







Vocabulary: Education 词汇: 教育

What's the point of studying?! It's something you might ask yourself if you're studying for a degree

and you're struggling to complete an assignment or sweating it out in an exam, especially if your friends

seem to be out having a good time, or are working and earning lots of money.

Many of us choose to go to university as a first step towards a good career but sometimes that career

is hard to achieve and graduates end up doing something they are overqualified for. The Chartered

Institute for Personnel and Development says that with the spiralling costs of university, students need to

ask themselves whether a degree path is the best route into a career. It says there is a need for much better

career advice and guidance, alongside high-quality alternative vocational routes into employment other

than university education.

But other new research commissioned for the BBC, says that a degree will, in the long run, earn you

more. However there are differences in your earning potential. Dr Jack Britton from the Institute for

Fiscal Studies says that "Graduates of the 24 Russell Group universities earn an average of £33,500 after

five years - about 40% more than those who studied at other universities."

However, it found it's not just the location but other factors than can play a part in what you can earn,

such as the subject a student chooses to study. It discovered that five years after graduation, the income

gap between students who studied the subjects that attract the highest and lowest salaries can be

considerable. Graduates in subjects such as law, medicine and dentistry tend to do well. And as they

progress, the pay gap between these careers and others, such as the creative arts, widens. There are other

factors too that influence what you might earn: Five years after graduation, men earn on average, 14%

more than women. Also, a student's social background can have an effect, with those from better-off

households much more likely to go to university and particularly a good one.

But if you still feel university delivers the best opportunities then there are encouraging words from

Alistair Jarvis, head of Universities UK, who told BBC News that "Employers are demanding more

and graduates are half as likely to be unemployed as non-graduates. There are many many

good graduate outcomes coming from universities." So maybe all that studying is worth it – after all 'no

pain, no gain'!


assignment 作业

sweat it out 如坐针毡地等待(考试)结束

career 职业,事业

graduate 毕业生

overqualified 资历过高的

spiralling costs 急剧上升的费用

vocational 职业的

in the long run 从长远看

Russell Group 罗素大学集团

income gap 收入差

law 法律

medicine 医学

dentistry 牙科

creative arts 创意艺术

social background 社会家庭背景

outcome 结果

no pain, no gain 一份耕耘,一份收获



1. According to the article, why might you question whether to go to university or not?

2. Where has research found you should study to earn more money in your career?

3. True or false? Studying creative arts at university tends to lead to a lower-earning career than from

studying dentistry.

4. Which word used in the article, means 'have an effect on (something)'?

5. According to Alistair Jarvis, head of Universities UK, is there less or more chance of being

unemployed if you have a degree?


1. Mandeep felt ______ when she graduated from Oxford and got a job stacking shelves in a supermarket.

A. qualified

B. over-qualification

C. underqualified

D. overqualified

2. Buying a pair of boots is ______ in my long career in football.

A. a first step

B. in the long run

C. no pain, no gain

D. vocational

3. The government has come up with a plan to tackle the widening ______ between rich and poor.

A. outcomes

B. income gap

C. spiralling costs

D. medicine

4. If you want to win the marathon, you're going to have to train hard but it's a case of ______.

A. no gain, no pain

B. no gain or pain

C. no pain, no gain

D. not pain, not pain

5. Because of the ______, we can no longer afford to finish the building project.

A. social background

B. spiralling costs

C. income gap

D. law



1. According to the article, why might you question whether to go to university or not?

The spiralling costs: The Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development says that with the spiralling

costs of university, students need to ask themselves whether a degree path is the best route into a career.

2. Where has research found you should study to earn more money in your career?

At Russell Group universities. Dr Jack Britton from the Institute for Fiscal Studies says that "Graduates

of the 24 Russell Group universities earn an average of £33,500 after five years - about 40% more than

those who studied at other universities."

3. True or false? Studying creative arts at university tends to lead to a lower-earning career than

from studying dentistry.

True. Graduates in subjects such as law, medicine and dentistry tend to do well. And as they progress, the

pay gap between these careers and others, such as the creative arts, widens.

4. Which word used in the article, means 'have an effect on (something)'?


5. According to Alistair Jarvis, head of Universities UK, is there less or more chance of being

unemployed if you have a degree?

Less chance. He says "graduates are half as likely to be unemployed as non-graduates."





Vocabulary: dogs and hearts 词汇:犬和心脏

As a dog lover, our canine companions always fill me with joy. Whether pedigree or mongrel, tame or stray,

whenever I see one, I smile. After all, their loyalty is indisputable, their companionship is always welcome,

they fetch for us, guard for us and even work for us when required. Good old Fido has always been close to my,

and many other’s hearts.

Well, not content with just warming the cockles of your heart, it seems that our four-legged-friends actually

lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a 2017 scientific study, which looked at 3.4 million Swedes

from 2001 to 2012.

The study concluded that this lower risk, which was particularly evident in owners of hunting breeds,

may not just be due to the increased physical activity that goes hand-in-hand with owning a dog, but

could also be down to dogs increasing the owner’s social contact, or by changing the owner's bacterial

microbiome, which is the collection of microscopic species that live in the gut. Dogs change the dirt in

home environments and therefore expose people to bacteria that they would otherwise not encounter.

These effects were particularly marked in those who lived on their lonesome. According to Mwenya

Mubanga of Uppsala University and lead author of the study, “single dog owners had a 33% reduction in

risk of death and an 11% reduction in risk of cardiac arrest compared to single non-owners.”

However, before your heart skips a beat, Tove Fall, senior author of the study, also adds that there

may be limitations. It’s possible that the differences between owners and non-owners, which already

existed before the dog was bought, could have influenced the results – or that people who are generally

more active also tend to get a dog anyway.

It seems that the results are not as clear cut as they initially appear to be, but as far as I’m concerned,

that’s ok. I love dogs for how they make me feel and, cardiovascular benefits or not, they’ll always be top

dog to me – cross my heart.


canine 犬的


mongrel 杂种狗


stray 流浪的

companionship 陪伴,友谊

fetch 拿来,取回,

guard 守卫,保护

Fido 对宠物狗的一个通用名称

close to one’s heart 贴近某人的心

warm the cockles of your heart 温暖你的内心

cardiovascular 心血管的


physical activity 体育运动

social contact 社会关系,社会往来

bacterial microbiome 细菌微生物群

gut 肠道

on one’s lonesome 单独的,独自的

cardiac arrest 心脏停搏

your heart skips a beat(形容紧张或兴奋)心跳停了一下

top dog 最好的狗,胜利者

cross my heart 我保证所说属实



1. What reasons does the author give for loving dogs?

2. When did the study mentioned in the article take place and who were its participants?

3. Which three reasons are given for a dog reducing a person’s cardiovascular risk?

4. True or false? Single-household dog owners see no health benefits compared to single-household


5. What limitations are mentioned that could affect the results of the study?


1. That dog doesn’t have an owner so come away immediately. Can’t you see it’s a ______? It might have

a disease!

A. tame B. Fido

C. stray D. mongrel

2. Quickly, nurse. He’s going into ______. Get me the defibrillator!

A. microbiome

B. top dog

C. canine

D. cardiac arrest

3. He won’t bite, but he doesn’t like being touched. It’s ______ his last owner, who used to beat him.

A. cross my heart

B. down to

C. clear cut

D. breeds

4. How can you not see it? There’s a ______ difference between the first picture and the second!

A. marked

B. gut

C. hand-in-hand

D. tame

5. Please stop smoking, son. It goes ______ with cancer and you don’t want that.

A. skips a beat

B. cross my heart

C. on their lonesome

D. hand-in-hand



1. What reasons does the author give for loving dogs?

They fill the author with joy. Their loyalty is indisputable, their companionship is always welcome, they

fetch for us, guard for us and even work for us when required

2. When did the study mentioned in the article take place and who were its participants?

The study took place between 2001 and 2012. Its participants were 3.4 million Swedes.

3. Which three reasons are given for a dog reducing a person’s cardiovascular risk?

The increased physical activity associated with dog ownership, the increased social contact and the

change of the owner’s microbiome.

4. True or false? Single-household dog owners see no health benefits compared to single-household


False. Single dog owners had a 33% reduction in risk of death and 11% reduction in risk of cardiac arrest

compared to single non-owners.

5. What limitations are mentioned that could affect the results of the study?

There may be a difference between dog owners and non-owners that existed before the dog was obtained.

It’s also possible that people who tend to buy dogs are also generally more active.

本文标签: 心脏大学外刊收入