


Do you want to delete a WordPress theme but are worried that it might be unsafe?


If you have recently switched your WordPress theme, then you may want to delete the old one. You may also have a few other WordPress themes that come pre-installed on your website that you may want to remove.

如果您最近切换了WordPress主题 ,则可能要删除旧主题 。 您可能还会在您的网站上预先安装了一些其他WordPress主题,您可能希望将其删除。

In this article, we’ll show you why and how to easily delete a WordPress theme without affecting your website.


为什么要删除WordPress主题? (Why Delete a WordPress Theme?)

If you are not using a WordPress theme, then it is recommended to delete it from your website. There are a number of reasons for deleting unused WordPress themes.

如果您没有使用WordPress主题,则建议将其从您的网站中删除。 删除未使用的WordPress主题有多种原因。

  • malicious code or malware on your website (that is if your website was ever compromised). Sometimes rogue developers can hide backdoors in unused themes as well.恶意代码或恶意软件 (也就是说,如果您的网站曾经遭到入侵)。 有时,流氓开发人员也可以将后门隐藏在未使用的主题中。
  • WordPress security plugin takes longer to finish a scan.WordPress安全插件需要更长的时间才能完成扫描。
  • You’ll also keep getting updates for those themes, even though you are not using them at all.


Now a lot of users install WordPress themes on their live websites just to test them out. This is not the best way to test drive a WordPress theme.

现在,许多用户在其实时网站上安装WordPress主题只是为了对其进行测试。 这不是测试驱动WordPress主题的最佳方法。

We recommend using a

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