


Gmail is one of the most popular email services on Earth, and the iPhone is the most popular phone. If you have all your email, contacts, and calendars stored in your Gmail account, you can easily add it to iOS and get the best of both worlds.

Gmail是地球上最受欢迎的电子邮件服务之一,而iPhone是最受欢迎的手机。 如果您所有的电子邮件,联系人和日历都存储在Gmail帐户中,则可以轻松地将其添加到iOS并充分利用两者。

There are two main ways to do this:


  • Add Your Gmail, Contacts, and Calendars to iOS: When you add your Google account in iOS’ settings, it shows up in the iOS Mail, Contacts, and Calendar apps.

    将您的Gmail,联系人和日历添加到iOS :在iOS设置中添加Google帐户时,该帐户会显示在iOS邮件,联系人和日历应用程序中。

  • Download the Official Gmail and Google Calendar app: You can also install Google’s official Gmail and Google Calendar apps from the App Store. This is better if you like Gmail’s conversation view, labels, and other special features that you won’t get in the Mail app. The Google Calendar app has more views available than the iOS Calendar app. However, these two apps won’t integrate your contacts, so you may want to use this in conjunction with the first option to get everything synced.

    下载官方Gmail和Google日历应用 :您还可以从App Store安装Google的官方Gmail和Google日历应用。 如果您喜欢Gmail的对话视图,标签和“邮件”应用中没有的其他特殊功能,则更好。 Google日历应用比iOS日历应用拥有更多的可用视图。 但是,这两个应用程序不会集成您的联系人,因此您可能希望将其与第一个选项结合使用以使所有内容同步。

We’ll show you how to do both in this article.


如何将您的Google帐户添加到iOS邮件,联系人和日历应用程序 (How to Add Your Google Account to the iOS Mail, Contacts, and Calendar Apps)

To add your Gmail account, and the contacts and calendars associated with that account, to your iPhone, tap the “Settings” icon on your Home screen.


On the Settings screen, tap “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”.


The Mail, Contacts, Calendars screen lists all the Accounts you’ve already added to your phone. To add your Google account, tap “Add Account”.

“邮件,联系人,日历”屏幕列出了您已经添加到手机中的所有帐户。 要添加您的Google帐户,请点击“添加帐户”。

On the Add Account screen, tap “Google”.

在“添加帐户”屏幕上,点击“ Google”。

Enter your full Gmail address under “Enter your email” and then tap “Next”.


Enter the password for your Google account and tap “Next”.


The Gmail screen displays for your account listing the four iOS apps you can enable for your Google account. Mail is enabled by default, allowing you to check your Gmail account in the Mail app. (If you plan on downloading the official Gmail app, however, you can turn this off if you want, and just enable Contacts and Calendars.)

Gmail屏幕将显示您的帐户,其中列出了您可以为Google帐户启用的四个iOS应用。 默认情况下,邮件是启用的,允许您在邮件应用程序中检查Gmail帐户。 (不过,如果您打算下载官方Gmail应用程序,则可以根据需要将其关闭,而只需启用“联系人和日历”即可。)

To sync the contacts from your Google account to your iPhone, tap the “Contacts” slider button.


The Contacts slider button turns green to indicate contacts from your Google account will be added to your phone. If you had already created some contacts on your phone before adding your Gmail account, a message displays asking you if you want to keep the existing local contacts on your phone or delete them. To keep these contacts, tap “Keep on My iPhone”. You may end up with duplicate contacts, though, so you may have to go delete some of the contacts that were stored on your iPhone.

“联系人”滑块按钮变为绿色,表示来自您Google帐户的联系人将被添加到手机中。 如果在添加Gmail帐户之前已经在手机上创建了一些联系人,则会显示一条消息,询问您是否要在手机上保留现有的本地联系人或将其删除。 要保留这些联系人,请点按“保留在我的iPhone上”。 但是,您最终可能会得到重复的联系人,因此您可能不得不删除存储在iPhone中的某些联系人。

To sync items from calendars in your Google account, tap the “Calendars” slider button so it turns green. Again, if you created calendar items on your phone before adding your Google account, a message displays asking if you want to keep those entries. Tap either “Keep on My iPhone” or “Delete”, just like you did for your contacts.

要同步您Google帐户中日历中的项目,请点击“日历”滑块按钮,使其变为绿色。 同样,如果您在添加Google帐户之前在手机上创建了日历项,则会显示一条消息,询问您是否要保留这些条目。 就像您对联系人所做的那样,点击“保留在我的iPhone上”或“删除”。

You can also sync notes in the Notes app with your Gmail account, by tapping the “Notes” slider button. Once you’ve chosen the apps you want to enable for your Google account, tap “Save”.

您还可以通过点击“便笺”滑块按钮,将便笺应用中的便笺与Gmail帐户同步 。 选择要为您的Google帐户启用的应用后,请点击“保存”。

Your Google account now displays in the list of Accounts and the apps you chose to enable for that account are listed below the account name. However, you may want a more descriptive name than “Gmail” to label your account, especially if you plan to add other Gmail accounts to your phone. To change the name of your Google account, tap on the current account name.

现在,您的Google帐户会显示在“帐户”列表中,并且您选择为该帐户启用的应用程序会列在帐户名下方。 但是,您可能需要一个比“ Gmail”更具描述性的名称来标记您的帐户,尤其是如果您打算将其他Gmail帐户添加到手机中时。 要更改您的Google帐户的名称,请点击当前帐户名称。

Then, tap “Account” under Gmail.


Tap in the “Description” field and type the description you want to use for this account. Then, tap “Done”.

点击“说明”字段,然后输入您要用于此帐户的说明。 然后,点击“完成”。

The new name displays on your Google account in the list of Accounts.


Now, all your contacts from your Google account are available in the Contacts app.


Your calendar items from your Google account are available in the Calendar app.


And finally, the email from your Gmail account is available in the Mail app.


如何在iPhone上下载和设置Google的Gmail和日历应用 (How to Download and Set Up Google’s Gmail and Calendar Apps on Your iPhone)

If you’re used to using the Gmail and Google Calendar apps on an Android device, or even Gmail or Google Calendar in a browser, you might want to install the official Gmail app and the official Google Calendar app available in the App Store.

如果您习惯于在Android设备上使用Gmail和Google日历应用程序,甚至在浏览器中甚至使用Gmail或Google日历,则可能需要在App Store中安装官方的Gmail应用程序和官方的Google Calendar应用程序。

Once you’ve installed and opened the Gmail app, you should see an Accounts screen with a list of the Google accounts available on your phone (if any). Tap the slider button to the right of the Google account you want to add to the Gmail app. The slider button turns blue.

安装并打开Gmail应用程序后,您应该会在“帐户”屏幕上看到手机上可用的Google帐户列表。 点按您要添加到Gmail应用程序的Google帐户右侧的滑块按钮。 滑块按钮变为蓝色。

If you don’t see the Google account you want, you can add it to the Gmail app manually by tapping “Add account”.


Enter your Gmail email address and password when prompted. Then, the following screen displays telling you that the Gmail app wants to send you notifications when you receive new emails. If you want to receive notifications from the Gmail app, tap “OK” on the dialog. Otherwise, tap “Don’t Allow”. There are different types of notifications in iOS and you can read more about managing notifications on your iPhone and iPad here.

出现提示时,输入您的Gmail电子邮件地址和密码。 然后,显示以下屏幕,告诉您Gmail应用程序希望在收到新电子邮件时向您发送通知。 如果要从Gmail应用程序接收通知,请在对话框上点击“确定”。 否则,请点击“不允许”。 iOS中的通知类型不同,您可以在此处阅读有关在iPhone和iPad上管理通知的更多信息。

The first time you open the Gmail app, it wants to tell you about its various features in a tour. If you want to skip the tour and go straight to the app, tap “Go to inbox” in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

首次打开Gmail应用程序时,它想在游览中向您介绍其各种功能。 如果您想跳过旅程,直接进入应用程序,请点击屏幕左下角的“转到收件箱”。

The email messages in your inbox for the Gmail account you added (or enabled) displays. Your Gmail account is added to the Gmail app as an IMAP account, which means that any changes you make to your account on your phone is synced with your Gmail account. So, any actions you take, such as messages you receive, messages you file under labels or delete, or messages you send on your phone, are recorded in your Gmail account and you’ll see those changes the next time you log into your Gmail account in a browser or in the Gmail app on another device.

显示您添加(或启用)的Gmail帐户的收件箱中的电子邮件。 您的Gmail帐户将作为IMAP帐户添加到Gmail应用程序,这意味着您对手机上的帐户所做的任何更改都会与Gmail帐户同步。 因此,您执行的所有操作(例如收到的邮件,在标签下删除或删除的邮件或在手机上发送的邮件)都会记录在Gmail帐户中,下次您登录Gmail时会看到这些更改。浏览器或另一台设备上的Gmail应用程序中的帐户。

To add other Google accounts you’ve added to your phone to the Gmail app, tap the menu button in the upper-left corner of the screen to access the menu panel. Then, tap the email address at the top of the menu panel.

要将您已添加到手机的其他Google帐户添加到Gmail应用程序,请点击屏幕左上角的菜单按钮以访问菜单面板。 然后,点击菜单面板顶部的电子邮件地址。

At the bottom of the menu panel, tap “Manage accounts”.


Tap the slider buttons for any Gmail accounts you want to access in the Gmail app. The slider buttons turn blue for any accounts you activate.

点击要在Gmail应用程序中访问的任何Gmail帐户的滑块按钮。 对于您激活的任何帐户,滑块按钮都会变为蓝色。

The Google Calendar app is set up in a similar way to the Gmail app. Simply select the Google accounts you want to sync to your phone or add a new account. You can select different ways to view your calendar entries using the menu in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Google日历应用的设置方式与Gmail应用类似。 只需选择要同步到手机的Google帐户或添加一个新帐户即可。 您可以使用屏幕左上角的菜单选择其他方式来查看日历条目。

Google also has an app called Inbox that helps you keep your email organized. Some of the features of Inbox include bundling similar messages together, adding reminders to emails you need to get back to, and snoozing emails and reminders until you’re ready to deal with them. There are many other Google apps for iPhone, such as Google Maps, Google Drive, and Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

Google还有一个名为“收件箱”的应用程序 ,可帮助您使电子邮件井井有条。 Inbox的某些功能包括将类似的消息捆绑在一起,在需要返回的电子邮件中添加提醒,以及暂停电子邮件和提醒,直到您准备好处理它们为止。 还有许多其他适用于iPhone的Google应用程序 ,例如Google Maps,Google Drive和Google文档,表格和幻灯片。

If someone has shared a calendar with you, you may not see that shared calendar in your Google account. You need to add shared calendars separately.

如果某人与您共享了日历,则您可能不会在您的Google帐户中看到该共享日历。 您需要单独添加共享日历 。

Note that there is no app available for Google Contacts in the App Store, at least yet. So if you use the official Gmail app, you may still want to add your Gmail account in iOS’ settings to get your contacts. Alternatively, there are other third-party apps available in the App Store to manage your contacts if you don’t like the built-in iOS apps. Just search the store and see what you find.

请注意,至少在App Store中没有适用于Google通讯录的应用程序。 因此,如果您使用正式的Gmail应用程序,则可能仍想在iOS的设置中添加Gmail帐户以获取联系人。 另外,如果您不喜欢内置的iOS应用程序,则可以在App Store中使用其他第三方应用程序来管理您的联系人。 只需搜索商店,看看您发现了什么。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/249750/how-to-add-your-gmail-contacts-and-google-calendar-to-your-iphone-or-ipad/


本文标签: 如何将入口日历谷歌gmail