


英语四六级】动物圈那些不为人知的冷知识,绝对涨姿势!万千世界,无奇不有特别是在动物界。今天小编就带大家了解一些动物界不为人知的冷知识,保证让你大开眼界,一起来看看吧。1. If a snail doesn't like the weather, it can hide in its shell for up to three years.  如果蜗牛不喜欢某种天气,它可以“窝”在壳中长达三年。   2. Owls have three eyelids on each eye: one for blinking, one for sleeping, and one forcleansing.  猫头鹰有三层眼睑(眼皮):一个用来眨眼、一个睡觉、一个清洁。  3. When the female in a group of clownfish dies, the most dominant male turns into a femaleto replace her.  当一群小丑鱼中的雌鱼死亡,最重要的雄鱼会变成雌性替代它。  4. Koalas sleep for 22 hours a day.  考拉一天能睡22小时。  5. Swifts spend most of their lives in the air, and can fly as long as 10 months withoutstopping.  雨燕大部分时间都生活在空中,且可以长达10个月一直飞行。  6. Hummingbirds flap their wings as many as 200 times per second, which uses so muchenergy that they need to eat up to eight times their body weight every day.  蜂鸟每秒可以拍动翅膀200次,每天耗费的能量需要它们吃相当于体重八倍的食物。  7. If a tarantula loses a leg, it can just grow a new one.  如果狼蛛断了一条腿,很快会长出新的。  

8. Wood frogs can freeze completely during winter, and then thaw in the spring.  林蛙在过冬时会冻成冰块,春天会再融化。   9. Badgers can dig underground dens that have up to 50 exits and are able host multiplebadger families.  獾可以挖有50个出口的洞穴,且能容纳多个獾的大家庭。   10. Sloths climb down to the ground only once a week — to poop.  树懒能一周就“下地”一次,还只是为了排便。  11. Even if you cut off a cockroach's head, it can still live for days.  即使你切掉蟑螂的头,它也能活好几天。(厉害了,小强哥!)  12. Octopuses can use their arms to taste and smell.  章鱼的腕足具备味觉和嗅觉。  13. Not only can turtles live to be more than 150 years old, but they can also feel throughtheir shells.  乌龟不仅能活150多岁,而且它们的壳也有触感。  14. Anteaters don't have teeth, but their tongues are extremely sticky and can grow up totwo feet long.  食蚁兽没有牙齿,但它们的舌头极具粘性,且可长达两英尺。(1英尺≈0.3米)  15. And giraffes' tongues are so long they can lick their own ears.  长颈鹿的舌头很长,甚至能舔到自己的耳朵。  

16. Crocodiles can survive for three years without food.  鳄鱼不进食能存活3年。  17. Tapirs love swimming, and use their flexible noses as snorkels in the water.  貘喜欢游泳,它们用灵活的鼻子潜水。18. Everyone knows chameleons change color, but they can also move their eyes separatelyand look in two directions at the same time.  变色龙可以变换颜色,它们的两眼可独立地转动、甚至能同时看不同的方向。  19. Speaking of changing color, wild turkeys' heads change between red, white, and bluedepending on their mood.  谈到变色,野生火鸡的头可随着其心情在红色、白色和蓝色之间变化。  20. Flamingos pee on their own legs to cool off.  火烈鸟在自己的腿上排尿降温。   21. Sharks grow new teeth constantly — up to 30,000 in a lifetime.  鲨鱼会不断地长出新牙,一生约30000颗。大学四年生活学习有啥不懂的,请长按下方“大学事事懂”如果你还是高一高二滴,还请先另外关注“高考填志愿看看通”,高考填志愿有啥不懂的,上边全都有。。

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