


U3 A

College life in the Internet age


The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is

being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones

and connectivity 2hours a day.

大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。现在随着手提电脑和智能手机的大量出现,加上每天 2小时不间断的网络连接,大学校园正在转而进入电子设备的新时代。

On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor

common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop

everywhere. In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or

emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. In her dorm, she

instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. She is tied to her

smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her,

and which supplies music for walks between classes.


Welcome to college life in the 2st century, where students on campus are

electronically linked to each other, to professors and to their classwork 24/in an

ever-flowing river of information and communication. With many schools offering

wireless Internet access anywhere on campus, colleges as a group have become

the most Internet-accessible spots in the world.

欢迎来体验 2世纪的大学生活:通过源源不断的信息流,学生之间、师生之间以及学生和课堂作业之间建立了电子化的联系,一天 2小时,一周 天,从不间断。在许多学校,无线互联网连接覆盖了校园的各个角落,大学整体上也因此成为世界上互联网最普及的地方。

Students say they really value their fingertip-access to the boundless amount of

information online, and the ability to email professors and receive

responses the next morning. "I always feel like I have a means of communication -

in class and out of class," says one engineering major.


Many are using smartphones, not only to create their own dialects when texting,

but also to do more serious work, such as practicing foreign languages and

analyzing scripts from their theater classes.


In a university class on the history of American radio, students use smartphones

to record their own radio shows. The course instructor said, "It's adding to

students' sense of excitement about the subject," Professors have been

encouraged to tape their lectures and post them online. "We realized there might

be some potential for a device that could get attention and encourage

sophisticated thinking," says one leading university director.


For most undergraduates, non-stop Internet connectivity is the fuel of college life.

More than just toys, these instruments are powerful tools for the storage and

management of virtually every kind of information. And as more people around

the world adopt these instruments, they are becoming indispensable. So,

students should use the wonders of the Internet to do homework, review lecture

outlines, take part in class discussions and network online with their friends. But

in doing so, students must remember to regulate and balance their time. Too

much time online can mean too little time in real-life studying or exercising or

visiting with friends. Students should not let the Internet world on their computer

screens take them away from the real world outside.


Colleges began embracing Internet access in the mid-990s, when many began

wiring dorms with high-speed connections. In the past few years, schools have

taken the lead by turning their campuses into bubbles of Wi-Fi networks. In fact,

a recent study in the US found that information technology accounted for 5% to

8% of college budgets, up from an estimated 2% to 3% in the mid-980s.

大学在 2世纪 9年代中期迎来互联网,那时许多大学开始给学生寝室接入高速网络。在过去的几年中,学校率先把校园变成了被无线网络覆盖的世界。事实上,美国最近的一项研究发现,信息技术的投入占高校预算的 5%-8%,比 2世纪 8年代中期约 2%-3%的投入有所增加。

On one campus, students use Wi-Fi to fire off instant messages, review their

homework assignments, and check their bank balances. Just nine miles down the

highway, another university had been feeling a bit of a technology inferiority

complex. To compensate, it spent tens of thousands of dollars to give every one of

its incoming freshmen a free Apple iPad.

有一所大学里,学生用无线网络发送即时信息、复习家庭作业以及查看银行账户余额。而就在沿公路往前九英里处,另一所大学一直有种技术不如别人的自卑感。为了弥补这一点,该大学花了数万美元给每一名入学新生免费赠送了一台苹果 iPad。

Some universities even require that all students own or lease a laptop. Some say

the focus on technology prepares students for a wired world. "You have to keep up

with the rest of the world. Students expect high-bandwidth information, and if

you can't deliver it, you're at a competitive disadvantage, states a university



Other colleges are straining to stand out from their peers. The race to attract

students with the most modem networks and the hottest systems has reached

fever pitch. Some business majors are receiving free portable computers. In an

always-connected mode, they can get information anytime and anywhere they

need. One university is even giving its freshmen new smartphones to enrich the

student experience and prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world.


For those who prefer to travel laptop-free, colleges supply several computer labs.

And for students who study late into the night, many have set up 24-hour repair

shops where students can get their laptops fixed by the next day and receive a

loaner in the meantime.

大学还为那些不喜欢随身携带手提电脑的学生提供了若干个机房。而且,许多大学为那些熬夜学习的学生开设了 2小时电脑维修店,电脑第二天就可以修好,而且在电脑送修期间,学生可以使用维修点提供的代用电脑。

Colleges around the world have been replacing their computer systems for the

past decade, in large part to provide students with the most advanced free system.

The anywhere-anytime access has already yielded amazing benefits in education.

With the widespread application of computer technologies, we are going to

produce a generation of problem-solvers and intelligent thinkers, which is

indispensable for the future of the world.

U3 B

Too much of a good thing - A real addiction


Perhaps the greatest change the world has seen in modern times has been the rise

of the Internet. It's hard to deny the positive changes it adds to people's lives as it

makes life easier with quick access to things like maps, news, and online stores.

As a research tool, it is unmatched. It's a great way to keep up with friends. It

enables a wealth of media outlets and alternative news sources. Internet access

and the ability to make good use of it is practically a must for success in the

modern world.


Like any technology, though, it has negative aspects that become clear as we start

to depend upon it. Like pollution and traffic jams that come with the convenience

of cars, Internet access has proven so popular that it has given rise to a new kind

of social epidemic, Internet addiction.


Consider the following stories. A few years ago, a couple in the United States was

charged with child neglect. It was their addiction to playing games online that

kept them from caring for their two infant children. Another recent news story told

of a man who spent so much time online that he didn’t sleep enough to keep his

job. Eventually, he lost his house but kept his laptop and sti1spent all day online.


College students are impacted as well. There are many stories of excellent

students who lost their university scholarships from poor grades, or of other

students who failed at the university altogether simply because they spent too

much time online.


One student not only failed, but lost 1pounds. He was so involved online that he

forgot to eat! Imagine the agony of this condition!


These things did not happen to these people because they were lazy or stupid.

They happened because of addiction. New college students, even the brightest and

most successful ones, are most at risk from these effects because the Internet is

important for their studies and because they are just entering a world where their

online habits are no longer monitored by concerned parents. Without the

discipline and structure of home, students have to manage time by themselves.

During their very first term, their grades can plunge, their health decline, and

their friendships cease.


It is easy for those who are unaffected by the powerful draw of connectivity - those

who can easily control their time online - to view Internet addiction as an

imaginary problem or to attribute its origins to a weak personality. But the brain

chemistry behind Internet addiction is not imaginary. Many common Internet

interactions, such as scoring points in online games, getting emails or instant

messages, finding new blog entries, all cause the release of endorphins in the

brain. Endorphins are the essential brain chemicals connected with positive

feelings of success and pleasure. This is no surprise, considering that Internet

interactions often involve succeeding at a challenge or having social exchanges.


Our brains reward us for these activities in real life all the time.


The trouble with the Internet is that it makes it possible to have unnaturally long

periods of endorphin release, sustained rewards from the brain that are as quick

as the click of a mouse. These rewards are not actual, useful, real-life rewards,

but simple stimulation that arouses positive feedback in the brain. In real life

endorphins encourage us to interact with friends or family, or attempt to learn

something new. With Internet addiction endorphins do nothing but keep people

hooked to their computers. Internet addicts behave very much like gamblers

pulling the lever at machines in Las Vegas, even if it is not rational, hurts their

studies. or spoils their health and their lives.


So watch how much time you spend online; moderation is your best defense

against Internet addiction. Use the wonders of connectivity to enrich your studies,

stay connected with distant friends and explore multiple new worlds. Just be

careful. Notice if you find you are thinking about the Internet even when you're

not online, or if you prefer your online time to time with your real-life friends, or if

you hide or lie about how much time you spend online. If you find yourself doing

any of these things, take a step back. Look for other ways to enjoy your life. Get

some exercise, which is a major source of endorphins! Visit a museum or a

beautiful park. Get together with friends to study or schedule some fun time to

relax. The Internet is a powerful tool, but make sure that you use it wisely for all

the good value it offers and that you won’t let too much of a good thing become

something bad.


本文标签: 学生互联网网络上网大学