

  自ChatGPT横空出世以来,很多企业、科研机构纷纷抓住这个LLM的橄榄枝,在下游任务上进行微调和task-target prompt设计。自定义prompt是一个让ChatGPT落地工程应用的一个重要方法,本文梳理了相关的一些论文,以供感兴趣的研发人员进行研读。

1. ChatGPT相关论文


  • 奖励反馈机制TAMER(2007)
    Training an Agent Manually via Evaluative Reinforcement
  • GPT1(2018)
    原文:Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training
    笔记:论文笔记–Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training
  • GPT2(2018)
    原文:Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners
    笔记:论文笔记–Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners
  • GPT3(2020)
    原文:Language Models are Few-Shot Learners
    笔记:论文笔记–Language Models are Few-Shot Learners
  • 大模型发展史综述(2023)
    A Comprehensive Survey on Pretrained Foundation Models: A
    History from BERT to ChatGPT
  • InstructGPT(2022)
    原文:Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback
    笔记:论文笔记–Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback

2. ChatGPT + 自定义Prompt 相关论文

  • 数学
    Mathematical Capabilities of ChatGPT

prompt示例:“Suppose X is a vector space. Prove that 0 x = 0 = a 0 0x = 0 = a0 0x=0=a0 if x   i n   X x\ in\ X x in X and a a a is a scalar.” ,

  • 编码–自动定位bug
    Explainable Automated Debugging via Large Language Model-driven Scientific Debugging

prompt示例:“Given that [information], the method is [overall erroneous behavior]. Specifically, I think it is because ‘c>b‘ on line 4321 of method ‘foo‘ is intended to [desired behavior], but is [erroneous behavior].”

  • 文本摘要–评估文本摘要
    ChatGPT as a Factual Inconsistency Evaluator for Abstractive Text

prompt示例:“Decide which of the following summary is more consistent with the article sentence. Note that consistency means all information in the summary is supported by the article.”

  • 计算机任务
    Language Models can Solve Computer Tasks

prompt示例:"Therefore, considering the output on the webpage, the specific instruction for solving the task should be "

  • 跨语言文本摘要
    Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Summarization via Large Language Models

prompt示例:"Please summarize the following text in Chinese: ", “Please first translate the following text to Chinese and then summarize the translated text in Chinese:”, “Please make the Chinese summary shorter”

  • 菜单设计(计算机菜单栏)
    MenuCraft: Interactive Menu System Design with Large Language Models

prompt 示例:“I want you to act as an AI-Assisted Menu Designer, called MenuCraft. You will come up with design ideas for menu user interfaces that make apps easier to use. You may suggest menu design apps for a topic, arrange commands as linear or hierarchal menus, group the commands as tabs, suggest command names, add or suggest hot keys for the commands, and so on - but the aim is to design a menu that users find satisfying to use, meaning select good names for commands, prioritize frequently used commands for each tab of menu as the top, and put commands with close logical operations in the same tab. If you understand the your responsibilities, introduce yourself in short and asks for the user request.“

  • 翻译专业文献

prompt示例:“Please translate a radiology report into plain language that is easy to understand.”, “Please translate a radiology report into plain language for a patient only with high school education."

  • 心理健康分析
    On the Evaluations of ChatGPT and Emotion-enhanced Prompting for
    Mental Health Analysis

prompt 示例:Context: “[Previous Dialogue]”. Consider this context to assign one emotion label to this utterance “[Target]”. Only from this emotion list: [Emotion List]. Only return the assigned word.

本文标签: 自定义神器发文chatGPTprompt