

【单选题】The company makes it possible __ the market information with its partners.



【填空题】The (manage) __ said that their wouldn'd be responsible for the loss of the goods.

【单选题】I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how ___ the machine.

【填空题】We look forward to (meet)__ you and wish you every success in your career.

【单选题】We have to got to __ a new way to solve this problem.

【填空题】To start your own business is usually (cheap)____ than to buy one.

【单选题】在PS图像处理中,快速实现抓手工具的快捷键是( )

【单选题】By the end of this year, they ____ a new program.

【单选题】哪个图形更易判断于基于时间的变化 趋势 ?

【填空题】南宋史学家袁枢的代表作是 _________________ ,它的问世标志着 _________________________ 的创立。

【单选题】哪个图更容易看出各项占了总数多少 比例 ?


【填空题】They have already discussed the report (give)____ by the department manager.

【填空题】The wallpaper pattern (design) ____ by a famous Chinese artist several years ago.

【填空题】After the lecture yesterday, they (realize)__ how important company culture was.

【简答题】在中国传世文献中,第一部纪传体断代史是 _________ ;第一部编年体断代史是 ___________ 。

【单选题】Breakfast can be __ to you in your room for an additional charge.

【单选题】Language learning is a slow process, which _____ alot of effort, time and patience.


【单选题】在ps中,打开标尺的快捷键是( )

【单选题】I agree to the idea __ our staff should use recycled paper to save money.

【填空题】The organization will start a (move)____ to protect the environment next month.

【填空题】The program aims to let all the employees (understand)_____ the culture of the company.

【单选题】The quality control staff is responsible __ the quality of the products that come out of the factory.

【单选题】Please __ your report carefully before you hand it to me.

【填空题】We will set up a factory in that country, which is rich in (nature)____ resources.

【单选题】Mike has already put forward his suggestion ___ a production plan should be completed next week.


【单选题】The report gives a __ picture of the company's future development.

【单选题】在ps软件中,图像最大可以被放大( )



【单选题】___ the members cooperate well, the exam will keep winning games.

【单选题】Please __ of us of your decision and we will act according to it.

【单选题】We __ building the bridge by the end of next month.

【单选题】More than 100 people died ____ the earthquake in that area.

【单选题】The company has been producing this model of machine tool __ 2008.

【填空题】The money (borrow)__ from the bank has already been paid back.

【单选题】It is easy to get the software we need ___ the market is small.

【单选题】哪个图形更易于数据的对比 ?

【单选题】在计算机中,构成位图的基本单位是( )


【单选题】In recent years, there have been over 30 foreign companies ____ business in this city.

【单选题】The next board meeting will focus __ the benefits for the employees.

【填空题】建立图表时,需要选择不连续数据区域,应该按( )键进行选择

【填空题】(general)______ speaking, table manners vary from culture to culture.

【单选题】We have to pay them a large __ of money for their service.

【单选题】It has been unusually cold this winter and experts say it's not ___.

本文标签: 成员有两种定义程序方法