。第一, Brim River 有很大的很可能是在Palean 之后很久才形成的或者 在Palean 的时候 River 其实很浅并且和窄,Palean 可以直接游泳过去, 文章中不包含任何第二,第二个猜想也是不能令人信服的,我们知道船有非常大的可能是由木头制成的,木头是有机物,不像动物的骨头或者金属、石头一样可以保存下来,木头非常非常容易分解。所以我们看不到船这是一个再常见不过的事情了。而且就算真的有船存在的证据,考古学家也未必能发现的了,世界上有很多未知的东西等待着他们去发现;第三,就算Palean 没有船,但是不代表他们不能把东西送到河的另一边。有可能Lithos 有船,他们派遣代表团来 Palean 和Palean进行trade,然后带回了 basket

因此,为了能确保结论的有效,作者必须提供一下具体的证据来支持他的观点: 1) Brim River 从Palean 开始就是一直这么深,这么宽 2) Palean 没有能力制船的其他证据 3) Palean 是否有和外部落互换物品等行为 4) 科学比对Lithos’s basket 和 Palean’s backets 是否完全一致,包括: 样式,材料,签名(如果存在的话)

English Version:

The author mentions that archeologist discovered a “Palean” basket in Lithos, an ancient village across the Brim River and this river is so deep that ancient Paleans could not across it without boat. However, there are no boats found in Palean. Then author quickly draws the conclusion that Palean baskets were not particular to Palean. Unfortunately, underlying this reasoning are unwarranted assumptions that: 1) the Brim River has been existed for thousand years and used to be as deep and broad as it is now. 2) archaeologists would find it if the boat used to exist in Palean. 3) Whether the only way for people in Palean to go to Lithos is by crossing Brim river by boat.  Close scrutiny of each of these assumptions, however, reveals that none of them lend credible support to the conclusion.

Firstly, perhaps Brim River just did not exist at all during the period of Palean. Or, Brim River was narrow and shallow at the begin, so ancient Palean could across the river by swimming. Yet the passage contains no evidence to support this assumption. Lacking this evidence it is equally possible that the Brim River does not exist at all, ancient Palean can walk down Lithos.

Secondly, as we all known, the boats were more likely to be made of wood and wood is organic, so it's easy to decompose, not like bones of animals, metal weapons or stones that could resist decomposing. Therefore, no boats found in Palean is common for archaeologists. The absence of such evidence would not prove that such a boat never existed. Besides, even if a boat did exist in Palean ever, it would not definite for archeologists to found it, especially considering that time has gone by so long.

Thirdly, ancient Palean did have no ability to build a boat, the baskets could also be found in the other side of river. Perhaps, Lithos could send out delegation to come to Palean to trade with ancient Palean and then brought some baskets home. 

Thus, in order to fully justify his/her conclusion, the author needs to cite the following specific evidences to make the argument more sound. —perhaps by way of a survey or study. 1) Wether Brim River is at all-time deep and broad as it is now 2) a survey showing that ancient Palean is incapable of building a boat 3) a study showing that there are no trades between Palean and other countries 4)whether the pattern, materials or signature(if existed) of two baskets are exactly same.

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