

I recently installed Microsoft Office 2013 on a new computer and was disappointed to discover that Microsoft Office Picture Manager is not included in Office 2013. This article explains how to correct this serious omission by the folks in Redmond and install (for free!) Microsoft Office Picture Manager 2010, which plays nicely with Office 2013.

我最近在新计算机上安装了Microsoft Office 2013 ,但对发现Office 2013中不包含Microsoft Office Picture Manager感到失望。 本文介绍了如何纠正Redmond社区中的这一严重遗漏并安装(免费!)Microsoft Office Picture Manager 2010,该软件可与Office 2013很好地配合使用。

It may be possible to install Picture Manager from the media of your prior Office version, such as 2007 or 2010. But you'll need to look at the license agreement to determine if that is in compliance. Since there are several Office versions that contain Picture Manager and numerous Microsoft license agreements, I cannot give any advice on the legality of this approach — you must check your particular license agreement. That said, this article discusses a different approach that is definitely in license compliance.

可以从Office先前版本(例如2007或2010)的介质中安装Picture Manager。但是,您需要查看许可协议,以确定是否符合要求。 由于有多个Office版本包含Picture Manager和许多Microsoft许可协议,因此我无法就此方法的合法性提供任何建议-您必须检查您的特定许可协议。 就是说,本文讨论了一种肯定符合许可证要求的不同方法

As it turns out, Picture Manager is a component of SharePoint Designer 2010, which is available as a free download at the Microsoft site:

事实证明,Picture Manager是SharePoint Designer 2010的组件,可以从Microsoft网站免费下载:





The 32-bit/64-bit distinction refers to the bit-level of your Office applications, not the bit-level of your Windows.

32位/ 64位区别是指Office应用程序的位级别, 而不是 Windows的位级别。

Note that Picture Manager is not a component of SharePoint Designer 2013. Furthermore, Microsoft announced at the Ignite 2015 conference that there will not be a SharePoint Designer 2016, i.e., SharePoint Designer 2013 is the final release of that product. This means that SharePoint Designer 2010 is the last version to contain Picture Manager.

请注意,Picture Manager 不是 SharePoint Designer 2013的组件。此外, Microsoft在Ignite 2015大会上宣布将没有SharePoint Designer 2016,即SharePoint Designer 2013是该产品的最终版本。 这意味着SharePoint Designer 2010是包含Picture Manager的最后一个版本。

On the license compliance issue, the key term in the SharePoint Designer 2010 license agreement is this:

关于许可证合规性问题,SharePoint Designer 2010许可协议中的关键术语是:

1. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. You may install and use any number of copies of the software on your devices.
1.安装和使用权利。 您可以在设备上安装和使用任意数量的软件副本。

There are, of course, other terms, and you should read them carefully (the entire license agreement, via a copy/paste from the installation dialog, is attached to this article). But upon accepting the license agreement, your installation of Picture Manager will be in license compliance.

当然,还有其他术语,您应该仔细阅读它们(完整的许可协议,通过安装对话框中的复制/粘贴,随附于本文)。 但是在接受许可协议后, 您的Picture Manager安装将符合许可要求

After downloading the correct version for your Office installation (32-bit or 64-bit), run the SharePoint Designer 2010 setup program. If you downloaded the wrong version, you will see something like this Setup Error dialog:

为您的Office安装下载正确的版本(32位或64位)之后,运行SharePoint Designer 2010安装程序。 如果您下载了错误的版本,将会看到类似“安装错误”对话框的信息:

With the right version, you will get this (all of the subsequent screenshots in this article are from a W7/64-bit system using the SharePoint Designer 2010 64-bit install):

使用正确的版本,您将获得此信息(本文中的所有后续屏幕快照均来自使用SharePoint Designer 2010 64位安装的W7 / 64位系统):

Click on the Customize installation button. Then in the Installation Options tab, click the drop-down arrow in all three main areas under Microsoft Office and select Not Available:

单击自定义安装按钮。 然后在“ 安装选项”选项卡中,单击Microsoft Office下所有三个主要区域的下拉箭头,然后选择“ 不可用”

After doing that in all three areas (Microsoft SharePoint Designer, Office Shared Features, Office Tools), you will have this:

在所有三个区域(Microsoft SharePoint Designer,Office共享功能,Office工具)中完成此操作之后,您将具有:

Expand Office Tools by clicking the plus sign and you will see the Microsoft Office Picture Manager. This is the one-and-only component that needs to be installed from the SharePoint Designer 2010 setup. Click the drop-down arrow of Microsoft Office Picture Manager and select Run from My Computer. The red X will disappear and it will look like this:

通过单击加号展开Office Tools ,您将看到Microsoft Office Picture Manager 。 这是需要从SharePoint Designer 2010安装程序中安装的唯一组件。 单击Microsoft Office Picture Manager的下拉箭头,然后选择从本机运行 。 红色的X会消失,看起来像这样:

Click the Install Now button. You should then see this installation completed dialog:

单击立即安装按钮。 然后,您应该看到此安装完成对话框:

Now check your program groups and you will find a new Microsoft Office group next to your Microsoft Office 2013 group:

现在检查您的程序组,您会在Microsoft Office 2013组旁边找到一个新的Microsoft Office组:

The new Microsoft Office group has a shortcut to Microsoft Office Picture Manager, which works perfectly alongside your Office 2013 applications:

新的Microsoft Office组具有Microsoft Office Picture Manager的快捷方式,可与Office 2013应用程序完美配合使用:

Note that the method in this article does not rely on having Office 2013 installed — or any version of Microsoft Office installed. So, for example, if you have another office suite, such as LibreOffice or OpenOffice, but still wish to have Picture Manager, this technique will work fine. In fact, it will work with no office suite installed.

请注意,本文中的方法不依赖于安装Office 2013或安装任何版本的Microsoft Office。 因此,例如,如果您有另一个办公套件,例如LibreOffice或OpenOffice,但仍然希望有Picture Manager,则此技术会很好用。 实际上,它将在未安装任何办公套件的情况下运行。

Enjoy having Picture Manager back again!


Article Update #1: If you want to share this solution with someone who prefers a video approach to the written approach, please see this 5-minute Experts Exchange video Micro Tutorial:
How to Install Microsoft Office Picture Manager in Office 2013

如何在Office 2013中安装Microsoft Office Picture Manager

Article Update #2: If you move from Office 2013 to Office 2016/Office 365, you will find that Picture Manager is still missing. Fortunately, the same zero-cost technique described in this article also works with Office 2016/365. I discuss this thoroughly in another Experts Exchange article:
How to Install Microsoft Office Picture Manager in Office 2016/Office 365

文章更新2:如果从Office 2013迁移到Office 2016 / Office 365,则会发现Picture Manager仍然丢失。 幸运的是,本文所述的零成本技术也适用于Office 2016/365。 我将在另一篇Experts Exchange文章中对此进行详细讨论:
如何在Office 2016 / Office 365中安装Microsoft Office Picture Manager

If you find this article to be helpful, please click the thumbs-up icon below. This lets me know what is valuable for EE members and provides direction for future articles. Thanks very much! Regards, Joe

如果您发现本文有帮助,请单击下面的大拇指图标。 这使我知道什么对EE成员有价值,并为以后的文章提供了指导。 非常感谢! 问候乔



翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange/articles/12697/How-to-Install-Microsoft-Office-Picture-Manager-in-Office-2013.html

本文标签: 如何在officeManagerPictureMicrosoft