


1 apology 2 responded回答相1 risk 2 willpower毅力 3 creative应 3 relationship 创造力4 consequences结果5

4 abilities 5 argument 6 spilled泄leading to 6have accepted 7

露7 mood 8 tradition 9 assessed评估8 craft技能9

tremendous极其10 rudely 11 explored 10 ambition雄心11

touched 12 fail 13 sparkled用眼introduce 12 has combined联合

神表示 14 temptation诱惑 15 1 intensive深入细致的2 leisurelyharm有害 16 robbed … of抢劫 从容地3 occasion场合;机会4

17 hidden隐藏 18 familiar熟悉 landed着陆5 stacks堆6

19 alcohol酒精20 wisdom智慧 Reluctantly勉强地7 swaying摆动21 drug 22 humor 23 excited 8 took in看到;领悟9 pulled intocharge免费 back回忆; upon…as将..看作;

a living维持生计

29. make any difference不一样、关系重大 their disposal供..任意使用31. held in控制住

up安排33. set eyes on看见 ..inside out将..翻过来、彻底搜查

down 拒绝 like意欲 from远非 with对..24 sharing 25 choices 26 layers层肮脏的ent依赖的 苏打水30 alley胡同d推拉dence巧合 d露齿而笑东西摊贩拥有l ng 39 crippled瘸子40 bare裸露的41 porter搬运工42 ignored忽视43 rubbed按摩

44 coaching教练45 treatment治疗 46 retire退休 47 discipline纪律 四年级

49 encouraged/had encouraged

50 is supported 51 suffered受苦52 private私人的 53 resigned辞职54 is researching 55 injured

56 established建立 57 disaster灾难58 comfort 59 due to 60

following 61 has served/served服务 63 insist坚持

64 has provided/provides供给65.

fee费用 队,行列67 .take a risk冒险68 .raw天然的69 .elbowed用肘挤70 .instrument器具t出名的

n外科医生 set

out出发 h为..配备家具75.

regret后悔76 Memories记忆

习惯 78. accident事件79.

identity身份80. section部分81.

local当地的82. dignity尊严ce废话 84. aboard上船等85. bowed鞠躬、点头使倾斜87. Lord上帝、基督88 bless祝福89. describe描述


视力age优势m征兆仅仅st比较对照ion例外7. formative成长期的r/despairing绝望离开起源开端e可能指望ne医学ry普通的14are/were/have been hired雇佣

faintly微弱的; genius天才天赋;


进入10 unloading卸货11

beats/beat完成;优于12 beside在…旁边 avenue把..设置在;mess杂乱;melon甜瓜;basically基本上;punch一拳;sweat出汗

ity必要 2 Polls民意调查3 putting aside

4 Fill out开具,填写

5 recommend介绍

6 expense 7 applications8

stability稳定 9 expectations 10


11 labor劳动 ipate参与s/demanded要求



1 figure out得出结论 2

5 light up容光焕发

6 at least

7 a touch of少许 g…up打包

9. in…Shape处于…状况



exchange for交换

13. retire from 14. died of

15 lives on继续生活16 qualified

for具有..资格17 learned about认识到

18 looked up to赞赏尊敬某人

matters worse将困难情况弄得更糟 a record创造纪录

21. Afraid of being late for the


22 .Much interested很感兴趣yed她非常高兴 of

apologies满口道歉 of

充满激情 for喜欢 up弄乱 be given to喜欢癖好;better off;更成功nothing but只有不过

1 stay put呆在原处2 go easy on小心对待3 made a point to十分注意或打定主意做4 pulled away

from离开/pulled into进入5

<安排某人做某事ff给薪解雇7 do…a favor帮助某人

pull up使停止

1. take notice注意留心...into使…变成


Mrs. Smith had dreamed of traveling

abroad for a long time until she finally

made it this Christmas. On the day of

departure she was so dressed up that

she looked like something of a star.

Well, while she was standing in the

queue at the airport, a security officer

who took notice of her came up to ask

if she possessed any dangerous articles.

Mrs. Smith ignored him. The security

officer ordered her in a severe voice to

open her suitcase. Aware of others

staring at them, Mrs. Smith sweated.

To her relief, after turning the inside

of her suitcase out, the security officer

didn’t find anything suspicious. Mrs.

Smith was so depressed by the

incident that she was happy again only

after the plane landed in New York.

1 I don’t think it wise for Judy to lose

weight by substituting fruit for meals.

2 I’ve been spending a good deal of

time searching on the Internet for the

best mobile phone I could buy.

3 What she meant by the smile was

that she was sorry.

4 I spent the whole night putting

together the toy car, and it was

supposed to be easy!

5 The weather today was rotten. Our

picnic was ruined.

6 All through the years when I worked

as a janitor’s assistant, I held on to

the dream of becoming a teacher.

7 In the envelope are several

one-hundred dollar bills.

8 John was transferred to Atlanta

where his company had recently set up

a new office.

9 Pull up your car. Don’t get in the

way of the fire engine!

10 Having an apple each day will keep

you healthy.

11 Be careful with your glass. Don’t

spill any wine on the carpet.

12 She will do whatever she has

decided to do, no matter what the

other say.

13 A child won’t think it foolish to

exchange a new toy for a broken kite

as long as he sees value in it.

14 CD-ROMs and DVDs are devices for

storing digital 数字的information

15 I didn’t lie, Mon. Roger did take a

knife to school yesterday.

16 Long hours of practice paid off for

Tiger Woods who became the

youngest golf champion.

17 Much to her regret, the pet dog

died of what seemed at first to be a

simple cold.

18 John enjoy wandering about in a

foreign city on his own much more

than joining a tourist group.

19 Dip your biscuit into milk, and

you’ll find it tastes much better.

20 What a coincidence it is for the two

Johnson sisters to fall in love with the

two Hans brothers!

21 Where has everyone gone? There is

not a single soul in the classroom.

22 Plan A having proved to be a

failure, we need to start Plan B.

23 Everyone is supposed to bring a

dish to the party. How come you’re


24 Cherry had wanted to become an

actress, but she wound up with a job

waiting tables at a Hollywood


25 The disputes over the South China

Sea islands have to be fixed in a

friendly manner among China, Japan,

Vietanm and other countries


26 The old lady suffering from

Alzheimer’s has been missing from

her home for over a week.

27 Julie has been given leave from

work because she is expecting a baby

in two weeks.

28 Mary, I’m going your way. Hop in

and let me give you a ride.

29 The wounded soldier made an

effort to stand up, but the general

stopped him.

30 I’ll never allow you to travel in

such a state of health.

1 I am shocked to learn that there are

children who walk in bare feet to

school in winter.

2 The US set a record for product

imports in 2005 and is expected to

break it again this year with growing


3 The news was so shocking that she

left the room speechless.

4 Although her pronunciation is far

from perfect, students enjoy listening

to her speech.

5 Nowadays technologies have

advanced so much that a drop of blood

will help the child find his biological


6 At the end of the party he made a

point to thank the hostess.

7 Having run out of fuel, the plane

crashed to the ground.

8 The famous movie star reveals to the

reporters that she is suffering from


9 On this Teacher’s Day 42 teachers

will be awarded medals in recognition

of their achievements in teaching.

10 The operation was quite a success.

Mr. Odek is now able to move around.

11 All male guests at this restaurant are

respectfully requested that they put on

coat and tie.

12 How come there is light in our

bedroom? I remember turning it off

before I left.

13 Clean yourself up immediately!You

look as if you’d just climbed out of a


14 I try to avoid Jeremy because

recently he seems to talk about

nothing but how to make quick


15 She is happily married. Stop making

a fool of yourself by sending her

forget-me-nots and I-love-you cards!

16 Secure in her mother’s arms, the

baby smiled contentedly.

17 There was a man apparently

reading his newspaper but actually

watching you from behind it.

18 What motivated these doctors to

work in SARS wards in spite of the

threat of death?

19 This film is based on a real life story.

20 Under no circumstances should

one belittle one’s mother country.

21 One pound is equal to 0.454


22 Don’t regard any criticism of your

plan as a personal attack on you.

23 You did me a great favor by finding

a part-time job for my son in your


24. Stop reading in bed. Otherwise

you’ll need a pair of glasses in no


25 I prefer to keep reporters at a

distance to give myself some quiet


26 In this material world more often

than not people judge a person’s

worth by material possessions.

27 A thousand dollars may seem

nothing to you, but it can make a great

difference to a poor family.

28 Seeing that the guests were eying

the food eagerly, the chairman decided

to cut short his speech.

29 Simon will never forget the

occasion on which he had Bill Gates

sign his notebook.

30 Headaches, dizziness, short breaths

are possible symptoms of high blood


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