


  • 第一章(15)
  • 第二章(15)
  • 第三,四章(18)
  • 第五章(14)
  • 第六章(14)
  • 第七章(15)
  • 第八章(15)
  • 第九章(15)
  • 第十一章(14)
  • 第十二章(15)



(A 1.4)1.when an external device becomes ready to be serviced by the processor, the device sends this type of signal to the processor:(1.0分)
A.interrupt signal(中断信号) B.halt signal
C.handler signal D.none of the above

(D 1.4)2. a common class of interrupts is(1.0分)
A.program B.timer C.i/o **D.all of the above **
(包括Program, Timer, I/O, Hardware failure等)

(A 1.3)3. a fetched instruction(取指指令) is normally loaded into the:(1.0分)
A.instruction register (ir) (取到的指令放在IR中)
B.program counter (pc)
C.accumulator (ac)
D.none of the above

(C 1.3)4. the two basic steps used by the processor in instruction processing are:(1.0分)
A.fetch and instruction cycles
B.instruction and execute cycles
C.fetch and execute cycles(一个指令周期包括取指阶段和执行阶段)
D.none of the above

(B 1.2, 1.6)5. a control/status register that contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched is called the:(1.0分)
A.instruction register (ir)
B.program counter (pc) pc:保存下一次取的指令地址
C.program status word (psw)
D.all of the above

(D 1.2)6. address registers may contain(1.0分)
A.memory addresses of data
B.memory addresses of instructions
C.partial memory addresses
D.all of the above(地址寄存器以上都包含)

(A 1.2)7. the two basic types of processor registers are:(1.0分)
A.user-visible and control/status registers(用户程序可见寄存器and控制和状态寄存器)
B.control and status registers
C.user-visible and user-invisible registers
D.none of the above

(C 1.1)8. the four main structural elements of a computer system are:(1.0分)
A.processor, registers, i/o modules & main memory
B.processor, registers, main memory & system bus
C.processor, main memory, i/o modules & system bus(四大基本结构:CPU,内存,I/O,总线)
D.none of the above

(D 1.5)9. when a new block of data is written into cache memory, the following determines which cache location the block will occupy:(1.0分)
A.block size B.cache size C.write policy D.none of the above
(正确答案:mapping function映射策略)

(B 1.5)10. small, fast memory located between the processor and main memory is called(1.0分)
A.worm memory
B.cache memory(高速缓存) memory
D.none of the above

(C 1.5)11. as one proceeds down the memory hierarchy(分级储存体系) (i.e., from inboard memory to offline storage), the following condition(s) apply:(1.0分)
A.increasing cost per bit(价格应该降低)
B.decreasing capacity(容量应该提升)
C.increasing access time(访问时间增加)
D.all of the above

(B 1.4)12. in a uniprocessor(单处理器) system, multiprogramming(多道程序设计) increases processor efficiency by:(1.0分)
A.increasing processor speed
B.taking advantage of time wasted by long wait interrupt handling(用中断节约时间)
C.eliminating all idle processor cycles
D.all of the above

(A 1.4)13. one accepted method of dealing with multiple interrupts(处理多个中断) is to:(1.0分)
A.define priorities(优先级) for the interrupts
B.disable all interrupts except those of highest priority
C.service them in round-robin fashion(循环执行)
D.none of the above

(B 1.4)14. information that must be saved prior to the processor(处理器) transferring control(移交控制) to the interrupt handler routine(中断处理程序) includes:(1.0分)
A.processor status word (psw) (程序状态字)
B.processor status word (psw) & location of next instruction(PC,程序计数器) .
C.processor status word (psw) & contents of processor registers(内存寄存器)
D.none of the above

(B)15. the general role of an operating system is to:(1.0分)
A.act as an interface(接口) between various computers
B.provide a set of services to system users
C.manage files for application programs (管理应用程序文件)
D.none of the above


(D)1. A primary objective(主要目标) of an operating system is:(1.0分)
A.Convenience B.Efficiency
C.Ability to evolve(迭代能力) D.all of the above

(D)2. which of the following major line(主要路线) of computer system development created problems in timing(计时) and synchronization(同步) that contributed to the development of the concept of the process?(1.0分)
A.multiprogramming batch operation systems 多道批处理
B.time sharing systems 分时系统
C.real time transaction systems 实时交易系统
D.all of the above

(D)3. the principle objective of a time sharing, multiprogramming system is to(分时,多程序的主要目标)(1.0分)
A.maximize response time (是time sharing主要目标)
B.maximize processor use (是Batch Multiprogramming的主要目标)
C.provide exclusive access to hardware
D.none of the above (答案应该是为了与多个用户交互)

(C )4. a computer hardware feature硬件功能 (that is vital to the effective operation of a multiprogramming operating system定语:对于进程并发操作系统的有效运行至关重要的) is:(1.0分)
A.very large memory B.multiple processors
C.i/o interrupts and DMA 中断和直接内存存取 D.all of the above

(A)5. an example of a hardware feature that is desirable in a batch-processing system批处理 is(1.0分)
A.privileged instructions 特权指令
B.a completely accessible memory area
C.large clock cycles
D.none of the above

(A)6. a major problem with early serial processing systems串行处理主要问题 was:(1.0分)
A.setup time准备时间 B.lack of input devices
C.inability to get hardcopy output D.all of the above

(C )7. operating systems must evolve over time随时间发展 because(1.0分)
A.hardware must be replaced when it fails
B.users will only purchase software that has a current copyright date hardware is designed and implemented in the computer system
D.all of the above

(B)8. the operating system is unusual in it’s role as a control mechanism, in that:(1.0分) runs on a special processor, completely separated from the rest of the system frequently relinquishes control释放控制 of the system processor and must depend on the processor to regain control of the system never relinquishes control of the system processor
D.none of the above

(B)9. the operating system provides many types of services to end-users, programmers and system designers, including:(1.0分)
A.built-in user applications
B.error detection and response错误检测和响应
C.relational database capabilities with the internal file system
D.all of the above

(B)10. key to the success of linux has been it’s character as a free software package available under the auspices of the:(1.0分) wide web consortium software foundation免费软件基金
C.berkeley software distribution D.none of the above

(A)11. win2k supports several types of user applications, including:(1.0分)
A.win32 B.linux C.system 10 D.none of the above (书上没找到,只能记啦)

(A)12. a technique in which a process进程, executing an application执行应用程序, is divided into threads线程 that can run concurrently并发 is called:(1.0分)
A.multithreading 多线程
B.multiprocessing 多处理
C.symmetric multiprocessing (smp) 对称多处理
D.none of the above

(D)13. a common problem with full-featured operating systems, due to their size and difficulty of the tasks they address, is:(1.0分)
A.chronically late in delivery 长期延迟分发
B.latent bugs that show up in the field 潜在的bug
C.sub-par performance 低于标准的表现
D.all of the above (又是一个没找到的)

(C )14. relative to information protection and security in computer systems, access control typically refers访问控制通常指 to:(1.0分)
A.proving that security mechanisms perform according to specification
B.the flow of data within the system
C.regulating user and process access to various aspects of the system 规范用户和进程对系统各个方面的访问
D.none of the above

(B)15. the paging system分页系统 in a memory management system内存管理系统 provides for dynamic mapping动态映射 between a virtual address虚地址 used in a program and:(1.0分)
A.a virtual address in main memory
B.a real address in main memory内存中的实地址
C.a real address in a program
D.none of the above


(C 3.3)1.the process image element进程映像元素 that contains the collection of attributes属性集合 needed by the OS to control a particular process is called the:(1.0分)
A.user data
B.system stack
C.process control block 进程控制块PCB
D.none of the above

(D 3.3)2. a memory table内存表 is an OS control structure that is used by the OS to:(1.0分)
A.manage i/o devices (I/O表)
B.manage processes (进程表)
C.provide information about system files (文件表)
D.none of the above

(B)3. the scheduling strategy where each process in the queue is given a certain amount of time, in turn, to execute and then returned to the queue, unless blocked is referred to as:(1.0分)
A.prioritization 按优先级执行
B.round-robin 循环执行
C.LIFO 后进先出
D.all of the above

(D 3.2.4)4. in a process model that implements two suspend states, a valid state transition is represented by:(1.0分)
A.ready/suspend -> ready
B.running -> ready/suspend
C.ready -> ready/suspend
D.all of the above 以上进程状态转换均存在

(A 3.2.3)5. in the five-state process model, the following represents a valid state transition:(1.0分)
A.running -> blocked -> running -> blocked
D.all of the above

(D 3.2.2)6. there are a number of conditions that can lead to process termination进程终止原因, including:(1.0分)
A.normal completion 正常完成
B.bounds violation 边界冲突
C.parent termination 父进程终止
D.all of the above

(B 3.2.1)7. the basic two-state process model defines two possible states for a process in relationship to the processor:(1.0分)
A.running and executing
B.running and not running
C.executing and waiting
D.none of the above

(A 3.2)8. the behavior of an individual process can be characterized by examining:(1.0分)
A.a single process trace 进程轨迹
B.multiple process traces
C.the interleaving of the process traces
D.all of the above

(B)9. in a typical unix system, the element of the process image that contains the processor status information is the:(1.0分)
A.system-level context:包含操作系统管理进程的信息
B.register context:包含处理器状态信息
C.user-level context:包含用户程序元素
D.all of the above
(在典型的 UNIX 系统中,进程映像的元素是user-level context,register context,system-level context)

(A)10. in the process based OS基于进程的操作系统:(1.0分)
A.major kernel functions are organized as separate functions 主要内核功能被组织为独立的进程
B.the user process image includes a kernel stack 用户进程映像包括内核堆栈
C.os code and data are contained in the shared address space
操作系统代码和数据包含在共享地址空间中 (同上)
D.none of the above

(D 3.4.2)11. a process switch进程切换 may occur when the system encounters an interrupt condition, such as that generated by a:(1.0分)
A.interrupt 中断
B.supervisor call 系统调用
C.trap 陷阱
D.all of the above

(D 3.2.2)12. one step in the procedure for creating a new process进程创建 involves:(1.0分)
A.initializing the process control block 初始化进程控制块
B.allocating space for the process 分配空间
C.assigning a unique identifier 分配标识符
D.all of the above

(A 3.4.1)13. the processor execution mode that user programs typically execute用户程序执行 in is referred to as:(1.0分)
A.user mode 用户模式
B.system mode 系统模式
C.kernel mode 内核模式
D.none of the above

(D 3.3)14. the process image element that contains the modifiable part of the user space用户空间的可修改部分 is called the:(1.0分)
A.user program
B.system stack
C.process control block
D.none of the above
user data用户数据

(C 3.2)15. the behavior of a processor can be characterized by examining:(1.0分)
A.a single process trace
B.multiple process traces
C.the interleaving of the process traces 进程轨迹交替方式
D.all of the above

(D)16. In modern operating system, what is the basic unit of resource allocation资源分配 and what is the basic unit of CPU dispatchingCPU调度 (1.0分)
A.Memory; Thread
B.Process; Task
C.Thread; Process
D.Process 进程; Thread 线程

(A 4.1)17. Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between process and thread: (1.0分)
A.It takes far less time to create a new thread in an existing process than to create a new process 线程比进程创建,结束,切换快
B.It takes less time to switch between two different processes than to switch between two threads within the same process
C.It takes less time to terminate a process than a thread
D.All of the above

(C 4.3)18. One of the disadvantages of User-Level Threads 用户级线程(ULTs) compared to Kernel-Level Threads 内核级线程(KLTs) is (1.0分)
A.Scheduling is application specific
B.Thread switching does not require kernel mode privileges
C.When a ULT executes a system call, all threads in the process are blocked ULT:一个进程中只有一个线程可以执行
D.All of the above


(B)1. a basic echo procedure (that echoes a typed character to the screen将键入的字符回显到屏幕上) running on a multiprocessor system多处理器系统 can produce erroneous output if(1.0分)
A.two processes deadlock while in the echo code
B.access to the echo procedure is unsynchronized 对回显过程的访问不同步???没懂
C.access to the echo procedure is synchronized
D.none of the above

(D 5.2.3)2. examples of solutions to the concurrency problem that do not involve busy waiting are the following不涉及忙等待的并发问题解决方案:(1.0分)
A.producers and consumers 生产者/消费者
B.semaphores and monitors 信号量和管程
C.message passing and caching 消息传递和缓存
D.none of the above 上面的方法都利用了忙等待

(A 5.7)3. a reason why the producer/consumer problem cannot be considered a special case of the reader/writer problem with a single writer (the producer) and a single reader (the consumer) is:(1.0分)
A.the producer and consumer must be both reader and writer 生产者和消费者都要有读和写的功能,比如生产者读队列指针,写下生成的数据
B.the consumer must perform writes while the reader performs reads
C.the producer/consumer problem doesn’t deal with concurrency issues
D.none of the above

(A 5.7)4. the reader/writer problem requires that certain conditions be satisfied, such as:(1.0分)
A.any number of readers may simultaneously read from the file 读进程可以多个同时进行
B.readers may read from the file while writers are writing to it
C.multiple writers may write to the file simultaneouslyany number of readers may simultaneously read from the file
D.none of the above

(D 5.6.3)5. in a system employing message passing, the typical message is divided into two primary sections(1.0分)
A.header and mailbox
B.body and mailbox
C.destination id and source id
D.none of the above
(包括header and body)

(A 5.6.2)6. in a system employing message passing, when a message is sent to a shared temporary data structure共享的临时数据结构, this general approach is known as(1.0分)
A.indirect addressing 间接寻址 addressing 直接寻址
D.none of the above

(A 5.6.1)7. in synchronization同步 involving message passing, the sender of a message can be(1.0分)
A.either blocking or non-blocking 信息发送者可以阻塞也可不阻塞
B.only blocking
C.only non-blocking
D.all of the above

(B 5.5)8. a chief characteristic of a monitor管程 is:(1.0分)
A.a maximum of two processes may be executing in a monitor at a time
B.a process enters the monitor by invoking one of its procedures 进程通过调用其过程之一进入管程
C.local data variables of the monitor are accessible by any procedure requesting use of the monitor
D.all of the above

(A)9. the finite circular buffer有限循环缓冲区 is used to implement which of the following basic queuing strategies基本排队策略(1.0分)
A.FIFO 先进先出
D.none of the above

(A 5.4.1)10. a semaphore that does not specify the order无规定顺序 in which processes are removed from the queue is called a(1.0分)
A.weak semaphore 弱信号量
B.strong semaphore 强信号量
C.binary semaphore 二元信号量
D.none of the above

(A 5.3)11. in a uniprocessor system单处理器系统, mutual exclusion互斥 can be guaranteed by(1.0分)
A.disabling interrupts 禁用中断(不能用于多处理器系统)
B.interleaving processes 交错进程
C.overlapping processes 重叠进程(单处理器做不到)
D.all of the above

(C 5.1)12. processes that are designed to be able to pass execution control传递执行控制 back and forth between themselves are referred to as(1.0分)
A.busy waiting processes
C.coroutines 协同程序
D.none of the above

(D 5.2.2)13. the following requirement must be met by any facility or capability that is to provide support for mutual exclusion:(1.0分)
A.a process remains in its critical code section for a finite time only
B.only one process at a time can be allowed into a critical code section
一次只能允许一个进程进入临界区 assumptions can be made about relative process speeds
D.all of the above

(C 5.2.2)14. in order to implement mutual exclusion on a critical resource for competing processes, only one program at a time should be allowed(1.0分) perform message passing exhibit cooperation the critical section of the program 在程序的临界区内
D.none of the above


(B 6.2)1. a conservative strategy for dealing with deadlocks that involves limiting access to resources and imposing restrictions on processes对进程施加限制 is called:(1.0分)
A.deadlock detection
B.deadlock prevention 死锁预防
C.deadlock avoidance 死锁避免
D.none of the above

(C 6.2.3)2. in the resource allocation denial approach to deadlock avoidance, a safe state安全状态 is defined as one in which:(1.0分)
A.several potential process sequences do not result in a deadlock:
B.all potential process sequences do not result in a deadlock: least one potential process sequence does not result in a deadlock 至少有一个资源分配序列不会导致死锁
D.none of the above

(B 6.2)3. a direct method of deadlock prevention直接死锁预防方法 is to prevent the occurrence of:(1.0分)
A.hold and wait
B.circular wait 循环等待 exclusion
D.all of the above

(D 6.2)4. a condition of policy that must be present for a deadlock to be possible is为排除死锁的可能性需要预防的条件:(1.0分)
A.hold and wait 占有且等待 preemption 不可抢占 exclusion 互斥
D.all of the above

(A 6.1.2)5. an example of a consumable resource可消耗资源 is the following:(1.0分)
B.main memory
D.all of the above

(C 6.1.2)6. a resource that can be created and destroyed is called a:(1.0分)
A.reusable resource
B.producible resource
C.consumable resource 可消耗资源
D.all of the above

(A)7. all deadlocks involve conflicting needs for resources by:(1.0分)
A.two or more processes 两个进程即可造成死锁
B.three or more processes or more processes
D.none of the above

(D)8. the family of synchronization objects implemented by w2k include: W2K实现的同步对象系列包括(1.0分)
A.mutex objects
B.semaphore objects
C.event objects
D.all of the above 书上没有~

(D)9. thread synchronization primitives线程同步原语 supported by solaris include:(1.0分)
A.condition variables 条件变量
B.semaphores 信号量 exclusion (mutex) locks 互斥锁
D.all of the above

(B)10. a software mechanism that informs a process of the occurrences of asynchronous异步 events in unix are called:(1.0分)
A.messages 消息:一段文本,每个进程有一个消息队列
B.signals 信号:用于向进程通知发生异步事件
C.pipes 管道:FIFO队列,以生产者/消费者模型通信
D.all of the above

(C )11. the dining philosopher’s problem哲学家就餐问题 is a standard test case for evaluating approaches to implementing:(1.0分)
C.synchronization 同步
D.all of the above
(该问题是评价同步方法的一个测试标准) 书中原话

(C 6.3)12. one approach to an integrated综合 strategy for dealing with deadlocks involves the implementation of:(1.0分)
A.virtual memory 虚拟内存
B.process rollbacks 进程回滚:用来恢复死锁
C.resource classes 资源分配
D.none of the above

(D 6.4.2)13. in deadlocked process recovery, selection criteria标准 for choosing a particular process to abort终止 or rollback回滚 includes designating the process with the:(1.0分)
A.lowest priority
B.least total resources allocated so far 目前分配的资源总量最少
C.most estimated time remaining 预计剩余时间最长
D.all of the above

(A 6.1)14. the permanent blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system resources or communicate with each other is called:(1.0分)
A.deadlock 题目为死锁定义
D.all of the above


(B 7.2.2)1. in the dynamic partitioning technique of memory management, the placement algorithm that scans memory from the location of the last placement and chooses the next available block that large enough to satisfy the request is called:(1.0分) 最佳适配 下次适配
C.first-fit 首次适配
D.all of the above

(C 7.2.2)2. in the dynamic partitioning technique of memory management, the placement algorithm that chooses the block that is closest in size to the request is called:(1.0分)
D.all of the above

(B 7.2.2)3. in the dynamic partitioning technique of memory management, the phenomenon that results in unused blocks of memory outside of existing partitions is called:(1.0分)
B.external fragmentation 动态分区会产生外部碎片
C.internal fragmentation
D.none of the above

(B 7.2.1)4. the problem of internal fragmentation can be lessened in systems employing a fixed-partition memory management scheme方案 by using:(1.0分)
A.random size partitions
B.unequal size partitions 使用大小不等的分区
C.equal size partitions
D.none of the above

(D 7.2.1)5. a problem with the largely obsolete基本上过时 fixed partitioning memory management technique is that of:(1.0分)
A.inefficient use of memory 内存利用效率低
B.internal fragmentation 内部碎片
C.allowing only a fixed number of processes 只允许固定数量的进程
D.all of the above

(C )6. the concept of virtual memory虚拟内存 is based on one or both of two basic techniques:(1.0分)
A.overlaying and relocation
B.segmentation and partitioning
C.segmentation and paging 分段和分页
D.none of the above

(A)7. the practice in which a program and data are organized in such a way that various modules can be assigned the same region of memory is called:(1.0分)
A.overlaying 覆盖
B.relocation 重定位
C.sharing 共享
D.none of the above

(D 7.1)8. the concept of memory management satisfies certain system requirements内存管理的需求, including:(1.0分)
A.physical organization 物理组织
B.relocation 保护
D.all of the above

(C 7.4)9. in a system employing a segmentation scheme for memory management, a process is divided into:(1.0分) segment per thread
B.a number of segments which must be of equal size
C.a number of segments几个段 which need not be of equal size
D.none of the above

(A 7.4)10. in a system employing a segmentation scheme for memory management, wasted space is due to:(1.0分)
A.external fragmentation
B.segments of different sizes
C.internal fragmentation
D.none of the above

(C 7.3)11. in a system employing a paging scheme for memory management, wasted space is due to:(1.0分)
A.pages and frames of different specified sizes
B.external fragmentation
C.internal fragmentation
D.none of the above

(B 7.3)12. the page table for each process maintains:(1.0分)
A.the physical memory location of the process
B.the frame location for each page of the process
C.the page location for each frame of the process
D.none of the above

(B 7.2.4)13. an actual location实际地址 in main memory is called a:(1.0分)
A.relative address
B.absolute address 绝对地址
C.logical address
D.none of the above

(A 7.2.4)14. a reference to a memory location independent of无关 the current assignment of data to memory is called a:(1.0分)
A.logical address 逻辑地址
B.absolute address
C.relative address
D.none of the above

(A)15. the task of subdividing memory between the os and processes is performed automatically by the os操作系统自动执行 and is called:(1.0分)
A.memory management 内存管理
D.all of the above


(C 8.2.1)1. the fetch policy that exploits the characteristics利用特性 of most secondary memory devices大多数辅助存储设备, such as disks, which have seek time寻道时间 and rotational latency合理的延迟 is called:(1.0分)
A.swapping 置换
B.demand paging 请求分页
C.prepaging 预先分页
D.none of the above

(D)2. a fundamental choice in the design of the memory-management portion内存管理部分 of an os is:(1.0分)
A.whether or not to use virtual memory techniques 虚拟内存
B.whether to use paging, segmentation of a combination of the two 分页,分段,段页式
C.the algorithms employed for various aspects of memory management 管理内存的算法
D.all of the above

(A)3. sharing is achieved共享的实现 in a segmentation system by:(1.0分)
A.referencing a segment in the segment tables of more than one process 在多个进程的段表中引用段
B.having a common data area that all processes can share
C.each process segment table having a reference to the dispatcher main memory area
D.all of the above

(B 8.1.3)4. in a combined paging/segmentation system段页式, a user’s address space is broken up into a number of:(1.0分)
A.fixed-size pages, which are in turn broken down into variable-sized segments
B.variable-sized segments, which are in turn broken down into fixed-size pages
C.segments or pages, at the discretion of the programmer
D.all of the above

(D 8.1.2)5. segmentation分段 has a number of advantages to the programmer over a non-segmented address space, including:(1.0分)
A.simplifying the handling of growing data structures
C.sharing among processes
D.all of the above

(C 8.1.1)6. the real address of a word in memory is translated from the following portions of a virtual address:(1.0分) number and frame number
B.frame number and offset number and offset 页号和偏移量
D.none of the above

(B)7. the situation that occurs when the desired page table entry is not found in the translation lookaside buffer转换检测缓冲区 (TLB) is called a:(1.0分)
A.TLB hit
B.TLB miss fault
D.none of the above

(B 8.1)8. the situation where the processor spends most of its time swapping process pieces rather than executing instructions is called:(1.0分)
A.the principle of locality
B.thrashing 系统抖动
D.none of the above

(A)9. the windows 2000 virtual memory manager can use page sizes页尺寸 ranging from:(1.0分)
A.4 KB to 64 KB 只需记忆~
B.64 KB to 4 GB
C.4 GB to 4 TB
D.none of the above

(B)10. the multi-level memory management scheme多级内存管理方案 implemented in linux was designed to minimize large page tables and directories减少页表和目录 in which of the following line of processors:(1.0分)
A.16-bit x86 architecture
B.64-bit alpha architecture 只需记忆~
C.32-bit pentium/x86 architecture
D.none of the above

(B)11. in svr4 and solaris systems, the memory management scheme that manages user processes and disk i/o管理用户进程和磁盘 I/O is called the:(1.0分)
A.virtual memory manager
B.paging system 分页系统 只需记忆~
C.kernel memory allocator 内核内存分配器
D.none of the above

(C 8.2.6)12. the concept associated with determining the number of processes进程数量 that will be resident in main memory驻留集 is referred to as:(1.0分)
A.the page fault frequency 缺页频率
B.a cleaning policy 清理策略
C.load control 加载控制
D.none of the above

(A 8.2.4)13. the replacement policy that chooses only among the resident pages驻留页 of the process that generated the page fault in selecting a page to replace is referred to as a:(1.0分)
A.local replacement policy 局部置换策略 replacement policy 全局置换策略
C.variable replacement policy
D.none of the above

(B 8.2.3)14. the replacement policy that is impossible to implement because it would require the os to have perfect knowledge of future events is called the:(1.0分)
A.clock policy
B.optimal policy 最佳
C.least recently used (LRU) policy
D.none of the above

(B)15. the type of memory that allows for very effective multiprogramming and relieves the user of memory size constraints减轻用户内存大小限制 is referred to as:(1.0分)
A.main memory
B.virtual memory 虚拟内存
C.real memory
D.all of the above


(B)1. in the round robin scheduling轮转法 technique, the principle design issue is:(1.0分)
A.determining the fair distribution of time quanta to individual processes 将时间公平分配给各个进程
B.determining the length of the time quantum 时间段长度
C.determining the method of cycling through a given set of processes 在进程间轮转的方法
D.none of the above

(C 9.2.2)2. in terms of the queuing model, the total time that a process spends in a system (waiting time plus service time等待时间加服务时间) is called:(1.0分)
A.finish time (FT)
B.normalized turnaround time 归一化周转时间
C.turnaround or residence time 周转时间
D.none of the above

(A 9.2.2)3. which of the following scheduling policies allow the os to interrupt the currently running process中断当前进程 and move it to the ready state?(1.0分)
A.preemptive 抢占
C.non-preemptive 非抢占
D.none of the above

(A)4. a typical way to overcome starvation of lower-priority processes in a priority-based scheduling system is to:(1.0分)
A.change a process priority with its age 进程优先级随时间变化
B.change a process priority randomly
C.round-robin cycling of processes in a priority queue
D.all of the above

(B 9.2.1)5. response time响应时间 in an interactive system交互系统 is an example of:(1.0分)
A.system-oriented criteria for long-term scheduling policies
B.user-oriented面向用户 criteria for short-term scheduling policies短程调度规则
C.system-oriented criteria for short-term scheduling policies
D.none of the above

(A 9.1)6. in terms of frequency of execution, the short-term scheduler is usually the one that executes:(1.0分)
A.most frequently
B.about the same as the other schedulers
C.least frequently
D.none of the above

(C 9.1)7. typically, the swapping-in function换入函数 for processes is based on the need to manage:(1.0分)
A.virtual memory
B.process priorities
C.the degree of multiprogramming 系统的并发度
D.none of the above

(D)8. the decision as to which job to admit to the system next can be based on which of the following criteria:(1.0分)
A.simple fifo 先进先出
B.i/o requirements I/O请求
C.priority 优先级
D.all of the above 以上皆可

(B)9. the traditional unix scheduler divides processes into fixed bands of priority levels固定的优先级区, with the highest priority band being the:(1.0分)
A.file manipulation band
B.swapper band
C.user process band
D.none of the above

(C )10. the strategy that schedules processes based on their group affiliation基于进程组的调度策略 is generally referred to as:(1.0分)
A.simulation modeling
B.queuing analysis
C.fair share scheduling 公平共享调度
D.all of the above

(D)11. it is impossible to make definitive comparisons of various scheduling policies明确的比较调度策略的性能 due to dependence on factors such as:(1.0分)
A.the probability distribution of service times of the various processes
B.the nature of the i/o demand and performance of the i/o subsystem
I/O请求的本质和 I/O 子系统的性能
C.the efficiency of the scheduling and context switching mechanisms
D.all of the above

(D)12. which of the following scheduling policies require prior knowledge or estimation of process length需要先验信息或估计进程长度:(1.0分)
A.highest response ratio next (HRRN) 最高响应比
B.shortest remaining time (SRT) 最短剩余时间
C.shortest process next (SPN) 最短进程
D.all of the above 都需要知道进程需要的服务时间

(C 9.2.2)13. one difficulty with the shortest remaining time (SRT) scheduling technique is:(1.0分)
A.the starvation of shorter processes
B.the lack of preemption
C.the need to know or estimate required processing times for each process 需要知道每个进程的处理时间
D.all of the above

(D 9.2.2)14. one difficulty with the shortest process next (SPN) scheduling technique is:(1.0分)
A.the need to know or estimate required processing times for each process
B.the starvation of longer processes 长进程饥饿
C.the lack of preemption 非抢占
D.all of the above

(C 9.1)15. the type of scheduling that involves the decision to add a process to those that are at least partially in main memory将进程添加到至少部分位于主内存中 and therefore available for execution is referred to as:(1.0分)
A.i/o scheduling
B.long-term scheduling
C.medium-term scheduling 中程调度定义
D.none of the above


(B 11.4)1. the scenario where multiple buffers多个缓冲区 are used in an attempt to alleviate缓解 the problem of absorbing rapid bursts爆发 of i/o is typically referred to as:(1.0分)
A.double buffering
B.circular buffering 循环缓冲
C.single buffering
D.none of the above

(A 11.4)2. an example of a block-oriented i/o device面向块的I/O设备 is:(1.0分) 光盘
B.modem 解调器
C.printer 打印机
D.all of the above

(D 11.3)3. in a hierarchical structure分层结构 for managing i/o on a secondary storage device辅助存储设备 that supports a file system, the layer that is closest to the hardware最接近硬件的层 is the:(1.0分)
A.device i/o layer 设备I/O层 management layer 目录管理层
C.physical organization layer 物理组织层
D.none of the above

(A 11.3)4. the primary objective in designing the i/o facility of a computer system that deals with the desire to handle all i/o devices处理所有I/O设备 in a uniform manner is referred to as:(1.0分)
A.generality 通用性 management
D.none of the above

(C 11.2)5. the bus configuration for DMA that provides no path other than the system bus除了系统总线没有其他路径 between the DMA module(s) and i/o devices is:(1.0分)
A.i/o bus
B.single bus, integrated DMA-i/o
C.single bus, detached DMA 单总线,分离DMA
D.none of the above

(D 11.2)6. the system configuration系统配置 that includes an i/o module which is a separate processor没有处理器参与 with a specialized instruction set专用指令集 can be referred to using the following terminology术语:(1.0分)
A.i/o channel
B.i/o processor memory access (DMA)(DMA包含A,B选项)
D.all of the above

(C 11.2)7. the i/o technique where the processor busy waits忙等待 for an i/o operation to complete is called:(1.0分)
A.interrupt-driven i/o memory access (dma)
C.programmed i/o
D.none of the above

(B)8. in a w2k system, the i/o manager module that includes lazy write and lazy commit services延迟写入和延迟提交服务 to improve overall performance整体性能 is the:(1.0分)
A.file system drivers
B.cache manager 缓冲管理
C.hardware device drivers
D.none of the above(记忆即可)

(A)9. in a unix system, which of the following types of i/o devices make use of character queues字符队列:(1.0分)
Amunications lines 通信路线
B.disk drive 磁盘设备
C.tape drive 磁带设备
D.all of the above(记忆即可)

(B 11.7)10. the disk cache replacement strategy磁盘高速缓存替换策略 that replaces the block that has experienced the fewest references is called:(1.0分)
A.least recently used (lru)
B.least frequently used (lfu)
C.least referenced (lr)
D.all of the above

(D 11.6)11. which of the following RAID levels implement some form of parity calculation to introduce redundancy奇偶校验计算以引入冗余:(1.0分) level 2 level 4 level 6
D.all of the above

(A 11.5.2)12. the disk scheduling algorithm that implements two subqueues实现两个子队列 in a measure to avoid the problem of “arm stickiness磁头臂的粘性” is the:(1.0分)
A.fscan policy
B.c-scan policy
C.n-step-scan policy
D.all of the above

(B 11.5.2)13. the following disk scheduling policy is useful as a benchmark基准 against which to evaluate other disk scheduling policies because it provides a worst-case scenario最坏情况:(1.0分)
A.fifo scheduling
B.random scheduling
C.priority scheduling
D.none of the above

(D 11.1)14. an example of the key differences关键差异 that can exist across (and even in) classes of i/o devices is:(1.0分) representation 数据表示
B.error conditions 错误条件 rate 数据传输速率
D.all of the above


(A 12.4)1. access rights on a file对文件的访问权限 typically are considered to constitute a hierarchy构成一个层次结构, with each right implying隐含 those that:(1.0分)
A.precede it 前面的权限
B.supercede it 取代
C.succeed it 成立
D.none of the above

(B 12.3)2. in a tree-structured directory, the series of directory names一系列目录名称 that culminates in a file name以文件名为顶点 is referred to as the:(1.0分)
A.symbolic name 符号名称
B.pathname 路径名
C.working directory 工作目录
D.none of the above

(B 12.3)3. the file directory information element that holds information such as the identity of the creator创建者身份 of the file is the:(1.0分)
A.access control information element
B.usage information element 使用信息
C.address information element
D.all of the above

(D 12.2)4. direct or hashed files直接或散列文件 are often used where:(1.0分)
A.very rapid access is required 需求快速访问
B.records are always accessed one at a time 一次访问一条记录
C.fixed length records are used 记录固定长度
D.all of the above

(C 12.2)5. indexed sequential files similar to sequential files, but contain two added features:(1.0分)
A.hash function and an overflow file
B.hash function and file index
C.file index and overflow file文件索引和溢出文件
D.all of the above

(C 12.2)6. sequential files are optimal顺序文件是最佳的 in scenarios involving:(1.0分)
A.applications that require infrequent updates
B.applications that require frequent queries
C.applications that require the processing of all records in the file
D.all of the above

(B 12.2)7. record access in a pile file堆文件的记录访问 can be conducted by:(1.0分)
A.partial index 部分索引
B.exhaustive search 详尽搜索
C.key field 关键域
D.all of the above

(A 12.1.3)8. the level of the file system architecture that enables users and applications to access用户和应用程序能访问 file records is called the:(1.0分)
A.logical i/o level 逻辑I/O层
B.basic file system level
C.basic i/o supervisor level
D.all of the above

(A)9. in a w2k ntfs file system, the smallest physical storage unit on the disk (almost always 512 bytes) is called a:(1.0分)
A.sector 扇区
B.volume 容量
C.cluster 簇
D.none of the above(记忆即可)

(A)10. file allocation in a unix system has the following characteristics:(1.0分)
A.dynamic allocation using non-contiguous blocks不连续的块 with indexing
B.preallocation using non-contiguous blocks without indexing
C.dynamic allocation using contiguous blocks without indexing
D.none of the above(记忆即可)

(A)11. the data structure that maintains information on available disk space可用磁盘空间 is called the:(1.0分)
A.disk allocation table
B.bit table
C.file allocation table (FAT) 文件分配表:跟踪分配给文件的分区
D.none of the above(书上没找到)

(D)12. the technique of free disk space management可用磁盘空间管理 that employs a pointer and length value指针和长度值 of each free portion is the:(1.0分)
A.indexing 索引 block list
C.bit tables
D.none of the above(书上没找到)

(A 12.6)13. in which of the following file allocation methods is preallocation预分配 required:(1.0分)
A.contiguous 连续分配
B.chained 链式分配
C.indexed 索引分配
D.none of the above

(A 12.5)14. fixed file blocking定长组块 experiences the following potential problem:(1.0分)
A.internal fragmentation内部碎片
B.gaps due to hardware design
C.external fragmentation
D.none of the above

(A 12.1.2)15. a file is generally defined to be:(1.0分)
A.a collection of similar records记录的集合
B.a collection of related fields
C.a basic element of data
D.all of the above

本文标签: 选择题操作系统