











I. Listening Comprehension(共25分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture.


1.__________ 2.__________




B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.


6. A. No talking.

B. No parking.

C. No smoking.

D. No photos.

7. A. Tea.

B. Water.

C. Coffee.

D. Juice.

8. A. By car.

B. By bicycle.

C. By underground.

D. On foot.

9. A. At 6:30.

B. At 7:00.

C. At 6:00.

D. At 7:30.

10. A. 2 yuan.

B. 6 yuan.

C. 8 yuan.

D. 10 yuan.

11. A. In the classroom.

B. In the library.

C. In the restaurant.

D. In the hospital.

12. A. Because it’s not good for health.

B. Because it’s too sour. C. Because it’s too sweet.

D. Because it’s too


C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用 “F”表示。)(共5分)

13. You can go to school by underground if you live in big cities.

14. The passage tells us something about undergrounds and planes.

15. Ten years ago, most of the children went to school by taxi.

16. People think bicycles do not pollute the air.

17. Some countries have made special roads for buses in big cities.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词。)(共8分)

18. If you want to be healthy, you need to have________ _________, lots of exercise and enough sleep.

19. You should take in _________ _________ of food according to the food pyramid. .

20. You need to _________for _________ minutes every day to keep healthy.

21.“Early to _________ and early to rise will _________ you happy and healthy.”

Part 2

Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar


语音、词汇和语法 38分)

II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案。)(共16分)

1.Which of the following underline parts is not the same in pronunciation as the others? C.thin D.sit

2.Ben had an unhealthy diet and he did no exercise.

A.[dɪət] B.[dəʊt] C.[deɪt] D.[ˈdaɪət]

3.Mary has too much cola and pizza so she has ________ unhealthy diet.

A.a C.the D./

4.Yesterday I had some steamed prawns ________ garlic.

A.on B.with C.for D.of

5.Eating ________ spicy food is bad for your health.

A.too much B.too few C.too little D.too many

6.Alice often helps ________ mother to wash the dishes.

A.her B.she C.hers D.herself

7.Let’s ________ about the programme at the next meeting.

A.talking talk D.talks

8.Peter would like ________ apple pie for dessert.

A.buying B.bought buy

9.Tom runs much ________ than Ben.

A.quickly B.quicker C.more quickly D.quick

10.The toasted chicken tastes ________. I like it.

A.bad B.badly C.good D.well

11.Boys, ________ talk noisily here.

A.won’t B.can’t C.don’t D.mustn’t

12.Tim ________ more trees and flowers in his garden next spring.

A.plants B.will plant C.planted D.has planted

13.I don’t like these chocolates ________ they are too sweet.

A.if B.when C.because D.before

14.—This ice-cream is very nice. ________ is it?

— It’s five yuan.

A.How many B.How often C.How long D.How much

15.—Simon goes to school by bus every day, doesn’t he?

—________. He walks to school.

A.No, he doesn’t

C.Yes, you’re right

16.—Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!

— ________.

A.Thank you

C.Yes, please

B.You’re welcome

D.That’s a good idea

B.Yes, he does

D.Not at all

Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入空格,完成短文,每词只能用一次。)

A. sure

B. because

C. friends

D. but

E. grow

F. careful

Many people like to 17 plants in their homes. They like to talk to their plants and try their best to take care of

the plants. And some people are very 18 about what they say or do before their plants. They don’t talk about sad

things. Why? They think that sad things can hurt their plants’ feelings.

Do plants have feelings? A scientist called Clever Backer thinks so, 19 most other scientists don’t think so.

Who is right? Clever Backer did some experiments(实验). From his experiments, Clever Backer was 20 that

plants have feelings. He thinks plants need love and help. They can feel sad or happy like people. So people should treat(对待)plants like 21 and shouldn’t do anything to hurt them.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用所给单词适当形式完成句子,每空限填一词。)(共7分)

22.My uncle and aunt work in different (factory).

23.This is the time I win the game. (one)

24.We can buy ice cream in the food section.


25.The doctor gave him a on how to keep healthy.


26.It’s not polite to talk in the library. (loud)

27.He is too fat because he eats a lot of food. (health)

28.We began to the exhibition hall one by one. (entrance)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required.

(按要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。)(共10分)29.Sandy has breakfast at home. (改为否定句)

Sandy breakfast at home.

30.I bought a bottle of milk in the supermarket.(划线部分提问)

you buy in the supermarket?

31.It takes ten hours to get to Australia by plane.(划线部分提问)

does it take to get to Australia by plane?

32.Shirley’s diet is healthy. Lily’s diet is healthy, too. (保持原句意思不变)

Shirley’s diet is as Lily’s.

33.fresh, we, plenty of, need to, vegetables, buy


Part 3

Reading and Writing(第三部分



VI. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解


Read the passage and choose the best answer. (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案。)

Everyone knows that Americans like eating hamburgers. The best place to buy a hamburger is a fast-food restaurant. In

these restaurants, people ask for their food, wait just a few minutes. When the food is ready, they take it to their tables

themselves. They can eat it in the restaurant or take the food out in a box and eat it at home, at work, or in a park. At some

restaurants, people can drive up beside a window. They ask for the food and a worker hands it to them through the window.

Then they drive off and eat in their cars.

Some fast-food restaurants also sell fish, chicken, sandwiches, soft drinks and so on. Fast-food restaurants are very

popular because the service is fast and the food is not too expensive. For many people, this is very important. In the United

States, lots of married (结婚的) women with children work outside. They are often too busy or too tired to cook dinner for

the family at night. So fast-food restaurants are a great help to them.

34.Where can people eat fast food?

A.At work. B.In the restaurants. C.In a park. D.All the above.

35.At some restaurants, drivers usually buy their fast food ________. home their cars a park work

36.Why are fast-food restaurants popular?

A.The service is fast and the food is cheap.

B.There are many people there.

C.People just buy the food through the window.

D.People can eat their food right there.

37.Fast-food restaurants are a great help to the married women because ________.

A.they can leave their children there

B.they can cook dinner in the restaurants

C.they can buy food for their family

D.they can find work there

38.The passage mainly talks about ________.


Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文。)

New rules for middle school students came out in March. Schools will use these new rules to show if you are a good

student or not. Students must 39 these new rules.

Be honest (讲诚信). Have you ever cheated (作弊) in an exam? If you have, don’t do it again! That’s something

dishonest, which good students 40 do.

Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the Moon or Mars?

Maybe we should 41 another Earth to move onto if our Earth were in danger in the future.

B.hamburgers C.sandwiches restaurants

Be kind and helpful. Be always 42 to your classmates, teachers and parents. Give them a helping hand if

someone is in trouble.

Take part in school activities. April is “Bird-loving Month” in China. If your school has some 43 about birds on

the day, you should join! You can learn more about animals and how to look 44 them.







Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,首字母已给,每空限填一词。)

Amanda goes to work every day. She works in an office. She works very h 45 .

One year ago, she started work at 8 o’clock in the morning and f 46 work at 8 o’clock at night. She liked her

work, but she had one problem. Her boss (老板) was not a very good boss.

He told her to do one thing, and then he changed his mind (改变主意). He told her to do another thing, and then he






C.need to








changed his mind again. He told her to do something else, and again, changed his mind. Amanda didn’t l 47 this.

She said, “This is a waste of time.”

One day, Amanda decided to talk with him. She went to his room and said, “I like to work. I work a lot of h 48

every day. I like my job, but I can’t work like this. We have to work better. You need to tell me what to do without changing

your mind.”

Amanda’s boss listened to her. He saw that she was r 49 . He promised to listen to her advice.

Now Amanda starts at 9 o’clock and finishes at 5 o’clock, but she can complete (完成) much more things than before.

Both Amanda a 50 her boss are happy.

Answer the questions.


Have you ever used shared bicycles(共享单车) to travel around? What do you know about them?

The first shared bicycles called Ofo started in June 2015 in Beijing. Bluegogo was the first to

(小黄车)(小蓝单车)go into foreign(外国的) markets in Tokyo, Japan, in San Francisco, the USA, and in London, the UK. Ofo and Mobike(摩拜)followed it.

Shared bicycles plan to work out the last-kilometer problem. When people get off at a bus stop or underground station,

the place they want to go to is still one or two kilometers away. It’s expensive to take a taxi there or it is too far and tiring to

walk there. But it is cheap and easy to ride a shared bicycle to get there.

Shared bicycles are a green way to travel. Also, it is good exercise to ride a bicycle.

But there are problems with shared bicycles. Some leave them anywhere on the pavements(人行道), so that other

people have difficulty walking along.

Shared bicycles really bring us great convenience(便利) but possibly are a new kind of waste of resources (资源) and


51.Which first went into foreign markets, Mobike or Bluegogo?

52.When and where did Ofo start?

53.How many foreign countries have Chinese shared bicycles gone into, according to the passage?

54.What do shared bicycles plan to do?

55.What problem is there with shared bicycles?

Look at the picture and write a sentence with the help of the given words. (根据图片及提示文字完成句子)

56.your brother; often; wash; his hands; before; eat (?)

57.we; must; use; escalator; the middle (.)

58.I; would like; have; some fried eggs; bacon (.)

59.He; sometimes; buy; the prawns, the market (.)

60.What; you; usually; have; dinner (?)

VII. Writing(写作)(共10分)

61.Write at least 45 words on the topic “On my way to school”.(


Using the following points as a reference:


1) Do you live near or far away from school?

2) How do you go to school?

3) How long does it take you to go to school?

4) What can you see on your way to school?











考查冠词用法。diet表示饮食,是可数名词,根据句意,这里表示“一个”,所以用不定冠词an或a; unhealthy是以元音音素开头的单词,,故用冠词an,




考查介词辨析。on在……上;with带有;for为了;of……的。根据“I had some arlic.”可知是指吃了带有大蒜的蒸虾,应用介词with。故选B。



考查考查形容词短语。too much太多,修饰不可数名词;too few太少,修饰可数名词;too little太少,修饰不可数名词;too many太多,修饰可数名词。根据“Eating…spicy food is bad for your health.”可知,吃太多辣的食物对健康有害,故排除B、C项。根据“food”在此处为不可数名词可知,too much符合题意。故选A。






考查非谓语动词。let sb do sth.“让某人做某事”,动词不定式作宾语补足语。故选B。



考查非谓语动词。would like to do sth.“想要做某事”,固定搭配。故选D。



考查副词比较级。quickly快地;quicker更快的;more quickly更快地;quick快的。此处修饰动词runs,应用副词,排除AD;结合than可知应用副词比较级,故选C。



考查词义辨析。bad坏的;badly坏地;good好的;well好地。根据“I like it.”说明烤鸡好吃,排除AB;taste是系动词,后加形容词good作表语,故选C。






考查动词时态。根据“next spring”可知本句是一般将来时,故选B。






考查特殊疑问句。how many多少;how often多久一次;how long多久;how much多少钱。根据答语“It’s five yuan”可知,询问价格用疑问词how much引导特殊疑问句,故选D。



考查情景交际。No, he doesn’t不,他不是;Yes, he does是的,他是;Yes, you’re right是的,你说得对;Not at all一点也不。根据“He walks to school.”可知,此处应做否定回答,故选A。



考查情景交际。Thank you谢谢;You’re welcome不客气;Yes, please是的,请;That’s a good idea这是个好主意。

根据“Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!”表示建议可知,赞同对方的想法或提议应回答That’s a good idea。故选D。17.E 18.F 19.D 20.A 21.C


17.句意:很多人喜欢在家里种植一些植物。根据“Many people like to…plants in their homes.”可知,很多人喜欢在家里……一些植物。词组like to后跟动词原形,结合所给的选项,可确定为grow,grow plants表示“种植植物”。故选E。

18.句意:而且一些人对在植物前的所说所做非常小心。根据“And some people are very…about what they say or do

before their plants.”可知,空处应为形容词作表语,根据下文“They don’t talk about sad things. Why? They think that sad

things can hurt their plants’ feelings.”可知,他们不谈论悲伤的事情。为什么?他们认为悲伤的事情会伤害植物的感情。可见,人们对植物很小心。根据所给的选项,可确定空处为careful。be careful about意为“对……小心”。故选F。

19.句意:一名叫Clever Backer的科学家这么认为,但是大多数科学家不这么认为。根据“A scientist called Clever

Backer thinks so,…most other scientists don’t think so.”可知,一名叫Clever Backer的科学家这么认为……大多数科学家不这么认为。可知,前后两个小分句为转折关系,结合所给的选项,可确定空处为转折连词but。故选D。

20.Clever Backer很确定植物有感觉。句意:通过实验,根据“From his experiments, Clever Backer was…that plants have

feelings.”可知句子为宾语从句,根据“He thinks plants need love and help. They can feel sad or happy like people.”可知,Clever Backer他认为植物需要爱和帮助。他们可以像人一样感到悲伤或快乐。结合所给的选项,可确定空处为sure。很确定植物有感觉。故选A。

21.句意:所以人们应该像对待朋友一样对待植物,不应该做任何伤害它们的事情。根据“So people should treat(对待)plants like…and shouldn’t do anything to hurt them.”可知,like为介词,其后可跟名词,结合所给的选项,可确定空处为friends。故选C。


【详解】句意:我的叔叔和阿姨在不同的工厂工作。根据“My uncle and aunt work in different…”可知,此处指的是在不同的工厂工作,应用可数名词factory的复数形式。故填factories。




【详解】句意:我们可以在冷冻食品区买冰淇淋。根据语境和“food section”可知,此处应填形容词,作定语,表达冷冻的frozen,故填frozen。


【详解】句意:医生给了他一个如何保持健康的建议。此处用于give sb sth短语中作宾语,所以使用名词形式,又因为其前有a修饰,所以使用名词单数形式即可。故填suggestion。




【详解】句意:他太胖了,因为他吃了很多不健康的食物。health是名词,此处作定语修饰food,应用形容词。结合“He is too fat”可知太胖是因为吃了很多不健康的食物。unhealthy“不健康的”符合语境,故填unhealthy。




29. doesn’t have


30. What did


31. How long

【详解】句意:乘飞机到澳大利亚需要10个小时。划线部分表示一段时间,对此提问用how long表示“多久”,故填How;long。

32. as healthy


33.We need to buy plenty of fresh vegetables

【详解】根据所给标点符号可知,本句是陈述句。we作主语;need作谓语;to buy作宾语;plenty of fresh vegetables作buy的宾语。故填We need to buy plenty of fresh vegetables“我们需要买大量的新鲜蔬菜”。

34.D 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.D


34.细节理解题。根据第一段中“They can eat it in the restaurant or take the food out in a box and eat it at home, at work, or

in a park.”可知,人们可以在餐馆里吃,或者把食物装在盒子里带出去,在家里、工作场所或公园里吃。故选D。

35.细节理解题。根据第一段中“They ask for the food and a worker hands it to them through the window. Then they drive

off and eat in their cars.”可知,司机们通常在车里买快餐。故选B。

36.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Fast-food restaurants are very popular because the service is fast and the food is not too


37.细节理解题。根据第二段中“In the United States, lots of married women with children work outside. They are often too

busy or too tired to cook dinner for the family at night. So fast-food restaurants are a great help to them.”可知,她们可以给家人买食物。故选C。

38.主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Everyone knows that Americans like eating hamburgers. The best place to buy a

hamburger is a fast-food restaurant.”可知,文章主要讲的是快餐店。故选D。

39.D 40.B 41.B 42.C 43.A 44.D



break打破;make制作;study学习;follow跟随。根据“these new rules.”可知是指遵守规则,故选D。


must必须;mustn’t禁止;need to需要;needn’t不需要。根据“That’s something dishonest,”可知禁止做这些不诚实的事情,故选B。


see看见;find找到;get得到;save拯救。根据“if our Earth were in danger in the future.”可知如果我们的地球在未来面临危险,我们需要找到另一个地球。故选B。


friend朋友;unfriendly不友好的;friendly友好的;unkind不友善的。根据“Be kind and helpful.”可知要友好,故选C。


activities活动;rules规则;markets市场;food食物。根据“Take part in school activities”可知是指参加活动,故选A。


for为了;at在;up向上;after之后。look after“照顾”,是固定短语,此处是指照顾动物,故选D。

45.(h)ard 46.(f)inished 47.(l)ike 48.(h)ours 49.(r)ight 50.(a)nd


45.句意:她工作很努力。根据“She ”并结合首字母h可知,此处讲述她工作很……,work hard“努力工作”,hard“努力地”,副词修饰动词work。故填(h)ard。

46.句意:一年前,她早上8点开始工作,晚上8点完成工作。根据“she started work at 8 o’clock in the work

at 8 o’clock at night.”并结合首字母f可知,此处应填写finish“完成”,动词,因本句时态为一般过去时,所以动词使用过去式形式finished。故填(f)inished。

47.句意:Amanda不喜欢这一点。根据“I like my job, but I can’t work like this.”可知,Amanda喜欢她的工作,但是不喜欢这样工作。所以设空处填写like“喜欢”,动词,因本句已有助动词didn’t,所以动词使用原形。故填(l)ike。

48.句意:我每天工作很多个小时。根据“I work a very day.”可知,本句讲述工作的时间,结合首字母h可知,设空处填写hour“小时”,可数名词,因其前有修饰词a lot of,所以使用复数形式hours。故填(h)ours。

49.句意:他发现她是对的。根据“He promised to listen to her advice.”可知,老板要听她的劝告,所以老板认为她说的是正确的。right“正确的;对的”,形容词作表语。故填(r)ight。

50.Amanda和老板都很开心。句意:根据“her boss are happy.”并结合首字母a可知,设空处填写and“和”,连词,and“两者都”。故填(a)nd。

51.Bluegogo. 52.Ofo started in June 2015 in Beijing. 53.Three. 54.Shared bicycles plan to work out the

last-kilometer problem. 55.Shared bicycles possibly are a new kind of waste of resources and pollution. /Some leave

shared bicycles anywhere on the pavements, so that other people have difficulty walking along.


51. was the first to go into foreign markets in Tokyo, Japan, in San Francisco, the

根据“Bluegogo(小蓝单车)(外国的)USA, and in London, the UK. ”可知小蓝单车先进入外国市场,故填Bluegogo.

52.根据“The first shared bicycles called Ofo(小黄车) started in June 2015 in Beijing.”可知第一辆名为小黄车的共享单车于2015年6月在北京启动。故填Ofo started in June 2015 in Beijing.

53. was the first to go into foreign markets in Tokyo, Japan, in San Francisco, the

根据“Bluegogo(小蓝单车)(外国的)USA, and in London, the UK.”可知中国共享单车已经进入了日本、美国和英国,一共三个国家,故填Three.

54.根据“Shared bicycles plan to work out the last-kilometer problem.”可知共享单车计划解决最后一公里的问题。故填Shared bicycles plan to work out the last-kilometer problem.

55.根据“But there are problems with shared bicycles. Some leave them anywhere on the pavements(人行道), so that other

people have difficulty walking along.”和“Shared bicycles really bring us great convenience(便利) but possibly are a new

kind of waste of resources (资源) and pollution.”可知共享单车可能是一种新的资源浪费和污染。有些人把共享单车放在人行道上的任何地方,使其他人行走困难。故填Shared bicycles possibly are a new kind of waste of resources and

pollution. /Some leave shared bicycles anywhere on the pavements, so that other people have difficulty walking along.

56.Does your brother often wash his hands before eating? 57.We must use the escalator in the middle. 58.I would

like to have some fried eggs with bacon. 59.He sometimes buys the prawns in the market. 60.What do you usually

have for dinner?

56.根据标点符号提示是个问句,图片表达的意思是“你的弟弟经常吃饭前洗手吗”,分析句子可知时态为一般现在时。your brother作主语;often频率副词;wash作谓语动词;his hands作宾语;before介词,表示时间;eat动词,根据语境是“吃饭前”,所以放在介词before后是动名词。由于主语是三单,借助助动词does构成问句。故答案为:Does your brother often wash his hands before eating?


。we作主语;must情态动词;use谓语动词;escalator作宾语;the middle表示位置。故答案为:We must use the escalator in the middle.

58.根据标点符号可知,此句是陈述句,图片表达的意思是“我想要吃带有培根的煎蛋”。I作主语;would like谓语bacon名词。动词,后接不定式结构;have加“to”构成不定式结构作宾语;some fried eggs名词短语,作宾语;故答;案为:I would like to have some fried eggs with bacon.

59.根据所给的标点符号可知是陈述句,图片表达的意思是“他有时在市场买大虾”分析所给词,应是一般现在时。He作主语;sometimes频率副词;buy由于主语是三单,时态为一般现在时,所以动词变为三单buys;the prawns作宾语;the market作地点。故答案为:He sometimes buys the prawns in the market.

60.you作主语;根据所给的标点符号及分析所给词,此句是特殊疑问句,图片表达的意思是“你通常晚餐吃什么”。usually频率副词;have谓语动词;What作宾语;dinner名词。故答案为:What do you usually have for dinner?


On my way to school

Hello, everyone. My name is Li Hua. My family lives near my school, I walk to school every day. I can not only

breathe the fresh air, but also exercise. I can walk to school in ten minutes. On my way to school, I will pass a big garden.

There are beautiful flowers in it. They are very beautiful.










①walk to school走路上学



①I can not only breathe the fresh air, but also exercise.(使用连接词)

①There are beautiful flowers in it.(运用there be句型)

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