




① 太长的前置状语。因为中文习惯经常说“在...的基础上,本文调查了” “为了评估..., 我们进行了”,直译过来,就是“Based on..., we investigated”, "To evaluate the..., we performed..."其实在英文语言中,主谓宾才是句子的核心结构,越早出现越好。但是这种中译英论文会满篇都是状语前置句,读起来很Changlish。
直译式:to evaluate the treatment effectiveness, we carried out a long-term follow-up study.          
改进译法:We conducted a long-term follow-up study to evaluate the treatment effectiveness.

② 句子语法错误,是中式结构
直译式:We use new method do surgery.          
改进译法:We performed surgery using a new method.

③ 语义重复
直译式:We need to control and reduce the patient's blood pressure.          
改进译法:We need to control the patient's blood pressure.

④ 意思表达不充分
直译式英语:The heart provides blood to the body.          
改进译法:The heart serves as a pump, circulating blood throughout the body to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, while also removing waste products.

直译式英语:We treated the patient.          
改进译法:We administered a comprehensive treatment regimen to the patient, including medication, physiotherapy, and lifestyle counseling.


以前被大家熟知的工具Grammarly、Deepl我也用过。但是,老实说,它们只能纠正基本的语法问题,翻译过来,还是有些磕磕巴巴。那么ChatGPT怎么样呢?作为一个大型的自然语言模型,它在语言生成和响应方面有天然优势,所以用它来做论文润色和提升再合适不过。经过我近2个月的反复试错和提问优化,它润色过的稿件已经帮朋友中了顶刊,审稿人说The writing is clear and sufficient。用它来做论文中译英,效果如何?         

这是一篇发表在《中华护理杂志》上的被引用了33次的医学论文“协同护理模式在全髋关节置换术后恐动症患者中的应用” 。         

摘要:目的 探讨协同护理模式对全髋关节置换术后恐动症患者的影响.方法 选取2019年8月—2020年7月郑州市某三级甲等综合医院收治的92例全髋关节置换术后恐动症患者作为研究对象,其中2020年2月—7月入院的46例作为试验组,实施协同护理模式;2019年8月—2020年1月入院的46例作为对照组,实施常规护理.比较两组干预前后恐动症水平、疼痛程度、髋关节功能及出院准备度的差异.结果 干预后试验组恐动症评估简表评分、疼痛视觉模拟评分表评分、牛津髋关节功能量表评分低于对照组,出院准备度量表评分高于对照组,两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 协同护理模式可降低全髋关节置换术后患者的恐动症水平,减轻患者疼痛,促进其髋关节功能恢复,提升出院准备度.


Objective To explore the effect of collaborative care model on agoraphobic patients after total hip arthroplasty. Methods Ninety-two patients with agoraphobia after total hip arthroplasty admitted to a tertiary general hospital in Zhengzhou from August 2019 to July 2020 were selected as the study subjects. Forty-six patients admitted in January 2020 were used as the control group, and conventional care was implemented. The differences in agoraphobia level, pain level, hip function and readiness for discharge between the two groups were compared before and after the intervention. Results After the intervention, the test group scored lower than the control group on the Short Form of Assessment of Agoraphobia, the Visual Analogue Scale of Pain and the Oxford Hip Function Scale, and higher than the control group on the Readiness for Discharge Scale. Conclusion The collaborative care model can reduce the level of agoraphobia in patients after total hip arthroplasty, reduce their pain, promote their hip function recovery, and improve their readiness for discharge.

(点评:首句Obgective就是一个半截的句子。To explore...后面没有主语。而且,“两组比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)”这么重要的结果居然漏掉没翻译。效果很一般)

Objective: To explore the impact of a collaborative nursing model on patients with postoperative anxiety disorder following total hip arthroplasty.

Methods: Ninety-two patients with postoperative anxiety disorder following total hip arthroplasty, admitted to a tertiary Grade A comprehensive hospital in Zhengzhou City from August 2019 to July 2020, were selected as the study subjects. Among them, 46 patients admitted from February to July 2020 were assigned to the experimental group and received collaborative nursing, while 46 patients admitted from August 2019 to January 2020 were assigned to the control group and received routine nursing care. The differences in anxiety levels, pain severity, hip joint function, and discharge preparedness were compared between the two groups before and after the intervention.

Results: Following the intervention, the experimental group showed lower scores on the Brief Fear of Movement Scale, Visual Analog Scale for Pain, and Oxford Hip Function Questionnaire, as well as higher scores on the Discharge Readiness Scale compared to the control group. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: The collaborative nursing model can reduce anxiety levels in patients after total hip arthroplasty, alleviate their pain, promote the recovery of hip joint function, and enhance discharge preparedness.

(点评:首句还是个半截的句子...恐动症翻译成了“postoperative anxiety disorder术后焦虑症”。。。但是,“46 patients”前面加了“Among them”,表示是前面92例总数中的,不错;“The differences between the two groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05).”这个重要结果也翻译出来了,虽然是通用提示语,比Deepl还是好多了)          


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the impact of the collaborative care model on postoperative fear and anxiety in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA).          
Methods: A total of 92 patients with postoperative fear and anxiety following THA, admitted to a tertiary grade A comprehensive hospital in Zhengzhou City from August 2019 to July 2020, were selected as the research subjects. Among them, 46 patients admitted from February to July 2020 were assigned to the experimental group and received the collaborative care model, while the other 46 patients admitted from August 2019 to January 2020 were assigned to the control group and received routine care. Differences in fear and anxiety levels, pain intensity, hip joint function, and discharge preparedness were compared between the two groups before and after the interventions.          
Results: After the intervention, the experimental group showed lower scores on the Fear Assessment Short Form, Visual Analog Scale for pain assessment, and Oxford Hip Score, and higher scores on the Discharge Readiness Scale compared to the control group. These differences between the two groups were statistically significant (P < 0.05).          
Conclusion: The collaborative care model can effectively reduce the level of fear and anxiety in patients after total hip arthroplasty, alleviate pain, promote the recovery of hip joint function, and improve discharge preparedness.

(点评:首句改成了“This study aimed to...”总算是个完整句子了,而且“全髋关节置换术 total hip arthroplasty 给出了简称“THA”,非常符合学术论文的规范;但是,“恐动症”翻译成了“postoperative fear and anxiety术后焦虑恐惧”,不准确;三甲综合医院翻译成了“a tertiary grade A comprehensive hospital”不准确。但是在总的句子结构和上下文流畅度上比deepl好不少)

④ 那,如果用ChatGPT精准提示语来润色Deepl翻译的内容呢?


Deepl直接翻译60分 < ChatGPT通用润色提示语中译英70 < ChatGPT精准提示语中译英80 < ChatGPT精准提示语来润色Deepl译文95分          


ChatGPT和之前的润色软件(deepL, Grammar,Quillbot)等最大的区别,就是ChatGPT拥有上下文关联的能力,因此它能改逻辑。众所周知,改语法、时态、单复数这些错误相对容易改,但是逻辑错误不好改。费脑细胞、改的慢,有严重逻辑漏洞的甚至改不了。但逻辑性是SCI/SSCI论文的核心。一个句子内部、句与句之间、段与段之间逻辑严密,论证严谨,才算是一篇合格的文章。要不然,会让人看的云里雾里,不知道作者想表达什么。这种论文初审都过不了。         


本文标签: 英文该如何中文翻译成建议