


Everyone who uses Google services knows that Google has copies of your data—your search history, Gmail, YouTube history, and so much more. But did you know you can also download a copy of this data for yourself? Yep, and it’s stupid easy.

每个使用Google服务的人都知道Google拥有您数据的副本-您的搜索历史记录,Gmail,YouTube历史记录等等 。 但是您知道您也可以自己下载这些数据的副本吗? 是的,这很简单。

The product, called Google Takeout, has actually been around for a few years now, but it’s surprising how many people still don’t know about it. It’s a full featured way of downloading all of your Google data across all Google services. Here’s a full list of everything included in Takeout:

这款名为Google Takeout的产品实际上已经存在了几年,但是令人惊讶的是,仍然有很多人对此一无所知。 这是一种通过所有Google服务下载所有Google数据的全功能方式。 这是Takeout中包含的所有内容的完整列表:

  • +1s on Google+

  • Android Pay

    Android Pay
  • Blogger

  • Bookmarks

  • Calendars

  • Chrome data (Autofill, bookmarks, etc.)

  • Contacts

  • Drive (All files)

  • Fit data

  • Photos

  • Play Books

  • Google+ Circles

  • Google+ Pages

  • Google+ Stream (all posts)

  • Groups

  • Handsfree

  • Hangouts

  • Hangouts on Air

  • Keep

  • Location History

  • Mail

  • Maps (your places)

  • Moderator

  • My Maps

  • Profile

  • Searches

  • Tasks

  • Voice

  • YouTube (history, playlists, subs, videos)


So yeah…everything.


The cool thing here is that you can pick and choose what you want, including sub-options within many of the categories. For example, you can choose specific calendars or Chrome settings to download. It gets pretty granular.

这里很酷的事情是,您可以选择所需的内容,包括许多类别中的子选项。 例如,您可以选择特定的日历或Chrome设置进行下载。 它变得非常细。

If you’re into it, let’s dig in. To get started, you can jump directly to Google Takeout here. If you’d prefer to take the scenic route, you can also get there by going to your Google Account, choosing “Manage your Google activity,” scrolling down to the “Control your content” section, and selecting “Create archive.”

如果您喜欢它,那就让我们深入研究。开始之前,您可以在此处直接跳至Google Takeout 。 如果您想沿着风景优美的路线走,还可以通过以下方法到达那里:转到您的Google帐户 ,选择“管理您的Google活动”,向下滚动到“控制您的内容”部分,然后选择“创建档案”。

Now that we’re all on the same page (literally), here’s what to expect from Takeout.


The very top option is where you can manage your archives, but if this is your first time using Takeout, there won’t be anything there. Just keep it in mind for future reference—a collection of your archive downloads will show here. For this piece, however, we’re more interested in what’s down below.

最顶层的选项是您可以在其中管理档案的地方,但是,如果这是您首次使用Takeout,那么那里什么也没有。 请记住,以备将来参考-此处将显示档案下载的集合。 但是,对于这一部分,我们对下面的内容更感兴趣。

By default, all of the options are toggled to the “on” position, but there’s a button at the very top to “Select none.” If you only plan on downloading a couple of things, this is the easiest way of doing that. If you want the whole shebang, leave it as is.

默认情况下,所有选项都切换到“打开”位置,但是最上方有一个按钮用于“全不选”。 如果您只打算下载几本书,这是最简单的方法。 如果您想要整个shebang,请保持原样。

You’ll also notice that many of the options have a little dropdown arrow next to the on/off toggle. This is where you’ll select various options or get more information (if it’s available) about each selection.

您还会注意到,许多选项在开/关切换旁边都有一个下拉箭头。 您可以在此处选择各种选项,也可以获取有关每个选择的更多信息(如果有)。

For example, the +1 option simply tells you that the data is provided in HTML format and nothing more. But the Blogger options lets you choose specific blogs to download, assuming you have more than one.

例如,+ 1选项只是告诉您数据是以HTML格式提供的,仅此而已。 但是,如果您拥有多个博客,则可以使用Blogger选项选择要下载的特定博客。

So I definitely recommend looking through each of these options—especially the ones you know you’re going to want to grab in your download—and select everything that’s important to you. I really like how granular you can get with these settings.

因此,我绝对建议您仔细研究每个选项,尤其是您知道要下载的选项,并选择对您重要的所有内容。 我非常喜欢使用这些设置可以得到的粒度。

The only other thing I’d note here is that there are a handful of different file types that your data will download as. Hangouts data comes in JSON format, Keep comes as HTML, Calendar in iCal, and so on. The primary exception here is Drive data, which has a handful of options for different types of documents:

我在这里唯一要注意的是,您的数据将以几种不同的文件类型下载。 环聊数据以JSON格式提供,Keep以HTML格式提供,在iCal中使用日历,等等。 此处的主要例外是云端硬盘数据,该数据针对不同类型的文档提供了一些选项:

Again, pick and choose what works best for you. Once you’ve gone through all the options and set everything up, click the “Next” box at the bottom.

同样,选择最适合您的选择。 完成所有选项并设置好所有内容后,请点击底部的“下一步”框。

This is where you’ll choose your file type, archive size, and how you want to get the download. The default option is set to download the archive as a zip file with a 2GB maximum size. If you stick with zip, but want a larger size, it will automatically be converted to zip64, which may not be supported by older operating systems. If you choose to leave it at 2GB, the archive will be broken down into as many 2GB files as necessary.

在这里,您可以选择文件类型,档案大小以及下载方式。 默认选项设置为以最大2GB的zip文件下载存档。 如果您坚持使用zip,但想要更大的尺寸,它将自动转换为zip64,较早的操作系统可能不支持。 如果您选择将其保留为2GB,则存档将根据需要分解为尽可能多的2GB文件。

If you’re looking to pull all of your data and know it’s going to be a huge file, you may want to go with the tgz or tbz options, both of which default to 50GB archives. And pretty much any good archiving program (like 7-Zip) will be able to extract these files.

如果您希望提取所有数据并且知道它将是一个巨大的文件,则可能要使用tgz或tbz选项,这两个选项默认为50GB存档。 几乎所有好的归档程序(例如7-Zip )都可以提取这些文件。

Once that is decided, you’ll need to define your delivery method: get a download link by email or add the file to a specific cloud storage medium. Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive are all supported.

一旦确定,您将需要定义您的交付方式:通过电子邮件获取下载链接或将文件添加到特定的云存储介质。 支持Drive,Dropbox和OneDrive。

After that, just click the “Create Archive” button.


A progress bar will show you how far along everything is, both in percentage and data total. Naturally, the time it takes to build your archive will depend on how much data you’re actually collecting—the more files, the longer. If you’re downloading everything, it could literally take days to compile.

进度条将以百分比和数据总数的形式显示所有内容的进展情况。 自然地,建立存档所花费的时间将取决于您实际收集的数据量—文件越多,时间越长。 如果要下载所有内容,则编译可能需要几天的时间

Once it’s finished, you’ll get an email letting you know. If you chose to get the download by email, a link will be here. Otherwise, you can also get to the download by heading back over to your Takeout page and selecting the “Manage Archives” button at the top.

完成后,您会收到一封电子邮件,通知您。 如果您选择通过电子邮件下载文件,则会在此处找到一个链接。 否则,您还可以通过返回到“导出”页面并选择顶部的“管理档案”按钮来进行下载。

Finally, just click the download button beside the option you want to pull down. Done and done.

最后,只需单击要下拉的选项旁边的下载按钮。 做完了。

NOTE: Archives are only available to download for a week, after which they’ll be removed and you’ll have to re-compile them.


After the file is finished downloading, go ahead and extract it. The root folder will have a handful of options—one folder for each service you included in your archive—along with a page called “index.html.” This is essentially the table of contents for your archive.

文件下载完成后,继续将其解压缩。 根文件夹将具有少数选项-存档中包含的每个服务一个文件夹-以及名为“ index.html”的页面。 这实质上是归档文件的目录。

Using this page, you can look at each file or set of files individually. Just click on the option you’d like to see more info about, and a brief description will show up at the bottom of the page, along with a link to open the file. It’s also noted that these links will only work if you’ve actually extracted the files.

使用此页面,您可以单独查看每个文件或一组文件。 只需单击您想要查看更多信息的选项,简短说明将显示在页面底部,以及打开文件的链接。 还需要注意的是,这些链接仅在您实际提取文件后才有效。

Lastly, it will be noted on both the download page and the index page if there are any errors. If that happens, you can always try downloading the specific service’s data again individually by following the download steps about and only selecting that one particular service.

最后,如果有任何错误,将在下载页面和索引页面上都注明。 如果发生这种情况,您始终可以按照以下下载步骤,仅选择一项特定服务,尝试再次单独下载特定服务的数据。

Whether you’re looking to put an eye on everything Google has stored, want to import some of your data into another service, or just want copies of everything before washing your hands of a specific account, Takeout is a fantastic service that should perfectly fit the bill.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/216189/how-to-create-and-download-an-archive-of-all-your-google-data/


本文标签: 备份入口如何下载日历文档