


MarketWatch: 10 things not to buy in 2014




Cable television's heyday is over. Subscribers have been declining since 2004,

and analysts say there's no end in sight. Roughly 54.8 million households

currently pay for cable TV, down 3.3% from 2012 and down 17.6% from a

decade prior, according to research firm IHS. Cable companies are expected to

shed roughly 1.3 million subscribers in 2014.


The decline is due in part to so-called cord-cutters: consumers who are

canceling cable and transitioning to lower-cost services, such as Hulu and

Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) , which provide much of the same programming at a

fraction of the price. Using an Internet connection, consumers can stream

many cable shows, news programs and sports games, as well as movies,

directly to their TVs. Some channels' websites also provide viewers access to

their shows. (MarketWatch recently launched a calculator - Are you ready to

cut the cord? - that allows consumers to find the shows they normally watch

through such lower-cost options.)



These services are mostly beneficial for people who do not mind watching

shows after they've aired and are willing to part with most live programming.


2. Landline service

2. 固定电话

Fewer households are holding on to their landlines. Two in every five U.S.

homes had wireless phones only during the first half of the year, up slightly

from the first half of 2012, according to data released this month by the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The number has been rising over

the past decade: Roughly 90 million adults, or 38% of the population, are now

wireless-only, versus 21% during the first half of 2009 - and fewer than 3%

during the first half of 2003.


for Disease Control and Prevention)上月发布的数据显示,2013年上半年有五分之二的美国家庭仅使用手机,比例较2012年上半年小幅上升。在过去十年里,这一比例一直在上升:约有9,000万成年人(占美国人口的38%)目前仅使用无线通讯,而2009年上半年为21%──2003年上半年更是还不到3%。

Ditching the landline allows households to shed a monthly bill - but it doesn't

mean they're restricted to their cellphones. There's also Skype, which is free

and allows video chatting via smartphones and other devices with friends and

family anywhere in the world at no cost. FaceTime video can also be free with

a Wi-Fi connection. Separately, magicJack Plus provides phone service when

it's connected to a USB port, computer, or regular phone router; it costs

$49.95 in total for the device and for the first six months, after which service

costs range from about $1.67 to $2.50 per month. (In contrast, most

traditional telephone providers charge at least $10 a month.)

放弃固定电话让美国家庭甩掉了一项月度账单──但这并不意味着他们只有手机可用。可供选择的还有Skype,这项免费服务允许人们通过智能手机和其他设备与世界各地的亲朋好友进行视频聊天。如有无线网络连接,还可以免费使用FaceTime进行视频聊天。另外还有magicJack Plus,这款设备在连接USB接口、电脑或普通电话路由器时可提供电话服务;购买该设备外加前六个月的服务费用总计49.95美元,之后的服务费用在每月1.67美元至2.50美元之间。(而多数传统电话运营商收费至少为每月10美元。)

To be sure, these services require an Internet connection. Consumers who

want the security of a landline - many Americans were without phone service

after Hurricane Sandy disrupted cellphone and Internet service in some areas

- may want to consider holding on to their home phone.

当然,这些服务需要有互联网连接。对固定电话的安全性有需要的消费者(由于飓风桑迪(Hurricane Sandy)导致一些地区的手机和互联网服务中断,许多美国人都无法进行电话通讯)也许应该考虑在家中保留固定电话。

3. GPS devices

3. GPS设备

Up until a few years ago, personal navigation systems were considered a

must-have for most drivers since they drastically reduced the chances of

getting lost. But the tides have turned and demand for these gadgets is

plummeting: 7.5 million personal navigation devices sold in 2012 in North

America, down from a peak of 18 million in 2009, according to the latest data

from Berg Insight, a Swedish research company.

直到几年前,个人导航系统还被多数驾车者视为必需品,因为它们可以大大降低迷路的几率。但当前潮流发生了逆转,对这类设备的需求在直线下降:瑞典研究公司Berg Insight的最新数据显示,2012年北美卖出了750万台个人导航设备,低于2009年1,800万台的峰值。

The need for this service still exists, but consumers can get it for a lot cheaper.

Rather than paying $70 to $300 for a new GPS device, drivers can use map

apps to get around. They're available on most smartphones or free to



Separately, many new cars come with built-in navigation systems: 49% of

2013 model-year vehicles have a standard navigation system (in at least one of

their styles), up from 33% of 2010 models, according to .

另外,许多新车配有内置导航系统:汽车资讯网站 的数据显示,2013车型年的车辆有49%配有标准导航系统(至少有一款车型会配置),高于2010年的33%。

4. DVD and Blu-ray players

4. DVD和蓝光播放器

DVD sales and rentals are down, so it's not a surprise that fewer consumers

are buying DVD players. Sales of DVD and Blu-ray players totaled 21.3 million

in 2012, down 20.1% from a year prior and down 24.8% from 2010, according

to research firm SNL Kagan.


不让人意外。研究公司SNL Kagan 的数据显示,2012年DVD和蓝光播放器销量总计2,130万台,较上年和2010年分别减少20.1%和24.8%。

Instead, experts say, consumers are increasingly streaming movies from

Internet-based subscription services like Hulu and Netflix. Gamers can also

use their consoles, such as the Xbox One and PlayStation4, to watch DVDs.

专家们表示,越来越多的消费者通过Hulu和Netflix等基于互联网的订阅服务串流电影。游戏玩家还能用Xbox One和PlayStation4等游戏主机来看DVD。

5. Hotel rooms

5. 酒店客房

As more travelers book vacations, demand for hotels is rising and so are room

rates. The daily rate at U.S. hotels averages $110.59 this year, up 4.1% from

2012 and up 12.6% from 2010, according to professional-services firm

PricewaterhouseCoopers. The average price is expected to rise to $115.68 in



There's another, cheaper alternative: Travelers can reserve apartments or

homes in their destinations at a lower price with more space to boot. Several

services, such as Airbnb and Vacation Rentals by Owner, allow consumers to

choose from an assortment of homes to stay in. Some owners also offer free

airport pickups and drop-offs.

还有另一种比较便宜的选择方案:旅行者可以预订目的地的公寓或住宅,这些地方价格较低,而且空间较大。Airbnb和Vacation Rentals by Owner等几项服务允许消费者从各种各样的住宅中选择合适的入住。一些房主还提供免费的机场


It can also be more helpful and cost-effective for large groups that are

traveling together (you can book a large home with many bedrooms) or

families with young children who require privacy and can cook in the home

rather than paying to eat out. The downside, however, is less security than

what hotels offer.


6. Two-year phone contracts

6. 两年期手机合约

Consumers are encountering more setbacks than benefits with two-year

cellphone contracts. There's no way to change phones within this period of

time without incurring a fee. And there's the fine print many of these plans

come with that result in consumers paying more than the starting monthly

price they're quoted in the store.


Mobile users have several alternatives. They can opt for no-contract providers

that sell the phones at full price (that's more than the upfront price they'll pay

for a phone with a contract) but monthly payments are much lower (often

half). They're available through MetroPCS as well as big-box retailers like Best

Buy and Wal-Mart. Most regular wireless providers also offer this option.

移动用户有几种其他选择。他们可以选择不签协议的运营商,这些运营商以全价(高于合约机的前期价格)出售手机,但月费要低得多(通常为合约机的一半)。这些手机可通过MetroPCS以及百思买(Best Buy)和沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)等仓储


7. Desktop and laptop computers

7. 台式机和笔记本电脑

There's little reason to buy a desktop or laptop computer anymore. Tablets

perform the same functions - playing music, sharing photos, Web surfing -

that most consumers use PCs for and they're made to use while on the go.

They can also be a lot cheaper. For instance, Apple's iMac's start at $1, 299

and MacBook laptops start at $999 while iPads start at $299.

如今已经几乎没有什么购买台式机或笔记本电脑的必要了。多数用户使用个人电脑时所需的功能(播放音乐、分享照片、上网)平板电脑都有,而且平板电脑更适合旅行时使用。平板电脑的价格也便宜得多。例如,苹果(Apple) iMac的售价为1,299美元起,Macbook笔记本电脑售价为999美元起,而iPad则为299美元起。

Of course, ditching desktop PCs isn't for everyone: Graphic designers and

traders, for instance, who require large screens will find it hard to part with

traditional computers.


But data shows that PCs are starting to fall out of favor: Worldwide shipments

fell 4% in 2012 from a year prior - to the lowest level since 2009, according to

the latest data from IDC, an information-technology research firm.


8. Extra legroom in economy

8. 经济舱的额外腿部空间

Over the past few years it's become common practice for airlines, including

American Airlines and Delta Air Lines, to charge many passengers extra - up

to an additional $180 - for roomier seats (read: extra three to six inches of

legroom) in coach. These seats are often in the exit rows or first row in


在过去几年里,包括美国航空(American Airlines)和达美航空(Delta Air Lines)在内的航空公司会向许多经济舱乘客收取额外费用(最高为180美元),为他们提供比较宽敞的座位(也就是三到六英寸的额外腿部空间),这已经成为一种常见的做法。这些座位通常位于出口排或经济舱第一排。

But for a similar payment of $100 to $200, travelers can get upgraded to

business class where the seats are much more comfortable and the service is of

a higher caliber. These upgrades used to be reserved for airlines' frequent

fliers, but many now give them out to passengers who are willing to pay a bit

more when they check in or at the gate.


9. Credit cards with points or miles programs

9. 有积分或里程奖励计划的信用卡

Card issuers have been ramping up some of their rewards programs in the

past few years, but consumers should steer clear of one common promotion:

credit cards with rewards programs that are comprised of points or miles.


Many card issuers are devaluing their rewards programs by requiring

cardholders to spend more in order to get the same 'free award' they could

have gotten previously with fewer points. What's more, many of these cards

come with annual fees, ranging from $30 to $75.

许多信用卡发行商使奖励计划大打折扣, 他们要求持卡人花更多的钱才能获得之前用较少的点数就能换得的相同“免费奖励”。此外,这些信用卡有许多会收取年费,年费在30到75美元之间。

Instead, consider a credit card with a 'cash-back' program - a rewards

program that's a lot more straightforward: consumers get 1% to 5% cash back

per a certain number of dollars they swipe on their card.


10. Digital cameras

10. 数码相机

Their small size and sleek look made digital 'point and shoot' cameras all the

rage for years. Now, demand is sunsetting. Roughly 11.5 million are estimated

to have sold this year in the U.S., down 44% from 2012, according to the

Consumer Electronics Association, which represents consumer technology

companies. Sales are expected to drop to just under 8 million next year.


Electronics Association)数据显示,2013年美国数码傻瓜相机销量估计在1,150万部左右,较2012年下降了44%。预计2014年销量将降至略低于800万部的水平。

The cameras are suffering from an identity crisis. Consumers who want

high-quality photos are opting for the larger, DSLR (digital single-lens reflex)

cameras. Others prefer to stick with just one gadget - their smartphone -

which takes pictures.


And there's new competition from cameras intended for the outdoor

thrill-seeker, like the GoPro, for people who want photos capturing action (the

camera attaches to your body while white water rafting or scuba diving, for

instance) rather than stopping to pose for a pic.


本文标签: 服务消费者美国使用手机