


Module 6

6.1 Recruitment



recruitment 招聘

migraine (headache) 周期性偏头痛

body-piercing studio 人体穿环工作室(一种从事人体美容的地方)

take a sick day 请一天病假

sales position 销售职务

sales figures 销售数据

apply for 申请

go in for an interview 参加面试

arrange an interview 安排面试

automated messages 自动应答信息

lottery 彩票 win ~中彩票,中奖

pay off the rest of his mortgage 付清贷款余额

mortgage 抵押,按揭

disciplinary procedures 惩戒程序,纪律程序

take someone on 录用某人

walk out 离职,罢工


sack 解雇,炒鱿鱼

fire 解雇

lay off 使下岗 (临时)解雇

resign 辞职

take voluntary redundancy 自愿裁员,自愿接受裁退

make redundant 裁员

give notice 预先通知(解雇、辞职等)

applicant 申请人

flexible 灵活的,善于变通的

stationery 文具

personal correspondence 私人信件

pension 养老金

retirement 退休

6.2 Emailing


inbox 收件箱

check the inbox 检查收件箱 recipient 接收人,收件人

CC the email 转发邮件

email addict 电子邮件狂(指过分频繁收发电子邮件的人)

save emails 保存电子邮件

file emails 给电子邮件归档

delete emails 删除电子邮件

subject line 主题栏

charity 慈善机构,慈善组织

tribunal 法庭,裁判机关

in the loop 在圈内

fire off 发送(信件、电子邮件等)

internal communication 内部交流

warehouse 仓库,大商店



click on点击,点击鼠标


shut down one’s blog关闭博客

check your inbox/email检查收件箱/查收邮件

click on a link/ an icon点击链接/ 点击图标

send/ copy an email to (someone)给(某人)发/复制邮件

log on to a computer/ website登录电脑/网站

restart/ register the computer重启/注册电脑

back up/save a document备份/保存文档

fire off/send a reply发送回复

attach a file/document 添加附件

type in your username/ address输入你的用户名/地址

Switch on the computer with this button here.用此处的按钮开机。

Double click on the icon. 双击这个图标。

Shut down the computer and restart it. 关机重启。

Use the mouse to move the cursor.用鼠标移动光标。

I deleted email by mistake.误删邮件。

Put a page break in here. 在此分页。

Our company dismisses people who send personal emails.我公司解聘发私人邮件的员工。

This email doesn’t say who the sender is.该邮件未标明发件人名称。

Run the game by clicking on the icon. 点击这个图标玩游戏


要求了解信息:Please give me…请告诉我……

I’d like to…我想要……

发出通知:Would all staff note…请所有员工注意……

Please note…请注意……

要求行动: Please/ I’d be grateful if…请/如果……我将十分感谢

I’d like to request that…我希望能够了解……

提出建议: Why don’t you…你们为什么不……

How about………怎么样?

表示感谢: We appreciate…我们感谢……

We thank you for…我们感谢你……

提及事物: With regard to…至于……

With reference to…关于…….,就……而言

解释原因: The reason is…原因是….

This is because…这是因为……

提供帮助: Would you like to…你想……吗?

Can I…我能……吗?

表示歉意: I’m afraid…恐怕……

I am sorry but…很抱歉,可是……

Using E-mail

How to Write a Business Email

How to Write a Formal Email

A formal Email should be written as if it is a business letter. You should have a clear

understanding of to whom it should be addressed to and how you plan to

communicate your clear intentions throughout the Email correspondence. The

following are the list of steps for writing a formal E-mail.

1. Begin with the full name, title, business and email address of the person to whom

you are writing.

2. Write the actual message in a clear and concise manner. Don't forget to check for

spelling and grammatical errors once you completed the message.

3. Check the message to make sure you included and justified all the reasons you are

writing the Email.

4. Fill out the To and From fields in the Email.

5. Pick a subject that will draw the attention of the reader. Do not pick a random

subject that has nothing to do with the reasons that you are Emailing the person.

This also makes it easier for the person to search for your Email if you call them

in reference to your Email.

Important Points to Remember

Email is much less formal than a written letter. Emails are usually short and concise.

If you are writing to someone you don't know, a simple "Hello" is adequate. Using

a salutation such as "Dear Mr Smith," is too formal.

When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking

to the person.

Use abbreviated verb forms (He's, We're, He'd, etc.)

Include a telephone number to the signature of the email. This will give the

recipient the chance to telephone if necessary. It is not necessary to include your email address as the recipient can just reply to

the email.

When replying eliminate all the information that is not necessary. Only leave the

sections of text that are related to your reply. This will save your reader time when

reading your email.

How to Use the Carbon Copy Function in E-mail

The carbon copy function in many e-mail programs lets you send a copy of your

message to one or more people.

Sending a Carbon Copy 1. Open your e-mail software.

2. From the Message or File menu, select New Message. A new message opens.

3. Type the recipient's e-mail address in the To field. Enter a subject in the Subject

field, and type in your message in the main field.

4. Enter the addresses that you want to receive a copy in the CC field. Separate each

address by a comma or a semicolon, depending on your e-mail program. For

example, your CC field could look like this: mymail@,

betsy@, tom@.

5. Click Send. The message will be sent to the first recipient, and each person in the

CC field will receive a copy.

Tips & Warnings

1. There really isn't a practical difference between using the To or CC field.

Everyone gets the same message. At work, though, the CC field is sometimes

useful to merely inform colleagues of information they might be interested in, but

shouldn't have to take action on.

2. Some e-mail programs have a BCC (blind carbon copy) function. Other recipients

don't see the BCC addresses; the BCC recipient, on the other hand, sees all To and

CC recipients. To add a BCC recipient, you usually have to click the CC button or

find a CC command.

3. If you are using a software program that uses the Nickname function (such as

Eudora), or if you have entered the person or group in your Address Book (like

you would in Outlook Express), you can simply enter the Nickname in the field or

use the Select Recipient function instead of manually adding each e-mail address.

Some e-mail programs also let you set up "group addresses" that group together

the addresses of people you send to frequently - for example, the programming

department. Then you only need to add the group address.

4. When you use the CC function, everyone who receives the message will be able to

see the e-mail addresses of the other people who were sent the CC. Some may

object to having their e-mail addresses distributed this way. Also, if the CC list is

long, the recipients will have to scroll through a long, unsightly list of e-mail

recipients to read the message.

How to Use BCC

The BCC feature of your email program is a very useful but often overlooked asset. Similar to the

CC feature, BCC allows you to send a carbon copy of an email to third

parties. The difference,

however, is that BCC stands for blind carbon copy, which means that the recipient of the email

does not know that anyone else received a copy. It is a way to send emails to multiple email

addresses in one email, without divulging the recipients email address to the other parties.

• Open your email account.

• Click on Compose new message, should be on the top left-hand corner of the


• Type in all the email addresses you wish to keep private from the other recipients,

in the BCC column, with a comma after each email address. • Type the rest of the email addresses in the TO column, with commas after each

email address.

• Compose the message in the message section of the screen. Located underneath

the subject line column, it is characterized by having a big blank space.

• Add any attachments.

• Type in a subject, in the subject column; make sure that you write something that

everyone you emailed will understand that it is you writing to them. Vagueness in

the subject line could lead to the recipient deleting the email as spam.

• Click send. Now your fellow friends and associates with not get angry with you

for telling the world their email address.

How to Attach a File to an Email

Attaching a file to an email is an easy way to send important documents and/or photos.

Below are a few simple steps that will walk you through the process of sending an email

with an attachment in most email programs.

• Turn on the computer and log onto the internet.

• Type in the web address of your email host in the address bar and log onto your

email account.

• Click on "Compose" to write a new email.

• Click on the icon to attach a file. This icon appears as a paperclip symbol in most

email programs. After you click on the icon to attach a file a box will pop up onto

your screen.

• Browse the information on your computer my clicking on the folder that contains

the file that you would like to attach. When you find the needed file, click on it

and then click on "open." This will start the process of attaching the file to your

outgoing email message.

• Read the directions on your computer screen. It will most likely say that the file

was attached successfully.

• Write the text of your email, insert your recipient's email address and then click on


本文标签: 邮件电子邮件点击解雇