




3、join一般是参加一种组织,如Party(党)或者可以是join sb.

join in 指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。

1、take part in 指参加群众性活动,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用。

5、attend 指出席一些比较正式的场合。一般用于attend the meeting之类的

2、enter for 指参加某项竞赛之类的。

4、participate in正式用词,表示参加、参与,强调与他人共同参加某种活动

be made of ( from / out of ) / be made into / be made up / be made up of

be made of:由……制成。用于由产品可以看出原材料。例如:

The desk is made of wood.

be made from:由……制成。用于由产品看不出原材料。例如:

Paper is made from wood.

be made out of:由……制成。例如:

The desk / Paper is made out of wood.

be made into:制成……。例如:

Wood can be made into desks / paper.

be made up:由……编成。例如:

Don’t believe him; the whole story was made up. (别信他的,整个过程都是捏造的。)

be made up of (=consist of):由……组成。例如:

This desk is made up of / consists of twelve pieces of wood.

be known for / be known as / be known to

be known for:因……而出名。例如:

Our town is known for its stones.

be known as:作为……而出名。例如:

The town is known as a stone town.

be known to:被……知晓,了解。例如:

The hot spring city is known to every one of them.

1 be tired of / be tired from / be tired out

be / get tired of:对……厌倦。例如:

I am really tired of your words! (你的话我听腻了!)

be tired from:因……疲倦。例如:

I was so tired from climbing the hill that I fell asleep the moment my head touched

the pillow. (我爬山太累了,所以头一碰枕头/一躺下就睡着了。)

be tired out:筋疲力尽。相当于be worn out。例如:

We were tired out when we climbed over the high mountain.

contain / include


Senior Book One contains twelve units, including two (units) chosen from the old


This atlas contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain.


How much does this bottle contain? (这瓶能装多少?)

cost / spend / pay / buy / charge

cost:花费,付出代价。通常以事物作主语,即sth+ cost + (sb) + 金钱、时间、劳力或其他代价。例如:

The book cost me $10.

Careless driving cost him his life. (粗心驾驶使他付出了生命的代价。)

spend:花费。主语是人,可以指花金钱,也可以指花时间。spend的用法:sb +

spend +时间+ (in) + v-ing / sb + spend +金钱 (时间) + on sth。例如:

I spent $10 on the book.

I spent two hours (in) finishing the composition. 比较:

It took me two hours to finish the composition.


I paid $10 for the book.


I bought the book for $10.


They charged me $10 for the book. (买这本书,他们收我十美元。)

2 dress / put on / wear / have on / be in



The baby isn’t old enough to dress itself. (这孩子还小,无法自己穿衣服。)

She is well dressed today.

The girl was dressed in pink last night. (昨晚这女孩穿着一身粉红色的衣服。)

The girl dressed herself in pink last night.

put on:穿上(衣服),上演。表示动作。例如:

Better put on your coat; it’s cold outside.

A new play will be put on at the Grand Theatre.


Can you recognize the woman wearing sunglasses over there?


I don’t understand why he wears long hair now.

have on:穿。表示状态,穿着衣物,不用于进行时态;也意为“有事;有约会”。如:

The foolish emperor had nothing on that day.

不说:We’re having on school clothes today.

Sorry, I can’t help you this weekend. I’ve too much on already.


be in:穿。表示状态,其后常接表示颜色或服装、眼镜的词作宾语。例如:

The boy in white is one of my classmates.

help / aid / assist


例226:May I help you with your luggage?

例227:We helped him (to) mend his bicycle.


例228:The flooded areas were aided by many countries. (灾区得到许多国家的援助。)


3 例229:She assisted me in the experiments. (她协助我做实验。)

happen / occur / take place / come about


This happened on a December evening.

What happened to him?

I happened to meet Tom in the street when I went shopping today.

It happened that I met Tom in the street when I went shopping today.


When did the accident occur?

A fresh idea suddenly occurred to me. (我突然有个新主意。)

take place:发生。指事先布置或策划好而后发生。例如:

The May 4th Movement took place in 1919.

come about:产生。指自然产生。例如:

How do the differences between British English and American English come about?

hurt / injure / wound / harm / damage / destroy


例240:I hurt myself in the leg when I fell off the bike the other day, and it still

hurts now.


例241:I am afraid your words have hurt him.


例242:Several people were injured in the traffic accident.


例243:His father was wounded in the war 30 years ago.


例244:In my point of view, the rain will harm our crops.


例245:Reading in dim light will harm your eyes. (在昏暗的灯光下看书会损害眼睛。)


4 例246:The car was slightly damaged in the accident.


例247:Thousands of houses were destroyed in the earthquake.

例248:His hope of being a writer was destroyed. (他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。)

lie / lay









过去式 过去分词




现在分词 中文意思

lying 躺下;位于

lying 说谎

laying 安放;下蛋

例259:The boy who lay on the table lied to me that the hen lying there laid two

eggs that day.


lie in / lie on / lie to

lie in:位于(属于,包含其中)。lie to:位于(不属于,隔开)。lie on:位于(接壤,比邻关系)。例如:

例260:Fujian lies in the southeast of China, to the west of Taiwan, and on the east

of Jiangxi.

require / demand / request


例292:It is required that everybody (should) go to school at 7:00. (要求每个人7点到校。)

例293:The workers demanded that they (should) be given a rise. (工人们要求加工资。)

例294:All I request of you is that you (should) be early. (我对你的要求就是你应该早点来。)

say / speak / talk / tell

say:说。常用作及物动词,对某人说用say to sb。例如:

5 例305:What you said is wrong.

例306:How do you say it in English?

例307:He said to me, “I will come here soon.”

speak:讲。除讲某种语言以外,不用作及物动词,其后常跟to, with, on, of等引起的短语。例如:

例308:He is speaking at the meeting.

例309:You oughtn’t to have spoken to your uncle like that.

例310:He speaks English well.


例311:What are you talking about?

例312:Let’s talk business. (我们谈正事吧。)


例313:Tell Bill the news when you meet him.

例314:Tell Bill to be there on time.

例315:He can’t tell right from wrong; after all, he’s only a boy of four.


例316:Who can tell what will happen tomorrow?

separate / divide


例326:Britain is separated from France by the English Channel.

例327:Oxygen can be separated from water. (氧可以从水中析出。)

例328:We need two separate rooms.


例329:I divided the moon cake in half / into two halves.

例330:He divided the cake among the children. (他把这块蛋糕分给了孩子们。)


suit / fit / do / match / go

suit:合适,中意(多指符合需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。特别是指颜色、款式等)。 fit:合适,合身(常指大小、尺寸等)。do:合适(常与for连用)。match /


6 例349:The coat doesn’t suit you; it’s too dark.

例350:The coat doesn’t fit you; it’s too small.

例351:The coat doesn’t do for you; it’s too small.

例352:The color of the tie doesn’t match / go with that of your shirt.

例353:A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his pupils.


take one’s place / take the place of / take place

take one’s place:就座,就位。相当于take one’s seat。例如:

例357:Please take your places; we are ready to begin our class.

take sb’s place / take the place of sb:替代(某人)。例如:

例358:The manager is going on business. Who can take his place?

(=Who can take the place of the manager?)

例359:Nothing can take the place of a wheel. (没有什么能取代轮子。)

take place:发生,举行。无被动结构。例如:

例360:Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past five years.

例361:A class meeting is to take place tomorrow afternoon.

try to do / manage to do

try to do:试图、企图做某事(未必成功)。相当于attempt to do。例如:

例362:They tried to push the door open but failed.

manage to do:成功、设法做某事。相当于succeed in doing。例如:

例363:I just managed to get there in time.

例364:In spite of the storm, he managed to get here in time.

would / used to do / be used to / get used to


例382:I would get up early and go fishing.

例383:Sometimes we would sit and listen to her play the piano.

used to:习惯于。在时间上主要是同现在对比,暗含“现在已不这样了”的意思;其后既可接表示动作的动词,也可接表示认知或状态的动词。其后接动词原形。例如:

例384:My elder brother used to be in the army. (此处不用would)

7 be used to:习惯于(常表示现在的习惯性动做或状态;其后接动词-ing形式);被用于(其后接动词原形)。例如:

例385:I used to live in the country, but now I’m used to living in the city.

例386:The skin of snakes is used to make some kinds of musical instruments.


get used to: 习惯于。其后接名词或动词-ing形式。例如:

例387:Have you got used to the food / living here?


本文标签: 例如表示用于穿着动词