

Java Python COURSE OUTLINE: AB1601 Organizational Behavior. and Design

Academic Year




Course Code


Course Title

Organizational Behavior and Design



No of AUs

3 AUs

Contact Hours


A) Course Aims

Business is in the midst of a revolutionary transformation. Emerging technologies that combine AI, machine learning, cutting-edge visualization techniques, and social robots are fast revolutionizing the business workplace globally. Building a motivated workforce is a critical responsibility of managers. To do so, managers must know why people behave in organizations the way they do.

Research in cognitive sciences, artificial intelligence and neuroscience has generated significant insights that can enrich our knowledge of people. This course focuses on processes and methods that can improve the attitudes and behaviors of organizational members. You will learn to know more about yourself and others. You will also learn how to influence and predict your own behaviours as well as those of others. Within the context of a world of social media, AI, and machine learning, you will learn various organizational behaviour theories and concepts, and then apply them appropriately to real-life situations to make sense of human behaviours and human-robot interactions at work. This course adopts a flipped classroom approach, which will give you many opportunities to share your knowledge with others and learn with them collaboratively.

B) Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)/Objectives

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

1. Apply critical thinking to analyze diverse arguments and reconcile divergent viewpoints.

2. Apply design thinking to explore the complexity of a problem, generate novel ideas and test-drive proposed solutions.

3. Define and explain the theoretical frameworks and concepts of organizational behavior.

4. Apply the appropriate theoretical frameworks and concepts to analyze real-world situations and generate possible solutions to problems identified.

5. Engage others in a meaningful and supportive way to develop teamwork skills.

6. Use inspirational assertive communication to share your knowledge.

7. Describe how research is conducted to generate insights on human cognition, attitudes, and behavior.

C) Course Content

1. Course Overview

2. Critical Thinking

3. Design Thinking

4. Individual Behavior, Personality, and Values

5. Perceiving Ourselves and Others in Organizations

6. Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress

7. Employee Motivation

8. Team Dynamics

9. Power and Influence in the Workplace

10. Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace

11. Leadership in Organizational Settings

12. Organizational Culture

13. Organizational Change

D) Assessment (includes both continuous and summative assessment)




NBS Learning Goal

Weigh- tage



Assessment Rubrics (attach

rubrics in appendix)

1. Critical







Critical Thinking Rubric

2. Design Thinking



Thinking, Teamwork



Design Thinking Rubric,

Teamwork Peer Evaluation (eUreka)

3. teamUP




Acquisition & Sharing



(Mandatory for all team members to be involved in the sharing)

Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing Rubric,

Teamwork Peer Evaluation (eUreka)

4. My





Knowledge Acquisition



My Reflective Learning Rubric

5. lightUP



Knowledge Sharing



Inspirational Assertive Comm. Rubric

6. voiceUP


Knowledge sharing



Knowledge Sharing Rubric

7. Research



Knowledge Acquisition



Not Applicable



E) Formative feedback

You will be able to assess your own performance based on the results you get from in-class quizzes and experiential learning activities. Your seminar instructors will provide written feedback for some of the individual assignments and team-bases assignments submitted for grading.

F) Learning and Teaching approach

This course adopts a flipped classroom approach. It strategically integrates different teaching strategies and instructional technologies to promote active participation and deeper student engagement. Experiential exercises and assignments are designed to demonstrate the relevance of various theoretical frameworks and concept in analyzing and solving management problems and issues.

Approach How does this approach support you in achieving the learning outcomes?

Critical Thinking                       To do this assignment, you apply the critical thinking processes to critically evaluate the quality of a published article with regards to its truthfulness and the validity of its arguments.

This assignment shows you how to examine any piece of written work critically.

Design Thinking                        In this assignment, you apply the three main processes of design thinking, i.e., inspiration, ideation, and implementation, to explore the complexity of a problem and then generate a workable set of solutions.

This assignment helps you develop non-linear, iterative thinking processes that help to identify and break down complex problems, challenge embedded assumptions, integrate multiple perspectives, and create workable innovative solutions through prototyping and testing.

This assignment enables you to learn how to facilitate change in organizational behavior. through the design of workplaces and work procedures.

sizeUP                                      At the start of each seminar, your instructor will conduct a quiz or give you a list of short-answer questions for you to answer individually.

By doing this start-of-class activity, you get to size up the effectiveness of your pre-class preparation and your readiness to participate in the various seminar activities

powerUP                                    In each seminar, you participate in various powerUP experiential exercises. These exercises illustrate the relevance of OB theoretical frameworks and concepts in the analyzing of organizational situations.

By taking an active role in various experiential exercises, you will experience, hands-on, how various OB theoretical frameworks and concepts can come alive in real-life situations.

teamUP                                      You will work in a team of 4 to 6 members to complete a team project in analyzing a real-world management issue.

By analyzing an OB case collaboratively with your team members, you learn how to apply appropriately various theoretical frameworks to develop a better understanding of real-life problems and propose logical solutions. You will also learn how to voice your opinions assertively and inspirationally when you present the team project with your team members.

lightUP                                        This lightUP segment of the seminar is for you to present OB insights that you acquire by reading a recent publication.

This assignment will motivate you to explore knowledge frontiers by extracting OB insights from recent publications on artificial intelligence, neuroscience research, cross-cultural research, etc.

voiceUP                                       This voiceUP activity gives you the opportunity to voice your opinions.

For this activity, you will practice voicing your opinions assertively in sharing your ideas with others.

checkUP                                      At the end of each seminar, your instructor may conduct a pop-quiz.

By doing this end-of-seminar activity, you will assess how well you have learned the theories and concepts presented in the seminar.

My Reflective Learning                   For this assignment, you apply two relevant theoretical frameworks to analyze a chosen event in your life to generate practical insights that will help you navigate a similar situation should you find yourself in one in the future.

This assignment shows you how applying theoretical frameworks can enrich your understanding of your own life situations.

Research Participations                   By participating in research experiments, you will learn how research is conducted to generate knowledge about human cognition and behavior         

本文标签: behaviorOrganizationalDesignprocessing