




布置用英语怎么说 布置是分布陈列、安置,部署任务或活动,或对场所作整理、安排。



arrange 布置英语说法2:

decorate 布置英语说法3:

fix up 布置的英语例句:


They arranged the room for the meeting. 我可以帮你装饰布置房间吗 May I help you decorate the room 我们所有精心布置的计划都付之东流 All of our best laid plans are down the drain. 她用许多彩色汽球布置宴会房间。

He decorated his party room with ballons of manycolors. “全布置好了。”古费拉克说。

“ That arranges everything,” said Courfeyrac. 侧边风是切园布置直流式燃烧器中的一种辅助风。

Boundary air is an auxiliary air jet in tangential firing.教员给孩子们布置了一些家庭作业。

The teacher set some homework for the children. 他布置了一系列难度递增的问题。

He assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness. 我们正在用花布置我们的房间。

We are furnishing our room with flowers. 他在布置新房子中表现出富有技巧。

He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house. 房间布置得很好:蓝色的墙使黄色家具更显眼。

The room is well decorated: the blue wall sets off the yellow

furniture. 这幢新建筑物设计和布置得都很好。

The building is very well arranged and planned. 我们老师布置的家庭作业太多了。

Our teachers assign too much homework. 许多人布置好可以坐着战斗的位置。

Many arrange to fight in a sitting posture. 可用于直接传动或皮带传动布置。

Available in both direct and belt driven arrangements. 通过大源渡枢纽通航建筑物的整体模型试验,为其优化布置和通航条 件设计提供了依据。

The overall model test of Dayuandu Junction navigation

structures provided a basis for the optimized arrangement and

navigation condition design. 可以快速地配给所有这些资源,把它们布置成适合PHP应用程序需要 的拓扑。All of these resources can be

provisioned quickly and arranged into a topology that matches the

needs of your PHP application. 同时介绍了它的推进器布置、控制系统结构、推力分配等方法。

Meanwhile, the thruster arrangement, the control system

configuration, and the thrusting force distribution of the AUV are

introduced. 结构选型与布置在抗震概念设计中占有极其重要的地位。

Structural model selection and arrangement on behaviors of

hybrid structures take the important action during the earthquake-resistant conceptual design. 包含用于办公室套间、会议室、家具布局和办公室平面布置图的办公 室家具和工作台面。

Contains office furnishings and work surfaces for office suites,

conference rooms, furniture arrangements and office floor plans.

本文标签: 布置家具房间建筑物办公室